Download of complete publication list: here.
- Heubeck, C., K. Story, P. Peng, C. Sullivan, and S. Duff, 2004, An integrated reservoir study of the Liuhua 11-1 field using a high-resolution three-dimensional seismic data set, in Seismic imaging of carbonate reservoirs and systems: AAPG Memoir 81, p. 149 – 168.
- Zhang JM, Zhu MY, Yang AH, Li GX, Yang JH, Heubeck C., 2004, Stratigraphic implications of Sinian-Early Cambrian volcanic ash beds on the Yangtze Platform: Progress in Natzural Science, 14 (1),p. 71-76.
- Heubeck, C., 2001, Assembly of central Asia during the middle and late Paleozoic; in: Davis, G., and M.S. Hendrix, eds., Paleozoic and Mesozoic tectonic evolution of central Asia: Geol. Soc. America Memoir 194, p. 1-22.
- Heubeck, C., and D.R. Lowe, 1999, Sedimentary petrology and provenance of the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa, in: Lowe, D.R., and Byerly, G.R., eds., Geologic Evolution of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa; Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 329, p. 259-286.
- Lowe, D.R., G.R. Byerly, and C. Heubeck, 1999, Structural geology and tectonic evolution of the Barberton greenstone belt, in: Lowe, D.R., and Byerly, G.R., eds., Geologic Evolution of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa; Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 329, p. 37-82.
- Murray, C.J., D.R. Lowe, S.A.Graham, P.A., Martinez, J. Zeng, A.R. Carroll, R. Cox, M. Hendrix, C. Heubeck, D. Miller, I.W. Moxon, E. Sobel, J. Wendebourg, and T. Williams, 1996, Statistical analysis of bed-thickness patterns in a turbidite section from the Great Valley Sequence, Cache Creek, northern California: Journal of Sedimentary Research, 66, p. 900 - 908.
- Heubeck, C., and D.R. Lowe, 1994, Depositional and Tectonic Setting of the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Precambrian Research, 68, p. 257-290.
- Heubeck, C., and Lowe, D.R., 1994, Late Syndepositional Deformation and Detachment Tectonics in the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Tectonics, 13, p.1514-1536.
- Heubeck, C., Toulkeridis, T., Wendt, J.I., Kröner, A., and Lowe, D.R., 1993, Timing of deformation of the Archean Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa: constraints from zircon dating of the Salisbury Kop pluton: Journal of South African Geology, 96, p. 1-8.
- Heubeck, C., 1992, Sedimentology of Large Olistoliths, Southern Cordillera Central, Hispaniola: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, 62 (3), p. 474-482.
- Heubeck, C., and D.R. Lowe, 1991, Barberton-Havelock Road between Diepgezet / Msauli Mine turnoff and Barberton (40.7 km), p. 140 –153, in: L.D. Ashwal (ed.), Two Cratons and an Orogen - Excursion Guidebook and Review Articles for a Field Workshop through Selected Archean Terranes of Swaziland, South Africa and Zimbabwe. IGCP Project 280, Dept. of Geology, Univ. Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 312 p.
- Heubeck, C., P. Mann, J. Dolan, and S. Monechi, 1991, Diachronous Uplift and Recycling of Sedimentary Basins during Cenozoic Tectonic Transpression, Northeastern Caribbean Plate Margin: Sedimentary Geology, 70, p. 1-32.
- Heubeck, C., and P. Mann, 1991, Geologic Evaluation of Plate-kinematic Models for the North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary Zone: Tectonophysics, 191, p. 1-26.
- Heubeck, C., and P. Mann, 1991, Structural Geology and Cenozoic Tectonic History of the Southeastern Termination of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic, in: Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J.F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America - Caribbean Plate Boundary in Hispaniola: Geological Society of America Special Paper 262, p. 315 - 336.
- Mann, P., M.C. Lebron, J. Rodriguez, and C. Heubeck (comp.), 1991, Geologic map of the southern Dominican Republic, in: Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J.F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America - Caribbean Plate Boundary in Hispaniola: Geological Society of America Special Paper 262, 3 sheets.
- Dolan, J.F., P. Mann, S. Monechi, R. DeZoeten, C. Heubeck, and J. Shiroma, 1991, Sedimentologic, Stratigraphic, and Tectonic Synthesis of Eocene - Miocene Sedimentary Basins, Hispaniola and Puerto Rico, in: Mann, P., Draper, G., and Lewis, J.F., eds., Geologic and Tectonic Development of the North America - Caribbean Plate Boundary in Hispaniola: Geological Society of America Special Paper 262, p.217 - 263.
- Gahagan, L.M., C.R. Scotese, J.-Y. Royer, D. Sandwell, J.K. Winn, R.L. Tomlins, M.I. Ross, J.S. Newman, R.D. Müller, C.L. Mayes, L.A. Lawver, and C. Heubeck, 1988, Tectonic Fabric Map of the Ocean Basins from Satellite Altimetry Data: Tectonophysics, 155, p. 1-26.
- Scotese, C.R., L. Gahagan, M.I. Ross, J.Y. Royer, R.D. Mueller, D. Nuernberg, C.L. Mayes, L.A. Lawver, R.L. Tomlins, J.S. Newman, C. E. Heubeck, J. K. Winn, L. Beckley, and J.G. Sclater, 1987, Atlas of Mesozoic and Cenozoic plate-tectonic reconstructions: Technical Report (Univ. of Texas at Austin, Inst. For Geophysics), unpaginated.
- Schmidt, S., Heubeck, C., Götze, H.J., and 8 others, 2003, Die Erde – an introduction to the geosciences: Multimedia Hochschul Service Gesellschaft (MHSG), CD-ROM, € 49.95 (students € 24.95).
- Heubeck, C., 1994, Geology of the Archean Moodies Group, central Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Ph. D. Dissertation, unpublished, School of Earth Sciences, Stanford University, USA, 557 p.
- Heubeck, C., 1988, Geology of the southeastern termination of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic, Hispaniola: Master’s Thesis, unpublished, Department of Geology, University of Texas at Austin, 333 p.
- Hulka, C., Uba, C., and Heubeck, C., 2004, Evolution of the Chaco foreland basin, southern Bolivia. Sediment 2004, Aachen, Germany, May 2004. In: Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 33, p. 70.
- Uba, C.E., Hulka, C., and Heubeck, C., 2004, Depositional response to foreland development: Chaco basin, southern Bolivia. Sediment 2004, Aachen, Germany, May 2004. In: Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 33, p. 163.
- Buatois, L.A., Uba C.E., Mángano, G.M., Hulka, C., and Heubeck, C. (2004): Deep bioturbation in continental environments: evidence from Miocene fluvialdeposits of Bolivia. 1st International Congress on Ichnology, Trelew. April 2004. In: Abstract Book, p. 21.
- Vernhet, E., Heubeck, C., and Zhang, J-M., 2004, Neoproterozoic Yangtze platform edge reconstructed from lithofacies in slope deposits of Xixi section (Hunan province, central China), Sino-German symposium, Nanjing (China), 25-28 September 2004, Abstract volume, p. 63
- E. Vernhet, M. Zhu, C. Heubeck, and J.-M. Zhang, 2004, Large-scale slope instability at the southern margin of the Neoproterozoic Yangtze platform (Hunan province, central China): Sino-German symposium, Nanjing (China), 25-28 September 2004, Abstract volume, p. 65.
- Heubeck, C. E., Vernhet, E., Zhu, M., Zhang, J., 2004, Large-Scale Neoproterozoic Slope Instability due to Lack of Bioturbation? A Case From the Yangtze Platform (Hunan Province, Central China) Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP41A-0577.
- E. Vernhet, C. Heubeck, M.-Y. Zhu and J.-M. Zhang, 2004, Large-scale slope instability at the southern margin of the Neoproterozoic Yangtze platform (Hunan province, central China) : in Abstract book (Part 2) of 32nd IGC meeting, Florence (Italia), p. 1429
- Vernhet, E., Heubeck, C., 2004, Sedimentary environments of Doushantuo Fm. in Hubei province (Neoproterozoic, Yangtze platform, central China), 23rd IAS meeting, Coimbra (Portugal), 15-17 September 2004, Abstract volume, p. 279
- Heubeck, C. E., Vernhet, E., Zhu, M., Zhang, J., 2004, Large-Scale Neoproterozoic Slope Instability due to Lack of Bioturbation? A Case From the Yangtze Platform (Hunan Province, Central China) Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP41A-0577.
- E. Vernhet, C. Heubeck, M.-Y. Zhu and J.-M. Zhang, 2004, Large-scale slope instability at the southern margin of the Neoproterozoic Yangtze platform (Hunan province, central China) : in Abstract book (Part 2) of 32nd IGC meeting, Florence (Italia), p. 1429
- Heubeck, C., Götze, H.-J., Schmidt, S., und von Oertzen, A., 2004, Die CD "Die Erde" - Universitätswissen für Einsteiger; in: 64. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Berlin, 8.-12. März 2004, Abstracts volume, p. 145.
- Raitzsch, M., D. Völker, C. Heubeck, and H.Andruleit, 2003, Preliminary tectonic implications of subrecent sediment transport processes at the southern Chilean continental slope from SO161-5 dredge samples: X Congreso Geologico Chileno, Pucon, Abstracts volume.
- E. Vernhet, Heubeck, C., A. Yang, J. Zhang, Y. Zhao, 2003, Correlation of Pre-Cambrian and Cambrian shallow- and deep- water deposits in Hunan, Hubei, and Guizhou provinces (South China): the first results: in: Sino-German Conference: From ‘Snowball Earth’ to the Cambrian bioradiation: A multidisciplinary analysis of the Yangtze Platform, China. Potsdam, Germany, 26-29 March, 2003, Abstracts Volume, p. 81-83.
- Heubeck, C., Vernhet, E., , 2003, Deepwater ash-fall tuffs at the pC-C transition in Hunan Province, South China: in: Sino-German Conference: From ‘Snowball Earth’ to the Cambrian bioradiation: A multidisciplinary analysis of the Yangtze Platform, China. Potsdam, Germany, 26-29 March, 2003, Abstracts volume, p. 81-83.
- Zhang Junming, Maoyan Zhu, Aihua Yang, Guoxiang Li, C. Heubeck, E. Vernhet, and B.-D. Erdtmann, 2003, Stratigraphic implications of Sinian - Early Cambrian volcanic deposits on the Yangtze Platform: : in: Sino-German Conference: From ‘Snowball Earth’ to the Cambrian bioradiation: A multidisciplinary analysis of the Yangtze Platform, China. Potsdam, Germany, 26-29 March, 2003, Abstracts volume, p. 81-83.
- Heubeck, C., Eue, D., and Andreae, L., 2003, Re-interpretation of Fluvio-Eolian Sedimentary Structures in Detfurth Sequence Sandstones, Early Triassic (Buntsandstein), Central Germany: Abstracts volume (Terra Nova), Sediment 2003, Wilhelmshaven.
- Völker, D., Heubeck, C., and Reichel, T., 2003, Turbiditic cover of Southern Chilean seamounts: implications for dynamics and volumes of “giant uphill” turbidity currents: Abstracts volume (Terra Nova), Sediment 2003, Wilhelshaven.
- Uba, C.E., and Heubeck, C., 2003, Evolution of the southern part of the Tertiary Chaco foreland basin, southern Bolivia: Abstracts volume, 3rd Latinamerican Sedimentological Congress, Belem/Brazil.
- Hulka, C. and Heubeck, C., 2003, Stratigraphic and sedimentary evolution of the Central Chaco foreland basin, Bolivia: Abstracts volume, 3rd Latinamerican Sedimentological Congress, Belem/Brazil.
- Heubeck, C., Story, C. , 2002, From seismic acquisition to reservoir modelling: an integrated reservoir study of the Liuhua 11-1 Field, offshore South China. Sediment 2002, 29. Mai -1. Juni 2002, Darmstadt, Germany. In: Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. – 17 (2002), 87.
- Mertmann, D., Heubeck, C., Völker, D., Deeken, A., Hulka, C., Silva, P., Kramer, M., Janitschke, M., Raitzsch, M., Vernhet, E., and Uba, C., 2002, Turbulenzströme und Turbidite: Science Fair (Forschungsausstellung der FU Berlin), Poster der Fachrichtung Geologie der FUB, June 13-15, 2002, Berlin.
- Heubeck, C., 2001, Tektonischer Aufbau Zentralasiens im späten Paläozoikum: ein (Seiten-) blick auf das Präkaspische Becken: Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Erdöl, Erdgas und Kohle, Frühjahrstagung, Celle, 26-27 April, 2001.
- Heubeck, C., 2001, Microbial films of the Archean Moodies Group (~3.1 Ga), Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Fossil and recent biofilms (Microbial Mat Meeting 2), Oldenburg, Feb. 17-21, 2001.
- Heubeck, C., G. Gunter, and C. Smart, 2000, Integrated reservoir characterization of the Fulmar Formation in the Appleton and Halley Complexes, UK North Sea: An analog for Eastern Canada offshore fields: GeoCanada 2000 (Joint Annual Meeting GAC, MAC, CSPG, SPWLA), May29-June2, 2000; Calgary, Abstract volume (CD-ROM).
- Story, C., P. Peng, C. Heubeck, C. Sullivan, Lian Jian DONG, 2000, Liuhua 11-1 Field, South China Sea: A Shallow Carbonate Reservoir Developed using Ultra High Resolution 3-D Seismic, Inversion, and Attribute-based Reservoir Modeling: The Leading Edge (Society of Exploration Geophysicists), p. xx-xx.
- Story, C., P. Peng, C. Heubeck, C. Sullivan, and Lian Jian DONG, 2000, An integrated geoscience and reservoir simulation study of the Liuhua 11-1 Field: South China Sea: Offshore Technology Conference, Paper OTC 11958, Houston/Texas, Abstracts volume (on CD).
- Story, C., P. Peng, C. Heubeck, C. Sullivan, and Lian Jian DONG, 1999, An integrated study of the Liuhua 11-1 Field using an ultra-high-resolution 3D seismic dataset: South China Sea: Society of Exploration Geophysicists Annual Meeting (Nov. 1999, Houston/Texas), Abstracts volume (on CD).
- Heubeck, C., 1998, Detailed carbonate stratigraphy from log interpretation of horizontal wells assists in reservoir management (Liuhua Field, offshore China): American Assoc. Petroleum Geol., Annual Meeting, Abstracts, p. 273.
- Heubeck, C., 1997, Late Paleozoic tectonics and basin development in the Kunlun Shan, northern Pamirs, and northern Afghanistan along the southern margin of the Tarim-Turan plates: Geol. Soc. America Abstr. w. Progr., 29 (6) , p. ___.
- Heubeck, C., 1996, Paleozoic Paleogeography and Tectonics of Tarim: 30th International Geological Congress (Beijing), Abstracts vol. 1, p 263.
- Nie, S., and C. Heubeck, 1996, Late Paleozoic - Cenozoic Compressional Tectonics in Western China and Central Asia - Consequences for Hydrocarbon Systems: 30th International Geological Congress (Beijing), Abstracts vol. 1, p ___.
- Heubeck, C., and S. Nie, 1996, Comparison of Tarim and Central Asian FSU Basins, I: Phanerozoic Paleogeography: American Assoc. of Petrol. Geol. Annual Meeting, Abstracts volume, p. 64-65.
- Nie, S., and C. Heubeck, 1996, Comparison of Tarim and Central Asian FSU Basins, II: Differences in Hydrocarbon systems and Possible Explanations: American Assoc. of Petrol. Geol., Annual Meeting., Abstracts volume, p. 105.
- Heubeck, C., and D.R. Lowe, 1993, Tectonic and depositional setting of the world's oldest wellpreserved quartzose sandstones, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Geol. Soc. America Abstr. with Progr., 25 (6), p. 298.
- Heubeck, C., 1993, The Middle Archean Moodies foreland basin, Barberton greenstone belt, South Africa: Geologische Vereinigung Annual Meeting, Berlin, Feb. 25-27, 1993.
- Heubeck, C., and D.R. Lowe, 1993, Syndeformational deposition, northern provenance, and foreland basin setting of the Moodies Group in the central Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: 16th Colloquium of African Geology, Mbabane, Swaziland, ext. abstracts,1, p.153-154.
- Heubeck, C., and D.R. Lowe, 1992, Petrographic Evolution and Provenance of the Archean Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Geol. Soc. America Abstr. w. Progr., v. 24 (7), p. 179.
- Wendt, J.I., T. Toulkeridis, A. Kröner, and C. Heubeck, 1992, Comparative zircon geochronology for dating of Archean plutonic rocks of southern Africa: Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beih. European Journal of Mineralogy, v. 4, p. 291.
- Heubeck, C., and D.R. Lowe, 1991, A structural transect across the central Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa.- Geol. Soc. America Abstr. w. Progr., v. 23, p.445.
- Murray, C.J., Cox, R., Graham, S.A., Hendrix, M.S., Heubeck, C., Lowe, D.R., Martinez, P.A., Miller, D., Sobel, E.R., Wendebourg, J., Williams, T., and Zeng, J., 1991, In the eye of the beholder: testing the validity of vertical bedding sequences as facies indicators in submarine turbidite sequences: Geol. Soc. America Abstr. w. Progr., v. 23, p. 288-289.
- Heubeck, C., 1990, Fold-and-thrust belt structures of the central Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Third International Archean Symposium, Perth, Abstracts Volume, p. 89.
- DeZoeten, R., C. Heubeck, and P. Mann, 1989, Cenozoic tectonic assembly of the Greater Antilles, 2: Hispaniola: Geol. Soc. America Abstr. w. Progr., v. 21(1), p. 8.
- Heubeck, C., 1989, Tectonic implications of large Eocene olistoliths, southern Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic, Hispaniola: Geol. Soc. America Abstr. w. Progr., v. 21(1), p. 14.
- Mann, P., G. Draper, J. Lewis, M.C. Lebrón, C. Heubeck, R. DeZoeten, and J. Dolan, 1989, 1:100,000 Scale, Geologic-Tectonic Compilation Map, Cross Sections, and Regional Stratigraphic Synthesis of the Dominican Republic: 12th Caribbean Geological Conference, Abstracts, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.
- Mann, P., E. Rosencrantz, R. DeZoeten, C. Heubeck, G. Draper, J. Lewis, and J. Dolan, 1989, 1:100,000 Scale Geologic Transects of Cuba and Hispaniola: 28th International Geological Congress, Abstracts, v. 2, p. 361.
- Heubeck, C., 1989, Sedimentology of large olistoliths, southern Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic: Geol. Soc. America Abstr. w. Progr., v. 21, p. 317-318.
- McKnight, C.L., K. Fehlhaber, C. Heubeck, and N. Sleep, 1989, Seismic damage by the Oct. 17th, 1989, Loma Prieta earthquake to Stanford University: EOS (American Geophys. Union), Annual Meeting Abstracts, Supplement.
- Mann, P., R. de Zoeten, and C. Heubeck, 1989: Abstr. Vol. First Cuban Geological Congress, Havana.
- Heubeck, C., and P. Mann, 1988, Cenozoic Sedimentary and Deformational History of Hispaniola, Part I: Southeastern Cordillera Central: American Assoc. of Petrol. Geol. Bull., v. 72 (2), p. 197.
- Heubeck, C., and P. Mann, 1987, Plio-Pleistocene strike-slip kinematics of the northern Caribbean using interactive computer graphics: Geol. Soc. America Abstr. w. Progr., v. 19, p. 701-702.
- Müller, D., C. Heubeck, and D. Nürnberg, 1987, The opening of the Atlantic Ocean - a new view based on interpretation of SEASAT data: Geol. Soc. America Abstr. w. Progr., v. 19, p. 781.
BP / AMOCO-Internal Reports
- Heubeck, C. and J.Varsek, 2000, Regional evaluation of Play Type 5A (thrusted Cretaceous in the foothills) between Calgary and Sikanni River,: Remaining exploration potential: Report presented to Amoco Canada management, May 2000.
- Heubeck, C., 1999, Petrophysical Characterization of the Fulmar Formation in the Appleton and Halley Complexes, UK Sector North Sea: Petrophysics Report S-99-G-4 (report, database, 3 panels, CD-ROM), Amoco Tulsa Technology Center, July 1999, Tulsa, OK.
- Story, K., and Heubeck, C., 1998, Liuhua Field Geoscientific Final Report: Amoco E&P Sector, 25 p., maps; tables.
- Heubeck, C., 1996, Regional Depositional History and Stratigraphy; in: Bentley, B., comp., Bachu Uplift and Northern Maigati Slope, Western Tarim Basin, China – Evaluation of the Hydrocarbon system: Joint Study results, MGMR-NWB and Amoco Orient (3 books, 13 Appendices), p. 34-41.
- Heubeck, C., 1996, 200 outcrop and stratigraphic columns, Tarim Basin, western China: Amoco Orient Petroleum Company, Western China Team, (3 volumes, database, location maps): Amoco Files.
- Heubeck, C., 1996, Summary of Iraq Technical work: Amoco E&P Sector, WEBG, Strategic Regional Studies, 18 p.; 7 maps; ACCESS database.
- Heubeck, C., 1995, Paleozoic geologic history of Tarim Basin, western China: Amoco E&P Sector Report, 47 p., 33 maps and panels.
- Heubeck, C., C. Story, P. Peng, and C. Sullivan, 2000, Working with very-high-resolution seismic in Liuhua: Carbonate bank stratigraphy and structure, reservoir characterization, horizontal well planning, and reservoir simulation (poster): BP Amoco Carbonate Reservoir Workshop, Sept. 6-8, 2000, London, England.
- Story, C., Heubeck,C., Sullivan, C., Peng, P., 1998, 230 Hz and 4 Million Traces: 3-D interpretation, 3-D inversion, visualization, and flow simulation redefine Liuhua reservoir (poster): Exploration and Production Sector Technology Conference (EPTech*98), June 16 and 17, 1998, Houston Marriott Westside.
- AOPC Liuhua Resource Team and EPTG Liuhua Study Team, 1997, Study of the Liuhua 11-1 reservoir with multidisciplinary teams (poster): Amoco EPTG Reservoir Management Forum, Sept. 9-10, 1997, Houston.
- Rutherford, E., C. Heubeck, S. Stephens, and S. Nie, 1995, Plate-tectonic analyses of hydrocarbon systems: Case studies from the Middle East, central Asia, and western China (poster): Exploration and Production Sector Technology Conference (EPTech*95), June 1995, Houston.