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Studying Abroad

ATTENTION Further information on applications from students of the Master's programmes "Planetary Sciences and Space Exploration" and "Geographies of Global Inequalities". Please read the additional information and contact the Erasmus+ Geosciences Office if you have any questions.
There are many ways to integrate a stay abroad into your studies. The most prominent are the ERASMUS+ program, a Direct Exchange and the Promos program. Our office at the department of Geosciences is only responsible for the ERASMUS+ program. If you are interested in a Direct Exchange or the Promos program, please visit the central page for studying abroad of the Free University Berlin.


Direct Exchange

Direct Exchange offers students the opportunity to participate in a worldwide university exchange. Students have their tuition fees waived and some universities also offer stipendia for living expenses. The UK will no longer participate in the Erasmus+ programme from the academic year 2023/24! If you are interested, please contact the Direct Exchange Programme. 


With the help of PROMOS, individually organized short stays abroad (e.g. internships or excursions) of a duration of up to six months can also be funded if the project or the destination does not fit in with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) or the ERASMUS+ program.

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes

Blended Intensive Programmes are learning activities for students or staff from several partner universities that combine a short joint face-to-face phase in an Erasmus+ Programme Participant Country with one or more virtual learning phases. If you are interested, please contact Anne Mbakwe (anne.mbakwe@fu-berlin.de). You can find more information here.

You can also find pictures and stories from students abroad on our Instagram page.