Dr. Vicente Sandoval

Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften
Katastrophenforschungsstelle (KFS)
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
BMBF-Projekt: „INCREASE: Integriertes Katastrophenrisikomanagement und Steigerung der Resilienz der Bevölkerung in Iran und Deutschland in Zeiten von Covid-19 und Klimawandel“
Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 6-10
Raum 117
12165 Berlin
Raum 117
12165 Berlin
- Ph.D. Development Planning. Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London (2017).
- M.Sc. Urban Management. Habitat Unit, Technische Universität Berlin (2011).
- B.A. Design. Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile (2007).
Akademische Positionen (Auswahl)
- Seit 03/2021. Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin im BMBF-Forschungsprojekt "INCREASE – Inklusives und integriertes Multi-Gefahren-Risikomanagement und Freiwilligenengagement zur Erhöhung sozialer Resilienz im Klimawandel" an der Katastrophenforschungsstelle (KFS).
- Von 01/2020 bis 12/2021. Postdoc Gastwissenschaftler in der Katastrophenforschungsstelle (KFS), Freie Universität Berlin. Projekttitel "Natural Hazards Governance in Chile".
- Von 08-2017 bis 08/2019. Postdoctoral Research Associate am Extreme Events Institute, Florida International University (FIU). Arbeit im USAID’s geförderten Projekt “Disaster Resilience in the Americas Program (DRCAP)”.
- Seit 07/2015. Editor-in-Chief und Manager des “Journal of Latin American Studies on Disaster Risk Reduction REDER”, Santiago (Chile). https://www.revistareder.com
- Seit 2007. Internationaler unabhängiger Berater mit Erfahrung in Chile, Deutschland, Spanien, UK und USA.
Fördermittel und Stipendien
- BUA’s Berlin Center for Global Engagement (BCGE) Inaugural Call (2020).
- Freie Universität Berlin’s International Cooperation Grant (2016).
- Chile Global Network Grant (2015).
- University College London’s Field Research Grant (2013).
- BecasChile’s Master & Doctoral studies scholarships (2009 & 2011).
- UC-Temuco Undergraduate Scholarship (2002-2007).
Aktive Mitgliedsschaften (in 2020)
- Member der UNDRR GRAF Working Groups (2020-2022). Global Risk Assessment Framework (GRAF) für die United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).
- Research Member der CONVERGE Working group Disaster Capitalism & COVID-19. The National Science Foundation Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI), Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder.
- Mitglied des Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction. http://www.gndr.org
- Gründungsmitglied der NGO Corporación Gestión de Riesgos y Desastres GRID-Chile. https://www.gridchile.org
- Herausgeber ForoAlfa, Argentina (Online design magazine). http://www.foroalfa.org
- Mitglied des i-Rec Network – Information and Research for Reconstruction. http://www.grif.umontreal.ca/i-rec/members.html
- Mitglied des Talent Network for Innovation ChileGlobal.
- Kolumnist und Mitglied der RedEncuentros. http://redencuentros.org
- Development Studies, vor allem im Bereich Disaster Risk Reduction & Urban Studies
- Urban Resilience und Environmental Justice research
- Urban Disaster Risk Governance (experience in Nature-based solutions)
- Urban informality in the Latin American and the Caribbean region
- Qualitative design, surveying, and statistical analysis (SPSS & R)
- Urban Street Network Analysis with GIS
- Risks analysis through Urban Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (U-VCA)
- Evidence-based research approach
Beratung, Evaluation and Beirat
- Expert Evaluator for EU Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 (H2020), from the Research Executive Agency (REA), European Commission.
- Expert Evaluator for the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development FONDECYT, from the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research CONICYT, Chile.
- Scholar Evaluator for the Times Higher Education – World Universities Rankings, in collaboration with Elsevier. Evaluations in 2016 and 2020.
- Advisory Board Member of the Chilean Corporation for Disaster Risk Management and Reduction GRID Chile.
Rezensent für Peer-Reviewed-Zeitschriften, Bücher und Reihen
- Natural Hazards Review (NHR). American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), US.
- Disasters. Wiley & Overseas Development Institute (ODI), UK.
- Disaster Prevention and Management, An International Journal (DPM). Emerald, UK.
- International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (IJDRR). Elsevier, UK.
- International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). MDPI, Switzerland.
- Politics and Governance (PaG). Cogitatio Press, Portugal.
- Human Organization (HO). Society for Applied Anthropology, US.
- Antipode. Wiley, UK.
- Universitas Psychologica (UP). Universidad Javeriana, Colombia.
- Revista Geografía Norte Grande. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile.
- Fire. MDPI, Switzerland.
- Journal of Latin American Studies on Disaster Risk Reduction (REDER). GRID Chile & Universidad de Chile, Chile.
- British Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies (BJIS). Science & Knowledge House Ltd., UK.
- Oxford Encyclopedia Natural Hazards Science – Governance. Oxford Press, UK.
- Ideas desde el Reino Unido: Críticas y Propuestas para el Desarrollo de Chile. IdeasDesdeRU, UK.
- Integrative Risk and Security Research Series. Th-Köln, Germany.
- ChileGlobal Seminars UK 2013-2014. ChileGlobal Seminars UK, UK.
Publikationen (Auswahl)
Für die vollständige Auflistung siehe: https://vicentesandoval.wordpress.com/academic-publications
- Sandoval, Vicente; González-Muzzio, Claudia; Castro, Carmen Paz (2024): The Power of a Radical Reimagining of Disasters: Post-Colonial and Capitalist Nexus in Chile and Latin America (and Ideas for a Just and Equitable Future). In: Journal of Latin American Studies on Disaster Risk Reduction REDER, 8(2), S. 241-250. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55467/reder.v8i2.170
- Sandoval, Vicente; Voss, Martin; Flörchinger, Verena; Lorenz, Stephan; Jafari, Parisa (2023): Integrated Disaster Risk Management IDRM: Elements to Advance its Study and Assessment. In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 14 (3), S. 343–356. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-023-00490-1.
- Fernández Lopera, Cristian Camilo; Mendes, José Manuel; Barata, Eduardo Jorge; Sandoval, Vicente (2023): Prioritization of Territorial Areas for Implementing Inclusive Climate Risk Transfer Mechanisms. Colombia as a Case Study. In: IDRiM - Journal of Integrated Disaster Risk Management, 13(1), S. 1–26. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5595/001c.77526.
- Sandoval, Vicente; González-Muzzio, Claudia; Steel, Lorena V.; Jódar, Rubén; Vidal, Maé D.; Barrera, Nguyen R.; Voss, Martin; Van Rijs, Jacob (2022): Disaster Governance and Collective Intelligences of Construction and Design in Cities of the Global South: Ideas and Questions for Further Research. In: Journal of Latin American Studies on Disaster Risk Reduction REDER, 6(2), S. 115-124. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55467/reder.v6i2.99.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Williams, Darien; Cheek, Wes; Von Meding, Jason; Chmutina, Ksenia; González-Muzzio, Claudia; Forino, Giussepe; Tomassi, Isabella; Marchezini, Victor; Vahanvati, Mittul; Páez, Holmes; Boyland, Michael (2022): The Role of Public and Private Sectors in Disaster Capitalism: An International Overview. Contributing Paper to the UNDRR 2022 Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction – GAR2022, S. 1-24. Genf: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. Online verfügbar unter https://www.undrr.org/quick/71892.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Wisner, Benjamin; Voss, Martin (2021): Natural Hazards Governance in Chile. In: The Oxford Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards Governance. Oxford University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.364.
- Chmutina, Ksenia; Von Meding, Jason; Sandoval, Vicente; Boyland, Michael; Forino, Giussepe; Cheek, Wes; Williams, Darien A.; González-Muzzio, Claudia; Tomassi, Isabella; Páez, Holmes; Marchezini, Victor (2021): What We Measure Matters: The Case of the Missing Development Data in Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction Monitoring. International Journal Disaster of Risk Science. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13753-021-00382-2.
- González-Muzzio, Claudia; Sandoval, Vicente; Castro, Carmen P. (2021): Resisting Disaster Capitalism during Covid-19 in Chile: People fight back. In: Filion, Pierre, Doucet, Brian, & Van Melik, Rianne (Hg.): Global Reflections on Covid-19 and Urban Inequalities: Vol. 4. Policy and Planning, S. 121-132. Bristol University Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv1t4m1p7.18.
- Cornejo, Pablo; Guerrero, Nicolás; Sandoval, Vicente (2021): Aerodynamic Dispersion of Respiratory Droplets and Aerosols by Turbulent Airflow. In: Fluids, 6(3), S. 119. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/fluids6030119.
- Sandoval, Vicente; González-Muzzio, Claudia; Villalobos, Carlos; Sarmiento, Juan P.; Hoberman, Gabriela (2020): Assessing Disaster Capitalism in Post-disaster Processes in Chile: Neoliberal Reforms and the Role of Corporate Class. In: Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(6), S. 831-847. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-01-2020-0005.
- Allen, Adriana; Sarmiento, Juan P.; Sandoval, Vicente (2020): Latin American Studies on Disaster Risk Reduction in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: Journal of Latin American Studies on Disaster Risk Reduction REDER, 4(2), S. 1-6. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55467/reder.v4i2.46.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Sarmiento, Juan P.; Mazariegos, Erick A.; Oviedo, Daniel (2020): Exploring Network Analysis for Urban Planning and Disaster Risk Reduction in Informal Settlements: Cases From Honduras, Jamaica, and Peru. In: International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management IJDREM, 3(1), S. 30-45. DOI: http://doi.org/10.4018/IJDREM.2020010103.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Sarmiento, Juan P. (2020): A Neglected Issue: Informal Settlements, Urban Development, and Disaster Risk Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean. In: Disaster Prevention and Management, 29(5), S. 731-745. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-04-2020-0115.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Sarmiento, Juan P. (2019): A neglected issue: Informal settlements, urban development, and disaster risk reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean. Contributing Paper to the UNDRR Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR2019). Genf: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction UNDRR. Online verfügbar unter https://www.preventionweb.net/go/66656.
- Sarmiento, Juan P.; Polak, Suzanne; Sandoval, Vicente (2019): An Evidence-Based Urban DRR Strategy for Informal Settlements. In: Disaster Prevention and Management, 28(3), S. 371-385. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-08-2018-0263.
- Sandoval, Vicente (2019): Urban governance and informal settlements. In: Crisis Response Journal CRJ, 14(3), S. 22-23. Online verfügbar unter http://www.crj.co/archive/article.php?num=1402.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Hoberman, Gabriela; Jerath, Meenakshi (2019): Urban Informality: Global and Regional Trends. In: DRR Faculty Publications, 16, S. 1-18. Online verfügbar unter https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/drr_fac/16.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Marín, Andres (2019): Socio-natural disaster resilience for tourism development. In: Journal of Latin American Studies on Disaster Risk Reduction REDER, 3(1), S. 1-4. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55467/reder.v3i1.27.
- Sandoval, Vicente (2019): Bien. Los desastres no son naturales ¿y ahora qué? Corporación Gestión de Riesgos y Desastres GRID Chile – Opinion [online]. Online verfügbar unter http://gridchile.org/bldnsnyaq.
- Sandoval, Vicente (2018): Discursive arguments around disasters in history: The case of Chile. In: International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management IJDREM, 1(2), S. 64-76. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4018/IJDREM.2018040105.
- Sarmiento, Juan P.; Sandoval, Vicente; Jerath, Meenakshi; Hoberman, Gabriela; Arrieta, Alejandro; Chen, Weiwei; Lidth de Jeude, Marije; Schütte, Oliver; Mazariegos, Erick A.; Palacios, Erick; Cardona, Omar D.; Bernal, Gabriel; Ruiz, Paulo; Rosales, Elías; Polak, Suzanne (2018): Performance Evaluation in LAC Urban DRR Programming: The Neighborhood Approach. United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Online verfügbar unter https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00T34V.pdf.
- Sarmiento, Juan P.; Sandoval, Vicente; Jerath, Meenakshi; Hoberman, Gabriela; Arrieta, Alejandro; Chen, Weiwei; Lidth de Jeude, Marije; Schütte, Oliver; Mazariegos, Erick A.; Palacios, Erick; Cardona, Omar D.; Bernal, Gabriel; Ruiz, Paulo; Rosales, Elías; Polak, Suzanne (2018): Evaluación de Desempeño del Programa de RRD Urbano en Latinoamérica y el Caribe: El Enfoque de Barrio. United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Online verfügbar unter https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PA00T34W.pdf.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Sarmiento, Juan P. (2018): A look into the governance of risks and urban resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean: Informal settlements in the New Urban Agenda. In: Journal of Latin American Studies on Disaster Risk Reduction REDER, 2(1), S. 38-52. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55467/reder.v2i1.10.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Voss, Martin (2018): Multi-scalar disaster governance and vulnerability in Chile, Chapter II. In: Forino, Giussepe; Bonati, Sara; Calandra, Lina M. (Hg.): Governance of Risk, Hazards and Disasters: Trends in Theory and Practice, S. 27-42. New York: Routledge. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315463896-3
- González-Muzzio, Claudia; Sandoval, Vicente (2018): Capitalismo de desastre en procesos de reconstrucción en Chile, Chapter 1.1. In: Inzulza, Jorge; Maragaño, Andrés; Boano, Camillo; Díaz, Iban: Reconstrucción de ciudades intermedias en el siglo XXI: Procesos de gentrificación post desastres naturales, S. 41-52. Talca, Chile: Editorial Universidad de Talca.
- Sandoval, Vicente; González-Muzzio, Claudia; Albornoz, Christian (2017): Post-disaster institutional and community responses: Uneven outcomes on environmental justice and resilience in Chaitén, Chile, Chapter V. In: Allen, Adriana Griffin, Liza; Johnson, Cassidy (Hg.), Environmental Justice, Urbanization and Resilience in the Global South, S. 79-94. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-137-47354-7_5.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Voss, Martin (2016): Disaster Governance and Vulnerability: The Case of Chile. In: Politics and Governance, 4(4), S. 107-116. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17645/pag.v4i4.743.
- González-Muzzio, Claudia; Sandoval, Vicente (2016): Resilient responses from communities and companies after the 2010 Maule earthquake in Chile. Background paper for the United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015 in Sendai, Japan. In The State of DRR at the Local Level – A 2015 Report on the Patterns of Disaster Risk Reduction Actions at Local Level. Genf: UNISDR. Online verfügbar unter https://www.undrr.org/we/inform/publications/48289.
- Sandoval, Vicente; González-Muzzio, Claudia (2015): Examining ‘disaster capitalism’: post-disaster actions in Chile. In: Johnson, Cassidy (Hg.): Conference proceedings for the 7th International i-Rec Conference: Reconstruction and Recovery in Urban Contexts. London & Montreal: Groupe de recherche IF, GRIF, Université de Montréal. Online verfügbar unter http://www.grif.umontreal.ca/i-rec/i-Rec2015/RT6_31_Sandoval_Examining%20Disaster%20Capitalism.pdf.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Boano, Camilo; González-Muzzio, Claudia; Albornoz, Cristian (2015): Explorando Potenciales Vínculos entre Resiliencia y Justicia Ambiental: El Caso de Chaitén, Chile. In: Magallania, 43(3), S. 37-49. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4067/S0718-22442015000300004.
- Beltrán-del-Rio, Luis; Brown, Lincoln; El-Mouelhi, Hassan; Félix-Carlos, Ana L.; Fokdal, Josefine, Hossain-Mohammad, Ishtiuq, Hyun-Kim, Soo; Ihsan-Abdullsamad, Kurdo; Momen, Karima; Queiroz, Paula; Rabe, Claus; Ruiz-Remolina, Ana I.; Sandoval, Vicente; Santos, Rui; Soares-Barbizan, Thiago; Suryaningrum, Febyana; Torres, Izabel; Vanderhuck, Carolina; Zehner, Carsten (2010): Improving Informal Areas in Greater Cairo: The Cases of Ezzbet Al Nasr and Dayer El Nahia. Cairo: German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) & Technische Universität Berlin. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14279/depositonce-2830.