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Information for First Year Students

Important Dates

  • Matriculation Event for first year students at the department of Geosciences: on Tuesday, 09.10.2018 at 10.00 a.m, in Lecture Hall G202 (Malteserstr. 74-100 in Building G). The matriculation event unfortunately takes place at the same time as the Maths-Course.
  • Prepartory Maths Course: 01.10.2018 - 12.10.2018 (Arnimallee 14, 0.3.12 Large Lecture Hall). this course is highly recommened for studies with high contect in Maths.
  • Introduction Event for Meteorology: Monday, 15.10.2018 at 11:00 a.m in new lecture hall (Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 6-10, Room 189): a detailed Course Guidance  by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Uwe Ulbrich. At the end of the introduction, the Mentors will show you around the Insitute and will introduce you to your future everyday life at the University.
  • First Lecture in the Basics of Meteorology: Wednesday, 17.10.2018,  09:00-10:30 a.m.
All Dates regarding orientation events, you will find here.

Study Preparation

Generally: Do you have any questions or other matters? Then let us know Mentors! Or take a look at the Guideline about the study programmes.

Since meteorology is an applied physics, you will have many courses together with physicists in the first semesters. Therefore, it makes sense to participate in the courses of the Department of Physics for first-year students. This includes:

Prepartory Maths Course of Physicists (01.10.2018 - 12.10.2018, Location: Arnimallee 14, 0.3.12 Large Lecture Hall): The math courses is there to refresh your school mathematics and introduce you to the mathematics you will use in the next semesters. The mathematics taught at school varies from state to state and probably also from school to school. Some things that are required during your studies may not have been treated at school at all, which is why it makes sense to take part in the maths course. In general, however, participation in the maths course is voluntary and not a prerequisite for participation in other modules of the Bachelor's programme!
Alternative: Prepartory Maths-Course for Mathematic-Students in major and minor subjects (24.9.2018 to 05.10.2018, LocationArnimallee 14, 1.3.14 Lecture Hall A): This prepartory course is mainly aimed at students who study mathematics in their main subject, but also for students of minor subjects, which are mainly students of teaching professions. You will meet the teaching staff again in the lectures of experimental physics, so if the date of this prepartory course suits you better, you can also go here.

Die Orientation Week of the physicists (from 15.10.2018): Since you have some courses with the physicists in the first semester, we recommend you to visit the orientation week of the physicists. The FSI Physics always goes to a lot of trouble and puts together a programme in which you get to know the physics department better, but also you get to know your fellow students better at a games evening or pub crawl. In addition there is a trip (19.-21.10.2018) to the Werbellinsee, this visit is strongly recommended! The plan of the orientation week is also valid for you, except for a few different dates.

Courses in the First Semester

Usually all information about the courses, you can find in Vorlesungsverzeichnis of the FU Berlin.  In the first Semester it is best to take all the modules recommended for the first semester of the Bachelor's programme in Meteorology. These include: Basics in Meteorology, Basics in Experimental Physic (+ Mathematical amendments), Theoretical Physic I and Lineare Algebra for Physicists
  • Course Basics in Meteorology: Wednesday, 09:00-10:30 a.m. in new lecutre hall (Room 189 New Building) at the Institute for Meteorology
  • Course Basics in Experimental physic I: Mondays, 14:00-16:00 p.m. and Wednesdays, 15:00 - 17:00 a.m.in large lecture hall (0.3.12), Arnimallee 14. Besides Mathematical amendments Tuesdays, 14:00 - 16:00 p.m.in lecture hall A (Room 1.3.14, Arnimallee 14).
  • Course Lineare Algebra for Physicists: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00 -14:00 p.m., Tuesdays in lecuture hall 001/A3 (Arnimallee 3-5), Thursdays in lecture hall 1a (Habelschwerdter Allee 45)
  • Course Theoretical Physic I: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00-12:00 a.m., 0.3.12 large lecture halls, Arnimallee 14
Exercises are added to the individual lectures. You will find out the dates of the exercises in the first lectures, so your presence is very important! Registration for the courses start from 01.10.2018, 00:00 p.m. through Campus Management. More information about Campus Management, you will find here.

Usefull Books

This list is not complete, but it is advised you buy the books. Which books you will need for the courses, varies from (lecfurer to lecturer) Dozent zu Dozent. In your course, the lecturer will usually give you a list of recommended books. Because most of the books are expensive to buy, and students do not have much money, it would make sense to borrow the books from the libary and to see how useful they are.

For basics in Meteorology:

  • Horst Malberg: Allgemeine Meteorologie
  • Helmut Kraus: Die Atmosphäre der Erde: Eine Einführung in die Meteorologie

For the Physic-Course:

  • Meschede: Gerthsen Physik (Nachschlagewerk der Physik)
  • Tipler: Physik (Nachschlagewerk der Physik)
  • Demtröder: Experimentalphysik 1: Mechanik und Wärme
  • Nolting: Grundkurs Theoretische Physik 1: Klassische Mechanik

For Mathematics:

  • Merzinger, Wirth: Das Repetitorium der Höheren Mathematik (Dieses Buch ist auch für die Theoretische Physik sehr hilfreich.)
  • Bronstein: Taschenbuch der Mathematik (Ein sehr gutes Nachschlagewerk für die Mathematik. Mathematische Formelsammlung, die für das ganze Studium hilfreich sein kann.)