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Research into the impacts of extreme events – ClimXtreme Module Meeting in Gießen

News from Nov 28, 2024

What, how and by whom is research into the impacts of extreme events being conducted in the ClimXtreme network?  

To discuss this question, 24 participants from 9 sub-projects met at the Module C meeting in Giessen from November 11 to 13, 2024. The participants discussed the current status of their research, models and data used as well as synergies with regard to the methods used. The sub-projects organized in Module C conduct research on extreme events such as heat/drought, heavy precipitation, convective events, hail and extreme wind and investigate the effects on the agricultural, forestry, social and infrastructure sectors. One aim of the working meeting was also to prepare and intensify the exchange with interested practitioners.

Theresa Zimmermann took part in the Module C meeting on behalf of the ClimXchange sub-project and conducted a short workshop with the scientists present, in which the basics of science communication and relevant aspects of the exchange with practitioners were highlighted and discussed.


Zimmermann, Theresa; Knauf, Johanna; Knutzen, Florian (2024): Climate change science, communication and the interaction with practitioners. ClimXchange Mini-workshop. Modul C Meeting, November 11-13, 2024, Gießen.  

Project website: https://www.climxtreme.de/index.html  

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