EAGE 2018 Beiträge
News vom 30.05.2018
The 80th EAGE Conference & Exhibition will take place from 11 to 14 June 2018 in Copenhagen, Denmark. As in previous years, our group will present several posters and oral presentations:
Wednesday, 13 June
Rupture Directivity of Earthquakes below Gold Mines in South Africa
Deborah Wehner, Jonas Folesky, Carsten Dinske, Jörn Kummerow, Serge A. Shapiro
08:30 – 08:55, e-Posters Students 1: Potential Fields, Seismology
Non Double-couple Components of Seismic Moments Caused by Seismic Anisotropy
Nepomuk Boitz, Serge A. Shapiro
14:20 – 14:45, Room B: The Resolution of Anisotropy I
Ray Tracing with Adaptive Step Size Control in Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Media
Aurelian Roeser, Nepomuk Boitz, Serge A. Shapiro
16:20 – 16:45, e-Posters 9: Seismic Modelling B
Thursday, 14 June
Time-lapse Data Enhancement and Regularization with Common-offset CRS Stack
Ivan Abakumov, Boris Kashtan, Dirk Gajewski
08:55 – 09:20, e-Posters 1: Time-lapse Acquisition and Processing