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Places available on the ABV course “Forschung wirkungsvoll kommunizieren / Effectively communicating research”

News from Oct 15, 2024

There are places available on the ABV course “Forschung wirkungsvoll kommunizieren/ Effectively communicating research”. This module teaches current principles of scientific work (good research practice) as well as tools and aids that enable students to present their own work well. The module is open to Bachelor students of all institutes in the Department of Earth Sciences and is co-organised by the Earth Sciences Library. See below for details on module content.

Location: GeoCampus Lankwitz, House B, Room 139 (Geology Seminar Room)
Time: Thursdays, 10:00-12:00, start: 17.10.2024
Language: The course will be held in German and English. The results of the exercises (abstract and poster) are to be prepared in English.

Information in the FU Berlin course catalogue: https://www.fu-berlin.de/vv/de/lv/908329. For Bachelor students, this course can be credited as an ABV module (5 LP).

IMPORTANT: The course can be booked in Campusmanagement under the name ‘Wissenschaftskommunikation und gute wissenschaftliche Praxis’. Registration is also possible in Blackboard:

  • Name of the module in Blackboard: Forschung wirkungsvoll kommunizieren / Effectively communicating research (GEOWISS_S_24109311_24W)
  • Registration via: Search in Blackboard: by course name ‘Forschung wirkungsvoll kommunizieren/ Effectively communicating research’ Module number in the course catalogue: 24109311

Interested students may also contact Laura Krone (e-mail: l.krone@fu-berlin.de) or Elis Hoffmann (e-mail: jeh@zedat.fu-berlin.de) by e-mail for more information or to register for the module.

Details of the course

Academic integrity

  • Using and citing academic sources (published literature, databases, images, etc.) correctly.
  • Avoiding plagiarism.
  • Fundamentals of Open Science (research data management and open access to scientific products, including copyright basics and open licences).

Communicating scientific work:

  • Structuring a written output (abstract, BSc or MSc thesis, journal publication).
  • Designing a successful poster presentation.
  • Structuring an oral presentation; suitability of different presentation options.

During the course the following tasks are to be completed (partly in group work):

  • Research on a self-selected geoscientific topic
  • Write an abstract on this topic.
  • Design a scientific poster (for conferences) on this topic.
  • Oral presentation (short presentation of the content of your poster).
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