M.Sc. Markus Thürkow

Institute for Meteorology
WG Tropospheric Environmental Research
PhD Candidate
Room 120 (Altbau)
12165 Berlin
Scientific activity and education
since 10/2018 | Scientific assistant, WG Tropospheric Environmental Research, Institute for Meteorology, FU Berlin: Projects mFUND S-VELD (BMVI), OzonEval (UBA) (since 04/2021). |
2017 - 2018 | Scientific assistant, Institute for Meteorology, FU Berlin: WG Climate Modeling, EXCELLENCE CLUSTER TOPOI project (2018). WG Tropospheric Environmental Research, UBASOAP project (UBA) (2017-2018). |
2016 - 2017 | Qualification as GIS Analyst, GIS Akademie / gis-trainer.de, Berlin. |
2012 - 2015 | Student Assistant, WG Climate Modeling, Institute for Meteorology, FU Berlin: Project MiKlip MesoTel (BMBF). |
2009 - 2011 | Student Assistant, WG Climate Modeling, Institute for Meteorology, FU Berlin: Project ENSEMBLES (2011), Project EXCELLENCE CLUSTER TOPOI (2009-2010). |
2008 |
Meteorological Internship, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig (IfT), Modeling of Atmospheric Processes. |
2009 - 2011 |
Study of Meteorology (Master), Freie Universität Berlin |
2006 - 2009 | Study of Meteorology (Bachelor), Freie Universität Berlin Bachelor thesis: „Sun position calculation - comparison of different calculations of the sun position depending on position and time“ |
Research Interests
Atmospheric sciences; Climate: past, present & future; Non-linear processes in geosciences.
Areas of expertise
Air quality and pollution (PM, NOX, dust, ozone); Numerical modeling; Greenhouse gases; Weather and meteorology; Climate change; Interannual and decadal climate projections.
mFUND, S-VELD | Determination of ground-level NO2 and particulate matter concentrations and their quantification of traffic emissions and polluter contributions (bottom-up emission modeling using source attribution of the chemical transport model LOTOS-EUROS including sensitivity simulations to estimate contributions from traffic-related resuspension processes to total particulate matter concentrations). |
OzonEval | Estimating the uncertainty of model simulations of air pollutant dispersion of ozone using diagnostic and dynamic evaluation and a standardized model environment. |
M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, R. Kranenburg, R.M.A. Timmermans, M. Schaap, 2021: A multi-meteorological comparison for episodes of PM10 concentrations in the Berlin agglomeration area in Germany with the LOTOS-EUROS CTM, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 244, 2021, 117946, ISSN 1352-2310, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117946
A. Will, N. Akhtar, J. Brauch, M. Breil, E. Davin, H. T. M. Ho-Hagemann, E. Maisonnave, M. Thürkow, S. Weiher, 2017: The COSMO-CLM 4.8 regional climate model coupled to regional ocean, land surface and global earth system models using OASIS3-MCT: description and performance, Geosci. Model Dev., 10, 1549–1586, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-10-1549-2017.
Data publications
M. Thürkow, E. Russo: TOPOI-CLIMATE-SIMULATION (TOPOI-CS_COSMO-CLM), World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ, https://doi.org/10.26050/WDCC/TOPOI-CS_COSMO-CLM.
M. Thürkow, J. Zittel, 2019: TOPOI-CS_ECHAM5, World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ, https://doi.org/10.26050/WDCC/TOPOI-CS_ECHAM5.
J. Fischer, U. Cubasch, J. Zittel, E. Russo, I. Kirchner, M. Thürkow, 2019: Climate Models, Edition Topoi, https://doi.org/10.17171/1-13.
D. van Pinxteren, F. Mothes, G. Spindler, K. W. Fomba, H. Herrmann, 2019: Trans-boundary PM10: Quantifying impact and sources during winter 2016/17 in eastern Germany, Atmospheric Environment, Volume 200, Pages 119-130, ISSN 1352-2310, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.11.061.
M. Thürkow, J. Pültz, M. Schaap: A mitigation study for air pollution management across Germany for NOX (NO + NO2) with the LOTOS-EUROS CTM – Part I: Comparing the labeling and brute force technique for source attribution, European Geosciences Union (EGU).
M. Thürkow, J. Pültz, M. Schaap: Source attribution by labeling approach and brute force technique: A comparative mitigation study for air pollution management across Germany for NOX with the LOTOS-EUROS CTM, LOTOS-EUROS workshop (TNO).
J. Pültz, S. Banzhaf, M. Thürkow, R. Kranenburg, M. Schaap: Source attribution of PM for Berlin 2016-2018, LOTOS-EUROS workshop (TNO).
M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, R. Kranenburg, R.M.A. Timmermans, M. Schaap: A multi-meteorological comparison for episodes of particulate matter concentrations in Berlin with LOTOS-EUROS, LOTOS-EUROS workshop (TNO).
B. Fallah, M. Thürkow, I. Jäkel, R. Kranenburg, A. Segers, M. Schaap: Tropospheric NO2 over Germany: A comparison between LOTOS-EUROS model and Copernicus sentinel-5 precursor satellite, LOTOS-EUROS workshop (TNO).
J. Pültz, S. Banzhaf, M. Thürkow, R. Kranenburg, M. Schaap: Source attribution of PM for Berlin using LOTOS-EUROS, 19th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes (HARMO).
M. Thürkow, M. Schaap: The interaction of meteorological boundary data for modelling of PM-episodes and its impact of traffic emissions on air quality in Germany, 23rd International Transport & Pollution Conference (TAP).
M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, R. Kranenburg, R.M.A. Timmermans, M. Schaap: The interaction of meteorological boundary data for modelling of PM-episodes and its impact of traffic emissions on air quality in Germany, LOTOS-EUROS workshop (TNO).
J. Pültz, S. Banzhaf, M. Thürkow, R. Kranenburg, M. Schaap: Using LOTOS-EUROS for source attribution of PM for Berlin, LOTOS-EUROS workshop (TNO).
M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, M. Schaap: Improvement of the planetary boundary layer height based on COSMO-CLM simulation data, 13th General Assembly of the CLM Community (CLM-Assembly), https://doi.org/10.5445/IR/1000090889.
R. Timmermans, R. Kranenburg, C. Hendriks, M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, D. van Pinxteren, M. Schaap: Establishing the Origin of Particulate Matter in Eastern Germany Using an Improved Regional Modelling Framework, International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application (ITM), https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22055-6_1.
M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, M. Schaap: Improving the representation of particulate matter episodes for stagnant conditions in eastern Germany, 26th GLObal and REgional Atmospheric Modelling workshop (GLOREAM).
M. Schuster, M. Thürkow, S. Weiher, I. Kirchner, U. Ulbrich, A. Will: The influence of an atmospheric Two-Way coupled model system on the predictability of extratropical cyclones, European Geosciences Union (EGU).
M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, M. Schuster, U. Ulbrich, S. Weiher, A. Will: Perspektiven der Modellierung atmosphärischer Skalenwechselwirkung - DIE Zwei-Wege Kopplung, Die Meteorologen-Tagung DACH (DACH).
M. Schuster, M. Thürkow, S. Weiher, I. Kirchner, U. Ulbrich, A. Will: Improved seasonal predictability of extra-tropical cyclones in a Two-Way Coupled Atmosphere Ocean Model, Die Meteorologen-Tagung DACH (DACH).
M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, U. Ulbrich, S. Weiher, A. Will: Relevance of meso-scales a two-way-nesting approach, European Geosciences Union (EGU).
M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, U. Ulbrich, S. Weiher, A. Will, E. Maisonnave: Relevance of meso-scales in Central America for decadal predictability in Europe, 3rd International Conference on Earth System Modelling (3ICESM).
M. Thürkow, J. Körper, U. Cubasch: The organization of the atmospheric flow during the Last Glacial Maximum. Results of a climate simulation., 3rd International Conference on Earth System Modelling (3ICESM).
further publications/participations
M. Thürkow und das S-VELD Team: Sentinel-basierte Atmosphärenprodukte zur Bewertung des Einflusses von Verkehrsemissionen auf die Luftqualität in Deutschland (S-VELD), Arbeitsforum Luftqualität und Luftschadstoffe (mFUND).
M. Schaap, R. Kranenburg, C. Hendriks, R. Timmermans, M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, D. van Pinxteren, H. Herrmann: Untersuchung der Herkunft des grenzüberschreitenden Feinstaubtransportes im Osten Deutschlands mit einem Chemie-Transportmodell, Report, Umweltbundesamt, 81, ISBN: Forschungskennzahl [FKZ 3716 51 203 0].
M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, M. Schaap: Optimizing the meteorological input data for modelling for episodes, workshop on source apportionment (UBA/FUB).
M. Schuster, M. Thürkow, I. Kirchner, U. Ulbrich: Verbundprojekt MiKlip-MesoTel - Mesoskalige Entwicklung von Stürmen auf der Nordhemisphäre, Telekonnexionen und die inter-annuelle Klimavorhersage - Teilprojekt 2 - Modul C: Schlussbericht, MiKlip (BMBF), https://doi.org/10.2314/GBV:872391884.
I. Kirchner, P. Lorenz, E. Maisonnave, M. Schuster, M. Thürkow, U. Ulbrich, S. Weiher, A. Will: Atmospheric Two-Way Coupling improves climate modeling in the North Atlantic, MiKlip Statusseminar (BMBF).
I. Kirchner, P. Lorenz, M. Schuster, M. Thürkow, U. Ulbrich, S. Weiher, A. Will: Meso-scale dynamics in Central America and its Teleconnection to European climate – the MPI-ESM / COSMO-CLM model system 2-way nested via OASIS3-MCT and first results, MiKlip Statusseminar (BMBF).
Honors and awards
Best Poster Awards: The interaction of meteorological boundary data for modelling of PM-episodes and its impact of traffic emissions on air quality in Germany, 23rd International Transport & Pollution Conference (TAP).