Sébastien Penmellen Boret

Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften
Katastrophenforschungsstelle (KFS)
Assoziierter Wissenschaftler
Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 6-10
12165 Berlin
12165 Berlin
- Ph.D. Oxford Brookes University
- M.Phi. (masters), Oxon, Social Anthropology
- Disaster anthropology
- Anthropology of rituals
- Ethnology of Japan
- death
- collective memory
- disaster
- Japan, Indonesia, Europe
- Boret, Sébastien Penmellen (2018): The Contributions of Memorials in the Construction of a Sustainable Community after the Disaster - Cases of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, In Hiroki Takakura and Mutsumi Yamaguchi (eds), Local culture after the earthquake and ethnic poetry of the victims, Tokyo: Shinsensha Publishing, pp: 163-180.
- Boret, Sébastien Penmellen and Akihiro Shibayama (2017): The Roles of Monuments for the Dead during the Aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.09.021
- Akihiro Shibayama; Boret, Sébastien Penmellen; Shosuke Sato and Fumihiko Imamura (2017): The Roles of Archiving in Earthquake Studies: The Case of the Great East Japan Earthquake, Proceedings of the 2016 World Conference of Earthquake Engineering, January.
- Akihiro Shibayama and Boret, Sébastien Penmellen (2016): Shinsai ākaibu o ri katsuyō suru tame no kenri shori no arikata ni tsuite, Tōhoku chiiki saigai kagaku kenkyū(Methods for handling and using disaster archives, Tohoku area disaster science research), Vol. 52, pp: 241-244.
- Boret, Sébastien Penmellen and Akihiro Shibayama (2016) Archiving and Memorializing Disasters: Report of a UN international Workshop, Journal of Disaster Research, pp: 213-218.
- Boret, Sébastien Penmellen (2015): Human responses to Coastal Flooding: Engineering, Social Innovation and Coastal Communities, Proceedings of the World Engineering Conference and Convention, March.
- Boret, Sébastien Penmellen (2014): Japanese Tree Burials: Kinship, Ecology and the Culture of Death, London: Routledge. Published in paperback in 2016.
- Boret, Sébastien Penmellen (2017): Death in the Early Twenty-First Century: Authority, Innovation and Mortuary Rites, co-edited with Susan Orpett Long and Sergei Kan, New York: Palgrave MacMillan.