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NFDI4Earth starts with FU participation

News from Feb 10, 2022

NFDI4Earth starts with FU participation

Scientists at the Department of Earth Sciences and the University Library of the Freie University are now working together in NFDI4Earth. Stakeholders from the geochemistry group are setting up a so-called "NFDI4Earth Interest Group", which will drive forward the standardisation of geochemical data. The Research Data Management team of the University Library is working in a sub-project on incentive and reward systems for "FAIR and open" research data management practices in the geosciences. In the Weather and Climate Processes working group at the Meteorological Institute, work on NFDI4Earth will not start until summer 2022.

NFDI4Earth started work in autumn 2021. The project is broadly supported by the German Earth system science community with currently more than 50 partners from universities, research institutions, infrastructure providers and public authorities. NFDI4Earth aims to standardise existing and future strategies and services for research data management in the Earth sciences over the next few years and align them with the principles of openness and the FAIR principles.

NFDI4Earth is part of the National Research Data Infrastructure Germany (NFDI). The NFDI is intended to systematically develop, sustainably secure and make accessible the data holdings of science and research and to network them (inter)nationally. It will be established in a process driven by the scientific community as a networked structure of individual consortia. The federal (Bund) and state (Länder) governments jointly fund the NFDI.

Contact persons at the FU: Elfrun Lehmann (Geochemistry), Ingo Kirchner (Meteorology), Andreas Hübner (University Library)

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