2015 - 11th Meeting
Microseismic Monitoring: Imaging and Analysis of Microseismic Wavefields
- Arrival Time Picking on Common Receiver Gather
- Multiplet Identification at two Case Studies: Horn River Basin Hydraulic Fracturing of Shale and Basel EGS
- Using Multipath Shear Wave Arrivals for Velocity Model Inversion and Microseismic Location in Strongly Anisotropic Shale
- Rock Physics Constrained Estimation of Shale Anisotropy for Microseismic Processing - From VTI to Orthorhombic
- Source Characterization of Microseismic Events Using Empirical Green’s Functions
- Reflection Coefficient Estimates from Microseismic Waveform Data
- Overlapping Voronoi Volume Clusterization as a Tool for Volumetric Parameter Estimation from Earthquake Data
Microseismic Monitoring: Physical Fundamentals and Interpretation
- Quantitative Analysis of Rock Stress Heterogeneity: Implications for the Seismogenesis of Fluid Injection-Induced Seismicity
- Poroelastic Stress Modeling and Simulation of Production Induced Seismicity: Case Study Unterhaching Geothermal Reservoir
- 3D-Modelling of Non-linear Pore-fluid Pressure Perturbation Based on Induced Seismicity from Barnett Shale
- Diffusivity Mapping from Injection Induced Microseismic Events
Laboratory Studies and Rock Physics
- Permeability Contributions of Stiff and Compliant Porosity: Theory and Some Core Measurements