Coffee lectures in the Earth Sciences Library (winter semester 2024/25)
News from Oct 09, 2024
In the winter semester 2024/25 we offer the following Coffee Lectures.
- Thursdays 3:15 - 3:45 pm in the Earth Sciences Library in Lankwitz and simultaneously online.
- To participate online, simply use the meeting link. The online stream will not be recorded.
- Without registration.
- We have space for about 20 people in the library: first come, first served. Of course there will be fresh coffee free of charge.
- The presentations will be held in German or English.
- Presentation slides will be made available on this website.
31 October, Die Geowissenschaftliche Bibliothek stellt sich vor (in German)
Books and journals, expert advice, training courses, cozy corners and organic coffee... The Earth Science Library has a lot to offer! In this Coffee Lecture, we introduce ourselves as a library team and explain how we can support you in your studies and research. Everyone who wants to learn about the library services and the people behind them is invited: First-year students as well as long-time GeoCampus residents are welcome to bring your questions and concerns to share. We look forward to seeing you! Presentation slides
07 November, Qualitätskriterien bei der Literaturauswahl (in German)
In this Coffee Lecture we will give advice on how to evaluate scientific literature. Furthermore, the advantages, but also the problems of quality assurance in the publication process, especially in peer review, will be explained. Finally, Predatory Publishing will be discussed. Presentation slides
14 November, Die Kartensammlung in der Geowissenschaftlichen Bibliothek (in German)
We give an overview of what is available in the map collection and what possibilities there are to borrow maps or have them digitised. Presentation slides
21 November, Recherchestrategie (in German)
We explain the most important strategies for literature research and introduce the central research tool at the FU (Primo). Presentation slides
28 November, Mehr als Primo: wenig bekannte Rechercheinstrumente an der Freien Universität Berlin (in German)
We briefly introduce useful research tools and show what the special features are: the database information system (DBIS) of the FU Berlin, the Web of Science, the KOBV portal and the search portal GEO-LEO. Presentation slides
05 December, Google Scholar: strengths and limitations (in English)
A popular and wide-ranging academic search engine… sounds great! But Google Scholar also has its limitations, most notably with regard to coverage and search functions. Understanding those limitations will help you use Google Scholar more effectively and know when to supplement it with other academic databases. Presentation slides
12 December: This Coffee Lecture is unfortunately cancelled due to illness of the lecturer (ChatGPT: use it or lose it? (in German))
Is it possible to have texts and literature delivered on command and thus make studying stress-free(er)? We shed light on the possibilities and pitfalls of using ChatGPT and present Freie Universität Berlin´s position on the use of AI tools by students.
09 January, Open Science: Creative Commons licences explained (in English)
We explain what Creative Commons licences are and how to create 'open access' for your own publications (reports, posters, bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses, journal articles, etc.) in a legally secure way by choosing the appropriate licence. Presentation slides
16 January, Legal aspects of the re-use of image material (in English)
When re-using copyrighted images, photos or graphics, there is often uncertainty as to which uses are permitted. We explain the basics of German copyright law and the special permissions (facilitations) that apply to the domain of research and teaching. Presentation slides
23 January, Wie organisiere ich mein Wissen? Literaturverwaltung (in German)
Using the free software Zotero, you will learn what you can use literature management for and how it makes your studies, research (and your life) easier. Presentation slides
30 January, Richtig zitieren in den Geowissenschaften 1 – Grundlagen (in German)
Citation is a central aspect of "good scientific practice" that all students and researchers must follow: it is considered plagiarism to reuse content verbatim or paraphrased without acknowledging the source. We explain the most important basic rules.
06 February, Richtig zitieren in den Geowissenschaften 2 – Praxisbeispiele (in German)
Using different examples, we show how books, articles and websites can be cited in (student) research projects. We also present the citation guidelines of the Institute of Geographical Sciences (the so-called "Möllerskript") as well as the recommendations at the Institutes of Geological Sciences and Meteorology.
13 February, This Coffee Lecture is unfortunately cancelled due to illness of the lecturer
Eine Karte ist (k)ein Buch: Kartenrecherche 101 (in German)
Have you ever wondered how and where to search for maps and cartographic material? Then you should not miss this Coffee Lecture. We will show you some options how to get started with map research and provide updates on the progress of the Library’s Map Collection.