PD Dr. Frank Wiese

ehemaliger Mitarbeiter [2003-2015]
Goldschmidtstr. 3
37077 Göttingen
37077 Göttingen
- *02. 04. 1963 in Kiel
- 1990 - 1992 Tutor at the Institute of Palaeontology, FU Berlin
- 1992 Diploma Geology/Palaeontology
- 1993-1995 PhD student in the project „Riffevolution und Kreidesedimentation“ (Prof. Dr. G. ERNST)
- 1995 Research Assistent at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Sachsen) in the project „Riffevolution und Kreidesedimentation“ (Prof. Dr. K.-A. TRÖGER)
- 1995-1997 PhD student in the project „Riffevolution und Kreidesedimentation“ unter Prof. Dr. G. ERNST
- 1996 PhD at the FU Berlin "summa cum laude"
- 1997-1998 „Freelancing“ at the Institute of Palaeontology, FU Berlin,
- 1998-2000 Resarch Project (DFG): “Ammonite palaeobiogeography and migration events in the Turonian and Lower Coniacian of Europe and northern Africa in context with sea-level changes and cooling events”.
- 2000-2002 Habilitation Research Grant (DGF): “Changes in diversity of Upper Cretaceous ammonite faunas and their relation to sea-level changes, exemplified by the Upper Cenomanian to Middle Coniacian”.
- 2001 Charles University of Prague, Czech Republic: "Ecology and Fauna of the Bohemian Upper Cretaceous“
- 2002 Habilitation at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg: „,Biogeography and palaeoceanographic aspects in the Middle to Upper Turonian of Europe and northern Africa“. Public Presentation: „Volcanisms and its effects on weather and climate“
- 2003 Teaching position RK University, Heidelberg Subjects: Palaeontology and Micropalaeontology
- since 2003 Assistent FU Berlin, Fachrichtung Paläontologie
- Stable isotopes in stratigraphy and sedimentology
- Black Shales and Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds in NW Germany
- Sedimentology and bedding plane structures of a Triassic storm depositional system (Rüdersdorf, Berlin)
- Cretaceous depositional history in eastern Lower Saxony (NW Germany)
- Stratigraphy and tectono-sedimentary evolution of parts of NE Mexico
- boreal pelagic shelf carbonates (Plänerkalk-Fazies) of NW Germany
- Integrated stratigraphy (stable isotopes, sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy tephro stratigraphy) in northern Spain, Czech Republic and NW Germany
Publications (peer reviewed)
- WIESE, F. 2009: The Söhlde Formation (Cenomanian, Turonian) of NW Germany: shallow marine pelagic red beds. – SEPM Special Publication 91: 153–170.
- KOŠŤÁK, M. & WIESE, F. 2008l. Praeactinocamax aff. plenus (Belemnitellidae) from the Upper Cenomanian - Lower Turonian of Northwestern Siberia (Agapa River, Taimyr Peninsula) – Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53 (4): 669–677.
- EKRT, B., KOSTÁK, M., MAZUCH, M., VOIGT, S. & WIESE, F. 2008. New records of Teleosts from the Upper Turonian (Late Cretaceous) of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic). Cretaceous Research 29: doi:10.1016/j.cretres.2008.01.013
- VOIGT, S., WAGREICH, M., SURLYK, F., WALASZCZYK, I., ULICNY, D., CECH, S. VOIGT, T., WIESE, F., WIMSEN, M., NIEBUHR, B., REICH, M., FUNK, H., MICHAILIK, J., JAGT, J.W.M., FELDER, P.J. & SCHULP, A. 2008. Cretaceous. In: MACCANN, T. (ed): Geology of Central Europe. Volume 2. Mesozoic and Cenozoic, pp. 923-997. Geological Society of London. London.
- VOIGT, S., ERBACHER, J., MUTTERLOSE, J., WEISS, W., WESTERHOLD, T., WIESE, F., WILMSEN, M.; WONIK, T. 2008. The Cenomanian - Turonian of the Wunstorf section - (North Germany): global stratigraphic reference section and new orbital time scale for Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 - Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 43: 65-89.
- VOIGT, T., WIESE, F., EYNATTEN, H., Franzke, H.-J. & GAUPP, R. 2006. Facies-Development of syntectonic Upper Cretaceous Deposits in the Subhercynian Cretaceous Basin and adjoining areas (Germany). Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften, 157/2: 203-244.
- WIESE, F. & SCHULZE, F. 2005: The upper Cenomanian (Cretaceous) ammonite Neolobites vibrayeanus (d'Orbigny, 1841) in the Middle East: taxonomic and palaeoecologic remarks. – Cretaceous Research, 26 (6) (in press, corrected proof).
- WIESE, F, CECH, S., EKRT, B., KOŠTÁK, M., MAZUCH, M. & VOIGT, S. 2005: The Upper Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic) exemplified by the Úpohlavy working quarry: integrated stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of a gateway to the Tethys. [Cretaceous Research 25 (2004): 329-352] – Reply. - Cretaceous Research, 26: 736-739.
- WILMSEN, M., WIESE, F., SEYED-EMAMI, K., FÜRSICH, F.T. 2005: First record and significance of Turonian ammonites from the Shotori Mountains, east-central Iran. - Cretaceous Research, 26(2): 181-195.
- WIESE, F., WOOD, C.J. & KAPLAN, U. 2004: 20 years of event stratigraphy in NW Germany; advances and open questions. - Acta Geologica Polonica, 54: 639-656.
- WIESE, F., WOOD, C.J. & WRAY, D. 2004: New advances in the stratigraphy and geochemistry of the German Turonian (Late Cretaceous) tephrostratigraphic framework. - Acta Geologica Polonica, 54: 657-673.
- KOŠTÁK, M., CECH, S., EKRT, B., MAZUCH, M., WIESE, F , VOIGT, S. & Wood, C.J. 2004: Belemnites of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin in a global context. - Acta Geologica Polonica, 54: 511-534.
- WIESE, F, CECH, S., EKRT, B., KOŠTÁK, M., MAZUCH, M. & VOIGT, S. 2004: The Upper Turonian of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic) exemplified by the Úpohlavy working quarry: integrated stratigraphy and palaeoceanography of a gateway to the Tethys. - Cretaceous Research, 25: 329-352.
- WIESE, F. & VOIGT, S. 2002: Late Turonian (Cretaceous) climate cooling in Europe: faunal response and possible causes - Geobios, 35: 65-77.
- WIESE, F. & KAPLAN, U. 2001: The potential of the Lengerich section (Münster Basin, northern Germany) as a possible candidate Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the Middle/Upper Turonian boundary. - Cretaceous Research, 22 (5): 549-563.
- NIEBUHR, B., WIESE, F. & WILMSEN, M. 2001: The cored Konrad 101 borehole (Cenomanian - Lower Coniacian, Lower Saxony): calibration of surface and subsurface log data for the lower Upper Cretaceous of northern Germany. - Cretaceous Research, 22: 643-674.
- WIESE, F. & WOOD, C.J. 2001: The hexactinellid sponge Cystispongia bursa (QUENSTEDT 1852) from the Turonian and Lower Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) of northern Germany and England. - Cretaceous Research, 22: 377-387.
- WIESE, F., HILBRECHT, H. & WOOD, C.J. 2000: Kapitel 3.2.8 Turon. - [In]: STRATIGRAPHISCHE KOMMISSION DEUTSCHLANDS (ed.) Stratigraphie von Deutschland III. Die Kreide der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 226: 27-31.
- WIESE, F. 2000: New and little known ammonites from the Turonian and Lower Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) of Lower Saxony, Sayony-Anhalt and Saxony (Germany). - Acta Geologica Polonica, 50 (4): 407-419.
- 2000 VOIGT, S. & WIESE, F. 2000: Evidence for late Cretaceous (Late Turonian) climate cooling from oxygen-isotope variations and palaeobiogeographic changes in Western and Central Europe - Journal of the Geological Society, 157: 737-743.
- WIESE, F. 2000: Coniacian ammonites from the North Cantabrian Basin (Cantabria, northern Spain). - Acta Geologica Polonica, 50 (1): 152-141.
- WIESE, F. & WILMSEN, M. 1999: Sequence stratigraphy in the Cenomanian to Campanian of the North Cantabrian Basin (northern Spain) - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen, (J. WIEDMANN Memorial Vol.), 212 (1-3): 131-173.
- WIESE, F. 1999: Stable isotope data (?13C, ?18O) from the Middle and Upper Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of Liencres (Cantabria, northern Spain) with a comparison to northern Germany (Söhlde & Salzgitter-Salder).- Newsletters on Stratigraphy, 37 (1/2): 37-62.
- WIESE, F. & KRÖGER, B. 1998: Evidence for a shallowing event in the Upper Turonian (Cretaceous) Mytiloides scupini Zone of northern Germany. - Acta geologica Polonica, 48 (3): 265-284.
- WILMSEN, M., WIESE, F. & ERNST, G. 1996: Facies development, events and sedimentary sequences in the Albian to Maastrichtian of the Santander depositional area, northern Spain. - Mitteilungen des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Instituts der Universität Hamburg, 77: 337-367; Hamburg.
- WILMSEN, M & WIESE, F. 1996: The species Scaphites bituberculatus SANTAMARIA-ZABALA, 1992 (Cretaceous Ammonoidea) from the Upper Cenomanian of Tagle (Cantabria, northern Spain): Geological setting, palaeontology and stratigraphic position. - Acta Geologica Polonica, 46 (1/2): 89-98.
- WIESE, F., BRÜNING, J. & OTTO, A. 1996: First occurrence of Libycoceras ismaelis (ZITTEL 1883) (Cretaceous Ammonoidea) in the Campanian of the Santander area (Cantabria, northern Spain). - Acta Geologica Polonica, 46 (1-2): 105-116.
Publications (other)
- WIESE, F. & KAPLAN, U. 2004: Der Mittel-/Ober-Turon Grenzbereich im Raum Lengerich (Westfalen, NW-Norddeutschland). - Geologie und Paläontologie in Westfalen, 62: 37-70.
- KOSTAK, M. & WIESE, F. 2002: Upper Turonian belemnitellid occurrences in Europe in the light of palaeobiogeography, sealevel fluctuations, and palaeotemperature fluctuations. - Berliner paläobiologische Abhandlungen, 1: 61-65.
- EKRT, B., KOŠTÁK, M., MAZUCH, M., VALÍÈEK, J., VOIGT, S., WIESE, F. 2001: Short note on new records of late Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) marine reptiles ramains from the Úpohlavy quarry (NW Bohemia, Czech Republic). Vìstník Ceského geologického ústavu. 2: 101-106.
- KAPLAN, U. & WIESE, F. 2000: 90 Millionen Jahre zurück - die Steinbrüche in Lengerich. - Kalk, Natur und Landschaft, 1: 31-69.
1997 WIESE, F.: Das Turon und Unter-Coniac im Nordkantabrischen Becken (Provinz Kantabrien, Nordspanien): Faziesentwicklung, Bio-, Event- und Sequenzstratigraphie. - Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen E, 24: 1-131. - HORNA, F. & WIESE, F. 1997: Stratigraphy of a Middle/Upper Turonian succession at the abandoned Hoppenstedt limestone quarry (northern Germany) and its correlation to adjacent areas. - Freiberger Forschungsheft C, 468: 171-192.
- WIESE, F. 1996: Preliminary data on the Turonian ammonite biostratigraphy of the Liencres area (Province Cantabria, northern Spain). - Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen E, 18: 343-352.
- HORNA, F., TRÖGER, K.-A., WIESE, F., KURZE, M. & STARKE, R. 1996: Multistratigraphic investigations of an Upper Cretaceous west-east section from Münsterland to Saxony. Part II: Subhercynian Basin. - [In]: REITNER, J., NEUWEILER, F. & GUNKEL, F. (eds). Global and regional controls on biogenic sedimentation. II. Cretaceous Sedimentation. Research Reports. - Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie, Sb, 3: 113-116.
- ERNST, G., NIEBUHR, B., WIESE, F. & WILMSEN, M. 1996: Facies development, basin dynamics, event correlation and sedimentary cycles in the Upper Cretaceous of selected areas of Germany and Spain. - [In]: REITNER, J., NEUWEILER, F. & GUNKEL, F. (eds). Global and regional controls on biogenic sedimentation. II. Cretaceous Sedimentation. Research Reports. - Göttinger Arbeiten zur Geologie und Paläontologie, Sb, 3: 87-100.
- WIESE, F. 1996: The Mid-Turonian Romaniceras kallesi Event in northern Cantabria: Lithology, stratigraphy, lateral distribution of ammonite assemblages and palaeobiogeographical implications. - Berichte-Reporte des Geologischen und Paläontologischen Instituts Tübingen, 76: 188-194.
- WIESE, F. & WILMSEN, M. 1995: Erstnachweis aus Europa von Litophragmatoceras incomptum (Ammonoidea, Kreide) aus dem Mittelcenoman von Liencres (Kantabrien, Nordspanien). - Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen E, 16: 53-59.
- WIESE, F. 1995: Das mittelturone Romaniceras kallesi-Event im Raum Santander (Nord-spanien): Lithologie, Stratigraphie, laterale Veränderung der Ammoniten-assoziationen und Paläobiogeographie. - Berliner geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen E, 16: 61-77.
Excursion Guides, extended Abstracts
- KOŠTÁK, M. & WIESE, F. 2005: Cenomanian – Coniacian (Upper Cretaceous) belemnitellid distribution and belemnite events in the East European Province. – 2nd International Symposium “Coleoid Cephalopods Through Time”, Prague, September 26-28, 2005: 85-88.
- WILMSEN, M. & WIESE, F. 2004: Exkursion 4: Biosedimentologie des Cenoman und Turon im Niedersächsischen Becken. – Geobiologie 2. 74. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Göttingen 02. bis 08. Oktober 2004. Exkursionen und Workshops: 73-112.
- SCHLÜTER, N., DIAS ISA, M. & WIESE, F. 2004: Response of irregular echinoid assemblages to environmental changes: a case study from the (Lower/Middle Campanian of Cantabria (northern Spain) - preliminary data.). Drittes Treffen deutschsprachiger Echinodermologen 29. bis 31. 10. 2004, Ingelfingen: 49-57.
- REICH, M., WIESE, F., HERRIG, E. & KIRSCH, K.-H. 2003: Das Turon von Nossentin bei Malchow (Mecklenburg). - NIEDERMEYER, R.O., GRANITZKI, K. & PETERSS, K. (Eds): 70. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Norddeutscher Geologen. Tagungsbeiträge und Exkursionsführer: 66-67.
Diploma Thesis and diploma mapping projects (working titles)
- AL-SAMIR, M. „Spezialkartierung des Harli im Raum Vienenburg (Meßtischblatt Vienenburg) im Maßstab 1:10.000.“ Diploma Mapping FU Berlin (in progress).
- FÖRSTER, S.: „Geologische Kartierung im Maßstab 1:10.000 auf dem Blatt Freyburg (4736) im Raum Müncheroda – Weischütz – Zscheiplitz“. 2006 Diploma Mapping FU Berlin.
- FÖRSTER, S.: „Quantitative Auswertung biogener Komponenten in borealen pelagischen Karbonaten als Proxy für palökologische Veränderungen in einem oligotrophen System – Fallbeispiel Cenoman des Steinbruches Hoppenstedt“. Diploma Thesis FU Berlin (in progress).
- HECHT, F.: „Feinstratigraphie und synsedimentäre Faziesveränderungen borealer pelagischer Karbonate am Rande eines aktiven Salzkissens“ Diploma Mapping FU Berlin (in progress).
- HECHT, F.:„Geologische Spezialkartierung des Salzgitterer Höhenzuges im Raum Liebenburg im Maßstab 1:10.000“. Diploma Mapping FU Berlin (in progress).
- HÖSCHEL, T. „Geologische Kartierung im Maßstab 1: 10.000 auf dem Blatt Freyburg (GK 4736) im Raum Laucha – Hirschroda – Weischütz“. 2006 Diploma Mapping FU Berlin.
- HÖSCHEL, T.: „Quantitative Auswertung biogener Komponenten in borealen pelagischen Karbonaten als Proxy für palökologische Veränderungen in einem oligotrophen System – Fallbeispiel Micraster-Mergel (Ober-Turon) des Subherzynen Kreidebeckens“. Diploma Thesis FU Berlin (in progress).
- MÜLLER, H. „Geologische Spezialkartierung des Salzgitterer Höhenzuges im Raum Döhren im Maßstab 1:10.000“. Diploma Mapping FU Berlin (in progress).
- ROTHE, S.: „ Foraminiferenstratigraphie der Söhlde-Formation (Ober-Cenoman bis unteres Ober-Turon) in der Typlokalität im Großraum Söhlde“. Diploma Thesis FU Berlin (in progress).
- SCHLÜTER, N. „Palökologie irregulärer Echinidenassoziationen des Santon und Campan (Oberkreide) im Nordkantabrischen Becken (Spanien)“. Diploma Thesis FU Berlin (in progress).
- SCHLÜTER, N.:„Geologische Spezialkartierung des Salzgitterer Höhenzuges im Raum Salzgitter-Salder im Maßstab 1:10.000“. Diploma Mapping FU Berlin (in progress).
- SCHULZE, R.: „Feinstratigraphie des Jena-Formation (mu) am nordöstlichen Harzrande“ Diploma Thesis FU Berlin (in progress).
- SCHULZE, R. „Geologische Teilkartierung des Blattes Blankenburg im Raum Blankenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt“. Diploma Mapping FU Berlin (in progress).
- SIEGEL, F.: „Faunistische Unterschiede im der Terebratel-Zone (Jena-Formation, mu) zwischen östlichem Harzvorland (Sachshen-Anhalt) und Elm (Niedersachsen)“. Diploma Thesis FU Berlin (in progress).
- SIEGEL, F. „Geologische Teilkartierung des Blattes Blankenburg im Raum Michaelstein, Sachsen-Anhalt“. Diploma Thesis FU Berlin (in progress).