Dr. Eeva Kesküla

Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften
Katastrophenforschungsstelle (KFS)
Assoziierte Wissenschaftlerin
The political economy of industrial health and safety: a social anthropology perspective
Raum 021
12165 Berlin
01.2016-12.2020 Tallinn University, School for Humanities, Tallinn, Estonia.
Senior researcher, Principal Investigator for research project “The political economy of industrial health and safety: a social anthropology perspective” funded by Estonian Research Council.
09.2012-09.2015 Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle, Germany.
Postdoctoral research fellow in research group “Industry and Inequality in Eurasia”, department “Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia”.
2008-2012 PhD in Social Anthropology, Goldsmiths, University of London, Department of Anthropology.
PhD thesis “Mining postsocialism: work, class and ethnicity in an Estonian mine.”
2007-2008 and 2010 Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Tallinn University, Tallinn.
2006-2010 Centre of Educational Research, Tallinn University, Tallinn.
Main researcher of project on Biographies of Estonian Teachers (2008-2011). Coordinator for OECD International Survey of Learning and Teaching (TALIS) (2006-2008).
2005-2006 MA in Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Budapest, Hungary.
MA thesis “Is there a moon in Estonia? Ethnic Identity of New Zealand Estonians.”
2004-2005 Statistics New Zealand, Wellington.
Statistical Analyst
2000-2004 BA in Sociology, University of Tartu, Department of Sociology and Social Policy. Tartu, Estonia.
- Anthropologie der Arbeit
- industrielle Anthropologie
- Schnittflächen von Klasse und Ethnizität
- anthropologische Vergleiche
- Geschlecht und Arbeit
- wirtschaftliche Anthropologie
- Postsozialismus
- industrielle Gesundheit und Sicherheit
- Estland
- Kazakhstan
- Bergbau
Kesküla, Eeva, and Krista Loogma. 2017. “The value of and values in teachers’ work in Estonia.” Work, Employment and Society. Vol 31, Issue 2, pp. 248 - 264.
Kesküla, Eeva. 2017 (forthcoming). “Work and Employment”. Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Hilary Callan (ed.) Wiley-Blackwell.
Kesküla, Eeva. 2016. "Temporalities, time and the everyday: new technology as a marker of change in an Estonian mine." History and Anthropology 27:521-535.
Kesküla, Eeva. 2016. “Friendship in a Mongolian Mining Town. A review of Treasure Underfoot and Far Away: Mining, Foreignness, and Friendship in Contemporary Mongolia, by Marissa Jo Smith.” In Dissertation reviews. Available at: http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/13434
Kesküla, Eeva. 2015. “Reverse, restore, repeat! Class and ethnicity dynamics and the Russian-speaking miners of Estonia”. Focaal. Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 72: 95–108.
Kesküla, Eeva. 2015. “Женщины или рабочие? Рабочие-женщины в тяжёлой индустрии Казахстана“. (Women or workers? Working class Women in Kazakhstan’s heavy industry). Materials of International scientific-practical conference devoted to the 90th anniversary of E.A. Buketov. Karaganda: Karagada State University. Pp. 280-286.
Kesküla, Eeva. 2014. “Disembedding the company from kinship: unethical families and atomised labour in an Estonian mine”. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. 6(2):58–76.
Kesküla, Eeva. 2013. “Vene kaevur, afrovenelane. Klass ja rahvus Eesti kaevandustes”. [Russian miner, the Afro-Russian. Ethnicity and class in Estonian mines]. Vikerkaar, 4-5, pp 23-32.
Kesküla, Eeva. 2013. “Fiddling, Drinking and Stealing: the moral code in the Soviet Estonian Mining Industry”. European Review of History. Revue européenne d’Histoire. Special Issue: History of the Workplace: Environment and Health at Stake. Lars Bluma and Judith Rainhorn (eds) 20:2, 237-253. Reprinted 2015 in A History of the Workplace. Environment and Health at Stake. Edited by Lars Bluma, Judith Rainhorn. Routledge.
Kesküla, Eeva. 2013 “Reproducing labor in Estonian industrial heritage museum”. Journal of Baltic Studies 201. Special Issue: Temporality, Identity and Change: Ethnographic Insights into Estonian Field Sites. Aet Annist and Maarja Kaaristo (eds), Vol 44. issue 2, pp 229-248.
Kesküla, Eeva; Loogma, Krista; Piibe, Kolka; Sau-Ek, Kristiina. 2012. “Curriculum Change in Teachers’ Experience: The Social Innovation Perspective”. Pedagogy, Culture and Society, Vol.20, issue 3. pp. 353 - 376.
Loogma, Krista; Kesküla, Eeva; Roosipõld, Anne. 2010. “The Transformation of the Teacher Profession in Estonia: changes in professionalism” in Teacher’s personality and professionality. Jaan Mikk, Marika Veissson, Piret Luik (eds). Peter Lang. pp. 11 – 30.