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Wintersemester 2013/14

Das Programm im Wintersemester 2013/14 als PDF


17. Oktober 2013

The surface of Mars: An unusual laboratory that preserves a record of large, catastrophic, and unusual events

Dr. Mary Chapman
(Planetary Science Institute Arizona - USA) 

Invited by: Patrick McGuire


24. Oktober 2013

Joint numerical models and hydrochemical studies of flow and transport processes at basin-scale by example of the North East German Basin and the Western Anatolia geo-thermal system

Dr. Fabien Magri
(GFZ Potsdam) 

Invited by: Serge Shapiro



31. Oktober 2013

The evolution of the mighty Amazon River, and the controversy about its onset

Prof. Dr. Carina Hoorn
(University of Amsterdam - The Netherlands)

Invited by: Friedhelm von Blanckenburg 



7. November 2013

Hydrogeologie arider Gebiete am Beispiel Saudi Arabien

Prof. Dr. Christoph Schüth
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)


Invited by: Michael Schneider



14. November 2013

The role of continental collision in the separation of Arabia from Africa and the formation of the Dead Sea Fault

Prof. Dr. Rinus Wortel
(Utrecht University - The Netherlands) 

Invited by: Mark Handy



21. November 2013

Rekonstruktion der Paläobiologie des Lebensraums ausgestorbener Wirbeltiere mittels der Isotopenanalyse fossiler Skelettreste

Dr. Thomas Tütken
(Universität Bonn)

Invited by: Harry Becker



28. November 2013

New developments in Geochemistry and their application with other approaches to develop and test models on natural resources

Prof. Dr. Balz Kamber
(Trinity College Dublin - Ireland)

Invited by: Mark Handy 


29. November 2013 (Zusatztermin)

Radargrammetry of Titan and the Moon

Dr. Randolph Kirk
(USGS Astrogeology Science Center Arizona - USA)

Invited by: Patrick McGuire


5. Dezember 2013

Plagiatsdokumentation und Umgang mit Plagiaten

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Dannemann
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)

Invited by: Georg Heiß


12. Dezember 2013

Real-time observation of fluid-rock interaction during diagenesis and metamorphism

Dr. Florian Fusseis 
(The University of Edinburgh - UK)

Invited by: Timm John


9. Januar 2014

Wie zuverlässig ist die geologische Zeitskala kalibriert?

Dr. Manfred Menning
(GFZ Potsdam)

Invited by: Michael Schudack


16. Januar 2014

Impact cratering in nature and experiment 

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kenkmann
(Universität Freiburg)

Invited by:
 Thomas Platz


23. Januar 2014

Neue Entwicklungen in der niedertemperierten Thermochronologie

Prof. Dr. Istvan Dunkl
(Universität Göttingen)

Invited by:
 Mark Handy


30. Januar 2014

Waveform tomography, Anwendung auf Europa mit tektonischen Interpretationen

Prof. Dr. Andreas Fichtner
(ETH Zürich - Switzerland)

Invited by:
 Frederik Tilmann


6. Februar 2014

Impact craters as a key to planetary (paleo)environments

Dr. Jens Ormö
(National Research Council (CSIC) - Spain)

Invited by:
 Patrick McGuire


13. Februar 2014

Magmatic and volcanic evolution of Mars from mineralogy

Dr. François Poulet
(Paris Institute of Astrophysics - France)

Invited by:
 Patrick McGuire