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Understanding Pakistan: "Pakistan's New Political Economy - What Has Changed, and What Hasn't?"

Vortrag von Syed Akbar Zaidi (Columbia University, USA) im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Understanding Pakistan" am Montag, den 14.10.2013, 18 bis 19.30 Uhr in der Heinrich-Böll-Stifung Berlin, Schumannstr. 8. 10117 Berlin.

News vom 11.10.2013

Description: For more than fifty years, Pakistan has been ruled,  either directly or indirectly, by Pakistan's military, which has  governed or controlled political institutions in the country.  Unlike many other countries in South Asia, especially India and Sri  Lanka, but even Bangladesh, Pakistan has been a very late mover  towards democracy. It has had its own model of praetorian democracy  enforced by military rulers, but due to social change, the advance  of the media, and overkill by military dictators, since 2007, there  has been a noticeable shift towards an awareness and endorsement of  democracy in Pakistan. Many of the political actors who supported military rule in the past, have also repented and  now have become  spirited defenders of democracy. Does this change suggest a  structural shift in the power balance between the military and civilian institutions, or is it just another temporary interregnum as the military awaits another failure of democratic politics in  Pakistan?


Syed Akbar Zaidi is one of Pakistan’s best known and most prolific political economists. Apart from his interest in political economy, he also has great interest in development, the social sciences more generally, and increasingly, in History. He has written over seventy academic articles in international journals and as chapters in books, as well as numerous books and monographs. His most recent book, Military, Civil Society and Democratization in Pakistan (2011), examines the political economy of the Musharraf regime. His earlier books include The New Development Paradigm: Papers on Institutions, NGOs, Gender and Local Government (1999), Pakistan’s Economic and Social Development: The Domestic, Regional and Global Context (2004), and Issues in Pakistan's Economy (2005). He has taught at Karachi University and at Johns Hopkins University, and is currently a Professor at Columbia University, New York, where he has a joint position at SIPA (the School of International and Public Affairs), and at MESAAS (the Department of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies).

Upcoming lectures:

(full programme)

October 14, 2013
Syed Akbar Zaidi (Columbia University, USA): “Pakistan's New Political Economy: What Has Changed, and What Hasn't?”

November 11, 2013
Adil Najam (Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan): “Pakistan’s Other Security Challenge: Climate Change”

December 2, 2013
Maleeha Lodhi (former Ambassador, Pakistan): “India and Pakistan - relations shaped between conflict and commerce”

Januar 13, 2014

Moeed Yusuf (Unites States Institute for Peace, USA): “Pakistan in the post- 9/11 world: Troubled or Troubling?”

All lectures take place between 18 and 19:30pm

A cooperation with the Social Science Research Center Berlin/Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB) and the Centre for Development Studies/Zentrum für Entwicklungsländerforschung (ZELF) of the Free University of Berlin.


Caroline Bertram, project manager Asia team
Email: bertram@boell.de
Tel. 030 – 285 34 368


Veranstalter Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, Berlin
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10117 Berlin, Schumannstr. 8
Mit der S-Bahn oder mit der U-Bahn bis Bahnhof Friedrichstraße. Ausgang über die Spree, dann Albrechtstraße, Reinhardtstraße überqueren und nach links in die Schumannstraße.