2010 - 6th Meeting
Microseismic Monitoring: Imaging and Event Analysis
- Application of aWaveformSimilarity- Based Location Algorithmto the Basel 1 Microseismic Data
- Microseismic Imaging of a Hydraulic Reservoir Stimulation: Basel
- Waveform Similarity Analysis at Cotton Valley, Texas
- Reflection Coefficients at a Thin Fluid Layer as a Model of a Hydraulic Fracture
Microseismic Monitoring: Physical Fundamentals and Interpretation
- Geometric Control of Earthquakes Induced by Fluid-rock Interactions
- Seismotectonic State of Reservoirs Inferred From Induced Microseismicity
- Probability of Earthquake Occurrence andMagnitude Estimation in the Post Injection Phase of Geothermal Projects
- Poroelastic Coupling and Triggering of Microseismicity
- Geomechanical Interpretation of Pore Pressures TriggeringMicroseismicity
- Modelling Studies to Investigate Critical Pore Pressures of Fluid-Induced Seismicity at the Basel Geothermal Reservoir
- Influence of Nonlinear Fluid-rock Interaction on Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity from Barnett Shale
- Diffusivity and Tectonic Potential Estimation fromMicroseismic Event Density
- Feasibility of Microseimic Monitoring at Lower Saxony’s Rotliegend Reservoirs
Laboratory Studies and Rock Physics
- Attenuation in Obernkirchner Sandstone, Preliminary Results