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Changes in the loan conditions at the beginning of the summer semester 2022

News from Mar 11, 2022

As of April 2022, the conditions for fee transactions, loan period extensions, and loans will be returned to pre-pandemic levels. This has implications for both FU employees and external users.

At the beginning of the summer semester on April 1/4, 2022, the conditions of use at the FU Libraries will be partially restored to their pre-pandemic status. In the future, this will have consequences for fee transactions, loan period extensions, and borrowing from specialized libraries.

The three changes from April 2022 at a glance:

  1. Dunning and interlibrary loan fees, which were suspended due to the pandemic, as well as the fee for benefit notices will be reduced.
  2. The automatic loan period extension will only remain in place for internal FU user groups (e.g. FU students, lecturers, staff). From April 2022, all external users will have to extend the loan period in the Primo user account on their own again or apply for an extension through the known channels (by phone or by e-mail to the loan offices).
  3. In individual subject libraries, special terms of use will be withdrawn:
    a) Borrowing of holdings intended only for FU employees will again be possible only for them (affects Campus Library and Law Library).

    b) The conditions for all copies that can only be borrowed for 2 weeks will be reintroduced (max. extension period for FU/Charité students 6 weeks instead of 6 months! Lending continues only to FU members and Charité students). This applies to the Campus Library, Philological Library, Theater Studies, FMI/KHI and the textbook collection of the Earh Sciene Library).

With regard to points one and two, as of March 18, 2022, all users with borrowings or charges and with a valid e-mail address will be sent a borrowing overview with a notice text as an e-mail. In addition, you can check the status of your loans or any fee transactions at any time in the Primo user account.

These decisions are a step towards normality and we share the vision of the university management to experience a summer semester 2022 with as much presence as possible - not only in the lecture hall, but also on the campuses and in the libraries and in the togetherness of student life. For all the latest information on the pandemic, visit the following FU website: www.fu-berlin.de/sites/coronavirus

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