Workshop: Tracing Connections - Explorations of Spaces and Places in Asian Multilocalities
News vom 04.06.2013
We cordially invite you to the Crossroads Asia Workshop “Tracing Connections – Explorations of Spaces and Places in Asian Multilocalities” at the Centre for Development Studies (ZELF), Freie Universität Berlin held on 20 – 21 June 2013.
During the workshop we aim at reflections and discussions on the meaning of spaces and places in multilocal contexts. The oral presentations will be based on a selection of empirical case studies rooted in Central Asian and South-West Asian contexts. Particular attention will be given to aspects of mobility and migration as well as borderland studies. The workshop is structured in two separate sections dedicated to one of these domains each and will be opened by keynote lectures by Tina Harris (University of Amsterdam) and Paolo Novak (School of Oriental and African Studies, London) respectively. In the subsequent sessions we will bring together researchers with different disciplinary backgrounds from the BMBF-funded competence network “Crossroads Asia – Conflict, Migration, Development” as well as scholars working in related fields of interest, to present their results from ongoing projects.
For more information and registration please contact: Henryk Alff ( or Andreas Benz (