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The World on Coins


The World on Coins

Maps on coins were rare until the middle of the 20th century. Since then a great variety of maps
were issued on more than 550 current and commemorative coins by 135 national states, islands
or territories with minting authority.

An English index of those maps on modern coins is the appendix to the German publication
"Die Welt auf Münzen. Motive, Gestaltung und Prägung von Landkartenmünzen"
by Dr. Ulrich Freitag, Berlin 1999.


The text starts with the presentation of some map coins of the future, the Euro-Coins. It ends with one map coin of the newly developing set of Millennium Coins. The main body of the text and its 150 illustrations is organized in chapters according to the motives of the issue of those coins which most strongly influence Map Coin Design.

U. Freitag (with assistance from B.Hurtz and E.Leipner)


  • map coin