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Frequently Asked Questions for current Students

Below you will find a collection of frequently asked questions from people already studying in our Master's programme regarding formalities, structure and contact persons. Please check first whether your questions are already answered here on the website. If not, you can contact us at global-inequalities@geo.fu-berlin.de.

As the name suggests, the study plan (to be found in the study and examination
) is exemplary. However, it makes sense to take the modules of the
disciplinary area in the given order, since they build upon each other. For the
modules of the interdisciplinary elective area, as well as for the internship, you
can decide freely when to complete the necessary credits.

This website tries to summarise all the important information for you. Feel free to click through it first. There is also a presentation of the degree programme on the Department of Earth Sciences website and the Human Geography Department website.

All important information on the programme's structure is summarized in the study and examination regulations (“Studien- und Prüfungsordnung”). Here you find the Study and Examination Regulations (in English, unofficial preliminary translation), and here the official German version.

Frequently Asked Questions on Interdisciplinary Elective Classes

No. There are contingents available for the departments of political and social sciences, economics and history and cultural studies.


You can freely select any courses not offered by a geography department, as these electives are intended to be taken across different disciplines. You do not have to limit yourself to the FU and can also take courses at all other universities and colleges. Unfortunately, language courses are not recognized. Nevertheless, these regulations should not prevent you from taking courses that interest you, even if you cannot receive academic credit. Courses that are not included in your overall grade can still be listed on your final diploma.

Yes, but Master students can only apply to the contingencies provided by the Department of History and Cultural Studies. For this purpose, there is a contact form and separate application periods; more information can be found here.

It depends on the course, as there is no specific regulation for this in our study regulations. However, if the course you are taking allows you to choose, you can decide whether you would like to receive a grade that is reflected in your overall final average.

For this, you need your original certificates of achievement or the corresponding printouts from Campus Management. You have to hand them in together with the completed form "Anrechnung von Leistungen" to the professor of our department. The respective professor determines whether the elective modules can be recognized and, if they agree, they sign the form for you. Either they forward all documents directly to the examination office or you must take care of this last step yourself.

Attention: In the form under "Recognized for", be sure to enter "Interdisciplinary elective"!

There are two possibilities:

  1. If it is a course at the FU, you can contact Ms. Zech / Ms. Nardozza (pruefungsbuero@geo.fu-berlin.de) from the Examination Office so that they can manually enter the course you have taken into Campus Management. The lecturer of your elective module can then enter your grade or a "pass/fail" as per usual, after the course has been completed.
  2. Alternatively, you can also have a written certificate of achievement, the so-called "Leistungsnachweis", handed out on paper. Especially if you have taken a course outside the FU, this is the usual procedure. The certificate of achievement is usually issued by the faculty where you are taking your course.

Frequently Asked Questions on Semesters Abroad

You can spend a maximum of one year, meaning up to two semesters, abroad in each of the exchange formats. The 3rd and 4th semester are best suited for this.

Please note: The semesters at foreign universities often start earlier, so that our current semester overlaps with the semester abroad.

You have the choice between different Erasmus programs and the so-called direct exchange. All important information can be found here.

Both exchange formats also offer regular office hours, as well as information events on selected days.