Co-Convener EGU NH1.02 „Diagnosis, modelling and forecasting of meteorological and hydrological hazards produced by extreme weather and climate change“ with Llasat, M.; Loukas, A.
Convener EGU CL4 „Large-scale climate modes in the Northern Hemisphere“
Fink, A.H., T. Brücher, G.C. Leckebusch, A. Krüger, J.G. Pinto, U. Ulbrich, 2004: Meteorologische Diagnose des Hitzesommers 2003 und zukünftige Trends solcher Extremereignisse. DACH-Tagung 2004, 7.-10.9.2004, Karlsruhe
Kundzewicz, Z.; Leckebusch, G.; Menzel, L.; Przymusinska, I.; Radziejewski, M.; Ulbrich, U. (2004): Intense precipitation and flood hazard in Central and Eastern Europe. EGU2004, CL13
Leckebusch, G.C.; Ulbrich, U.; Fröhlich, L.; Bärring, L.; Nilsson, C.; Stjernquist, I.; Schlyter, P. (2004): The assessment of windstorm related losses over different European regions via a GIS-based storm damage model. EGU 2004, CL13, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 6, EGU04-A-03170, ISSN 1029-7006.
Leckebusch, G.C. and U. Ulbrich, 2004: Changes of storm tracks in Europe. MICE Work shop: Weather Extremes and Forest Damage - Climate Change and Future Risks, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University, 6. Mai 2004.
Leckebusch, G.C. and U. Ulbrich, 2004: Storm damage modelling. MICE Work shop: Weather Extremes and Forest Damage - Climate Change and Future Risks, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University, 6. Mai 2004.
Leckebusch, G.C., U. Ulbrich (2004): Extreme Zyklonen und Starkwind-Ereignisse über Zentraleuropa - Eine Analyse mit Hilfe von Klimamodellen. DACH2004, Session 2.2 Extreme Wetterereignisse, Karlsruhe.
Leckebusch, G.C., U. Ulbrich (2004): What do the models tell us about extremes in the future? Some results from MICE. MICE Stakeholder Workshop, Florence, 28.-29.10.2004
Leckebusch, G.C., U. Ulbrich (2004): Estimates of Windstorm induced Loss in Europe. MICE Stakeholder Workshop, Florence, 28.-29.10.2004
Pinto, J. G.; Spangehl, T.; Ulbrich, U.; Speth, P. (2004): Assessment of cyclonic activity changes in an ECHAM4/OPYC3 transient greenhouse gas scenario. EGU2004, CL11
Ricken, W.; Steuber, T.; Erlenkeuser, H.; Freitag, H.; Hirschfeld, M.; Kasper, H.U.; Spitzlei, M.; Ulbricht, U. (2004) Discharge evolution of the Rhine River during the last 200 years. EGU2004, CL22
Ulbrich, U.; Christoph, M.; Knippertz, P. (2004): Decadal variations in the link between ENSO and NAO. EGU2004, CL4.
Ulbrich, U.; Christoph, M.; Knippertz, P. (2004): Observed and Simulated Links between ENSO and European Climate. 1st International CLIVAR Science Conference, Baltimore, USA, DP-30
Ulbrich, U., T. Brücher, A.H. Fink, G.C. Leckebusch, A. Krüger, J.G. Pinto (2004): Sommer-Hochwasserereignisse in Zentraleuropa: Diagnose meteorologischer Bedingungen und Einschätzung zukünftiger Risiken. DACH 2004, Session 2.2 Extreme Wetterereignisse, Karlsruhe.
Ulbrich, U. (2004): Decadal variations in the link between ENSO and NAO. Eurropean Science Foundation MedCLIVAR exploratory workshop, Rome, May 2004.