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EGU 2020 Beiträge

News vom 04.05.2020

The EGU General Assembly 2020 will take place online from 4 to 8 May. We will give four presentations:

Thursday, 7 May

EGU2020-5019: Stress Drop Mapping in the Northern Chilean Subduction Zone

Jonas Folesky, Joern Kummerow, and Serge A. Shapiro

Session: Earthquake Source Processes: Imaging and Numerical Modeling (SM2.1)

Chat Time: 08:30 – 10:15

EGU2020-18781: Local Seismicity in the Eastern Alps From GPU-Based Template Matching

Rens Hofman, Joern Kummerow, Simone Cesca, Joachim Wassermann, Thomas Plenefisch, and the AlpArray Working Group

Session: The Alps and neighbouring mountain belts (Apennines, Dinarides, Carpathians): a multidisciplinary vision (AlpArray) (TS7.6)

Chat Time I: 10:45 – 12:30

Chat Time II: 14:00 – 15:45

EGU2020-18960: Modeling of the Pohang Earthquake Probability Using the Seismogenic Index

Serge A. Shapiro and Jin-Han Ree

Session: Induced/triggered seismicity in geo-energy applications: monitoring, modeling, mitigation, and forecasting (ERE6.2)

Chat time I: 14:00 – 15:45

Chat time II: 16:15 – 18:00

EGU2020-5245: Large-Scale Migration Patterns of Wastewater-Induced Earthquakes in the Central U.S. 

Lisa Johann and Serge A. Shapiro

Session: Induced/triggered seismicity in geo-energy applications: monitoring, modeling, mitigation, and forecasting (ERE6.2)

Chat Time I: 14:00 – 15:45

Chat Time II: 16:15 – 18:00

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