Final Programme
Wednesday, June 6, 2012 - Ethnological Museum (New Venue!)
16:30 | Registration (Foyer) | |
Opening session (Lecture Room) |
18:00 |
Opening and welcome ceremony |
18:30 | John Bintliff | Keynote: “The immense respiration of a social structure”: An integrated approach to the Landscape Archaeology of the Mediterranean Lands |
19:00 | Presentation of the LAC 2010 Proceedings | |
19:30 | Welcome get together "Icebreaker" | |
Thursday, June 7, 2012 - Seminaris Conference Center
8:00 | Registration (Foyer) | |
Session: Human adaptation to landscape changes (Room A) |
9:00 |
Renate Gerlach, Eileen Eckmeier |
Keynote: Prehistoric landuse and its impact on soil formation since Early Neolithic - Examples from the Lower Rhine Area |
9:30 | Henk Weerts, Andrea Otte, Bjørn Smit, Peter Vos, Dimitri Schiltmans, Wouter Waldus, Wil Borst | Finding the needle in the haystack by using knowledge of Mesolithic human adaptation in a drowning delta |
9:50 | Marieka Brouwer Burg, Henk Weerts | Hunter-Gatherers in dynamic landscapes: Modeling changing land use strategies in the central river valley of the Netherlands |
10:10 | Johanna A.A. Bos, F.S. Zuidhoff, K. van Kappel, D.A. Gerrets | The reconstruction of a buried Maas river landscape near Lomm, (Limburg, The Netherlands) using a multi-disciplinary approach; human adaption to landscape changes |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | Markus Dotterweich | Past soil erosion: Human impact and long term effects |
11:20 | Nico Roymans, Sjoerd Kluiving | Soil degradation and shifting habitation patterns in the sand landscapes of the southern Netherlands |
11:40 | Christoph Walser, Karsten Lambers | 10´000 years of climate change and settlement dynamics in the Silvretta Alps |
12:00 | Annelies Koopman, Sjoerd Kluiving, Simon Holdaway, Willeke Wendrich | Palaeo-lake level oscillations and variation in Holocene human occupation: geoarchaeology in the Fayum Basin, Egypt |
12:20 | Lunch break | |
13:30 | Poster presentation | |
14:30 | Leon van Hoof, Ortwin Dally | Staying home or staying with your cattle? Different reactions to environmental changes in the Late Bronze Age of the Lower Don area (Southern Russia) |
14:50 | A.V. Borisov, D.S. Korobov | Prehistoric and early historic agrarian landscapes in the Kislovodsk Basin (Northern Caucasus, Russia) |
15:10 | Yijie Zhuang | Neolithisation process in North China: Geoarchaeological investigation at two Early Neolithic sitesaa |
15:30 | Umberto Lombardo, Jan-Hendrik May, Heinz Veit | Driving forces behind Pre-Columbian Human Occupation patterns in Bolivian Amazonia |
15:50 | Coffee break | |
16:30 | Marinella Pasquinucci, Simonetta Menchelli | Surveying the complexity: a global approach to Italian landscapes |
16:50 | Martin Seeliger, Melanie Bartz, Stefan Feuser, Maria Knipping, Felix Pirson, Helmut Brückner | The harbour of Pergamum - coastal evolution of the Bay of Elaia (NW Turkey) |
17:10 | Judith Bunbury | The geology and papyrology of Hermopolis and Antinoopolis |
17:30 | Joanne Rowland, Rebecca Phillipps | Ancient landscapes modified by modern populations: methodological possibilities for assessing prehistoric land use along the desert edge of the Western Nile Delta |
17:50 | Sabrina Save, Loïc Buffat, Christopher Batchelor, Dorcas Vannieuwenhuyse, Michèle Bois, Benjamin Durand | Fleeing from a little bit of water: a very “un-roman” response towards changing environmental constraints. A case study from Monteux, southern France |
Session: Ancient megastructures and their environment (Room B) |
9:00 | Nicole Alexanian, Dirk Blaschta | Keynote: The Pyramid Complexes and the ancient landscape of Dahshur/Egypt |
9:30 | Angus Graham, Kristian D. Strutt | Reconstructing eternal landscapes in Thebes, Egypt |
9:50 | Michael Freikman | The most famous megalith of the ancient Near East in context |
10:10 | Brian Beckers, Jonas Berking, Brigitta Schütt | Ancient water harvesting and hydrological modeling: The elaborated floodwater harvesting system of Resafa in Syria |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | Marjolein Bouman, Kirsten van Kappel, Linda Verniers | Location, location, location: the construction and preservation of Roman burial mounds in the Dutch river delta |
11:20 | Kenneth Brophy, Gordon Noble | The rise and fall of the Strathearn megastructures: huge scale Neolithic monumentality in lowland Scotland, UK |
11:40 | John Gale | Late Neolithic Henges as foci for evolving funerary landscapes: Knowlton Henge Complex and the barrow cemeteries of the Allen Valley, Dorset, UK – a case study |
12:00 | Stefania Merlo | Wider than taller: an archaeological exploration of Tswana stone walled structures as megastructures in Southern Africa |
12:20 | Lunch break | |
13:30 | Poster presentation | |
Session: Theoretical concepts in landscape archaeology (Room B) |
13:30 | Poster presentation | |
14:30 | Jason Ur | Keynote: Agency and emergence in the formation of ancient landscapes |
15:00 | Frank Förster, Ralph Großmann, Karina Iwe, Annegret Larsen, Uta Lungershausen, Chiara Matarese, Philipp Meurer, Oliver Nelle, Vincent Robin, Michael Teichmann | What is "landscape"? Towards a common concept within an interdisciplinary research environment |
15:20 | Letty ten Harkel, Chris Gosden, Zena Kamash, Chris Green, John Pybus, Xin Xiong | Understanding the relationship between landscape and identity: a case study from Dartmoor and the Tamar Valley, Cornwall, c. 2500BC - AD1086 |
15:40 | Timo Bremer | Theoretical concepts and the fieldwork reality – A large scale landscape archaeological project in the Rhenish Lignite Opencast Mining Region and its methodical program |
16:30 | Paul Lane | Domesticating pastoralist landscapes: New paradigms for understanding past human-environment interactions in eastern Africa |
16:50 | Tibor-Tamás Daróczi | Death, disposal and social memory - towards a definition of funerary landscapes |
17:10 | Nikos Kourampas | Soils, sediments and landscapes of dwelling: Geoarchaeology and the symmetrical project |
17:30 | Oliver Nakoinz | Models of centrality |
19:00 | Conference barbecue | |
Friday, June 8, 2012 - Seminaris Conference Center
8:00 | Registration (Foyer) | |
Session: Landscape resilience to human impact (Room A) |
9:00 | Norm Catto, Gail Catto | Keynote: Landscape response to human impact in coastal Newfoundland, Canada: 29,000 km of “untouched” coastline |
9:30 | Thomas Meier | The ideology of impact and resilience - a critical perspective |
9:50 | Manuel Bertrams, Jens Protze, Daniel Schyle, Nicole Klasen, Frank Lehmkuhl | A preliminary model of Upper Pleistocene landscape evolution in the Wadi Sabra (Jordan) based on geoarchaeological investigations |
10:10 | Chadi Hatoum | Ancient rural managements and their impact on the landscape in Southern Syria |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | Nico Willemse, Bert Groenewoudt | Resilience in metastable landscapes? The non-linear response of Late Glacial aeolian landforms to prehistoric reclamation along Dutch river valleys |
11:20 | Maciej Karczewski | Human impact on the landscape of Masurian Lakeland in the Roman Period (NE Poland) |
11:40 | Astrid Röpke, Rüdiger Krause | Prehistoric land-use and fire management in the Montafon Valley (Northern Alps): an integrated palaeoenvironmental approach (Geoarchaeology, Palaeoecology, Archaeology) |
12:00 | Brigitte Andres | Alpine summer farms - Upland animal husbandry and land use strategies in the Bernese Alps (Switzerland) |
12:20 | Lunch break | |
13:30 | Poster presentation | |
14:30 | Eileen Eckmeier, Renate Gerlach | Characterization of archaeological soils and sediments using VIS-spectroscopy |
14:50 | Erhard Schulz, Harald Biester, Arno Bogenrieder, Eileen Eckmeier, Otto Ehrmann, Renate Gerlach, Mathias Hall, Christoph Hartkopf-Fröder, Ludger Herrmann, Birgit Kury, Manfred Rösch, Wolfram Schier | How long will it take? Regeneration of vegetation and soil after clearing, burning and cultivation. The Forchtenberg-Experiment |
15:10 | Agnieszka Latocha | Geomorphic evidence of past human activity. Examples from depopulated villages in the Sudetes Mountains, SW Poland |
15:30 | Astrid Stobbe, A. J. Kalis | Archaeobotanical investigations in the Transurals (Siberia) - the vegetation history |
15:50 | Coffee break | |
16:30 | Ramon Julià, Josep M. Palet, Ana Ejarque, Hector A. Orengo, Yannick Miras, Arnau Garcia, Santiago Riera, Philippe Allée, Jane Reed, Javier Marco, Maria Àngels Marqués, Glòria Furdada, Jordi Muntaner | Landscape systems and human land-use interactions in Mediterranean highlands and litoral plains during the Late Holocene: integrated analysis from the InterAmbAr Project (North-Eastern Catalonia) |
16:50 | Arnau Garcia, Marta Flórez, Meritxell Lladó, Itxaso Euba, Josep M. Palet, Santiago Giralt | Human land use strategies in a Mediterranean mid-mountain landscape (Montseny Massif, Barcelona). Analysing human landscape impact through archaeological and geomorphological analysis |
17:10 | Michele Matteazzi | Roman landscape archaeology in the low Padua plain (northeastern Italy) |
17:30 | Dirk Nowacki, Jürgen Wunderlich | The Lower Danube Valley through the Holocene: environmental changes and their geoarchaeological implications |
Session: Spatial information systems in landscape archaeology (Room B) |
9:00 | Kenneth L. Kvamme | Keynote: Spatial information technologies and landscape archaeology: Past problems and future directions |
9:30 | Dennis Voeten, Ananda Buesink, Mirjam Mostert, Hans Willems, Chris Kalisvaart | Using spatial information systems to create archaeological prediction maps for municipalities in the Netherlands |
9:50 | Matthias Witt, Maik Evers, Markus Möller, Christian Dette | Characterization and analysis of natural resource potentials for archaeological site location using the example of the Early Bronze Age in Central Germany |
10:10 | Jennie Bradbury, Daniel Lawrence, Robert Dunford | Chronology, uncertainty and GIS: A methodology for characterising and understanding landscapes of the ancient Near East |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
11:00 | Daniel Knitter, Max Bergner, Barbara Horejs | Concepts of centrality and models of exchange in prehistoric Western Anatolia |
11:20 | Tevekkül Aliyev, Andrea Ricci, Barbara Helwing | The Neolithic on the move. High resolution settlement dynamics and their impact on archaeological landscape studies in Southwest Azerbaijan |
11:40 | Mihai Florea, Catalin Lazar, Constantin Haita, Theodor Ignat, Carmen Bem | Looking back to the past: landscape changes, archaeological survey and GIS in the prehistory of Mostiştea Valley, Romania |
12:00 | Lunch Break | |
13:30 | Poster presentation | |
14:30 | Sebastian Vogel, Michael Märker, Florian Seiler, Domenico Esposito | Reconstructing the ancient cultural landscape around Pompeii before the eruption of Somma-Vesuvius in AD 79 |
14:50 | Pierluigi Giroldini | Between land and sea: a GIS based settlement analysis of the ancient coastal lagoon of Piombino (Tuscany, Italy) |
15:10 | Hector A. Orengo | Agricultural landscape dynamics from the Iron Age to the Roman period at the Spanish eastern coast. The potential of GIS hydrological modelling in understanding changing patterns of land use |
15:30 | Coffee break | |
16:30 | Philipp Hoelzmann, Björn Rauchfuß, Burkart Ullrich, Wiebke Bebermeier, Brigitta Schütt, Michael Meyer | Coupling of geomorphological, geophysical, geochemical and archaeological spatial data for a study of the interface of the Latène and Przeworsk cultures in NE Germany |
16:50 | Melanie Takla, Alexandra Raab, Thomas Raab, Horst Rösler, Eberhard Bönisch | GIS-based reconstruction of past land use and environmental change – the example of an early industrial charcoal production area (Lower Lusatia, Germany) |
17:10 | Mattia Raccidi | Wagons on the move. The study of wagons through landscape archaeology |
18:00 | Farewell get together and poster award | |
Excursion: Prehistorical and historical utilisation of the Teltow till plain and channel structure |
8:30 | Departure from Seminaris Conference Center | |
Markolf Brumlich | Iron smelting on the Teltow till plain | |
Felix Biermann | Early and high Medieval settlement structures and their development in the Notte Valley near Mittenwalde | |
16:00 | Arrival at Seminaris Conference Center |