European Conference on Severe Storms 2015 in Malmö
Earth and Environmental Sciences for Future Generations 20015 in Prag
Kadow, Christopher; Illing, Sebastian; Kunst, Oliver; Rust, Henning W.; Pohlmann, Holger; Müller, Wolfgang A.; Cubasch, Ulrich: Decadal climate forecasts and their evaluation of accuracy and spread in the MiKlip prediction system
Ulbrich, Uwe; Grieger, Jens; Schuster, Mareike; Kuhnel, Ivan: Variability of the relation of the North Atlantic Oscillation and European winter windstorms during the last millennium
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 in Wien
Ritschel, Christoph; Rust, Henning; Ulbrich, Uwe; Nevir, Peter: Intensity-Duration Relation in the Bartlett-Lewis Rectangular Pulse Model, Geophysical Research Abstracts. - Volume 17
Kruschke, Tim; Rust, Henning; Kadow, Christopher; Ulbrich, Uwe; Leckebusch, Gregor: Skill of probabilistic decadal forecasts regarding the frequencies of Northern Hemisphere extra-tropical cyclones, Geophysical Research Abstracts. - Volume 17
Höschel, Ines; Grieger, Jens; Rust, Henning; Ulbrich, Uwe; Cubasch, Ulrich: The 1990s Warming in the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre in Hindcasts of the MiKlip Decadal Prediction System, Geophysical Research Abstracts. - Volume 17
Becker, Nico; Nissen, Katrin; Ulbrich, Uwe: A storm severity index based on return levels of wind speeds, Geophysical Research Abstracts. - Volume 17
Kröner, Igor; Rust, Henning; Kruschke, Tim; Ulbrich, Uwe : Reliability of predicting the number of frost days in the MiKlip decadal prediction system , Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 17
Mazza, Edoardo; Ulbrich, Uwe; Klein, Rupert : From baroclinic to barotropic: the evolution of Medicane Cornelia. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 17
Walz, Michael; Kruschke, Tim; Rust, Henning; Leckebusch, Gregor C.; Ulbrich, Uwe: Development of a Distribution-Independent Storm Severity Index (DISSI) , Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 17
Rust, Henning; Kruschke, Tim; Dobler, Andreas; Fischer, Madlen; Ulbrich, Uwe : Discontinuous daily temperatures in the WATCH forcing data sets . Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 17
Grieger, Jens; Leckebusch, Gregor; Ulbrich, Uwe : Mechanisms of Antarctic net precipitation climate change signals. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 17
Grieger, Jens; Leckebusch, Gregor C.; Raible, Christoph C.; Rudeva, Irina; Simmonds, Ian : Comparison of different tracking algorithms analysing subantarctic cyclones : a contribution to the IMILAST programme. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Volume 17
Richling, Andy; Rust, Henning; Ulbrich, Uwe : Representation of atmospheric blocking in the MiKlip decadal prediction system. - Geophysical Research Abstracts. - Volume 17
5th Workshop on European Storms 2015 in Bern
European Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2015 in Sofia