Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling I
- Mark Baldwin (Keynote lecture): Stratosphere–Troposphere Coupling
- Peter Hitchcock: Mechanisms for the Downward Influence of Stratospheric Sudden Warmings
- Dieter H.W. Peters: Links between boreal polar-night jet oscillations and geophysical fields
- Amanda Maycock: Do split and displacement sudden stratospheric warmings have different annular mode signatures?
- Kunihiko Kodera: Absorbing and reflecting sudden stratospheric warming events and their relationship with tropospheric circulation
- Martin Dameris: On the signature of the downward propagation of stratospheric extreme events to the troposphere
- Aditi Sheshadri: Stratospheric influences on the tropospheric jet: Impacts of stratospheric seasonal variability and ozone depletion
- Sabine Haase: The importance of interactive stratospheric chemistry on the tropospheric jet variability under climate change
Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling II
- Natalia Calvo (invited): On the surface impact of Arctic ozone extremes
- Diane Ivy: Observed connections of Arctic ozone extremes to Northern Hemisphere Climate
- Irina Petropavlovskikh: Boulder ozone sonde data analyses for multiple tropopause origins
- Fiona Tummon: Diagnosing changes in European tropospheric ozone: A model study of past and future changes
- Stefanie Meul: Future changes in stratosphere-troposphere exchange of ozone and the contribution from climate change
- Mohamadou Diallo: Diagnostis of the Upper Troposphere-Stratosphere exchanges using CO2 tracer gas
- Chaim Garfinkel: Drivers of the recent tropical expansion in the Southern Hemisphere: Changing SSTs or ozone depletion?
Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling III
- Blanca Ayarzagüena (invited): Response of sea surface temperature to climate change and its influence on the wintertime polar vortex in CMIP5 and chemistry-climate models
- Nour-Eddine Omrani: Wintertime response of the coupled stratosphere/troposphere system to the large-scale Atlantic decadal variability
- Rongcai Ren: The competing effect of the tropical Indian Ocean SST forcing on the northern winter stratosphere during ENSO
- Fumiaki Ogawa: Importance of mid-latitude oceanic frontal zone and associated baroclinic eddies on the ozone-induced stratosphere/troposphere coupling
- Fabian Wunderlich: Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on the boreal winter stratosphere
- Ulrike Langematz, Janna Abalichin: Southern Hemisphere sea ice trends: How well do model simulations explain the observed changes?
Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling IV
- Edwin Gerber (invited): The tropical tropopause layer in an idealized moist model: Tropical vs. extratropical control
- Robin Pilch Kedzierski: The Tropical Tropopause Inversion Layer: Variability and Forcing by Equatorial Waves
- Wuke Wang: Decadal variability of tropical tropopause temperatures and its relation to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation
- Vinay Kumar: Impact of different phases of QBO over temperature in the tropopause region: Focus on the tropical dynamics
- Catrin Gellhorn: Radiative and dynamical temperature changes in the middle atmosphere in a future climate
- Michael Ponater: Ozone radiative feedback in global warming simulations with CO2 and non-CO2 forcing