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Library service: We make your publications freely accessible

News from Mar 03, 2022

For researchers at the Department of Earth Sciences who wish to make their closed-access-publications open access, the Earth Sciences Library offers to review all your publications and, if possible, republish them in open access. This will make your research openly accessible to everyone worldwide, more widely read and more frequently cited.

Most publishers offer authors the opportunity to republish journal articles that are not open access under certain conditions. This is know as self-achiving. We will be happy to check the legal options for your individual publication or for your entire publication list and, if possible, bring your publications into open access. Please send us your publication or list of publications.

Of course, we will also support you in all other questions regarding Open Access, e.g. the choice of a journal, the FU's funding options for Article Processing Charges or open licences (e.g. Creative Commons licences).

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