25 February 2021
Dr. Ana-Catalina Plesa (DLR Berlin)
Invited by: Lena Noack
Large-scale numerical simulations are often used to model the dynamics inside rocky planets and moons. Combined with constraints derived from mission data and laboratory experiments, these models help us to improve our understanding of the thermochemical history of a planetary body. In this presentation, I will focus on the thermal evolution and present-day state of the interior of Mars. Results from numerical thermal evolution models will be compared with available constraints and discussed in the context of NASA’s InSight mission.
Ana-Catalina (Ina) Plesa received her PhD from the University of Münster in 2014. She is researcher at the DLR Institute of Planetary Research, where since 2019, she leads a junior research group that investigates the thermochemical history of Mars and Venus. Her research focuses on the evolution and interior dynamics of terrestrial planets, combining numerical modeling and planetary mission data.
The videos are now available within the FU intranet, and (only with the password) also from outside the FUB:
1. Introduction
2. Talk: (55 min.)
Password-protected. How to login: see message sent to GeoColloquium mailing-list, or request access information from geokoll@zedat.fu-berlin.de
3. Live discussion: At 17:00 (German time) we will start the discussion, which will be moderated by Lena Noack.
We changed the video-platform for the discussion, because the one we used so far has caused some problems:
We will use BigBlueButton, an OpenSource solution, hosted at the FU Geosciences dept. by the section Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing: https://bbb.planet.fu-berlin.de/b/geo-gzn-j9j-yc4 If you don’t know BigBlueButton yet, you may want to watch some introductory videos here: https://bigbluebutton.org/html5
Only in case of emergency: In the event that we encounter serious problems, we will use WebEx meeting as a fallback option: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin/j.php?MTID=m71a072e732576b241dd4e85d6dd94c39 Meeting-no: 121 337 3244 Password: mpSVtsFp535
4.Discussion board: This is the link to the chatwall, which is already open (without password): https://tweedback.de/pfx2/chatwall