PD Dr. Sibylle Mayr

Fachrichtung Geophysik
AG Allgemeine und Angewandte Seismologie
Raum D106
12249 Berlin
Sibylle studied Physics at the University of Stuttgart from 1988 - 1993 and worked 1992/93 on her diploma thesis at the Institute of Geophysics (Stuttgart). The subject of the theses was the ’Investigation of the elastic behaviour of porous sediments at static stress’. In 1994/95 she worked at the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Stuttgart. From 1995 to 2008 she was Member of the Department of Applied Geophysics, Technical University Berlin (TUB). Till 2000 she was Assistant Lecturer and working as Scientific Employee on the ultrasonic behaviour of sandstones under hydrostatic pressure. Afterwards she was employed on an ’Elektro Kinetic Sounding’ Project till 2002. In 2002 she received her doctorate in Natural Sciences by the TUB. From 2002 to 2008 she worked on two Petrophysics Projects (Chicxulub and Chesapeake) at the TUB. In August 2008 she joined the microseismicity group at the Free University Berlin again working in the field of rock physics and concentrating on pore pressure induced microseismicity. From May 2011 to March 2012 she was Gast Dozentin for Experimental Rock Physics at the Institut für GeologischeWissenschaften/FU Berlin. From 2012 to 2018 we worked on the DGMK - Project No. 741 "Stress dependency of seismic velocity in anisotropic siliciclastic rocks", dealing experimentally and theoretically with stress induced anisotropy.In 2019 and 2020 she continued to contribute to PHASE as freelancer. In 2020 she was lecturer in the course Geotechnics at the DHBW Mosbach.
Since January 2021 she is an stuff member at the BGR (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover) in the field of Final disposal of radioactive waste/Repository research.
https://www.bgr.bund.de/EN/Themen/Endlagerung/Endlagerforsch/endlagerforsch_node_en.html /
Membership: SEG, EAGE, DGMK, German Geophysical Society (DGG).
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