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Status of SHARP Phase I

In the following we briefly summarize the current status of SHARP Phase I (SHARP-I) after 2.5 years. SHARP-I was built on a combination of new satellite products and simulations with different types of global climate models. A complete list of the model simulations performed by the partners can be found in Table 1 of Appendix I. More detailed reports are found in the individual project proposals and the progress reports attached to this proposal.

1 Scientific Achievements

2 Cooperation between SHARP Projects

A number of on-going collaborations have been established between different SHARP projects, some examples are given in the following. In SHARP-BDC a comprehensive inter-comparison of data derived from numerical simulations (including complementary output derived from simulations carried out in SHARP-STC) and from observations (among others derived from SHARP-WV) regarding features of the BDC (e.g., tropical upwelling) and the age of stratospheric air was carried out in a joint activity of GUF, DLR, FUB and MPI-M. In SHARP-OCF the observed correlation between total ozone in spring and the Brewer-Dobson circulation (BDC) was compared with results from the transient CCM simulations of DLR and FUB from SHARP-BDC and SHARP-STC in a joint publication (Weber et al., 2011). A similar inter-comparison of the monsoon circulation using satellite observations from SHARP-WV and OCF and model data from SHARP-STC was performed (Kunze et al., 2010). An EMAC-simulation with improved VSLS parameterisation was jointly set up and performed by MPI-C, KIT (SHARP-WV) and FUB (SHARP-OCF).

3 Other Cooperation

Besides of cooperation of individual SHARP scientists with other scientists, the collaboration with the external SHARP partners was fruitful, resulting in one joint publication (Scaife et al., 2011; Steinwagner et al., 2010) and a number of on-going activities.

4 Activities

Scientists involved in SHARP-I have actively participated in the SHARP annual meetings and in small SHARP workshops on specific issues. A list of conference and workshop participations by SHARP scientists as well as a list of publications with contributions from SHARP scientists have been added in the Appendix II. SHARP scientists also contributed actively to international assessment reports, like the WMO Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion: 2010 (2011) (Christoph Brühl, John P. Burrows, Martin Dameris, Andreas Engel, Ulrike Langematz, Klaus Pfeilsticker, Björn-Martin Sinnhuber, and Mark Weber).

5 Training of Young Scientists

With one exception, SHARP-I was built on PhD positions, which was considered in the review panel meeting as a potential risk due to a lack of expertise. However, with the careful supervision by the leading scientists (PIs and Co-Is of the projects) a vital community of the SHARP PhD students developed, who were all new in their research area and helped each other in many scientific or practical aspects. The numerous collaborations and joint analyses that developed between the different projects would not have been possible without the engagement of the PhD students. Three PhD theses were finished using SHARP products, one of them by a SHARP-PhD student. In addition data products from SHARP projects were used in six Diploma theses and six Bachelor theses.
