Dr. Mina Mazaherijohari

Geologische Wissenschaften
Fachrichtung Paläontologie
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Raum D.026
12249 Berlin
August 2023 – present
Guest researcher
Location: Freie University of Berlin
Jun 2021 – May 2023
Postdoc researcher
Location: University of Ferrara, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Italy
Palynology, paleoenvironments, and geochemical evolution of Carnian succession from Southern Alps.
Sep. 2017 – July 2021
PhD Project
Location: University of Ferrara, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Italy
Thesis Title: Carnian Pluvial Episode in Iran region (Turan Plate and Iran Plate) and western Tethys domain
Supervisors: Prof. Piero Gianolla, Dr. Guido Roghi
My research focuses on paleoclimatological and paleoecological reconstructions in geological timescale. My work brings together palynology, organic and inorganic geochemistry, and stratigraphy. This multidisciplinary approach provides a tool to study paleoclimatological/paleoecological conditions and explore the interaction between the biosphere, geosphere, and atmosphere in deep time. I am interested in the interactions among volcanism, climate, and terrestrial ecosystems while my recent research focused on the Late Triassic Carnian Pluvial Episode (CPE). In more detail, I study the Late Triassic CPE in Tethys Realm using multiproxy paleoclimate data and the analysis of palynological and vegetation records from the Upper Triassic strata. Geographically, my research has mainly done on Southern Apls, NE of Iran (Kopeh-dagh) and Persian Gulf basin.
Research interests
- Palaeoclimatology, climatology and modeling
- Palynology and palaeobotanical studies
- Geochemistry
- Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and paleoenvironmental studies
- climatology
- Geochemistry
- modeling
- palaeobotanical
- Palaeoclimatology
- paleoenvironmental
- Palynology
- sedimentology
- Stratigraphy
- studies