2008 - 4th Meeting
Microseismic Monitoring: Imaging and Event Analysis
- Earthquake Location Based onWaveformSimilarity and Application to aMicroseismic Dataset
- Active Seismic Imaging UsingMicroseismic Events: Results fromthe San-Andreas-Fault System at SAFOD
- Microseismicity Location, Seismic Reflectivity Imaging and their Correlation at KTB
Microseismic Monitoring: Physical Fundamentals and Interpretation
- Triggering Fronts and Magnitude Distributions of Seismicity Induced by Non-Linear Fluid- Rock Interactions
- Analysis of InducedMicroseismicity of a Geothermal Reservoir Stimulation in Basel, Switzerland
- Omori Law for Fluid Induced Microseismicity and its Dependency on Parameters of Reservoir and Source
- Fluid-Induced Microseismicity in Pre-Stressed Rock Masses
- In Situ AE Records in Cyclically Loaded Rock Salt- The Kaiser Effect and Spatio-Temporal Characteristics
- Analysis of Microseismicity at the Precordilleran Fault System at 21oS in Northern Chile
Microseismic Monitoring: Laboratory Studies
- Acoustic Emission by Fluid Injection Into Dry Rocks
Numerical Modelling and Rock Physics
- Coupled Changes in Reservoir Pore Fluid Pressure and Stress - Poroelastic Contribution to the Reservoir Stress Path
- Comparing the Numerical Abaqus Solution with an Analytical Solution forModelling Poroelasticity
- Estimating Effective Elastic Properties of Heterogeneous Porous Media Using Quasistatic Finite-Element Modelling
- Stress-Dependent Anisotropy of Shale: an Example