Madlen Hornung
Institut für Geographische Wissenschaften
Fachrichtung Humangeographie
Geographien globaler Ungleichheiten
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Wintersemester 2024/25
- HS- Introduction to Geographies of Global Inequalities
- GP - Theorie und Praxis anthropogeographischer Methoden
Sommersemester 2024
- PjS - Projektbezogenes Arbeiten (AB Entwicklungsforschung)
LFP - Projektbezogenes Arbeiten (AB Entwicklungsforschung)
Madlen Hornung is interested in the fields of mobilities, global health, geographies of agriculture and human-environment relations, focusing on relationalities between different places, questions of inequalities and responses.
She is currently working in the DFG-project “Uneven Geographies of Vaccine Manufacturing in the Global South” :
Her dissertation research is situated within the landscape of lifestock trading in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and beyond, and takes place along the life of sheep and goats. Ruminants are an important resource for the vision of an ‘Ethiopian renaissance’ and at the same time companions with many other (future) histories. She is interested in the multiple valuings that are happening in encounters with sheep and goats. Following lifestock in different spaces (between markets and streets, into homes, slaughterhouses, breeding facilities, leather fabrics, into publications and statistics etc.) connects and juxtaposes what is cared for. Madlen Hornung is interested in relational and visual methodologies and lively ways of writing, learning currently mainly from (feminist) Science and Technology Studies.
- Wenzl, C., Werner, C., Molitor, K., Hornung, M., Rominger, S. & F. Faller (2019): Soziale Praktiken in der Forschungspraxis - empirisch forschen mit Schatzkis site ontology. In: Schäfer, E. u. J. Everts (Hrsg): Praktiken und Raum. Humangeographie nach dem Practice Turn. Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, S. 341-360.
- Hornung, M. (2015): Von Wegmarken und Grenzartist*innen: Einblicke in translokale Marriagescapes. In: Feministische Georundmail 64. S. 24 – 27.
- Hornung, M. & S. A. Peth (2014): Alltag im Hier und Dort - Heiratsmigration und translokale Verflechtungen zwischen Thailand und Deutschland, in Südostasien, 4.