Prof. Dr. Pavel E. Tarasov

Geologische Wissenschaften
Fachrichtung Paläontologie
Außerplanmäßiger Professor
Raum D.015
D-12249 Berlin
Academic Curriculum Vitae
Academic Degree: Professor Dr.
Date and place of birth: 1963, Moscow, USSR
Languages: German, English, Russian
Working address:
Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin)
Institute of Geological Sciences | Section Paleontology
Malteserstr. 74-100, Haus D,
12249 Berlin, Germany
Main research interests: lake sediments as climatic and environmental archives; pollen-based reconstructions of the Cenozoic vegetation and climate; Holocene climate variability and human dynamics
Key research area: Eurasia
Academic qualifications
- 07/2012 – Honored by the ‘apl Professor’ title by the President of the FU Berlin;
- 07/2007 – Habilitation in Quaternary Sciences at the FU Berlin. Habilitation monograph title “Late Quaternary vegetation and climate in northern Eurasia reconstructed from pollen records“;
- 11/1997 – Appointment to ’Senior-Researcher’ at the Moscow State University;
- 05/1992 – PhD (Doctor of Geographical Sciences) at the Moscow State University. Dissertation topic “Pollen-based reconstruction of lateglacial and Holocene vegetation and climate of the Kazakhstan steppe zone”;
- 09/1988-04/1992 – PhD study;
- 05/1985 – Diploma in Geography at the Moscow State University;
- 1980-1985 – Study at the M.V. Lomonosov’s Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography.
Research positions
- 04/2016-continuing – Senior Researcher (Working Group “Palaeobotany, palaeoclimatology, human-environment interactions”), apl Professor, Faculty of Geosciences FU Berlin;
- 04/2011-03/2016 – Heisenberg Fellowship (DFG Heisenberg-Stipendium) at the FU Berlin;
- 12/2004-11/2010 – Associate Professor (C1), FU Berlin;
- 05/1998-11/2004 – Senior Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Pleistocene Palaeogeography, Moscow State University;
- 07/1991-04/1997 – Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Pleistocene Palaeogeography, Moscow State University;
- 08/1988-06/1991 – Researcher at the Chair for Geomorphology and Palaeogeography, Moscow State University;
- 06/1985-07/1988 – Engineer, Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Soil Erosion and Channel Processes, Moscow State University.
Research fellowships and awards
- 01/2012 – a Visiting Scholar Award awarded by the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada;
- 04/2011–03/2016 – Heisenberg Stipend (DFG), Freie Universität Berlin, Palaeontology;
- 11/2003–10/2004 – Research Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Potsdam;
- 01/2000–01/2001 – Research Fellowship of the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science at the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, Japan;
- 05/1997–04/1998 – Research Fellowship of the Délégation aux Relations Internationales et à la Coopération (France) at the Laboratoire de Botanique Historique et Palynologie, Université Aix-Marseille III et CNRS, Marseille, France;
- 12/1993–06/1994 – Research Fellowship of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science (KWA) at the Lund University, Dynamic Palaeoclimatology Group, Sweden;
- 05/1997 – The Moscow State University Rector’s Award for the best Research Work of the MSU Junior Scientists in 1996.
Memberships and academic duties
- German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA) (since 2007)
- Acta Palaeobotanika, International Advisory Board (since 2012);
- Asian Lake Drilling Program, Member of the Steering Committee (1999-2005);
- European Pollen Database, Member of Advisory Board (2002-2007);
- Reviewer for the international peer-reviewed journals in Palynology, Palaeobotany, Palaeoecology and Quaternary geology (Nature, Science, Quaternary Science Reviews, Quaternary Research, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology etc.).
- Reviewer for the research funding agencies in Germany, Netherlands, Check Republic, Poland, UK, etc.
Publications and Scopus-ranking
- Author and co-author of over 220 publications in the international peer-reviewed journals and monograph series, including five papers published in Science. Scopus h-index: 59. Number of co-authors: 871 co-authors. Scientific citations: 12844 total citations by 7871 documents (last update 21.06.2023).
Ten selected publications
Tarasov, P.E., Nakagawa, T., Demske, D., Österle, H., Igarashi, Y., Kitagawa, J., Mokhova, L., Bazarova, V., Okuda, M., Gotanda, K., Miyoshi, N., Fujiki, T., Takemura, K., Yonenobu, H., Fleck, A., 2011. Progress in the reconstruction of Quaternary climate dynamics in the Northwest Pacific: A new modern analogue reference dataset and its application to the 430-kyr pollen record from Lake Biwa, Earth-Science Reviews 108(1-2), 64-79.
Bronk Ramsey, C., Staff, R.A., Bryant, C.L., Brock, F., Kitagawa, H., van der Plicht, J., Schlolaut, G., Marshall, M.H., Brauer, A., Lamb, H.F., Payne, R.L., Tarasov, P.E., Haraguchi, T., Gotanda, K., Yonenobu, H., Yokoyama, Y., Tada, R., Nakagawa, T., 2012. A complete terrestrial radiocarbon record for 11.2 to 52.8 kyr B.P. Science 338 (6105), 370-374.
Tarasov, P.E., Williams, J.W., Kaplan, J.O., Österle, H., Kuznetsova, T.V., Wagner, M., 2012. Environmental change in the temperate grasslands and steppe. In: Matthews, J.A., Bartlein, P.J., Briffa, K.R., Dawson, A.G., de Vernal, A., Denham, T., Fritz, S.C., Oldfield, F. (Eds.), (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Environmental Change. Vol. 2 Human impacts and responses. SAGE Publications Ltd., Los Angeles, pp. 215-244.
Melles, M., Brigham-Grette, J., Minyuk, P.S., Nowaczyk, N.R., Wennrich, V., DeConto, R.M., Anderson, P.M., Andreev, A.A., Coletti, A., Cook, T.L., Haltia-Hovi, E., Kukkonen, M., Lozhkin, A.V., Rosén, P., Tarasov, P., Vogel, H., Wagner, B., 2012. 2.8 Million years of Arctic climate change from Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia. Science 337 (6092), 315-320.
Tarasov, P., White, D., Weber, A.W. (Eds.), 2013. The Baikal-Hokkaido Archaeology Project: Environmental archives, proxies and reconstruction approaches. Quaternary International, Vol. 290–291, 358 p.
Brigham-Grette, J., Melles, M., Minyuk, P., Andreev, A., Tarasov, P., DeConto, R., Koenig, S., Nowaczyk, N., Wennrich, V., Rosén, P., Haltia-Hovi, E., Cook, T., Gebhardt, C., Meyer-Jacob, C., Snyder, J., Herzschuh, U., 2013. Pliocene Warmth, Polar Amplification, and Stepped Pleistocene Cooling recorded in NE Arctic Russia. Science 340, 1421-1427.
Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A., Anderson, P.M., Lozhkin, A.V., Leipe, C., Haltia, E., Nowaczyk, N.R., Wennrich, V., Brigham-Grette, J., Melles, M., 2013. A pollen-based biome reconstruction over the last 3.562 million years in the Far East Russian Arctic – new insights into climate–vegetation relationships at the regional scale. Climate of the Past 9, 2759-2775.
Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E., 2014. The Neolithic of Northern and Central China. In: Renfrew, C., Bahn, P. (Eds.), The Cambridge World Prehistory. Vol. 2. East Asia and the Americas. Part V: 5. Cambridge University Press, pp. 742-764.
Wagner, M., Jin, G., Tarasov, P.E. (Eds.), 2014. The Bridging Eurasia Research Initiative: Modes of mobility and sustainability in the palaeoenvironmental and archaeological archives from Eurasia. Quaternary International 348, 266 p.
Spengler, R.N., Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M. (Eds.), 2016. Introduction and intensification of agriculture in Central Eurasia and adjacent regions. The Holocene 26(10), 200 p. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616650270.
Current teaching:
- For actual courses, please, consult the institute’s webpage:
Winter semester 2005/2006; 2006/2007; 2007/2008:
- Einführung in die Paläobotanik (Theoretical Introduction to Palaeobotany)
- Einführung in die Paläobotanik (Practical Training in Palaeobotany)
Winter semester 2004/2005; Summer semester 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008:
- "Introduction to Palynology". Pollen records from Late Quaternary lacustrine sediments from northern Eurasia: pollen identification, documentation and iterpretation of results.
Research Projects
- Hochauflösende Analysen jährlich laminierter Sedimente des Shira-Sees zur Rekonstruktion der holozänen Umweltvariabilität und ihrer Beziehung zu natürlichen Klimatreibern und menschlicher Besiedlung im nördlichen Innerasien (HEINIA) (DFG TA 540/10-1, Haupt-Antragsteller)
- The spread of agriculture into Far East Eurasia: Timing, pathways, and environmental feedbacks (AGRIFESTE) (DFG TA 540/8-1, Haupt-Antragsteller);
- The project «Individual life histories in long-term culture change: Holocene hunter-gatherers in Northern Eurasia» (SSHRC Partnership Grant Number 895-2018-1004). (Co-Antragsteller) is a part of the Baikal Archaeology Project (BAP:, which consists of an international and multi-disciplinary team of scholars with expertise in archaeology, bioarchaeology, ethnoarchaeology, genetics, bio- and geochemistry, and paleoenvironmental studies. Together, we are exploring prehistoric hunter-gatherer lifeways in Northeast Asia and Northeast Europe. While substantial progress has been achieved in hunter-gatherer research over the last century, our understanding of the dynamism, variability, and resilience of prehistoric Holocene hunter-gatherers remains inadequate. The goal of our project is to address this gap through an intensive comparative analysis of the long-term regional trajectories of Holocene hunter-gatherer culture change;
- The Baikal-Hokkaido Archaeology Project (BHAP) supported by the Major Collaborative Research Initiative (MCRI) programme of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada of Canada, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and collaborating institutions, including the University of Alberta, the German Archaeological Institute (DAI, research projects “Jomon on Hokkaido” and “Bridging Eurasia”) the Hokkaido University. (Co-Antragsteller);
- ‘Silk Road Fashion’ research project supported by the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF Grant 01UO1310) (Co-PI). The project is one component of the "Language of Objects" (Sprache der Objekte) priority funding category of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
- Jomon-Kultur auf Hokkaido, Japan. Auf Hokkaido, der nördlichsten Inselgruppe Japans, begannen die Menschen schon etwa 11000 Jahren v. Chr. Gefäße aus Keramik herzustellen. In ortsfesten Ansiedlungen lebten sie aber dann noch nicht und mit dem Anbau von Feldfrüchten begannen sie sich erst mehrere Jahrtausende später zu befassen. Das ist im Vergleich mit den Entwicklungen in Westasien und auch in China sehr ungewöhnlich. Wir gehen der Frage nach, warum die frühesten Bewohner Nord-Japans andere Strategien des Wirtschaftens erfunden haben. (Research Partner);
- “Himalaya: Modern and Past Climates (HIMPAC)” (DFG Research Unit FOR 1380, Co-Antragsteller);
- “Postglacial climate variability at the northern limit of the East Asian monsoon and its impact on environments and humans in the Hokkaido region, northern Japan” (DFG LE 3508/1-1, Cooperation Partner);
- Varve chronology and high-resolution vegetation and climate dynamics in central Japan during the last glacial (ca. 10-50 kyr BP) derived from the Lake Suigetsu sediment record (DFG TA 540/3-1, Haupt-Antragsteller);
- Rekonstruktion der spätquartären Vegetations- und Klimageschichte im südlichen Fernen Osten Russlands, basierend auf Daten rezenter und fossiler Pollen und numerischer Rekonstruktion durch die „Best Modern Analogue“-Methode. DFG TA 540/2-1 (Antragsteller);
- Dynamics of the Indian Monsoon since the Mid Holocene: High-resolution multiproxy studies on the Tso Kar basin in the arid high mountain area of Ladakh (NW-India). DFG RI 809/15-2 (Co-Antragsteller);
- Comparison of climate and carbon cycle dynamics during late Quaternary interglacials using a spectrum of climate system models, ice-core and terrestrial archives. DFG. “INTERDYNAMIC” Schwerpunkt-Programm. TA 540/1-1 (Co-Antragsteller);
- Interstadiale und interglaciale Perioden der spätquartären Umweltgeschichte der Arktis rekonstruiert aus Bioindikatioren in Permafrostsequenzen NO-Sibiriens. DFG RI 809/17-1 (Co-Antragsteller);
- Rekonstruktion der spätquartären Vegetations- und Klimageschichte im Süd Sibirien, basierend auf Daten rezenter und fossiler Pollen aus Baikal-See Gebiet und numerischer Rekonstruktion. Gastaufenthalt Projekt DFG Nr. 436 RUS 17/44/06 (Antragsteller);
- Spatial pollen distribution pattern in East Asia and the vegetation response to the global climate changes since the Last Glacial Maximum, Chinese Natural Science Foundation/Sun Yat-sen Universität, Guangzhou (Co-Antragsteller).
Complete list of publications
(Name underlined when corresponding author)
1. Research databases
Tarasov, P.E. Pushenko M.Ya., Harrison S.P., Saarse, L., Andreev, A.A., Aleshinskaya, Z.V., Davydova, N.N., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Efremov, Yu.V., Elina, G.A., Elovicheva, Ya.K., Filimonova, L.V., Gunova, V.S., Khomutova, V.I., Kvavadze, E.V., Neustrueva, I.Yu., Pisareva, V.V., Sevastyanov, D.V., Shelekhova, T.S., Subetto, D.A., Uspenskaya, O.N. & Zernitskaya, V.P. (1996) Lake Status Records from the Former Soviet Union and Mongolia: Documentation of the Second Version of the Data Base. NOAA Paleoclimatology Publications Series Report No. 5. Boulder, 224 p.
Tarasov, P.E., Harrison, S.P., Saarse, L., Pushenko, M.Ya., Andreev, A.A., Aleshinskaya, Z.V., Davydova, N.N., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Efremov, Yu.V., Khomutova, V.I., Sevastyanov, D.V., Tamosaitis, J., Uspenskaya, O.N., Yakushko, O.F. & Tarasova, I.V. (1994). Lake status records from the former Soviet Union and Mongolia: data base documentation. NOAA Paleoclimatology Publications Series Report No. 2. Boulder, 274 p.,
2. International peer-reviewed journals and monograph series
[256] Bartel, C., Dunlop, J.A., Sharma, P.P., Selden, P.A., Tarasov, P.E., Ren, D., Shih, C. (2022) Four new Laniatorean harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Palaeoworld, accepted in press.
[255] Kobe, F., Leipe, C., Shchetnikov, A.A., Hoelzmann, P., Gliwa, J., Olschewski, P., Goslar, T., Wagner, M., Bezrukova,E.V., Tarasov, P.E. (2022) Not herbs and forbs alone: Pollen-based evidence for the presence of boreal trees and shrubs in Cis-Baikal (Eastern Siberia) derived from the Last Glacial Maximum sediment of Lake Ochaul. Journal of Quaternary Science 37(5), 868–883.
[254] Wagner, M., Wertmann, P., Tarasov, P.E. (2022) Yangshao – 100 Jahre chinesische Archäologie. Archäologie in Deutschland 1, 14-19.
[253] Ma, T., Tarasov, P.E., Huang, K., Leipe, C., Man, M., Zheng, Z. (2022) Intensified climate drying and cooling during the last glacial culmination (20.8-17.5 cal ka BP) in the south-eastern Asian monsoon domain inferred from a high-resolution pollen record. Quaternary Science Review 278, 107371.
[252] Yamamoto, M., Wang, F., Irino, T., Yamada, K., Haraguchi, T., Nakamura, H., Gotanda, K., Yonenobu, H., Leipe, C., Chen, X.-Y., Tarasov, P.E. (2022) Environmental evolution and fire history of Rebun Island (Northern Japan) during the past 17,000 years based on biomarkers and pyrogenic compound records from Lake Kushu. Quaternary International 623, 8-18.
[251] Sergusheva, E.A., Leipe, C., Klyuev, N.A., Batarshev, S.V., Garkovik, A.V., Dorofeeva, N.A., Kolomiets, S.A., Krutykh, E.B., Malkov, S.S., Moreva, O.L., Sleptsov, I.Y., Hosner, D., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2022) Evidence of millet and millet agriculture in the Far East Region of Russia derived from archaeobotanical data and radiocarbon dating. Quaternary International 623, 50-67.
[250] Leipe, C., Lu, J., Chi, K., Lee, S., Yang, H., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2022) Evidence for cultivation and selection of azuki (Vigna angularis var. angularis) in prehistoric Taiwan sheds new light on its domestication history. Quaternary International 623, 83-93.
[249] Long, T., Chen, H., Leipe, C., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2022) Modelling the chronology and dynamics of the spread of Asian rice from ca. 8000 BCE to 1000 CE. Quaternary International 623, 101-109.
[248] Wertmann, P., Xu, D., Elkina, I., Vogel, R., Yibulayinmu, M., Tarasov, P.E., La Rocca, D.J., Wagner, M. (2022) No borders for innovations: A ca. 2700-year-old Assyrian-style leather scale armour in Northwest China. Quaternary International 623, 110-126.
[247] Kobe, F., Hoelzmann, P., Gliwa, J., Olschewski, P., Peskov, S.A., Shchetnikov, A.A., Danukalova, G.A., Osipova, E.M., Goslar, T., Leipe, C., Wagner, M., Bezrukova, E.V., Tarasov, P.E. (2022) Lateglacial–Holocene environments and human occupation in the Upper Lena region of Eastern Siberia derived from sedimentary and zooarchaeological data from Lake Ochaul. Quaternary International 623, 139-158.
[246] Bezrukova, E.V., Reshetova, S.A., Tetenkin, A.V., Tarasov, P.E., Leipe, C. (2022) The Early Neolithic–Middle Bronze Age environmental history of the Mamakan archaeological area, Eastern Siberia. Quaternary International 623, 159-168.
[245] Tarasov, P.E., Pankova, S.V., Long, T., Leipe, C., Kalinina, K.B., Panteleev, A.V., Ørsted Brandt, L., Kyzlasov, I.L., Wagner, M. (2022) New results of radiocarbon dating and identification of plant and animal remains from the Oglakhty cemetery provide an insight into the life of the population of southern Siberia in the early 1st millennium CE. Quaternary International 623, 169-183.
[244] Tarasov, P.E., Savelieva, L.A., Kobe, F., Korotkevich, B.S., Long, T., Kostromina, N.A., Leipe, C. (2022) Lateglacial and Holocene changes in vegetation and human subsistence around Lake Zhizhitskoye, East European midlatitudes, derived from radiocarbon-dated pollen and archaeological records. Quaternary International 623, 184–197.
[243] Schulting, R.J., Mannermaa, K., Tarasov, P.E., Higham, T., Bronk Ramsey, C., Khartanovich, V., Moiseyev, V., Gerasimov, D., O’Shea, J., Weber, A. (2022) Radiocarbon dating from Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov cemetery reveals complex human responses to socio-ecological stress during the 8.2 ka cooling event. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, 155–162.
[242] Wagner, M., Hallgren-Brekenkamp, M., Xu, D., Kang, X., Wertmann, P., James, C., Elkina, I., Hosner, D., Leipe, C., Tarasov, P.E. (2022) The invention of twill tapestry points to Central Asia: Archaeological record of multiple textile techniques used to make the woollen outfit of a ca. 3000-year-old horse rider from Turfan, China. Archaeological Research in Asia 29, 100344.
[241] Leipe, C., Aquaro, A., Tarasov, P.E. (2022) Scanning electron microscopy for differentiating charred endocarps of Rhus/Toxicodendron species and tracking the use of the lacquer tree and Asian poison ivy in Japanese prehistory. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 41, 103335.
[240] Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E., Leipe, C. (2021) Nacheiszeitliches Leben im Norden Japans. Archäologie in Deutschland 5, 14-19.
[239] Kravchinsky, V.A., Zhang, R., Borowiecki, R., Tarasov, P.E., van der Baan, M., Anwar, T., Goguitchaichvili, A., Müller, S. (2021) Centennial scale climate oscillations from southern Siberia in the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews 270, 107171.
[238] Yamamoto, M., Wang, F., Irino, T., Suzuki, K., Yamada, K., Haraguchi, T., Gotanda, K., Yonenobu, H., Chen, X.-Y., Tarasov, P. (2021) A lacustrine biomarker record from Rebun Island reveals a warm summer climate in northern Japan during the early Middle Holocene due to a stronger North Pacific High. Frontiers in Earth Science 9: 704332. doi: 10.3389/feart.2021.704332. open access
[237] Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P., Staff, R., Bronk Ramsey, C., Marshall, M., Schlolaut, G., Bryant, C., Brauer, A., Lamb, H., Haraguchi, T., Gotanda, K., Kitaba, I., Kitagawa, H., van der Plicht, J., Yonenobu, H., Omori, T., Yokoyama, Y., Tada, R., Yasuda, Y., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2021) The spatio-temporal structure of the Lateglacial to early Holocene transition reconstructed from the pollen record of Lake Suigetsu and its precise correlation with other key global archives: implications for palaeoclimatology and archaeology. Global and Planetary Change 202: 103493. Open access
[236] Kasai, Y., Leipe, C., Saito, M., Kitagawa, H., Lauterbach, S., Brauer, A., Tarasov, P. E., Goslar, T., Arai, F., Sakuma, S. (2021) Breakthrough in purification of fossil pollen for dating of sediments by a new large-particle on-chip sorter. Science Advances 7: eabe7327. Supplementary material for this article is available at Open access
[235] Junno, A., Dury, J.P.R., Leipe, C., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E., Hirasawa, Y., Jordan, P.D., Kato, H. (2021) Building a high-resolution chronology for northern Hokkaido – A case study of the Late Holocene Hamanaka 2 site on Rebun Island, Hokkaido (Japan). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 36, 102867. Open access
[234] Tarasov, P.E., Leipe, C., Wagner, M. (2021) Environments during the spread of anatomically modern humans across Northern Asia 50-10 cal. kyr BP: What do we know and what would we like to know? Quaternary International 596, 155–170.
2020 - the year of COVID
[234] Tarasov, P.E., Leipe, C., Wagner, M. (2020) Environments during the spread of anatomically modern humans across Northern Asia 50-10 cal. kyr BP: What do we know and what would we like to know? Quaternary International.
[233] Harding, P., Bezrukova, E.V., Kostrova, S.S., J.H.Lacey Leng, M.J.., Meyer, H., Pavlova, L.A., Shchetnikov, A., Shtenberg, M.V., Tarasov, P.E., Mackay, A.W. (2020) Hydrological (in)stability in Southern Siberia during the Younger Dryas and Early Holocene. Global and Planetary Change 195, 103333,
[232] Pankova, S.V., Long, T., Leipe, C., Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M. (2020) Oglachty, Russland – Die Menschen von Oglachty in Südsibirien: Welchen Platz hatten sie in der Geschichte Eurasiens im frühen ersten Jahrtausend n. Chr.? e-Forschungsberichte des DAI 2020 Faszikel 2,
[231] Wertmann, P., Chen, X., Li, X., Xu, D., Tarasov, P.E, Wagner, M. (2020) New evidence for ball games in Eurasia from ca. 3000-year-old Yanghai tombs in the Turfan depression of Northwest China. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports xxx (xxxx) xxx-xxx.
[230] Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2020) Das Hokkaido Universum. Mitmach- und Entdeckerbücher zur Ostasiatischen Archäologie Band 3. Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag & Media, Oppenheim am Rhein, 192 S. und 50-minutige DVD.
[229] Schubert, A., Lauterbach, S., Leipe, C., Scholz, V., Brauer, A., Tarasov, P.E. (2020) Anthropogenic and climate controls on vegetation changes between 1500 BCE and 500 CE reconstructed from a high-resolution pollen record from varved sediments of Lake Mondsee, Austria. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 559, 109976.
[228] Leipe, C., Endo, E., Kuramochi, S., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2020) Crop cultivation of Middle Yayoi culture communities (fourth century BCE–first century CE) in the Kanto region, eastern Japan, inferred from a radiocarbon-dated archaeobotanical record. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, published online: 5th August 2020.
[227] Leipe, C., Long, T., Wagner, M., Goslar, T., Tarasov, P.E. (2020) The spread of rice to Japan: Insights from Bayesian analysis of direct radiocarbon dates and population dynamics in East Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews 244, 106507.
[226] Schwamborn, G., Hartmann, K., Wünnemann, B., Rösler, W., Wefer-Roehl, A., Pross, J., Schlöffel, M., Kobe, F., Tarasov, P.E., Berke, M.A., Diekmann, B. (2020) Sediment history mirrors Pleistocene aridification in the Gobi Desert (Ejina Basin, NW China) Solid Earth 11, 1375–1398.
[225] Kobe, F., Bezrukova, E.V., Leipe, C., Shchetnikov, A.A., Goslar, T., Wagner, M., Kostrova, S.S., Tarasov, P.E. (2020). Holocene vegetation and climate history in Baikal Siberia reconstructed from pollen records and its implications for archaeology. Archaeological Research in Asia 23, 100209.
[224] Elkina, I.I., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (Eds.) (2020). The art of ancient textiles. Methods of investigation, conservation and reconstruction. Series Archaeology in China and East Asia, Volume 7. Nünnerich–Asmus Verlag & Media GmbH, Oppenheim am Rhein. 400 p.
[223] Wagner, М., Hallgren, М., Elkina, I.I., Тarasov, P.E. and the Silk Road Fashion Project members (2020). Trousers from the Yanghai cemetery in the Turfan Oasis (northwestern China): archaeological context, age, production technique and reconstruction. In: Elkina, I.I., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (Eds.), The art of ancient textiles. Methods of investigation, conservation and reconstruction, pp. 18-37. Archaeology in China and East Asia, Volume 7. Nünnerich–Asmus Verlag & Media GmbH, Oppenheim am Rhein. 400 pp.
[222] Leipe, C., Kuramochi, S., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2020). Ritual practices and social organisation at the Middle Yayoi culture settlement site of Maenakanishi, eastern Japan. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 12, 134.
[221] Wagner, M., Leipe, C., Long, T., Sergusheva, E.A., Tarasov, P.E. (2020). Ostasien. Hirse – Wann das erste Getreide im nördlichen Ostasien domestiziert und verbreitet wurde. Die Arbeiten des Jahres 2019 (Projekte „BAYCHRON“ und „Bridging Eurasia“). Deutsches Archäologisches Institut e-Forschungsberichte, Issue 1 2020, 65–71, (in German with English abstract).
[220] Li, F., Gaillard, M.-J., Cao, X., Herzschuh, U., Sugita, S., Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M., Xu, Q., Ni, J., Wang, W., Zhao, Y., An, C., Beusen, A.H.W., Chen, F., Feng, Z., Klein Goldewijk, C.G.M., Huang, X., Li, Y., Liu, H., Sun, A., Yao, Y., Zheng, Z., Jia, X. (2020) Towards quantification of Holocene anthropogenic land-cover change in temperate China: A review in the light of pollen-based REVEALS reconstructions of regional plant cover. Earth-Science Reviews 203, 103119.
[219] Schmidt, T., Kramell, A.E., Oehler, F., Kluge, R., Demske, D., Tarasov, P.E., Csuk, R., (2020) Identification and quantification of cannabinol as a biomarker for local hemp retting in an ancient sedimentary record by HPTLC-ESI-MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 412, 2633–2644.
[218] Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Wennrich, V., Melles, M. (2020) Millennial-scale vegetation history of the north-eastern Russian Arctic during the mid-Pliocene inferred from the Lake El'gygytgyn pollen record. Global and Planetary Change 186, 103111.
[217] Kostrova, S.S., Meyer, H., Fernandoy, F., Werner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2020) Moisture origin and stable isotope characteristics of precipitation in southeast Siberia. HydrologicalProcesses34, 51-67,
[216] Кострова C. С., Тарасов П. Е., Майер Х., Фернандой Ф. Изотопный состав атмосферных осадков Байкальского региона (на примере г. Иркутска). // Современные тенденции и перспективы развития гидрометеорологии в России : материалы II Всерос. науч.-практ. конф., приуроченной к 55-летию кафедры гидрологии и природопользования ИГУ. Иркутск, 5–7 июня 2019 г. / ФГБОУ ВО "ИГУ" ; [редкол.: Сутырина Е. Н., Латышева И. В., Вологжина С. Ж.]. – Иркутск : Изд-во ИГУ, 2019. – стр. 714-722. - 1 электрон. опт. диск. (CD-ROM). (in Russian)
[215] Leipe, C., Long, T., Sergusheva, E.A., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2019) Discontinuous spread of millet agriculture in eastern Asia and prehistoric population dynamics. Science Advances 5 (9), eaax6225. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aax6225.
[214] Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2019) Old road, fresh perspectives. Nature Plants 5, 642–643.
[213] Novenko, E., Tarasov, P.E., Shumilovskikh, L. (2019) Climate change and human-environment interaction from Neolithic to historical times. Editorial. Quaternary International, published online
[212] Tarasov, P.E., Savelieva, L.A., Long, T., Leipe, C. (2019) Postglacial vegetation and climate history and traces of early human impact and agriculture in the present-day cool mixed forest zone of European Russia. Quaternary International, published online.
[211] Ding, W., Xu, Q., Fu, T., Ma, C., Tarasov, P.E. (2019) Heterogeneous vegetation sensitivity at local and regional scales: implications for pollen-based climate reconstruction. Quaternary International, published online. doi: 10.1016/j.quaint.2018.07.002.
[210] Novenko, E.Y., Tarasov, P.E., Olchev, A.V. (2019) Special Issue «Climate-Vegetation Interaction: Natural Processes Versus Human Impact». Geography, Environment, Sustainability 12(2),128-131.
[209] Kobe, F., Bittner, M.K., Leipe, C., Hoelzmann, P., Long, T., Wagner, M., Zibulski, R., Tarasov, P.E. (2019) Lateglacial and early Holocene environments and human occupation in Brandenburg, eastern Germany. Geography, Environment, Sustainability 12(2), 132-147.
[208] Chen, X-Y., McLean, D., Blockley, S., Tarasov, P.E., Xu, Y-G., Menzies, M. (2019) Developing a Holocene tephrostratigraphy for northern Japan using the sedimentary record from Lake Kushu, Rebun Island. Quaternary Science Reviews 215, 272–292.
[207] Wagner, M., Wertmann, P., Tarasov, P.E., Massier, C. (2019) Chinas große Mauern (Mitmach- und Entdeckerbücher zur Ostasiatischen Archäologie). Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag & Media, Mainz-am-Rhein, 80 S.
[206] Marret, F., Bradley, L.R., Tarasov, P.E., Ivanova, E.V., Zenina, M.A., Murdmaa, I.O. (2019) The Holocene history of the NE Black Sea and surrounding areas: An integrated record of marine and terrestrial palaeoenvironmental change. The Holocene 29(4), 648–661.
[205] Tarasov, P.E., Ilyashuk, B.P., Leipe, C., Müller, S., Plessen, B., Hoelzmann, P., Kostrova, S.S., Bezrukova, E.V., Meyer, H. (2019) Insight into the Last Glacial Maximum climate and environments of southern Siberia: A case study from the Baikal region. Boreas 48, 488–506.
[204] Zhao, W., Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Wennrich, V., Melles, M. (2019) Vegetation and climate during the penultimate interglacial of the northeastern Russian Arctic: the Lake El’gygytgyn pollen record. Boreas 48, 507–515.
[203] Wagner, M., Leipe, C., Abe, C., Tarasov, P.E. (2019) Hokkaido, Japan. Archäologie in der Region Hokkaido: Klimawandel und Besiedlungsgeschichte. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2017 und 2018. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut e-Forschungsberichte Issue 1, 151–157. • urn:nbn:de:0048-journals.efb-2019-0-p151-157-v6602.7 (in German with English abstract).
[202] Tarasov, P.E., Demske, D., Leipe, C., Long, T., Müller, S., Hoelzmann, P., Wagner, M. (2019) An 8500-year palynological record of vegetation, climate change and human activity in the Bosten Lake region of Northwest China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 516, 166–178.
[201] Schmidt, M., Leipe, C., Becker, F., Goslar, T., Hoelzmann, P., Mingram, J., Müller, S., Tjallingii, R., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2019) A multi-proxy palaeolimnological record of the last 16,600 years from coastal Lake Kushu in northern Japan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 514, 613–626.
[200] Tarasov, P.E. (2018) Environments during the spread of anatomically modern humans across Asia: What do we know and what would we like to know? PaleoAsia 2018 International Workshop. Cultural History of PaleoAsia – Integrative Research on the Formative Processes of Modern Human Cultures in Asia. December 15 –18, 2018, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 28-29. In: Nishiaki, Y., Kadowaki, S., Kondo, Y. (Eds.) PaleoAsia Project Series 17. Open access.
[199] Pakhunov, A.S., Elkina, I.I. Tarasov, P.E. Wagner, M., Kochkarov, U.Yu., Devlet, E.G. (2018) Wool carpets from Alan burials of the 8th–10th centuries: Wool quality and production technology. Rossijskaja Arheologija 4, 81–94 (in Russian with English abstract).
[198] Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2018) Die Erfindung der Hose. Buch und Dokumentarfilm. Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag & Media, Mainz-am-Rhein, 159 S. und 46-minutige DVD.
[197] Leipe, C., Müller, S., Hille, K., Kato, H., Kobe, F., Schmidt, M., Seyffert, M., Spengler III, R., Wagner, M., Weber, A.W., Tarasov, P.E. (2018) Vegetation change and human impacts on Rebun Island (Northwest Pacific) over the last 6000 years. Quaternary Science Reviews 193, 129–144.
[196] Li, F., Cao, X., Herzschuh, U., Jia, X., Sugita, S., Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M., Xu, Q., Chen, F., Sun, A., Gaillard, M.-J. (2018) What do pollen-based quantitative reconstructions of plant cover tell us about past anthropogenic deforestation in eastern China? PAGES Magazine 26 (1), 32-33.
[195] Connor, N., Overpeck, J.T., Allen, J.R.M., Anderson, P.M., Betancourt, J.L., Binney, H.A., Brewer, S., Bush, M.B., Chase, B.M., Cheddadi, R., Djamali, M., Dodson, J., Edwards, M.E., Gosling, W.D., Haberle, S., Hotchkiss, S.C., Huntley, B., Ivory, S.J.A., Kershaw, P., Kim, S.-H., Latorre, C., Leydet, M., Lézine, A.-M., Liu, K.-B., Liu, Y., Lozhkin, A.V., McGlone, M.S., Marchant, R.A., Momohara, A., Moreno, P.I., Müller, S., Otto-Bliesner, B.L., Shen, C., Stevenson, J., Takahara, H., Tarasov, P.E., Tipton, J., Vincens, A., Weng, C., Xu, Q., Zheng, Z., Jackson, S.T. (2018) Past and future global transformation of terrestrial ecosystems under climate change. Science 361 (31 August), 920–923.
[194] Wagner, M., Long, T., Leipe, C., Jin, G., Guo, R., Schröder, O., Tarasov, P.E. (2018) Neue Fakten zur Ankunft des Weizens in China. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut e-Forschungsberichte Issue 1, pp. 24–29. (in German with English abstract).
[193] Long, T., Leipe, C., Jin, G., Wagner, M., Guo, R., Schröder, O., Tarasov, P.E. (2018) The early history of wheat in China from 14C dating and Bayesian chronological modelling. Nature Plants 4 (272), 272–279.
[192] Zhao, W., Tarasov, P.E., Lozhkin, A.V., Anderson, P.M., Andreev, A.A., Korzun, J.A., Melles, M., Nedorubova, E.Y., Wennrich, V. (2018) High-latitude vegetation and climate changes during the Mid-Pleistocene Transition inferred from a palynological record from Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russian Arctic. Boreas 47, 137–149. ISSN 0300-9483.
[191] Wagner, M., Long, T., Tarasov, P.E. (2017) Volksrepublik China. Prähistorische Chronologie in China: neue Perspektiven durch Bayesische Modellierung. Die Arbeiten der Jahre 2016 und 2017. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut e-Forschungsberichte Issue 2, 69–77. (in German with English abstract).
[190] Zhao, L., Ma, C., Leipe, C., Long, T., Liu, K., Lu, H., Tang, L., Zhang, Y., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2017) Holocene vegetation dynamics in response to climate change and human activities derived from pollen and charcoal records from southeastern China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 485, 644–660.
[189] Ding, W., Xu, Q., Tarasov, P.E. (2017) Examining bias in pollen-based quantitative climate reconstructions induced by human impact on vegetation in China. Climate of the Past 13, 1285–1300.
[188] Pakhunov, A.S., Elkina, I.I., Devlet, E.G., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2017) Wool fabrics from Moshchevaya Balka and the Yanghai Cemetery. Russian Archaeology 3, 46–56 (in Russian with English abstract).
[187] Diekmann, B., Pestryakova, L., Nazarova, L., Subetto, D., Tarasov, P.E., Stauch, G., Thiemann, A., Lehmkuhl, F., Biskaborn, B., Kuhn, G., Henning, D., Müller, S. (2017) Late Quaternary Lake Dynamics in the Verkhoyansk Mountains of Eastern Siberia: Implications for Climate and Glaciation History. Polarforschung 86 (2), 97–110. doi:10.2312/polarforschung.86.2.97
[186] Schlolaut, G., Brauer, A., Nakagawa, T., Lamb, H., Tyler, J., Staff, R., Marshall, M., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C., Tarasov, P. (2017) Evidence for a bi-partition of the Younger Dryas Stadial in East Asia associated with inversed climate characteristics compared to Europe. Scientific Reports 7:44983. DOI: 10.1038/srep44983.
[185] Leipe, C., Sergusheva, E.A., Müller, S. Spengler III, R.N., Goslar, T., Kato, H., Wagner, M., Weber, A.W., Tarasov, P.E. (2017) Barley (Hordeum vulgare) in the Okhotsk culture (5th-10th century AD) of northern Japan and the role of cultivated plants in hunter-gatherer economies. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0174397.
[184] Tarasov, P.E., Bezrukova, E.V., Müller, S., Kostrova, S.S., White, D., 2017. Chapter 2: Climate and Vegetation History. In: Losey, R.J., Nomokonova, T. (Eds.) Holocene Zooarchaeology of Cis-Baikal, pp. 15-26. Archaeology in China and East Asia 6. Nünnerich–Asmus Verlag & Media GmbH, Mainz.
[183] Wagner, M., Gresky, J., Tarasov, P. (2017) Inklusion vor 2300 Jahren. Archäologie in Deutschland 2, 2017, 14–19.
[182] Long, T., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2017) A Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates from prehistoric sites in the Haidai Region, East China, for evaluation of the archaeological chronology. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 81–90.
[181] Wertmann, P., Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M. (2017) Sogdian careers and families in 6-7th century northern China: case study of the Shi family based on archaeological finds and epitaph inscriptions. The History of the Family 22(1), 103–135.
[180] Long, T., Wagner, M., Demske, D., Leipe, C., Tarasov, P.E. (2017) Cannabis in Eurasia: origin of human use and Bronze Age trans-continental connections. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 26, 245–258. DOI 10.1007/s00334-016-0579-6.
[179] Kramell A.E., Wertmann, P., Hosner, D., Kluge, R., Oehler, F., Wunderlich, C.-H., Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M., Csuk, R., 2016. A multi-analytical techniques based approach to study the colorful clothes and accessories from mummies of Eastern Central Asia. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 10, 464–473.
[178] Andreev, A., Tarasov, P.E., Wennrich, V., Melles, M. (2016) Millennial-scale vegetation changes in the north-eastern Russian Arctic during the Pliocene/Pleistocene transition (2.7–2.5 Ma) inferred from the pollen record of Lake El’gygytgyn. Quaternary Science Reviews 147, 245–258.
[177] Wennrich, V., Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Fedorov, G., Zhao, W., Gebhardt, C.A., Meyer-Jacob, C., Snyder, J.A., Nowaczyk, N.R., Chapligin, B., Anderson, P.M., Lozhkin, A.V., Minyuk, P.S., Koeberl, C., Melles, M. (2016) Impact processes, permafrost dynamics, and climate and environmental variability in the terrestrial Arctic as inferred from the unique 3.6 Myr record of Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russia – A review. Quaternary Science Reviews 147, 221–244.
[176] Spengler, R.N., Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M. (Eds.) (2016) Introduction and intensification of agriculture in Central Eurasia and adjacent regions. The Holocene 26(10), 206 pp.
[175] Spengler, R.N., Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M. (2016) Introduction to the Special Issue: ‘Introduction and intensification of agriculture in Central Eurasia and adjacent regions’. The Holocene 26(10), 1523-1526. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616650270.
[174] Spengler, R.N., Ryabogina, N., Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M. (2016) The spread of agriculture into northern Central Asia: Timing, pathways, and environmental feedbacks. The Holocene 26(10), 1527-1540. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616641739.
[173] Hosner, D., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E., Chen, X., Leipe, C. (2016) Spatiotemporal distribution patterns of archaeological sites in China during the Neolithic and Bronze Age: An overview. The Holocene 26(10), 1576-1593. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616641743.
[172] Jin, G., Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E., Wang, F., Liu, Y. (2016) Archaeobotanical records of Middle and Late Neolithic agriculture from Shandong Province, East China, and a major change in regional subsistence during the Dawenkou Culture. The Holocene 26(10), 1605-1615. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616641746.
[171] Ma, T., Tarasov, P.E., Zheng, Z., Han, A., Huang, K. (2016) Pollen- and charcoal-based evidence for climatic and human impact on vegetation in the northern edge of Wuyi Mountains, China, during the last 8200 years. The Holocene 26(10), 1616-1626. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616641744.
[170] Abe, C., Leipe, C., Tarasov, P.E., Müller, S., Wagner, M. (2016) Spatio-temporal distribution of hunter–gatherer archaeological sites in the Hokkaido region (northern Japan): An overview. The Holocene 26(10), 1627-1645. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616641745.
[169] Müller, S., Schmidt, M., Kossler, K., Leipe, C., Irino, T., Yamamoto, M., Yonenobu, H., Goslar, T., Kato, H., Wagner, M., Weber, A.W., Tarasov, P.E. (2016) Palaeobotanical records from Rebun Island and their potential for improving the chronological control and understanding human–environment interactions in the Hokkaido Region, Japan. The Holocene 26(10), 1646–1660. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616641738.
[168] Demske, D., Tarasov, P.E., Leipe, C., Kotlia, B.S., Joshi, L.M., Long, T. (2016) Record of vegetation, climate change, human impact and retting of hemp in Garhwal Himalaya (India) during the past 4600 years. The Holocene 26(10), 1661-1675. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616650267.
[167] Schröder, O., Wagner, M., Wutke, S., Zhang, Y., Ma, Y., Xu, D., Goslar, T., Neef, R., Tarasov, P.E., Ludwig, A. (2016) Ancient DNA identification of domestic animals used for leather objects in Central Asia during the Bronze Age. The Holocene 26(10), 1722-1729. DOI: 10.1177/0959683616641741.
[166] Kostrova, S.S., Meyer, H., Tarasov, P.E., Bezrukova, E.V., Chapligin, B., Kossler, A., Pavlova, L.A., Kuzmin, M.I. (2016) Oxygen isotope composition of diatoms from sediments of Lake Kotokel (Buryatia). Russian Geology and Geophysics 57, 1239–1247.
[165] Kostrova, S.S., Meyer, H., Tarasov, P.E., Bezrukova, E.V., Chapligin, B., Kossler, A., Pavlova, L.A., Kuzmin, M.I. (2016) Oxygen isotope composition of diatoms from sediments of Lake Kotokel (Buryatia). Geologiya i geofizika 57(8), 1571–1580. (in Russian with English abstract).
[164] Gresky, J., Wagner, M., Schmidt-Schultz, T. H., Schwarz, L., Wu X., Aisha, A., Tarasov, P.E., Schultz, M. (2016) ’You must keep going‘ – Musculoskeletal system stress indicators of prehistoric mobile pastoralists in Western China. Quaternary International 405, Part B, 186-199.
[163] Chen, X-Y., Blockley, S.P.E., Tarasov, P.E., Xu, Y-G.., McLean, D., Tomlinson, E.L., Albert, P.G., Liu, J.-Q., Müller, S., Wagner, M., Menzies, M.A. (2016) Clarifying the distal to proximal tephrochronology of the Millennium (B-Tm) eruption, Changbaishan Volcano, northeast China. Quaternary Geochronology 33, 61–75.
[162] Schmidt, M., Tarasov, P.E., Hoelzmann, P., Meyer, H., Leipe, C. (2016) Diatoms from Lake Kushu: A pilot study to test the potential of a late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental archive from Rebun Island (Hokkaido Region, Japan). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 122, 106–122.
[161-1] Stebich, M., Rehfeld, K., Schlütz, F., Tarasov, P.E., Liu, J., Mingram, J. (2015) Corrigendum to “Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics of NE China based on the pollen record from Sihailongwan Maar Lake. Quaternary Science Reviews 124, 275–289.” Quaternary Science Reviews 126, 278.
[161] Stebich, M., Rehfeld, K., Schlütz, F., Tarasov, P.E., Liu, J., Mingram, J. (2015) Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics of NE China based on the pollen record from Sihailongwan Maar Lake. Quaternary Science Reviews 124, 275–289.
[160] Zhao W.W., Andreev, A.A., Wennrich, V., Tarasov, P.E., Anderson, P., Lozhkin, A.V., Melles, M. (2015) The Réunion Subchron vegetation and climate history of the northeastern Russian Arctic inferred from the Lake El'gygytgyn pollen record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 436, 167–177.
[159] Wagner, M., Wertmann, P., Tarasov, P., Durkin-Meisterernst, D. (2015) Die Netzwerker des Ostens. Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial Archäologie – Geschichte – Kultur 02/15, 14-19.
[158] Wagner, M., Tarasov, P. (2015) Das vergessene Reich der Jinsha. Spektrum der Wissenschaft Spezial Archäologie – Geschichte – Kultur 2/15, 52-59.
[157] Beck, U., Wagner, M., Li, X., Durkin-Meisterernst, D., Tarasov, P.E. (2015) Trousers, horseback riding and mobility – study of the trousers with crotch unearthed from Yanghai Cemetery, Turfan, Xinjiang. The Western Regions Studies 2015(2), 48-62 (in Chinese with English Abstract).
[156] Leipe, C., Nakagawa, T., Gotanda, K., Müller, S., Tarasov, P.E. (2015) Late Quaternary vegetation and climate dynamics at the northern limit of the East Asian summer monsoon and its regional and global-scale controls. Quaternary Science Reviews 116, 57-71.
[155] Hildebrandt, S., Müller, S., Kalugin, I.A., Dar’in, A.V., Wagner, M., Rogozin, D.Y., Tarasov, P.E. (2015). Tracing the North Atlantic decadal-scale climate variability in a late Holocene pollen record from southern Siberia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 426, 75–84.
[154] Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M. (2015) Environmental aspects of Chinese antiquity: Problems of interpretation and chronological correlation. In: Bemmann, J. (Ed.), Bonn Contributions to Asian Archaeology Volume 7, pp. 115-126.
[153] Zhang, H., Zhang, Y., Kong, Z., Yang, Z., Li, Y., Tarasov, P.E. (2015) Late Holocene climate change and anthropogenic activities in north Xinjiang: Evidence from a peatland archive, the Caotanhu wetland. The Holocene 25(2), 323–332.
[152] Kleinen, T., Bezrukova, E., Brovkin, V., Fischer, H., Hildebrandt, S., Müller, S., Prange, M., Rachmayani, R., Schmitt, J., Schneider, R., Schulz, M., Tarasov, P. (2015) Comparison of Climate and Carbon Cycle Dynamics During Late Quaternary Interglacials, pp. 7-12. In: Schulz, M., Paul, A. (eds.), Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC). Series: Springer Briefs in Earth System Sciences 2015, VII, 139 p. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-00693-2_1.
[151] Wagner, M., Jin, G., Tarasov, P.E. (Eds.) (2014) The Bridging Eurasia Research Initiative: Modes of mobility and sustainability in the palaeoenvironmental and archaeological archives from Eurasia. Quaternary International 348 (20 October 2014), 266 p.
[150] Wagner, M., Jin, G., Tarasov, P.E. (2014) The “Bridging Eurasia” research initiative: Modes of mobility and sustainability in the palaeoenvironmental and archaeological archives from Eurasia. Quaternary International 348, 1-3.
[149] Müller, S., Tarasov, P.E., Hoelzmann, P., Bezrukova, E.V., Kossler, A., Krivonogov, S.K. (2014) Stable vegetation and environmental conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum: New results from Lake Kotokel (Lake Baikal region, southern Siberia, Russia). Quaternary International 348, 14-24.
[148] Kostrova, S.S., Meyer, H., Chapligin, B., Tarasov, P.E., Bezrukova, E.V. (2014) The last glacial maximum and late glacial environmental and climate dynamics in the Baikal region inferred from an oxygen isotope record of lacustrine diatom silica. Quaternary International 348, 25-36.
[147] Rudenko, O., Tarasov, P.E., Bauch, H.A., Taldenkova, E. (2014) A Holocene palynological record from the northeastern Laptev Sea and its implications for palaeoenvironmental research. Quaternary International 348, 82-92.
[146] Leipe, C., Demske, D., Tarasov, P.E., HIMPAC Project Members (2014a) A Holocene pollen record from the northwestern Himalayan lake Tso Moriri: Implications for palaeoclimatic and archaeological research. Quaternary International 348, 93-112.
[145] Leipe, C., Demske, D., Tarasov, P.E., Wünnemann, B., Riedel, F., HIMPAC Project Members (2014b) Potential of pollen and non-pollen palynomorph records from Tso Moriri (Trans-Himalaya, NW India) for reconstructing Holocene limnology and human-environmental interactions. Quaternary International 348, 113-129.
[144] Sun, B., Wagner, M., Zhao, Z., Li, G., Wu, X., Tarasov, P.E. (2014) Archaeological discovery and research at Bianbiandong early Neolithic cave site, Shandong, China. Quaternary International 348, 169-182.
[143] Wu, WW, Wang, XH, Wu, XH, Jin, GY, Tarasov, P.E. (2014) The early Holocene archaeobotanical record from the Zhangmatun site situated at the northern edge of the Shandong Highlands, China. Quaternary International 348, 183-193.
[142] Kramell, A., Li, X., Csuk, R., Wagner, M., Goslar, T., Tarasov, P.E., Kreusel, N., Kluge, R., Wunderlich, C.-H. (2014) Dyes of late Bronze Age textile clothes and accessories from the Yanghai archaeological site, Turfan, China: Determination of the fibers, color analysis and dating. Quaternary International 348, 214-223.
[141] Beck, U., Wagner, M., Li, X., Durkin-Meisterernst, D., Tarasov, P.E. (2014) The invention of trousers and its likely affiliation with horseback riding and mobility: A case study of late 2nd millennium BC finds from Turfan in eastern Central Asia. Quaternary International 348, 224-235.
[140] Kleinen, T., Hildebrandt, S., Prange, M., Rachmayani, R., Müller, S., Bezrukova, E., Brovkin, V., Tarasov, P.E. (2014) The climate and vegetation of Marine Isotope Stage 11 – Model results and proxy-based reconstructions at global and regional scale. Quaternary International 348, 247-265.
[139] Zheng, Z., Wei, J., Huang, K., Xu, Q., Lu, H., Tarasov, P., Luo, C., Beaudouin, C., Deng, Y., Pan, A., Zheng, Y., Luo, Y., Nakagawa, T., Li, C., Yang, S., Peng, H., Cheddadi, R. (2014) East Asian pollen database: modern pollen distribution and its quantitative relationship with vegetation and climate. Journal of Biogeography 41, 1819–1832.
[138] Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Wennrich, V., Raschke, E., Herzschuh, U., Nowaczyk, N.R., Brigham-Grette, J., Melles, M. (2014) Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene vegetation history of northeastern Russian Arctic inferred from the Lake El’gygytgyn pollen record. Climate of the Past 10, 1017–1039.
[137] Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2014) The Neolithic of Northern and Central China. In: Renfrew, C., Bahn, P. (Eds.), The Cambridge World Prehistory. Vol. 2. East Asia and the Americas. Part V: 5. Cambridge University Press, pp. 742-764.
[136]Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E. (2013) Northern Asia. In: Elias S.A. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, vol. 4, pp. 164-172. Amsterdam, Elsevier.
[135] Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A., Anderson, P.M., Lozhkin, A.V., Leipe, C., Haltia, E., Nowaczyk, N.R., Wennrich, V., Brigham-Grette, J., Melles, M. (2013) A pollen-based biome reconstruction over the last 3.562 million years in the Far East Russian Arctic – new insights into climate–vegetation relationships at the regional scale. Climate of the Past 9, 2759-2775.
[134] Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A., Anderson, P.M., Lozhkin, A.V., Haltia-Hovi, E., Nowaczyk, N.R., Wennrich, V., Brigham-Grette, J., Melles, M. (2013) The biome reconstruction approach as a tool for interpretation of past vegetation and climate changes: Application to modern and fossil pollen data from Lake El’gygytgyn, Far East Russian Arctic. Climate of the Past Discussions 9, 3449-3487.
[133] Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Wennrich, V., Raschke, E., Herzschuh, U., Nowaczyk, N.R., Brigham-Grette, J., Melles, M. (2013) Late Pliocene and early Pleistocene environments of the north-eastern Russian Arctic inferred from the Lake El'gygytgyn pollen record. Climate of the Past Discussions 9, 4599-4653.
[132] Shumilovskikh, L.S., Arz, H.W., Wegwerth, A., Fleitmann, D., Marret, F., Nowaczyk, N., Tarasov, P., Behling, H. (2013) Vegetation and environmental changes in Northern Anatolia between 134 and 119 ka recorded in Black Sea sediments. Quaternary Research 80(3), 349-360.
[131] Vogel, H., Meyer-Jacob, C., Melles, M., Brigham-Grette, J., Andreev, A.A., Wennrich, V., Tarasov, P.E., Rosén, P. (2013) Detailed insight into Arctic climatic variability during MIS 11c at Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia. Climate of the Past 9, 1467-1479.
[130] Kostrova, S.S., Meyer, H., Chapligin, B., Bezrukova, E.V., Tarasov, P.E., Kuz’min, M.I. (2013) Reconstruction of the Holocene Climate of Transbaikalia: Evidence from the Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Fossil Diatoms from Kotokel Lake. Doklady Earth Sciences 451 (1), 732–736.
[129] Brigham-Grette, J., Melles, M., Minyuk, P., Andreev, A., Tarasov, P., DeConto, R., Koenig, S., Nowaczyk, N., Wennrich, V., Rosén, P., Haltia-Hovi, E., Cook, T., Gebhardt, C., Meyer-Jacob, C., Snyder, J., Herzschuh, U. (2013) Pliocene Warmth, Polar Amplification, and Stepped Pleistocene Cooling recorded in NE Arctic Russia. Science 340, 1421-1427.
[128] Staff, R.A., Schlolaut, G., Bronk Ramsey, C., Brock, F., Bryant, C.L., Kitagawa, H., van der Plicht, J., Marshall, M.H., Brauer, A., Lamb, H.F., Payne, R.L., Tarasov, P.E., Haraguchi, T., Gotanda, K., Yonenobu, H., Yokoyama, Y., Nakagawa, T., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2013) Integration of the old and new Lake Suigetsu (Japan) terrestrial radiocarbon calibration data sets. Radiocarbon 55 (4), 2049-2058.
[127] Mackay, A.W., Swann, G.E.A., Fagel, N., Fietz, S., Leng, M.J., Morley, D., Rioual, P., Tarasov, P. (2013) Hydrological instability during the Last Interglacial in central Asia: a new diatom oxygen isotope record from Lake Baikal. Quaternary Science Reviews 66, 45–54.
[126] Staff, R.A., Nakagawa, T., Schlolaut, G., Marshall, M.H., Brauer, A., Lamb, H.F., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C.L., Brock, F., Kitagawa, H., van der Plicht, J., Payne, R.L., Smith, V.C., Mark, D.F.; MacLeod, A., Blockley, S.P.E., Schwenninger, J.-L., Tarasov, P.E., Haraguchi, T., Gotanda, K., Yonenobu, H., Yokoyama, Y., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2013) The Multiple Chronological Techniques Applied to the Lake Suigetsu (SG06) Sediment Core. Boreas 42 (2), 259–266.
[125] Tarasov, P., White, D., Weber, A.W. (Eds.) (2013) The Baikal-Hokkaido Archaeology Project: Environmental archives, proxies and reconstruction approaches. Quaternary International, Vol. 290–291, 358 p.
[124] Tarasov, P., White, D., Weber, A.W. (2013) The Baikal–Hokkaido Archaeology Project: Environmental archives, proxies and reconstruction approaches. Quaternary International 290–291, 1-2.
[123] Kostrova, S.S., Meyer, H., Chapligin, B., Kossler, A., Bezrukova, E.V., Tarasov, P.E. (2013) Holocene oxygen isotope record of diatoms from Lake Kotokel (southern Siberia, Russia) and its palaeoclimatic implications. Quaternary International 290–291, 21-34.
[122] Bezrukova, E.V., Hildebrandt, S., Letunova, P.P., Ivanov, E.V., Orlova, L.A., Müller, S., Tarasov, P.E. (2013) Vegetation dynamics around Lake Baikal since the middle Holocene reconstructed from the pollen and botanical composition analyses of peat sediments and its implication for paleoclimatic and archeological research. Quaternary International 290–291, 35-45.
[121] Mackay, A.W., Bezrukova, E.V., Boyle, J.F., Holmes, J.A., Panizzo, V.N., Piotrowska, N., Shchetnikov, A., Shilland, E.M., Tarasov, P., White, D. (2013) Multiproxy evidence for abrupt climate change impacts on terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems in the Ol'khon region of Lake Baikal, central Asia. Quaternary International 290–291, 46-56.
[120] Leipe, C., Kito, N., Sakaguchi, Y., Tarasov, P.E. (2013) Vegetation and climate history of Northern Japan inferred from the 5500-year pollen record from the Oshima Peninsula, SW Hokkaido, Quaternary International 290–291, 151-163.
[119] Demske, D., Tarasov, P.E., Nakagawa, T., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2013). Atlas of pollen, spores and further non-pollen palynomorphs recorded in the glacial-interglacial late Quaternary sediments of Lake Suigetsu, central Japan. Quaternary International 290–291, 164-238.
[118] Nakagawa, T., Kitagawa, H., Payne, R., Tarasov, P., Demske, D. and Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2013) A standard sample method for controlling microfossil data precision: a proposal for higher data quality and greater opportunities for collaboration. Quaternary International 290–291, 239-244.
[117] Tarasov, P., Müller, S., Zech, M., Andreeva, D., Diekmann, B., Leipe, C. (2013) Last glacial vegetation reconstructions in the extreme-continental eastern Asia: Potentials of pollen and n-alkane biomarker analyses. Quaternary International 290–291, 253-263.
[116] Li, X., Wagner, M., Wu, X., Tarasov, P., Zhang, Y., Schmidt, A., Goslar, T., Gresky, J. (2013) Archaeological and palaeopathological study on the third/second century BC grave from Turfan, China: Individual health history and regional implications. Quaternary International 290–291, 335-343.
[115] Wagner, M., Tarasov, P., Hosner, D., Fleck, A., Ehrich, R., Chen, X., Leipe, C. (2013) Mapping of the spatial and temporal distribution of archaeological sites of northern China during the Neolithic and Bronze Age. Quaternary International 290–291, 344-357.
[114] Bronk Ramsey, C., Staff, R.A., Bryant, C.L., Brock, F., Kitagawa, H., van der Plicht, J., Schlolaut, G., Marshall, M.H., Brauer, A., Lamb, H.F., Payne, R.L., Tarasov, P.E., Haraguchi, T., Gotanda, K., Yonenobu, H., Yokoyama, Y., Tada, R., Nakagawa, T. (2012). A complete terrestrial radiocarbon record for 11.2 to 52.8 kyr B.P., Science 338 (6105), 370-374.
[112] Schlolaut, G., Marshall, M.H., Brauer, A., Nakagawa, T., Lamb, H.F., Staff, R.A., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C.L., Brock, F., Kossler, A., Tarasov, P.E., Yokoyama, Y., Tada, R., Haraguchi, T., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2012). An automated method for varve interpolation and its application to the Late Glacial chronology from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. Quaternary Geochronology 13, 52-69.
[111] Marshall, M.H., Schlolaut, G., Nakagawa, T., Lamb, H., Brauer, A., Staff, R., Bronk Ramsey, C., Tarasov, P., Gotanda, K., Haraguchi, T., Yokoyama, Y., Yonenobu, H., Tada, R., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2012). A novel approach to varve counting using μXRF and X-radiography in combination with thin-section microscopy, applied to the Late Glacial chronology from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. Quaternary Geochronology 13, 70-80.
[110] Melles, M., Brigham-Grette, J., Minyuk, P.S., Nowaczyk, N.R., Wennrich, V., DeConto, R.M., Anderson, P.M., Andreev, A.A., Coletti, A., Cook, T.L., Haltia-Hovi, E., Kukkonen, M., Lozhkin, A.V., Rosén, P., Tarasov, P., Vogel, H., Wagner, B. (2012) 2.8 Million years of Arctic climate change from Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia. Science 337 (6092), 315-320.
[109] Shumilovskikh, L.S., Tarasov, P., Arz, H.W., Fleitmann, D., Marret, F., Nowaczyk, N., Plessen, B., Schlütz, F., Behling, H. (2012) Vegetation and environmental dynamics in the southern Black Sea region since 18 kyr BP derived from the marine core 22-GC3. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 337–338, 177-193.
[108] Riedel, F., Kossler, A., Tarasov, P., Wünnemann, B. (2012) Reply to "Comment on A study on Holocene foraminifera from the Aral Sea and West Siberian lakes and its implication for migration pathways" by S.A. Gusskov, Y.V. Kuzmin, E.Y., Zhakov. Quaternary International 257, 100-101.
[107] Nakagawa, T., Gotanda, K., Haraguchi, T., Danhara, T., Yonenobu, H., Yokoyama, Y., Brauer, A., Yokoyama, Y., Tada, R., Takemura, K., Staff, R. A., Payne, R., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C., Brock, F., Schlolaut, G., Marshall, M., Tarasov, P., Lamb, H., Suigetsu 2006 project members (2012) SG06, a perfectly continuous and varved sediment core from Lake Suigetsu, Japan: stratigraphy and potential for improving the radiocarbon calibration model and understanding of late Quaternary climate changes. Quaternary Science Reviews 36, 164-176.
[106] Mackay, A.W., Bezrukova, E.V., Leng, M.J., Meaney, M., Nunes, A., Piotrowska, N., Self, A., Shchetnikov, A., Shilland, E., Tarasov, P., Wang, L., White, D. (2012) Aquatic ecosystem responses to Holocene climate change and biome development in boreal, central Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews 41, 119-131.
[105] Tarasov, P.E., Williams, J.W., Kaplan, J.O., Österle, H., Kuznetsova, T.V., Wagner, M. (2012) Environmental change in the temperate grasslands and steppe. In: Matthews, J.A., Bartlein, P.J., Briffa, K.R., Dawson, A.G., de Vernal, A., Denham, T., Fritz, S.C., Oldfield, F. (Eds.), (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Environmental Change. Vol. 2 Human impacts and responses. SAGE Publications Ltd., Los Angeles, pp. 215-244.
[104] Riedel, F., Erhardt, S., Chauke, C., Kossler, A., Shemang, E., Tarasov, P. (2012) Evidence for a permanent lake in Sua Pan (Kalahari, Botswana) during the early centuries of the last millennium indicated by distribution of Baobab trees (Adansonia digitata) on “Kubu Island”. Quaternary International 253, 67-73.
[103] Staff, R.A., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C.L., Brock, F., Payne, R.L., Schlolaut, G., Marshall, M.H., Brauer, A., Lamb, H.F., Tarasov, P., Yokoyama, Y., Haraguchi, T., Gotanda, K., Yonenobu, H., Nakagawa, T., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2011) New 14C determinations from Lake Suigetsu, Japan: 12,000 to 0 cal BP. Radiocarbon 53(3), 511-528.
[102] Wagner, M., Wu, X., Tarasov, P., Aisha, A., Bronk Ramsey C., Schultz , M., Schmidt-Schultz, T., Gresky, J. (2011) Radiocarbon-dated archaeological record of early first millennium B.C. mounted pastoralists in the Kunlun Mountains, China. PNAS 108(38), 15733-15738.
[101] Tarasov, P.E., Nakagawa, T., Demske, D., Österle, H., Igarashi, Y., Kitagawa, J., Mokhova, L., Bazarova, V., Okuda, M., Gotanda, K., Miyoshi, N., Fujiki, T., Takemura, K., Yonenobu, H., Fleck, A., 2011. Progress in the reconstruction of Quaternary climate dynamics in the Northwest Pacific: A new modern analogue reference dataset and its application to the 430-kyr pollen record from Lake Biwa, Earth-Science Reviews 108(1-2), 64-79. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2011.06.002
[100] Kossler, A., Tarasov, P., Schlolaut, G., Nakagawa, T., Marshall, M., Brauer, A., Staff, R., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C., Lamb, H., Demske, D., Gotanda, K., Haraguchi. T., Yokoyama, Y., Yonenobu, H., Tada, R., Suigetsu 2006 project members (2011) Onset and termination of the late-glacial climate reversal in the high-resolution diatom and sedimentary records from the annually laminated SG06 core from Lake Suigetsu, Japan Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 306, 103–115.
[99] Kleinen, T., Tarasov, P., Brovkin, V., Andreev, A., Stebich, M. (2011) Comparison of modeled and reconstructed changes in forest cover through the past 8000 years: Eurasian perspective. The Holocene 21(5), 723-734. doi:10.1177/0959683610386980.
[98] Bezrukova, E.V., Tarasov, P.E., Kulagina, N.V., Abzaeva, A.A., Letunova, P.P., Kostrova, S.S. (2011) Palynological study of Lake Kotokel’ bottom sediments. Russian Geology and Geophysics 52, 457–464.
[97] Andreev, A.A., Schirrmeister, L., Tarasov, P.E., Ganopolski, A., Brovkin, V., Siegert, Ch., Wetterich, S., Hubberten, H.-W. (2011) Vegetation and climate history in the Laptev Sea region (Arctic Siberia) during Late Quaternary inferred from pollen records. Quaternary Science Reviews 30(17-18), 2182-2199, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.12.026.
[96] Kienast, F., Wetterich, S., Kuzmina, S., Schirrmeister, L., Andreev, A., Tarasov, P., Nazarova, L., Kossler, A., Frolova, L., Kunitsky, V.V. (2011) Paleontological records indicate the occurrence of open woodlands in a dry inland climate at the present-day Arctic coast in western Beringia during the last interglacial. Quaternary Science Reviews 30(17-18), 2134-2159, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2010.11.024.
[95] Williams, J.W., Tarasov, P., Brewer, S., Notaro, M. (2011) Late Quaternary variations in tree cover at the northern forest-tundra ecotone. Journal of Geophysical Research 116, G01017, doi:10.1029/2010JG001458.
[94] Riedel, F., Kossler, A., Tarasov, P., Wünnemann, B. (2011) A study on Holocene foraminifera from the Aral Sea and West Siberian lakes and its implication for migration pathways. Quaternary International 229, 105-111.
[93] Bezrukova, E.V., Tarasov, P.E., Solovieva, N., Krivonogov, S.K., Riedel, F. (2010). Last glacial–interglacial vegetation and environmental dynamics in southern Siberia: Chronology, forcing and feedbacks. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 296, 185–198.
[92] Müller, S., Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A., Tütken, T., Gartz, S., Diekmann, B. (2010) Late Quaternary vegetation and environments in the Verkhoyansk Mountains region (NE Asia) reconstructed from a 50-kyr fossil pollen record from Lake Billyakh. Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 2071-2086.
[91] Luo, C., Zheng, Z., Tarasov, P., Nakagawa, T. Pan, A., Xu, Q., Lu, H., Huang, K. (2010) A potential of pollen-based climate reconstruction using a modern pollen–climate dataset from arid northern and western China Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 160 (3-4), 111-125.
[90] Wünnemann, B., Demske, D., Tarasov, P., Kotlia, B.S., Reinhardt, C., Bloemendal, J., Diekmann, B., Hartmann, K., Krois, J., Riedel, F., Arya, N. (2010) Hydrological evolution during the last 15 kyr in the Tso Kar lake basin (Ladakh, India), derived from geomorphological, sedimentological and palynological records. Quaternary Science Reviews 29(9-10), 1138-1155.
[89] Prokopenko, A.A., Bezrukova, E.V., Khursevich, G.K., Solotchina, E.P., Kuzmin, M.I., Tarasov, P.E. (2010) Climate in continental interior Asia during the longest interglacial of the past 500,000 years: the new MIS 11 records from Lake Baikal, SE Siberia Climate of the Past 6, 31–48.
[88] Zheng, YW., Zheng, Z., Tarasov, P., Qian, LX., Huang, KY., Luo, CX., Xu, QH., Lv, HY., Luo, YL., Wei, JH., Beaudouin, C. (2010) Palynological and satellite-based MODIS observations of modern vegetational gradients in China. Quaternary International 218 (1-2), 190-201.
[87]Staff, R.A., Bronk Ramsey, C., Nakagawa, T., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2010) A re-analysis of the Lake Suigetsu terrestrial radiocarbon calibration dataset. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 268 (7-8), 960-965.
[86]Werner, K., Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A., Müller, S., Kienast, F., Zech, M., Zech, W., Diekmann, B. (2010) A 12.5-ka history of vegetation dynamics and mire development with evidence of the Younger Dryas larch presence in the Verkhoyansk Mountains, East Siberia, Russia. Boreas 39, 56–68.
[85] Tarasov, P., Müller, S., Andreev, A., Werner, K., Diekmann, B. (2009) Younger Dryas Larix in eastern Siberia: A migrant or survivor? PAGES news 17(3), 122-123.
[84]Wagner, M., Bo Wang, Tarasov, P., Westh-Hansen, S. M., Völling, E., Heller, J. (2009) The life-history of the warrior-and-centaur trousers from Sampula (Xinjiang, China). Antiquity 83, 1065–1075.
[83]Fyfe, R.M., de Beaulieu, J.-L., Binney, H., Bradshaw, R.H.W., Brewer, S., Flao A.L., Finsinger, W., Gaillard, M.-J., Giesecke, T., Gil-Romera, G., Grimm, E.C., Huntley, B., Kunes, P., Kühl, N., Leydet, M., Lotter, A.F., Tarasov, P.E., Tonkov, S. (2009) The European Pollen Database: past efforts and current activities. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 18, 417–424.
[82] Tarasov, P.E., Jin, G., Wagner, M. (2009). The modern climate and environmental setting of the Haidai Region, pp. 105-107. In: Wagner, M., Luan F., Tarasov, P. (eds.), Chinese Archaeology and Palaeoenvironments I: Prehistory at the lower reaches of the Yellow River: The Haidai Region. Philipp von Zabern, Mainz, 205 p.
[81]Wagner, M., Luan F., Tarasov, P., Eds. (2009) Chinese Archaeology and Palaeoenvironments I: Prehistory at the lower reaches of the Yellow River: The Haidai Region. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz, 205 p.
[80]Mokhova, L., Tarasov, P., Bazarova, V., Klimin, M. (2009) Quantitative biome reconstruction using modern and late Quaternary pollen data from the southern part of the Russian Far East. Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 2913–2926.
[79]Demske, D., Tarasov, P.E., Wünnemann, B., Riedel, F. (2009). Late glacial and Holocene vegetation, Indian monsoon and westerly circulation in the Trans-Himalaya recorded in the lacustrine pollen sequence from Tso Kar, Ladakh, NW India. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 279, 172–185.
[78]Wagner, M., Flitsch, M., Winterstein, C., Lehmann, H., Heußner, K.-U., Ren, X., Xiao, Y., Cai, L., Wulf-Rheidt, U., Tarasov, P., Dwyer, A. (2009) Traditionelles Bauen und Wohnen der Salar in Nordwest-China. AMIT 39, 2007, 127-234.
[77] Tarasov, P.E., Bezrukova, E.V., Krivonogov, S.K. (2009) Late glacial and Holocene changes in vegetation cover and climate in southern Siberia derived from a 15 kyr long pollen record from Lake Kotokel. Climate of the Past 5, 73–84.
[76]Müller, S., Tarasov, P.E., Diekmann, B., Andreev, A.A. (2009) Late Glacial to Holocene environments in the present-day coldest region of the Northern Hemisphere inferred from a pollen record of Lake Billyakh, Verkhoyansk Mts, NE Siberia. Climate of the Past 5, 73-84.
[75]Rudaya, N., Tarasov, P., Dorofeyuk, N., Solovieva, N., Kalugin, I., Andreev, A., Daryin, A., Diekmann, B., Riedel, F., Tserendash, N., Wagner, M. (2009) Holocene environments and climate in the Mongolian Altai reconstructed from the Hoton-Nur pollen and diatom records: a step towards better understanding climate dynamics in Central Asia. Quaternary Science Reviews 28, 540-554.
[74]Müller, S., Bobrov, A.A., Schirrmeister, L., Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E. (2009). Testate amoebae record from the Laptev Sea coast and its implication for the reconstruction of Late Pleistocene and Holocene environments in the Arctic Siberia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 271(3-4), 301-315.
[73]Luo, C., Zheng, Z., Tarasov, P., Pan, A., Huang, K., Beaudouin, C., An, F. (2009) Characteristics of the modern pollen distribution and their relationship to vegetation in the Xinjiang region, northwestern China, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 153 (3-4), 282-295.
[72]Andreev, A.A., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., Kuznetsova, T.V., Kuzmina, S.V., Bobrov, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Novenko, E.Y., Meyer, H., Derevyagin, A.Y., Kienast, F., Bryantseva, A., Kunitsky, V.V. (2009) Weichselian and Holocene palaeoenvironmental history of the Bol’shoy Lyakhovsky Island, New Siberian Archipelago, Arctic Siberia. Boreas 38, 72–110.
[71]Wanner, H., Beer, J., Bütikofer, J., Crowley, T.J., Cubasch, U., Flückiger, J., Goosse, H., Grosjean, M., Joos, F., Kaplan, J.O., Küttel, M., Müller, S.A., Prentice, I.C., Solomina, O., Stocker, T.F., Tarasov, P., Wagner, M., Widmann, M. (2008) Mid- to late Holocene climate change - an overview. Quaternary Science Reviews 27 (19-20), 1791-1828.
[70]Rudaya, N.A., Tarasov, P.E., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Kalugin, I.A., Andreev, A.A., Diekmann, B., Daryin, A.V. (2008) Environmental changes in the Mongolian Altai during the Holocene. Archaeology Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 36/4, 2–14.
[69]Andreev, A.A., Lubinski, D.J., Bobrov, A.A., Ingólfsson, Ó., Forman, S.L., Tarasov, P.E., Möller, P. (2008) Early Holocene environments on October Revolution Island, Severnaya Zemlya, Arctic Russia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 267, 21–30.
[68]Wagner, M., Tarasov, P.E. (2008) The present perception of the origin of Chinese Civilization. In: Kuhn, D., Stahl, H. (Eds.) Perceptions of Antiquity in Chinese civilization. Edition forum, Heidelberg, pp. 69-84.
[67]Nakagawa, T., Okuda; M., Yonenobu, H., Norio, M., Toshiyuki, F., Gotanda, K., Tarasov, P., Yoshimune, M., Takemura, K., Shoji, N. (2008) Regulation of the Monsoon Climate by Two Different Orbital Rhythms and Forcing Mechanisms. Geology 36(6), 491-494.
[66]Gotanda, K., Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P.E., Yasuda, Y. (2008) Disturbed vegetation reconstruction using the biomization method from Japanese pollen data: Modern and Late Quaternary samples. Quaternary International 184, 56–74.
[65]Kienast, F., Tarasov, P., Schirrmeister, L., Grosse, G., Andreev, A. (2008) Continental climate in the East Siberian Arctic during the last interglacial: implications from palaeobotanical records. Global and Planetary Change 60(3-4), 535-562.
[64] Tarasov, P., Williams, J.W., Andreev, A., Nakagawa, T., Bezrukova, E., Herzschuh, U., Igarashi, Y., Müller, S., Werner, K., Zheng, Z. (2007) Satellite- and pollen-based quantitative woody cover reconstructions for northern Asia: verification and application to late-Quaternary pollen data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 264, 284–298.
[63]Wohlfarth, B., Lacourse, T., Bennike, O., Subetto, D., Tarasov, P., Demidov, I., Filimonova, L., Sapelko, T. (2007) Climatic and environmental changes in north-western Russia between 15,000 and 8000 cal yr BP: a review. Quaternary Science Reviews 26 (13-14), 1871-1883.
[62] Tarasov, P., Bezrukova, E., Karabanov, E., Nakagawa, T., Wagner, M., Kulagina, N., Letunova, P., Abzaeva, A., Granoszewski, W., Riedel, F. (2007) Vegetation and climate dynamics during the Holocene and Eemian interglacials derived from Lake Baikal pollen records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 252 (3-4), 440-457.
[61]Wu Xinhua, Wagner, M., Görsdorf, J., Tarasov, P., Aisha, A., Mei Jianjun (2007) Das Gräberfeld Liushui des 9. bis 7. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. im Kunlun-Gebirge, NW-China. Eurasia Antiqua 12, 2006, 173-191.
[60]Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E. (2007) Pollen Records, Postglacial: Northern Asia. In S. Elias (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Vol. 4., pp. 2721-2729.
[59] Tarasov, P., Jin, G., Wagner, M. (2006) Mid-Holocene environmental and human dynamics in northeastern China reconstructed from pollen and archaeological data. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 241, 284-300.
[58]Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P.E., Kitagawa, H., Yasuda, Y., Gotanda, K., Sawai, Y., YRCP members. (2006) Seasonally specific responses of the East Asian monsoon to deglacial climate changes. Geology 34(7), 521-524.
[57]Wohlfarth, B., Tarasov, P., Bennike, O., Lacourse, T., Subetto, D., Torssander, P., Romanenko, F. (2006) Late glacial and Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in the Rostov-Yaroslavl' area, West Central Russia. Journal of Paleolimnology 35 (3), 543-569.
[56] Tarasov, P., Granoszewski, W., Bezrukova, E., Brewer, S., Nita, M., Abzaeva, A., Oberhänsli, H. (2005) Quantitative reconstruction of the Last Interglacial vegetation and climate based on the pollen record from Lake Baikal, Russia. Climate Dynamics 25 (6), 625-637.
[55] Tarasov, P., Brovkin, V., Wagner, M. (2005) What Drives the Climate: Man or Nature? PAGES News 13 (2), 24-25.
[54]Nakagawa, T., Kitagawa, H., Yasuda, Y., Tarasov, P.E., Gotanda, K., Sawai, Y. (2005) Pollen/event stratigraphy of the varved sediment of Lake Suigetsu, central Japan from 15,701 to 10,217 SG vyr BP (Suigetsu varve years before present): Description, interpretation, and correlation with other regions. Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (14-15), 1691-1701.
[53]Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Cremer,H., Hermichen, W.-D., Hubberten, H.-W., Ilyashuk, B.P., Ilyashuk, E.A., Wischer, F. (2005) Holocene environmental history recorded in the Lake Lyadhej-To sediments, Polar Urals, Russia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 223(3-4), 181-203.
[52] Tarasov, P.E., Raevskaya, E.G., Zavialova, N.E. (2005) Chronicle: The XI International Palynological Congress. Paleontological Journal 39(3): 339-341.
[51]Dolukhanov, P.M., Shukurov, A.M., Tarasov, P.E., Zaitseva, G.I. (2005) Reply to Y.V. Kuzmin, S.G. Keates (Journal of Archaeological Science 31 (2004) 141-143). Journal of Archaeological Science 32(7), 1125-1130.
[50]Kienast, F., Schirrmeister, L., Siegert, C., Tarasov, P.E. (2005) Palaeobotanical evidence for warm summers in the East Siberian Arctic during the last cold stage. Quaternary Research 63 (3), 283-300.
[49]Demske, D., Heumann, G., Granoszewski, W., Nita, M., Mamakowa, K., Tarasov, P., Oberhänsli, H. (2005) Late glacial and Holocene vegetation and regional climate variability evidenced in high-resolution pollen records from Lake Baikal. Global and Planetary Change 46 (1-4), 255-279.
[48]Solovieva, N., Tarasov, P., MacDonald, G. (2005) Quantitative reconstruction of Holocene climate from Chuna Lake pollen record, Kola Peninsula, north-west Russia, The Holocene 15(1), 141-148.
[47] Tarasov, P.E., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Sokolovskaya, V.T., Nakagawa, T., Makohonienko, M. (2004) Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation changes recorded in the pollen data from the Hangai Mountains, Central Mongolia. In Y. Yasuda and V. Shinde (Eds.) Monsoon and Civilization, 448 p. New Delhi, Roli Books Pvt. Ltd., pp. 23-50.
[46]MacDonald, G.M., Edwards, T., Gervais, B., Laing, T., Pisaric, M., Porinchu, D., Snyder, J., Solovieva, N., Tarasov, P., Wolfe, B. (2004) Paleolimnological research from northern Russian Eurasia. In R. Pienitz, M.S.V. Douglas and J.P. Smol (editors) Long-term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research, Volume 8. Chapter 12. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 349-380.
[45]Barber, K., Zolitschka, B., Tarasov, P., Lotter, A. F. (2004) Atlantic to Urals – the Holocene climatic record of Mid-Latitude Europe. In R.W. Battarbee, F. Gasse and C.E. Stickley (editors) Past Climate Variability through Europe and Africa. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Vol. 6. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 417-442.
[44]Sheppard, P.R., Tarasov, P.E., Graumlich, L.J., Heussner, K.-U., Wagner, M. Österle, H., Thompson, L.G. (2004) Annual precipitation since 515 BC reconstructed from living and fossil juniper growth of northeastern Qinghai Province, China. Climate Dynamics 23 (7-8), 869-881.
[43]Andreev, A.A., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., Kuzmina, S.A., Novenko, E.Yu., Bobrov, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Ilyashuk, B.P., Kuznetsova, T.V., Krbetschek, M., Meyer, H., Kunitsky, V.V. (2004) Late Saalian and Eemian palaeoenvironmental history of the Bol’shoy Lyakhovsky, Island Laptev Sea region, Arctic Siberia. Boreas 33(4), 319-348.
[42]Wohlfarth, B., Schwark, L., Bennike, O., Filimonova, L., Tarasov, P., Björkman, L., Brunnberg, L., Demidov, I., Possnert, G. (2004) Unstable Early Holocene climatic and environmental conditions in northwestern Russia derived from a multidisciplinary study of a lake sediment sequence from Pichozero, southwestern Russian Karelia. The Holocene 14(5), 732-746.
[41]Herzschuh, U., Tarasov, P., Wünnemann, B., Hartmann, K. (2004) Holocene vegetation and climate of the Alashan Plateau, NW China, reconstructed from pollen data. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 211 (1-2), 1-17.
[40]Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Klimanov, V.A., Melles, M., Lisitsyna, O.M., Hubberten, H.-W. (2004) Vegetation and climate changes around the Lama Lake, Taymyr Peninsula, Russia during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. Quaternary International 122 (1), 69-84.
[39]Andreev, A., Tarasov, P., Schwamborn, G., Ilyashuk, B., Ilyashuk, E., Bobrov, A., Klimanov, V., Rachold, V., Hubberten, H.-W. (2004) Holocene paleoenvironmental records from Nikolay Lake, Lena River Delta, Arctic Russia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 209 (1-4), 197-217.
[38]Jones, V.J., Leng, M.J., Solovieva, N., Sloane, H.J., Tarasov, P. (2004) Holocene climate of the Kola Peninsula; evidence from the oxygen isotope record of diatom silica, Quaternary Science Reviews 23, 833-839.
[37] Tarasov, P.E., Heussner, K.-U., Wagner, M., Österle, H., Wang, S. (2004) Precipitation changes in Dulan BC 515 - AD 800 inferred from tree-ring data related to the human occupation of NW China. Eurasia Antiqua 9, 2003, 303-321.
[36]Xu Xinguo, Wang Wei, Wagner, M., Heussner, K.-U., Tarasov, P.E. Grieß, B., Niu Shishan, Song Jiangning, Xiao Yongming, Cai Linhai (2004) Results of the first Archaeological Excavation and Environmental Survey at Fengtai, Qinghai Province, PR China, in 2001. Eurasia Antiqua 9, 2003, 85-111.
[35]Lopez, P., Lopez-Saez, J.A., Chernykh, E.N., Tarasov, P. (2003) Late Holocene vegetation history and human activity shown by pollen analysis of Novenki peat bog (Kargaly region, Orenburg Oblast, Russia). Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 12(1), 75-82.
[34]Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Siegert, C., Ebel, T., Klimanov, V.A., Melles, M., Hahne, J., Shilova, G.N., Dereviagin, A.Y., Hubberten, H.-W. (2003) Vegetation and climate changes on the northern Taymyr, Russia during the Upper Pleistocene and Holocene reconstructed from pollen records. Boreas 32 (3): 484-505.
[33]Nakagawa, T., Kitagawa, H., Yasuda, Y., Tarasov, P.E., Kotoba, N., Gotanda, K., Sawai, Y., Yangtze River Civilization Program (2003) Asynchronous climate changes in the North Atlantic and Japan during the Last Termination. Science 299 (5607): 688-691.
[32] Tarasov, P.E., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Vipper, P.B. (2002) The Holocene Dynamics of Vegetation in Buryatia. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation 10 (1), 88-96.
[31]Kislov, A.V., Tarasov, P.E., Sourkova, G.V. (2002) Pollen and other proxy-based reconstructions and PMIP simulations of the Last Glacial Maximum mean annual temperature: an attempt to harmonize the data-model comparison procedure. Acta Palaeontologica Sinica 41 (4), 539-545.
[30]Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P.E., Nishida, K., Gotanda, K., Yasuda, Y. (2002) Quantitative pollen-based climate reconstruction in Japan: application to surface and late Quaternary spectra. Quaternary Science Reviews 21: 2099-2113.
[29]Dolukhanov, P.M., Shukurov, A.M., Tarasov, P.E., G.I. Zaitseva (2002) Colonization of Northern Eurasia by Modern Humans: Radiocarbon Chronology and Environment. Journal of Archeological Science 29 (6): 593-606.
[28]Gotanda, K., Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P., Kitagawa, J., Inoue, Y., Yasuda, Y. (2002) Biome classification from Japanese pollen data: application to modern-day and late Quaternary samples. Quaternary Science Reviews 21 (4-6), 647-657.
[28]Brewer, S., Cheddadi, R., de Beaulieu, J.L., Reille, M., Allen, J., …., Tarasov, P., …, Zernitskaja, V.P. (2002) The spread of deciduous Quercus throughout Europe since the last glacial period. Forest Ecology and Management 156 (1-3), 27-48.
[27]Andreev, A.A., Peteet, D.M., Tarasov, P.E., Romanenko, F.A., Filimonova, L.V., Sulerzhitsky, L.D. (2001) Late Pleistocene interstadial environment on Faddeyevskiy Island, East-Siberian Sea, Russia. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 33(1), 28-38.
[26]Kageyama, M., Peyron, O., Pinot, S., Tarasov, P., Guiot, J., Joussaume, S., Ramstein, G., PMIP participating groups (2001) The Last Glacial Maximum climate over Europe and western Siberia: a PMIP comparison between models and data. Climate Dynamics 17 (1), 23-43.
[25] Tarasov, P.E., Volkova, V.S., Webb III, T., Guiot, J., Andreev, A.A., Bezusko, L.G., Bezusko, T.V., Bykova, G.V., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Kvavadze, E.V., Osipova, I.M., Panova, N.K., Sevastyanov, D.V. (2000) Last Glacial Maximum Biomes Reconstructed from Pollen and Plant Macrofossil Data from Northern Eurasia. Journal of Biogeography 27(3), 609-620.
[24] Tarasov, P., Dorofeyuk, N., Metel’tseva, E. (2000) Holocene vegetation and climate changes in Hoton-Nur basin, northwest Mongolia. Boreas 29/2, 117-126.
[23]Kageyama, M., Cheddadi, R., Guiot, J., Peyron, O., Pinot, S., Ramstein, G., Tarasov, P. (2000) Data-model comparison for the Last Glacial Maximum climate over Europe and western Siberia: PMIP model results and pollen-based climate reconstructions using transfer funktion and inverse modelling technique, pp. 107-113. In: Braconnot, P. (Ed.) Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP). Proceedings of the Third PMIP workshop, Canada, 4-8 October 1999. Edited by P. Braconnot. WCRP-111, WMO/TD-No. 1007.
[22]Guiot, J., Cheddadi, R., Bonfils, C., de Noblet, N., Tarasov, P. (2000) Climate reconstruction from pollen data and model-data comparison in Eurasia (Holocene), pp. 87-93. In: Braconnot, P. (Ed.) Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP). Proceedings of the Third PMIP workshop, Canada, 4-8 October 1999. WCRP-111, WMO/TD-No. 1007.
[21] Tarasov, P.E., Guiot, J., Cheddadi, R., Andreev, A.A., Bezusko, L.G., Blyakharchuk, T.A., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Filimonova, L.V., Volkova, V.S., Zernitskaya, V.P. (1999b) Climate in northern Eurasia 6000 years ago reconstructed from pollen data. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 171/4, 635-645.
[20]Guiot, J., Torre, F., Cheddadi, R., Peyron, O., Tarasov, P., Jolly, D., Kaplan, J.O. (1999) The climate of the Mediterranean Basin and of Eurasia of the Last Glacial Maximum as reconstructed by inverse vegetation modelling and pollen data. Ecologia Mediterranea 25(2), 193-204.
[19]Gunin, P.D.,Vostokova, E.A., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Tarasov, P.E., Black, C.C. (eds). (1999) Vegetation dynamics of Mongolia. Geobotany 26. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 238 pp.
[18] Tarasov, P.E., Peyron, O., Guiot, J., Brewer, S., Volkova, V.S., Bezusko, L.G., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Kvavadze, E.V., Osipova, I.M., Panova, N.K. (1999a) Last Glacial Maximum climate of the Former Soviet Union and Mongolia reconstructed from pollen and plant macrofossil data. Climate Dynamics 15, 227-240.
[17] Tarasov, P.E., Webb III, T., Andreev, A.A., Afanas’eva, N.B., Berezina, N.A., Bezusko, L.G., Blyakharchuk, T.A., Bolikhovskaya, N.S., Cheddadi, R., Chernavskaya, M.M., Chernova, G.M., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Dirksen, V.G., Elina, G.A., Filimonova, L.V., Glebov, F.Z., Guiot, J., Gunova, V.S., Harrison, S.P., Jolly, D., Khomutova, V.I., Kvavadze, E.V., Osipova, I. M., Panova, N.K., Prentice, I.C., Saarse, L., Sevastyanov, D.V., Volkova, V.S., Zernitskaya, V.P. (1998) Present-day and mid-Holocene Biomes Reconstructed from Pollen and Plant Macrofossil Data from the Former Soviet Union and Mongolia. Journal of Biogeography 25, 1029-1053.
[16] Tarasov, P.E., Cheddadi, R., Guiot, J., Bottema, S., Peyron, O., Belmonte, J., Ruiz-Sanchez, V., Saadi, F.A., Brewer, S. (1998) A method to determine warm and cool steppe biomes from pollen data; application to the Mediterranean and Kazakhstan Regions. Journal of Quaternary Science 13/4, 335-344.
[15]Peyron, O., Guiot, J., Cheddadi, R., Tarasov, P.E., Reille, M., Beaulieu, J.-L. de, Bottema, S., Andrieu, V. (1998) Climatic reconstruction in Europe from pollen data, 18,000 years before present. Quaternary Research 49, 183-196.
[14]Serebryanny, L., Andreev, A., Malyasova, E., Tarasov, P., Romanenko, F. (1998) Late-glacial and early-Holocene environments of Novaya Zemlya and the Kara Sea Region of the Russian Arctic. The Holocene 8(3), 323-330.
[13]Dorofeyuk, N.I., Tarasov, P.E. (1998) Vegetation and lake levels of northern Mongolia since 12,500 yr B.P. based on the pollen and diatom records. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation 6(1), 70-83.
[12] Tarasov, P.E., Harrison, S.P. (1998) Lake status records from the former Soviet Union and Mongolia: a continental-scale synthesis. Paläoklimaforschung/Palaeoclimate Research 25, 115-130.
[11]Battarbee, R.W., Davydova, N.N., Digerfeldt, G., Eronen, M., Gaillard, M.-J., Gliemeroth, A.K., Hannon, G., Harrison, S.P., Hofmann, W., Liew, P.M., Lotter, A.F., Loeffler, H., Marciniak, B., Smol, J.P., Tarasov, P.E. (1998). Biological records of climate change in lake sediments. Paläoklimaforschung/Palaeoclimate Research 25, 161-167.
[10]Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Romanenko, F.A., Sulerzhitskii, L.D., Terekhov, K.I. (1998) Vegetation of the Western Coast of the Baidaratskaya Bay at the End of the Late Pleistocene. Startigraphy and Geological Correlation 6(5), 520-525.
[9] Tarasov, P.E., Jolly, D., Kaplan, J.O. (1997) A continuous Late Glacial and Holocene record of vegetation changes in Kazakhstan. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 136, 281-292.
[8]Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., Romanenko, F.A., Sulerzhitsky, L.D. (1997) Younger Dryas Pollen Records from Sverdrup Island (Kara Sea). Quaternary International 41/42, 135-139.
[7]Kremenetski, C.V., Tarasov, P.E., Cherkinsky, A.E. (1997) The Latest Pleistocene in Southwestern Siberia and Kazakhstan. Quaternary International 41/42, 125-134.
[6]Texier D., de Noblet, N., Harrison, S.P., Haxeltine, A., Jolly, D., Joussaume, S., Laarif, F., Prentice, I.C., Tarasov, P. (1997) Quantifying the role of biosphere-atmosphere feedbacks in climate change: coupled model simulations for 6000 years BP and comparison with palaeodata for northern Eurasia and northern Africa. Climate Dynamics 13, 865-882.
[5]Kremenetski, C.V., Tarasov, P.E., Cherkinsky, A.E. (1997) Postglacial development of Kazakhstan pine forests. Geographie physique et Quaternaire 51(3): 391-404.
[4]Harrison, S.P., Yu, G., Tarasov, P.E. (1996) Late Quaternary lake-level record from northern Eurasia. Quaternary Research 45: 138-159.
[3] Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A., Romanenko, F.A., Sulerzhitskii, L.D. (1995) Palynostratigraphy of upper Quaternary deposits of Sverdrup Island, the Kara Sea. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation 3(2), 190-196.
[2] Tarasov, P.E., Kremenetskii, K.V. (1995) Geochronology and Stratigraphy of the Holocene Lacustrine-Bog Deposits in Northern and Central Kazakhstan. Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation 3(1): 190-196.
[1] Tarasov, P.E., Kremenetskii, K.V. (1995) Interaction of Nature and Humans in the Steppe Zone of Kazakhstan. Water Resources 22(3): 318-322.
3. Popular-science publications
Wagner, M., Wertmann, P., Tarasov, P., Durkin-Meisterernst, D. (2015) Die Netzwerker des Ostens. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 02/15, 14-19.
Wagner, M., Tarasov, P. (2015) Das vergessene Reich der Jinsha. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 2/15, 52-59.
Wagner, M., Wertmann, P., Tarasov, P., Durkin-Meisterernst, D. (2011) Die Netzwerker des Ostens. EPOC 01/2011, 44-49.
Wagner, M., Wertmann, P., Tarasov, P., Durkin-Meisterernst, D. (2011) Antike Handelsmacht: Heimlicher Herrscher auf der Seidenstraße. Spiegel Online,,1518,735658,00.html
Wagner, M., Tarasov, P. (2007) Das vergessene Reich der Jinsha. Spektrum der Wissenschaft 10, 96-103.
Wagner, M., Tarasov, P., Heußner, K.-U. (2007) Klimaarchiv im Wacholder. Spektrum der Wissenschaft Dossier 4, 78-82
Tarasov, P., Wagner, M., Jin, G. (2007) Paläobotanische Archive: Jungquartäre und holozäne Klimaentwicklung in chinesischen Trockengebieten. Geografische Rundschau 59, Heft 4, 12-20 (in German with English Summary).
Wagner, M., Tarasov, P. (2005) Did our ancestors save us from a new Ice Age? Nichibunken Newsletter 60 (November), 4-5.
Wagner, M., Tarasov, P. (2007) Die nordchinesische Steppe: Landschaften – Klima – Bewohner. In M. Wagner, H. Butz (Eds.), Nomadenkunst: Ordosbronzen der Ostasiatischen Kunstsammlung Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Archäologie in Eurasien 23, Mainz, pp. XV-XXVII.
Wagner, M., Tarasov, P., Heußner, K.-U. (2006) Klimaarchiv im Wacholder. Spektrum der Wissenschaft Januar, 50-54 (in German).
Tarasov, P. (2005) Aside of the Silk Road. (Na obochine shelkovogo puti) Znanie-sila 7: 114-119 (in Russian).
Tarasov, P. (2004) The meeting point can not be changed. (Mesto vstrechi izmenit’ nel’zia) Znanie-sila 5: 49-58 (in Russian).
Tarasov, P. (2003) Kyoto: the capital of peace and quietness. (Kioto: stolitsa mira i spokoistviya) Lazur’ 11: 24-28 (in Russian).
Tarasov, P. (2003) The last day of Chinese Pompeii. (Poslednii den’ kitaiskoi Pompei) Znanie-sila 8: 75-79 (in Russian).
Tarasov, P. (2003) Pollen (Tsvetochnaya pyl’tsa), pp. 59-64. In A.N. Mescheriakov (Ed.) Kniga yaponskikh simvolov. Kniga yaponskikh obyknovenii. Moscow, Natalis, 556 p. (in Russian).
Tarasov, P. (2002) Gohan (Japanese blocknote). St. Petersburg, Hyperion, 224 p. (in Russian).
Tarasov, P. (2002) Is it possible that Renaissance was due to the climate warming? (Neuzheli epokha Vozrozhdeniya nastupila iz-za potepleniya klimata?) Znanie – sila 6: 41-46 (in Russian).
Tarasov, P. (2002) Experiment for us. (Eksperiment dlia nas) Znanie – sila 3: 85-91 (in Russian).
Tarasov, P. (2002) Geograficheskoe esse na yaponskuyu temu. (Geographical essay on Japanese theme) Yaponiya put’ kisti i mecha 2: 15-17 (in Russian).
4. Other scientific publications
Kostrova, S.S., Meyer, H., Bezrukova, E.V., Tarasov, P.E., Chapligin, B. (2015) Oxygen isotopic record of environment of the southeastern Trans-Baikal Region for the past 46 ka. In: Fundamental Problems of Quaternary, Results and Main Trends of Future Studies, pp. 238-240. Proceedings of the IX All-Russian Conference on Quaternary Research. 15-20 September 2015, Irkutsk, Russia. V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography. Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publishers, Irkutsk.
Novenko, E.Y., Nosova, M.B., Krasnorutskaya, K.V., Zyuganova, I.S., Tarasov, P.E. (2011) Chapter 4: Methods for vegetation and climate reconstruction (Metody rekonstruktsii rastitel’nosti i klimata), p. 20-27. In E.Y. Novenko (Ed.) Forest ecosystem dynamics of the south of Valdai Hills in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. (Dinamika lesnykh ekosistem yuga Valdaiskoi vozvyshennosti v pozdnem pleistotsene i golotsene), GEOS, Moscow, 112 p. In Russian
Novenko, E.Y., Zyuganova, I.S., Pisareva, V.V., Faustova, M.A., Tarasov, P.E. (2011) Chapter 6: Palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic reconstructions for the Mikulino Interglacial and Valdai Glacial (Paleoekologicheskie i paleoklimaticheskie rekonstruktsii dlia Mikulinskogo mezhlednikovya i Valdaiskogo oledeneniya), p. 52-66. In E.Y. Novenko (Ed.) Forest ecosystem dynamics of the south of Valdai Hills in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene. (Dinamika lesnykh ekosistem yuga Valdaiskoi vozvyshennosti v pozdnem pleistotsene i golotsene), GEOS, Moscow, 112 p. In Russian
Tarasov, P., Wagner, M. (2005) Environmental aspects of Chinese antiquity: problems of interpretation and chronological correlation. Dongfang Kaogu 2, 263-271. (In Chinese with English abstract).
Tarasov, P.E. (2002) PAGES Meeting on High Latitude Paleoenvironments. Moscow, Russia, 16-17 May 2002. PAGES News 10 (2): 22-23.
Kislov, A.V., Sourkova, G.V., Tarasov, P.E., Konstantinov, I.S. (2002) Sopostavlenie rezul’tatov chislennogo modelirovaniya i paleorekonstruktsii dlya klimaticheskikh uslovii pozdnepleistotsenovogo kriokhrona. Izvestiya RAN. Seriya Geograficheskaya 5, 22-31 (in Russian).
Lopez Saez, J.A., Lopez Garcia, P., Tarasov, P.E. (2002). Late Holocene environments and human activity as revealed by the pollen analysis of Novenki peat bog (Kargaly Region, Orenburg Oblast, Russia). In: Book of complete texts XIII Simposio de la A.P.L.E., Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena, Departamento de Ingenieria Quimica y Ambiental, pp. 305-318.
Romanenko, F.A., Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A., Nikolaev, V.I., Sulerzhitsky, L.D. (2001) Osobennosti formirovaniya rel’efa i rykhlykh otlozhenii zapadnogo Yamala i poberezhya Baidaratskoi guby (Karskoe more), pp. 41-68. In V.I. Solomatin (ed.) Problemy obshchei i prikladnoi geoekologii Severa. Moscow, Moscow University Press, 351 p. (in Russian).
Gunova, V.S., Tarasov, P.E. Uspenskaya, O.N., Pushenko, M.Ya., MacDonald, G.M. (2001) Holocene evolution of the Trostenskoe Lake and adjacent area. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 5. Geography 1, 61-67 (in Russian).
Tarasov, P.E. (2000) Reconstructions of Late Quaternary climate and vegetation in northern Eurasia from pollen data, pp. 70-96. In: P.A. Kaplin and N.G. Sudakova (eds.) Problemy paleogeografii i stratigrafii pleistotsena. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 360 p. (in Russian).
Dorofeyuk, N.I., Tarasov, P.E. (2000) Vegetation of western and southern Mongolia in the late Pleistocene and Holocene. Botanicheskii Zhurnal 85(2), 1-17 (in Russian).
Tarasov, P.E., Gunova, V.S., Uspenskaya, O.N. (1997) Lake levels of the Volga catchment as indicators of Holocene climate changes. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 5. Geography 3: 36-41 (in Russian).
Qin, B., Harrison, S.P., Yu, G., Tarasov, P.E., Damnati, B. (1997) The geological evidence of the global moisture condition changes since the Last Glacial Maximum – the construction of global lake status database and the synthesis in the large temporal and spatial scale. Journal of Lake Sciences 9(3): 203-210 (in Chinese).
Klimanov, V.A., Tarasov, P.E., Tarasova, I.V. (1994) Quantitative Palaeoclimate Reconstructions in the Steppe Zone of Kazakhstan. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 5. Geography 1, 25-30 (in Russian).
Tarasov, P.E. (1992) Holocene Palaeogeography of the Northern and Central Kazakhstan Steppe Zone (by pollen record). PhD Thesis. Department of Geography, Moscow State University, Russia. 213 p. (in Russian).
Varushchenko, A.N., Tarasov, P.E. (1992) Landscape-climatic conditions in the arid regions of the Northern Hemisphere during the Boreal warming. Vodnye Resursy 4: 47-50 (in Russian).
Tarasov, P.E. (1991) Late Holocene features of the Kokchetav Highland. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 5. Geography 6, 54-60 (in Russian).
Varushchenko, A.N., Tarasov, P.E. (1991) Attempt to reconstruct landscapes and climate of arid regions of the Northern Hemisphere 9000-8000 yr B.P. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Ser. 5. Geography 1, 55-62 (in Russian).
Korotaev, V.N., Sidorchuk, A.E., Tarasov, P.E. (1990) Palaeogeomorphological analysis of river deltas in Tazovskaya Guba. Geomorfologiya 2: 78-84 (in Russian).
5. Published abstracts of the international conferences
Tarasov, P., Heussner, K.-U., Sheppard, P., Wagner, M. (2011) Human interactions with climate variability in China over the past 2000 years. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a315.html. Oral presentation.
Bezrukova, E., Tarasov, P., Solovieva, N., Krivonogov, S., Riedel, F. (2011) Last glacial–interglacial vegetation and environments in southern Siberia: Chronology, forcing and feedbacks. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a313.html. Poster presentation.
Bronk Ramsey, C., Staff, R.A., Bryant, C., Brock, F., Brauer, A., Lamb, H., Marshall, M., Schlolaut, G., Tarasov, P., Haraguchi, T., Gotanda, K., Yokoyama, Y., Yonenobu, H., Tada R., Nakagawa, T. and Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2011) Assessing the importance of terrestrial radiocarbon archives for the glacial period: implications of the Suigetsu (SG06) radiocarbon record. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a1284.html. Poster presentation.
Gartz, S., Tarasov, P., Müller, S., Kleinen, T., Prange, M., Rachmayani, R., Bezrukova, E., Brovkin, V., Schulz, M. (2011) Climate and vegetation reconstructions for MIS 11.3 interglacial. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a818.html. Poster presentation.
Kossler, A., Tarasov, P., Nakagawa, T., Schlolaut, G., Marshall, M., Brauer, A., Lamb, H., Demske, D., Bronk Ramsey, C., Staff, R., Bryant, C., Brock, F., Gotanda, K., Haraguchi, T., Yokoyama, Y., Yonenobu, H., Tada, R., Saito-Kato, M., Suigetsu 2006 project members (2011) Onset and termination of the late-glacial climate reversal in the diatom records from the annually laminated SG06 core from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a2911.html. Poster presentation.
Müller, S., Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A., Gartz, S., Diekmann, B. (2011) Pollen-based reconstruction of vegetation and environments in the Verkhoyansk Mountains region of Siberia during the past 50 kyr. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a299.html. Poster presentation.
Nakagawa, T., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C., Lamb, H., Tarasov, P., Brauer, A., Pearson, E., Blockley, S., Brock, F., Demske, D., Gotanda, K., Haraguti, T., Kossler, A., Macleod, A., Marshall, M., Nagashima, K., Payne, R., Saito-Kato, M., Schlolaut, G., Smith, V., Staff, R., Tada, R., Takemura, K., Tyler, J., Yokoyama, Y., Yonenobu, H., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2011) Lake Suigetsu 2006 varved sediment project (SG06): outline and important early outputs. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a1593.html. Oral presentation.
Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P., Payne, R., Demske, D., Marshall, M., Schlolaut, G., Staff, R., Brauer, A., Lamb, H., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C., Brock, F., Haraguti, T., Gotanda, K., Yokoyama, Y., Tada, R., Yonenobu, H., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2011) Late Glacial to early Holocene pollen stratigraphy of the SG06 core from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a1598.html. Poster presentation.
Pearson, E.J., Nakagawa, T., Tyler, J., Juggins, S., Bronk-Ramsey, C., Bryant, C., Staff, R., Brock, F., Lamb, H., Brauer, A., Marshall, M., Schlolaut, G., Yokoyama, Y., Tarasov, P., Payne, R.L., Haraguchi, T., Yonenobu, H., Tada, R., Gotanda, K., Kossler, A., Demske, D., Takemura, K., Ikehara, M., Suigetsu 2006 project members (2011) Deciphering timings and rates of abrupt climate changes over the Lateglacial-Holocene period: The Lake Suigetsu biomarker record. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a1898.html. Poster presentation.
Schlolaut, G., Kossler, A., Marshall, M., Brauer, A., Tarasov, P., Nakagawa, T., Lamb, H., Yokoyama, Y., Tada, R., Haraguti, T. (2011) The Late Glacial in Japan: micro-facies analyses of the Lake Suigetsu sediments and palaeo-environmental implications. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a1164.html. Poster presentation.
Staff, R., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C., Brock, F., Brauer, A., Lamb, H., Marshall, M., Schlolaut, G., Tarasov, P., Haraguti, T., Gotanda, K., Yokoyama, Y., Tada, R., Yonenobu, H., Kitagawa, H., van der Plicht, H., Nakagawa, T. (2011) The ‘Suigetsu Varves 2006’ Terrestrial Radiocarbon Calibration Dataset. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a2393.html. Oral presentation.
Tyler, J., Yokoyama, Y., Ikehara, M., Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P., Marshall, M., Schlolaut, G., Staff, R., Payne, R., Brauer, A., Lamb, H., Bronk Ramsey, C., Bryant, C., Brock, F., Gotanda, K., Haraguchi, T., Tada, R., Takemura, K., Yonenobu, H., Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2011) Orbital and millennial scale monsoonal variability over the last glacial-interglacial cycle: the organic carbon record from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. Abstracts of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern, Switzerland 22-27 July 2011, file:///E:/html/abstracts/a2175.html. Poster presentation.
Bronk Ramsey, C., Staff, R.A., Brock, F., Bryant, C., Brauer, A., Lamb, H., Marshall, M., Schlolaut, G., Tarasov, P., Nakagawa, T. and Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2011) Implications of the Late Glacial terrestrial radiocarbon calibration dataset from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records: Towards High-Precision Chronologies.INTIMATE Workshop, Potsdam, Germany, February 7-9, 2011, Scientific Technical Report STR 11/01, DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.b103-11019, p. 12. Oral presentation.
Stebich, M., Mingram, J., Tarasov, P., Schettler, G., You, H., Liu. J.: Lake Sihailongwan – a multiproxy, high-resolution record of Late-glacial vegetation dynamics and monsoon changes. INTegrating Ice core, MArine and TErrestrial records: Towards High-Precision Chronologies.INTIMATE Workshop, Potsdam, Germany, February 7-9, 2011, Scientific Technical Report STR 11/01, DOI: 10.2312/GFZ.b103-11019, p. 51. Oral presentation.
Staff, R.A., Bronk Ramsey, C., Brock, F., Bryant, C., Brauer, A., Lamb, H., Marshall, M., Schlolaut, G., Tarasov, P., Nakagawa, T. and Suigetsu 2006 Project Members (2011) Potential Implications of the Terrestrial Radiocarbon Calibration Dataset from Lake Suigetsu, Japan. Radiocarbon and Archaeology, 6th International Symposium, Paphos, Cyprus (10th-15th April 2011). Oral presentation.
Bezrukova, E., Tarasov, P., Riedel, F. (2010) Late glacial and Holocene climate dynamics in Lake Baikal region, Russia: pollen-derived estimates. 8th European Palaeobotany – Palynology Conference, 6-10 July 2010 Budapest, Hungary. Abstracts Volume, p. 60. Oral presentation.
Gartz, S., Tarasov, P., Müller, S., Diekmann, B. (2010) Pollen-based reconstruction of the Middle and Late Holocene vegetation and climate history of the Verkhoyansk Mountains region (NE Siberia, Russia). 8th European Palaeobotany – Palynology Conference, 6-10 July 2010 Budapest, Hungary. Abstracts Volume, p. 97. Poster presentation.
Kienast, F., Wetterich, S., Kuzmina, S., Andreev, A. A., Tarasov, P., Nazarova, L., Kossler, A., Schirrmeister, L., Kunitsky, V. (2010) Polar tree line beyond today’s Arctic Siberian mainland coast during the last Interglacial: the paleontological evidence, APEX Fourth International Conference and Workshop: Arctic paleoclimate proxies and chronologies; Höfn, Iceland, May 26th-30th 2010. Oral presentation.
Müller, S., Tarasov, P., Andreev, A., Tütken, T., Gartz, S., Diekmann, B. (2010) 50-kyr vegetation history of NE Asia based on fossil pollen data – results from late Quaternary lake records in the western Verkhoyansk Mountains region. 8th European Palaeobotany – Palynology Conference, 6-10 July 2010 Budapest, Hungary. Abstracts Volume, p. 175. Oral presentation.
Müller, S., Tarasov, P., Andreev, A., Tütken, T., Gartz, S., Diekmann, B. (2010) 50-kyr vegetation history in the western Verkhoyansk Mountains region (NE Asia) reconstructed from fossil pollen data. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 May, EGU2010-4581-1, 2010. Oral presentation.
Tarasov, P., Bezrukova, E., Solovieva, N., Riedel, F. (2010) Century-scale climate-driven vegetation and environmental dynamics in southern Siberia during the last 47 kyr. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-3186-1, 2010. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 02 – 07 May 2010. Poster presentation.
Tarasov, P. (2009) Quantitative pollen-based reconstructions of the late Quaternary vegetation and climate: case studies from northern Asia. Human Expansions and Global Change in the Pleistocene – Methods and Problems. Symposium and Workshops at Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural Museum and Goethe University, Germany, November 16-20, 2009, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Abstract Volume, p. 45-46. Invited Speaker.
Bezrukova, E.V., Tarasov, P.E., Kulagina, N.V., Abzaeva, A.A., Letunova, P.P., Riedel, F. (2009) Response of Central Siberia landscapes to abrupt changes of environment in the Northern Hemisphere over the past 17 ky. In: Baklanov, P.Y., Ganzey, L.A., Razzhigaeva, N.G., Bazarova, V.B., Grebennikova, T.A., Ivanova, Y.D. (Eds.) Environmental development of East Asia in Pleistocene-Holocene. Dalnauka, Vladivostok. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference at Pacific Institute of Geography, Vladivostok, Russia, September 14-18, 2009, p. 31-33. Oral presentation.
Tarasov, P.E., Wagner, M., Jin, G. (2009) Middle and Late Holocene vegetation, climate and human dynamics in NE China reconstructed from pollen and archaeological data. In: Baklanov, P.Y., Ganzey, L.A., Razzhigaeva, N.G., Bazarova, V.B., Grebennikova, T.A., Ivanova, Y.D. (Eds.) Environmental development of East Asia in Pleistocene-Holocene. Dalnauka, Vladivostok. Proceedings of International Scientific Conference at Pacific Institute of Geography, Vladivostok, Russia, September 14-18, 2009, p. 227.
Rudaya, N. and Tarasov, P. (2009) Mechanisms driving the Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics in central Asia: case study – the Altai Mountains. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-239-2, 2009. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19–24 April 2009. Oral presentation.
Müller, S., Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A. and Diekmann, B. (2009) The Holocene environmental history of the Verkhoyansk Mountains region (northeastern Siberia, Russia) reconstructed from high-resolution pollen data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-688, 2009. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19–24 April 2009. Poster presentation.
Andreev, A., Schirrmeister, L. and Tarasov, P. (2009) Vegetation and climate history in the Laptev Sea region (arctic Siberia) during Late Quaternary inferred from pollen records. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-2760, 2009. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 19–24 April 2009. Poster presentation.
Tarasov, P. (2008) Quantitative reconstructions of the Late Quaternary vegetation and climate using pollen data from northern Eurasia. 12th International Palynological Congress and 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference August 30 – September 5 2008. Terra Nostra 2008/2, Abstract 690, p. 277. Oral presentation.
Andreev, A.A., Schirrmeister, L., Tarasov, P. (2008) Vegetation and climate history in the Laptev Sea region during the Late Quaternary inferred from pollen records. 12th International Palynological Congress and 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference August 30 – September 5 2008. Terra Nostra 2008/2, Abstract 019, p. 14. Poster presentation.
Brewer, S., Williams, J., Tarasov, P., Davis, B. (2008) Changes in European tree cover during the Holocene based on pollen and AVHRR data. 12th International Palynological Congress and 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference August 30 – September 5 2008. Terra Nostra 2008/2, Abstract 081, p. 37-38. Oral presentation.
Demske, D., Wünnemann, B., Tarasov, P., Riedel, F. (2008) Vegetation development and inferred changes in monsoonal influence since the last ~17,000 years recorded in lake sediments of alpine Tso Kar, Trans-Himalaya, NW India. 12th International Palynological Congress and 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference August 30 – September 5 2008. Terra Nostra 2008/2, Abstract 140, p. 60-61. Oral presentation.
Luo, C., Zheng, Z., Tarasov, P., Nakagawa, T., Pan, A., Xu, Q., & Lv, H. (2008) Modern pollen distribution in relation with climate in arid areas in China and Mongolia. 12th International Palynological Congress and 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference August 30 – September 5 2008. Terra Nostra 2008/2, Abstract 430, p. 175. Oral presentation.
Peyron, O., Bordon, A., Vignot, A., Damy, S., Combourieu-Nebout, N., Brewer, S., Tarasov, P. & Barboni, D. (2008) A modern pollen-climate database as a tool for quantitative climate and vegetation reconstructions. 12th International Palynological Congress and 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference August 30 – September 5 2008. Terra Nostra 2008/2, Abstract 545, p. 221. Oral presentation.
Tarasov, P., Williams, J., Andreev, A., Nakagawa, T. & Brewer, S. (2008) Quantitative tree cover reconstructions for northern Eurasia: method verification and application to late-Quaternary pollen data. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 14 - 18 April 2008, Abstract Number EGU2008-A-00179. Oral presentation.
Andreev, A., Tarasov, P., Schirrmeister, L. (2008) Eemian and Holocene palaeoenvironmental reconstruction from Arctic Siberia (Bol’shoy Lyakhovsky, Island Laptev Sea region). European Geosciences Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 14 - 18 April 2008, Abstract Number EGU2008-A-01400. Poster presentation.
Rudaya, N., Tarasov, P., Dorofeyuk, N., Kalugin, I., Andreev, A. (2008) Holocene vegetation and environments in the Mongolian Altai derived from the Hoton-Nur pollen and diatom records. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 14 - 18 April 2008, Abstract Number EGU2008-A-06012. Poster presentation.
Tarasov, P., Bezrukova, E., Karabanov, E., Nakagawa, T., Wagner, M., Letunova, P., Abzaeva, A. & Riedel, F. (2007) Holocene human and environmental dynamics in the Lake Baikal region derived from pollen and archaeological records, p. 143. In Makohonienko, M., Makowiecki, D. & Czerniawska, J. (Eds.), Eurasian Perspectives on Environmental Archaeology, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznan. Annual Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA). Poznan, Poland September 12-15, 2007. Oral presentation.
Makohonienko, M., Toshiyuki, F., Nasu, H., Tarasov, P. Wagner, M. & Yasuda, Y. (2007) Development of cultural landscape in the Liao River basin, Manchurian Plain, North-Eastern China, p. 98-99. In Makohonienko, M., Makowiecki, D. & Czerniawska, J. (Eds.), Eurasian Perspectives on Environmental Archaeology, Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznan. Annual Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology (AEA). Poznan, Poland September 12-15, 2007. Oral presentation.
Andreev, A., Müller, S., Zech, M., Diekmann, B., Zech, W. & Tarasov, P. (2007) Late Quaternary environmental changes in the extreme-continental Verkhoyansk Mountains, East Siberia, Russia. Abstracts of the XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia 28 July - 3 August 2007, Quaternary International 167-168 Supplement, p. 10. Poster presentation.
Kienast, F., Tarasov, P., Schirrmeister, L., Grosse, G. & Andreev, A. (2007) Continental climate at the Siberian Arctic coast during the last interglacial - Land-Sea-Vegetation interactions. Abstracts of the XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia 28 July - 3 August 2007, Quaternary International 167-168 Supplement, p. 207. Poster presentation.
Makohonienko, M., Yasuda, Y., Tarasov, P., Fujiki, T. & Nasu, H. (2007) Man and vegetation in the Far East - development of cultural landscape from paleobotanical perspective. Abstracts of the XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia 28 July - 3 August 2007, Quaternary International 167-168 Supplement, p. 264. Oral presentation.
Müller, S., Bobrov, A., Schirrmeister, L., Andreev, A., Tarasov, P. & Riedel, F. (2007) New study on the Late Pleistocene testate amoebae fauna from the Laptev Sea coast, Arctic Siberia, Russia. Abstracts of the XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia 28 July - 3 August 2007, Quaternary International 167-168 Supplement, p. 294. Poster presentation.
Riedel, F., Bloemendal, J., Kotlia, B., Kramer, M., Oppelt, A., Reinhardt, C., Tarasov, P. & Wünnemann, B. (2007) Environmental change in the high mountain area of Ladakh: Multi-proxy studies on late Quaternary sediments from the Tso Kar basin. Abstracts of the XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia 28 July - 3 August 2007, p. 333. Poster presentation.
Rudaya, N., Tarasov, P., Andreev, A., Kalugin, I., Daryin, A. & Tserendash, N. (2007) Vegetation and climate of Northwest Mongolia (Hoton-Nur lake) during Late Glacial and Holocene reconstructed from pollen data. Abstracts of the XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia 28 July - 3 August 2007, Quaternary International 167-168 Supplement, p. 356. Oral presentation.
Tarasov, P., Bezrukova, E., Karabanov, E., Nakagawa, T., Wagner, M., Letunova, P., Abzaeva, A. & Granoszewski, W. (2007) Vegetation and climate dynamics in South Siberia during the Holocene and the Last Interglacial. Abstracts of the XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia 28 July - 3 August 2007, Quaternary International 167-168 Supplement, p. 413. Oral presentation.
Tarasov, P., Makohonienko, M., Dorofeyuk, N., Jin, G., Heußner, U., Wagner, M. & Riedel, F. (2007) Late glacial-Holocene climate and vegetation dynamics in arid Central Asia and China reconstructed from biological proxies: a comprehensive overview. Abstracts of the XVII INQUA Congress, Cairns, Australia 28 July - 3 August 2007, Quaternary International 167-168 Supplement, p. 413. Oral presentation.
Tarasov, P., Bezrukova, E., Karabanov, E., Nakagawa, T., Wagner, M., Kulagina, N., Letunova, P., Abzaeva, A., Granoszewski, W., Riedel, F. (2006) Late Glavial and Holocene Climate Dynamics in Lake Baikal Region, Russia: Pollen-Derived Estimates. Abstracts of the 5th International Symposium on “Terrestrial Environmental Changes in East Eurasia and Adjacent Areas”, Nagoya, Japan, December 5-9, 2006, p. 55-56. Oral presentation.
Bezrukova, E., Tarasov, P., Riedel, F., Letunova, P. & Abzaeva, A. (2006) Linking environmental changes in northern Central Asia during the last 5 Ma with biodiversity patterns of Lake Baikal. Abstracts of the International Symposium Speciation in Ancient Lakes, SIAL 4 Berlin, September 4-8, 2006. Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen 9, p. 12.
Tarasov, P., Wagner, M. and Jin, G.Y. (2006)Environmental and human dynamics in the semi-arid NE China 6000-2000 years ago reconstructed from pollen and archaeological data. Oral Presentation at CL24: Late Holocene climate swings – reconstructions, simulations, socioeconomic impacts. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 8. Abstract-Number EGU06-A-02558. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 02 - 07 April 2006.
Andreev, A., Tarasov, P., Schirrmeister, L., Grosse, G., Kienast, F.(2005). Last Interglacial environment on the Bolshoy Lyakhovsky Island, Arctic Russia, DEKLIM/Pages conference March 2005, 7thto 10th - Mainz.
Tarasov, P. & Wagner, M. (2005) Environmental aspects of the Chinese antiquity: cases for archaeology and palaeogeography. Oral Presentation at CL21: Late Holocene climate swings – reconstructions, simulations, socioeconomic impacts. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 7. Abstract-Number EGU05-A-04324. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 24 - 29 April 2005.
Brewer, S., Williams, J. & Tarasov, P. (2005) Tree cover gradients in Europe based on pollen and AVHRR data. Poster Presentation. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 7. Abstract-Number EGU05-A-06522. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria, 25 - 30 April 2005.
Tarasov, P., Granoszewski, W., Bezrukova, E., Nita, M. & Oberhaensli, H. (2005) Last Interglacial Climate in South Siberia reconstructed from the Lake Baikal pollen record. Oral presentation. 5th ALDP Workshop, 28 February-5 March 2005, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Monsoon 5, p. 14
Wagner, M. & Tarasov, P. (2004) Archaeological, historical and environmental records of land use in the mountainous and plain areas of NW China. Symposium on Highland/Lowland Interaction in the Bronze Age settlement systems of Eastern Anatolia, Transcaucasia and Northwestern Iran. Abstracts. Van, Turkey, 9-13 August 2004, CD.
Tarasov,P.E, Andreev, A.A., Bolikhovskaya, N.S., Dorofeyuk, N.I. & Hubberten, H.-W. (2004) Surface pollen data from northern Eurasia: collection and use for the vegetation and climate reconstruction. Abstracts of the XI International Palynological Congress 4-9 July 2004, Granada, Spain. Polen 14, 289-290.
Herzschuh, U., Winter, K., Kramer, A., Mischke, S., Wünnemann, B. & Tarasov,P. (2004) Holocene vegetation change on the Tibetan Plateau and its northern foreland. Abstracts of the XI International Palynological Congress 4-9 July 2004, Granada, Spain. Polen 14, 495-496.
Andreev, A.A., Novenko, E.Y., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L. & Tarasov,P.E. (2004) Environmental changes on the Laptev Sea region during the Middle-Late Quaternary inferred from Bol’shoy Lyakhovsky Island (Arctic Siberia) pollen records. Abstracts of the XI International Palynological Congress 4-9 July 2004, Granada, Spain. Polen 14, 551-552.
Tarasov, P.E. (2004) Environmental aspects of the Chinese antiquity: problems of interpretation and chronological correlation. In D. Kuhn (ed.) Perceptions of Antiquity in China’s Civilization. Abstracts of the International Conference Würzburg, Germany 27-29 May 2004, 5-7.
Tarasov, P., Andreev, A. & Hubberten, H.-W. (2004) Reconstruction of the Late Quaternary climate in northern Siberia using pollen records from the Arctic lakes. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 6. Abstract-Number EGU04-A-00446. European Geosciences Union General Assembly Nice, France, 25 - 30 April 2004, CD.
Tarasov, P.E. (2004) Vegetation and climate dynamics of the Eemian Interglacial reconstructed from pollen records from Russia. Presentation at the Third workshop of the DEKLIM-EEM Project: “Climate Change at the very end of a warm stage” Potsdam, Germany 8-11 March 2004.
Nakagawa, T., Kitagawa, H., Tarasov, P.E., Kotoba, N., Gotanda, K., Sawai, Y. & Yasuda, Y. (2003) Asynchronous climate changes between Japan and the North Atlantic during the Last Deglaciation: Full Description. XVI INQUA Congress. Reno, Nevada, USA, July 23-30, 2003. Abstracts published by Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada, USA. pp. 231.
Nakagawa, T., Kitagawa, H., Tarasov, P.E., Kotoba, N., Gotanda, K., Sawai, Y. & Yasuda, Y. (2003) Asynchronous climate changes between Japan and the North Atlantic during the Last Deglaciation: Implications. XVI INQUA Congress. Reno, Nevada, USA, July 23-30, 2003. Abstracts published by Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada, USA. pp. 222.
Herzschuh, U., Tarasov, P., Hartmann, K. & Wunnemann, B. (2003): Holocene environmental changes in the Alashan Gobi, NW China: Evidence from a pollen record in comparison to modern pollen spectra. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 07011. EGS-AGU-EUG Assembly. Nice, April, 2003, p. 1.
Herzschuh, U., Tarasov, P., Hartmann, K. & Wunnemann, B. (2003): Early to mid-Holocene climatic changes in the Alashan Gobi, NW China. Conclusions from fossil and modern pollen spectra. Environmental Change in Central Asia: Climate – Geodynamics – Evolution – Human Impact. Abstracts of the International Symposium. Berlin, March 10-15, 2003, pp. 45-46.
Tarasov, P., Dorofeyuk, N. & Wagner, M. (2003): Holocene vegetation and climate changes in the Kazakhstan and Mongolian steppes. Environmental Change in Central Asia: Climate – Geodynamics – Evolution – Human Impact. Abstracts of the International Symposium. Berlin, March 10-15, 2003, pp. 118-119.
Tarasov, P.E. & Dorofeyuk, N.I. (2002): Late Glacial-Holocene vegetation changes derived from 7 pollen records from Hangai, Central Mongolia. Geographical Study of Central Asia and Mongolia. Abstracts of the International Conference. Ulanbaatar, Mongolia, 6-11 September 2002, 75-76.
Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A., Wohlfarth, B. and Solovieva, N. (2002): Climate derived from modern and fossil pollen data from Russian Arctic: test and application of the method. Abstracts of the PAGES “High Latitude Palaeonvironments” Meeting. Moscow, May 16-17, 2002, 47-48.
Savoskul, O. and Tarasov, P. (2002): Russian Sources to fill the <most substantial> gaps in CLIMAP/COHMAP Data Base: Availability and reliability Abstracts of the PAGES “High Latitude Palaeonvironments” Meeting. Moscow, May 16-17, 2002, 43-44.
Tarasov, P.E., Bezusko, L.G. and Dorofeyuk, N.I. (2002): Holocene Climate and Environmental Changes in the Great Steppe of Eurasia. Terra Nostra 2002/3. Abstracts of the International Conference “Climate Drivers of the North”. Kiel, May 8-11, 2002, 107-108.
Hubberten, H.-W., Andreev, A., Kumke, T., Melles, M., Schwamborn, G., Siegert, C. and Tarasov, P. (2002): The late Quaternary climatic and environmental history of northern Central Siberia – evidence from lake sediments. Terra Nostra 2002/3. Abstracts of the International Conference “Climate Drivers of the North”. Kiel, May 8-11, 2002, 51.
Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A. and Hubberten, H.-W. (2002): Quantitative climate reconstruction based on pollen data from Russian Arctic. Abstracts of the 27th General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, at Nice, France, 21-26 April 2002, EGS02-A-00880, 1 p.
Tarasov, P.E., Bezusko, L.G., Dorofeyuk, N.I. and Lopez Saez, J.-A. (2002): Holocene Climate and Environmental Changes in the Great Steppe of Eurasia: Story from Lake and Peat Sediments. Abstracts of the 4th ALDP Symposium at Kunming, China, 24-28 February 2002, 58.
Nakagawa, T., Okuda, M., Tarasov, P.E. and Yasuda, Y. (2002): Pollen-Based Quantitative Climate Reconstruction in Yunnan Province, Southern China. Abstracts of the 4th ALDP Symposium at Kunming, China, 24-28 February 2002, 50.
Tarasov, P.E. (2001): Holocene changes in the Aral Sea level and their possible links with environmental and human history of the region. Abstracts of the 3rd ALDP Symposium at Kyoto and Mikata, Japan, 5-9 November 2001, 104.
Gotanda, K.,Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P.E. and Yasuda, Y. (2001): Biome reconstruction of Japanese surface pollen data and its application to the Late Quaternary pollen data from Lake Mikata.Abstracts of the 3rd ALDP Symposium at Kyoto and Mikata, Japan, 5-9 November 2001, 38.
Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P.E., Nishida, K., Gotanda, K.,and Yasuda, Y. (2001): Pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of climate in Japan: its approach and reliability estimation with newly developed technique and software. Abstracts of the 3rd ALDP Symposium at Kyoto and Mikata, Japan, 5-9 November 2001, 67-68.
Tarasov, P.E. (2001): Pollen-based reconstruction of climate in the eastern European sector (15-60°E) at 18,000 and 6000 years BP and comparison with modelling results. Abstracts of the PEPIII Meeting at Aix-en-Provence, France, August 27-31 2001, 1 p.
Barber, K., Zolitschka, B., Lauritzen, S.-E., Tarasov, P., Lotter, A. (2001) Atlantic to Urals – the Holocene climatic record of Mid-Latitude Europe. Abstracts of the PEPIII Meeting at Aix-en-Provence, France, August 27-31 2001, 2 p.
Tarasov, P.E., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Sokolovskaya, V.T. and Metel’tseva, E. (2001):Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation changes recorded in the pollen data from the Hangai Mountains, Central Mongolia. Proceedings of the 6th ELDP Symposium at Potsdam, Germany, May 11-16, 2001, 206-210.
Tarasov, P.E. (2001): Vegetation and climate changes in European Russia at 18,000 and 6,000 years BP: reconstructions and GCM simulations. Abstracts of the International Conference on Climate and Environment during the Last Deglaciation and Holocene in NW Russia and around the Baltic at St. Petersburg, Russia, March 28 – April 2, 2001, 45.
Tarasov, P.E., Bennike, O., Wohlfarth, B. and Subetto, D.A. (2001): Vegetation development in Yaroslavl’ and Moscow Regions since Late Glacial: preliminary results. Abstracts of the International Conference on Climate and Environment during the Last Deglaciation and Holocene in NW Russia and around the Baltic at St. Petersburg, Russia, March 28 – April 2, 2001, 46.
Tarasov, P.E. and Dorofeyuk, N.I. (2001): Late Pleistocene and Holocene environments of Mongolia: a possible link with monsoon circulation in Asia. Abstracts of the 2nd ALDP Symposium at Pune, India, 16-19 January 2001, 1 p.
Tarasov, P.E., Nakagawa, T., Gotanda, K. and Yasuda, Y. (2001): How well can we reconstruct climate from pollen data in the area with complex topography and vegetation: a case study of Japan. Abstracts of the 2nd ALDP Symposium at Pune, India, 16-19 January 2001, 1 p.
Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P., Gotanda, K., Yasuda, Y. (2001) Quantitatively Reconstructed Vegetation and Climate Changes at Late Glacial / Early Holocene Transition around Lake Suigetsu, Central Japan (35°35’ N, 135°53’ E, 0 m asl): a Milestone Report. Abstracts of the 2nd ALDP Symposium at Pune, India, 16-19 January 2001, 1 p.
Nakagawa, T., Gotanda, K., Tarasov, P. and Yasuda, Y. (2001): On the pollen-based quantitative reconstruction of vegetation and climate using Japanese surface pollen data set. Joint meeting for Earth and Planetary Science at Yoyogi, Japan, May 2001 (in Japanese).
Gotanda, K., Nakagawa, T. and Tarasov, P. (2001): Verifying the new method of vegetation reconstruction using modern pollen dataset and application to the Late Quaternary pollen analytical data. Autumn conference of Association of Japanese Geographers at Akita, Japan, October 2001 (in Japanese).
Tarasov, P.E., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Sevastyanov, D.V. and Nakagawa, T. (2000): Holocene vegetation and climate changes in Mongolia derived from lake status, pollen and plant macrofossil records. Extended abstracts of the International Congress on the State and Dynamics of Geosciences and Human Geography of Mongolia at Berlin, Germany, 11-13 October 2000, 8 pp.
Tarasov, P.E. and Dorofeyuk, N.I. (2000): Holocene vegetation and climate changes in NW Mongolia. Abstracts of the 10th International Palynological Congress at Nanjing, China, June 24-30, 2000, 164-165.
Tarasov, P.E., Dorofeyuk, N.I. and Nakagawa, T. (2000) Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation and climate changes in Mongolia. Abstracts of the 10th International Palynological Congress at Nanjing, China, June 24-30, 2000, 165-166.
Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P.E., Dorofeyuk, N.I., Sevastyanov, D.V., Gunin, P.D., Dugarzhav, Ch. and Yasuda, Y.(2000)Late Glacial and Holocene history of vegetation and climate in Northern Mongolia: a primary report of the palynological study in Lake Gun-Nur (50.25°N, 106.60°E, 600 m). Abstracts of the 10th International Palynological Congress at Nanjing, China, June 24-30, 2000, 121-122.
Tarasov, P.E. (2000) Late Quaternary vegetation and climate changes in Central Asia: data compilation and reconstruction results. Abstracts of the 1st ALDP/ELDP Joint Meeting at Kyoto and Mikata, Japan, 20-25 March 2000, 86.
Nakagawa, T., Tarasov, P.E., Inoue, Y. and Yasuda, Y. (2000): A preliminary report of the now-running multidisciplinary study on Mongolian-Siberian transect: the overview of the project and a key lacustrine core from lake Gun-Nur. Abstracts of the 1st ALDP/ELDP Joint Meeting at Kyoto and Mikata, Japan, 20-25 March 2000, 71-72.
Dorofeyuk N.I. and Tarasov P.E. (1999): Vegetation changes in Mongolia since 18000 yr B.P. reconstructed from pollen and plant –macrofossil data. Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Nature, history and culture of Western Mongolia and Surrounding Regions at Tomsk, Russia April 20-24 1999, 41-42.
Tarasov, P.E. and Dorofeyuk, N.I. (1998): Holocene vegetation, lake level and climate change in Mongolia: a response to the insolation forcing. Abstracts of the ESG XXIII General Assembly at Nice, France 20-24 April 1998, 1 p.
Tarasov, P.E. and Guiot, J. (1998): 18 ka biomes reconstructed from pollen and plant macrofossil data from northern Eurasia: palaeoclimatic interpretation. Abstracts of the ESG XXIII General Assembly at Nice, France 20-24 April 1998, 1 p.
Tarasov, P.E. and Guiot, J. (1998): Late glacial maximum biomes reconstructed from pollen and plant macrofossil data from northern Eurasia: palaeoclimatic interpretation. Abstracts of the IGBP-PAGES Open Scientific Meeting “Past Global Changes and Their Significance for the Future” at London, UK 20-23 April 1998, 1 p.
Tarasov, P.E. (1998): A method to determine warm and cool steppe biomes from pollen data. Abstracts of the 5th European Palaeobotanical and Palynological conference at Cracow, Poland, June 26-30 1998, 175.
Andreev, A. and Tarasov, P.E. (1996): Late Glacial and Holocene environments on western coast of Baidaratskaya Guba, Russia by pollen and radiocarbon data. Abstracts of the 9th International Palynological Congress at Houston, USA, 23-28 June 1996, 5.
Tarasov, P.E. and Jolly, D. (1996): A continuous records of vegetation and climate changes in Kazakhstan since 13,000 yr B.P. Abstracts of the 9th International Palynological Congress at Houston, USA, 23-28 June 1996, 157.
Tarasov, P.E. (1995): Late Quaternary lake status database from northern Eurasia: construction and perspectives. Abstracts of the International Geographical Union conference at Moscow, Russia August 14-18, 1995, 357.
Tarasov, P.E., Andreev, A.A. and Dorofeyuk, N.I. (1995): The Holocene lake level records from northern Asia. Abstracts of the International Geographical Union conference at Moscow, Russia August 14-18, 1995, 358.
Tarasov, P.E. and Harrison, S.P. (1995): Late quaternary lake levels from northern Eurasia: data base construction and perspectives. Abstracts of the XIV INQA Congress at Berlin, Germany, August 3-10, 1995, 271.
Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E., and Dorofeyuk, N.I. (1995): The Holocene lake-level record from internal regions of northern Asia. Abstracts of the XIV INQA Congress at Berlin, Germany, August 3-10, 1995, 12.
Andreev, A.A., Tarasov, P.E. and Romanenko, F.A. (1995): Environmental changes on Sverdrup Island, Kara Sea (74o 30’N, 79o 30’ E). Abstracts of the XIV INQA Congress at Berlin, Germany, August 3-10, 1995, 232.
Tarasov, P.E. (1995): Histoire Holocene de la Zone Steppique du Kazakhstan: Pollen et Statistiques. Abstractes des 14 Symposium de l’Association des Palynologues de Langue Francaise, at Paris, France September 18-20, 1995, 102.
Tarasov, P.E. (1995): The Establishment of Forest Communities in the Kazakhstan Steppe Zone Since the Late Glacial. The establishment of plant and animal communities in Europe since the last glaciation: Abstracts of the EU International conference at La Londe les Maures, France 7-12 October 1995, 72.
Harrison, S., Yu, G., Damnati, B., Qin, B. and Tarasov, P.E. (1995): Lake records of regional changes at 6000 yr B.P.: a global analyses. First GAIM Science Conference, IGBP-GAIM at Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, September 25-29 1995, 1 p.
Kremenetski, C.V., Tarasov, P.E. and Beukens, R. (1993): Transition from the Late- to the Postglacial in south of the West Siberian Plain. Abstracts of the International Geological Correlation Project 253 on Termination of the Pleistocene at Winnipeg, Canada, 26-28 June 1993, 28.
Kremenetski, K.V. and Tarasov, P.E. (1992): Holocene climate and lakes history of Kazakhstan. Abstracts of the International Symposium on global continental paleohydrology at Krakow and Mogilany, September 8-12 1992, 79-81.
Kremenetski, C.V. and Tarasov, P.E. (1992): History of Holocene climate and vegetation of Kazakhstan. Abstracts of the 8th International Palynological Congress at Aix-en-Provence, France, September 6-12 1992, 79.
Varushchenko, A., Tarasov, P., Turchaninova, N. (1991): The landscapes and climatic characteristics of the arid regions of Northern Hemisphere during the last 12000 years. Abstracts of the XIII International INQA Congress at Beijing, China, 3666.
- ake sediments
- archaeology
- Baikal Archaeology Project
- bio- and geochemistry
- bioarchaeology
- Cenozoic vegetation
- climate
- climatic and environmental archives
- ethnoarchaeology
- Eurasial
- genetics
- Hokkaido
- Holocene climate variability
- human dynamics
- Late Quaternary lacustrine sediments
- Palaeobotany
- paleoenvironmental studies
- pollen identification
- pollen-based reconstructions
- Quaternary climate dynamics
- Silk Road Fashion