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Anja Rüger

Anja Rüger

Institute of Geographical Sciences

Disaster Research Unit (DRU)

Research Associate


10/2014 - 08/2017 M.A. Social Sciences at the Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg

Master Thesis : Cooperation-inhibiting interaction mechanisms in live escape games. A qualitative - empirical investigation.

10/2011 - 07/2014 B.A. Social Sciences at the Otto von Guericke Universität Magdeburg

Bachelor Thesis: The development of an oppositional attitude against the SED regime by political prisoners in the GDR. A qualitative - empirical study based on biographical - narrative interviews.

Research Interest:

Focus on qualitative social research

Social interaction

Health research

Political education


Project Work:

04/2021 Research Associate at the DRU in the BMBF-Project: “RESIK: Resilience and Evacuation Planning for Social-Economic Infrastructures in a Medical-Social Context” (Project Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)

10/2017 – 01/2021 Research Associate in the project "ROSE – The learning health system in the region Osnabrück – Emsland at the Hochschule Osnabrück"

Subproject 3: „Development of regulation and design forms for the optimization of care transitions in patient care in the city and district of Osnabrück“

Publications (Selection)

  • Voss, Martin; Rüger, Anja; Bock, Nicolas; Dittmer, Cordula; Merkes, Sara T. (2022): Die Evakuierung des St. Antonius-Hospitals Eschweiler während der Flutereignisse im Juli 2021. KFS Working Paper Nr. 25. Berlin: Katastrophenforschungsstelle. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17169/refubium-35269.

  • Voss, Martin; Dittmer, Cordula; Schulze, Katja; Rüger, Anja; Bock, Nicolas (2022): Katastrophenbewältigung als sozialer Prozess: Vom Ideal- zum Realverständnis von Risiko-, Krisen- und Katastrophenmanagement. In: Notfallvorsorge (1), pp. 22-32.