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Head of DRU

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Voss

Professor with Focus on Disaster Research

Head of Disaster Research Unit

+49 30 838 72613

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Voss

Secretary's Office

The secretariat is currently not staffed.

If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact us via the following e-mail address: kfs-sekretariat@polsoz.fu-berlin.de

Research Associates

Nicolas Bock

Research Associate

BMBF-Project: “Inclusive and Integrated Multi-Hazard Risk Management and Engagement of Volunteers to INCREASE Societal Resilience in Times of Changing Climates” (Project Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)

+49 30 838 68897


Dr. Cordula Dittmer

Research Associate

BMBF-Project: „HoWas2021 – Governance und Kommunikation im Krisenfall des Hochwasserereignisses im Juli 2021“

Sekr.: +49 (0)30 838 72611


Verena Flörchinger

Research Associate

BMBF-Project: “Inclusive and Integrated Multi-Hazard Risk Management and Engagement of Volunteers to INCREASE Societal Resilience in Times of Changing Climates” (Project Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)

+49 30 838 68986

Verena Flörchinger

Parisa Jafari Berenji

Research Associate

BMBF-Project: “Inclusive and Integrated Multi-Hazard Risk Management and Engagement of Volunteers to INCREASE Societal Resilience in Times of Changing Climates” (Project Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)

+49 30 838 65427

Parisa Jafari Berenji

Sara Talitha Merkes

Research Associate

BMBF-funded Project: “ClimXchange – Science-Stakeholder Exchange on Climate Extremes for Disaster Risk Reduction” (Subproject Lead: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss), ClimXtreme II (Module C)

+49 30 838 65668

Sara T. Merkes

Dr. Vicente Sandoval

Research Associate

BMBF-Project: “INCREASE: Integrated Disaster Risk Management and Increasing the Resilience of the Population in Iran and Germany in Times of Covid-19 and Climate Change”

+49 30 838 60202

Dr. Vicente Sandoval

Dr. Katja Schulze

Project Head and Research Associate

BMBF-Project SEMSAI and HErZ-Project WEXICOM III (Project Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)

+49 30 838 75711

Dr. Katja Schulze

Peter Windsheimer

Research Associate

BMBF-Project: “SEMSAI - Self-Referential Multi-Scale Modelling and Simulation of Severe Infectious Diseases: Public Response and Feedback Effects” (Project Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)

+49 30 838 70185

Peter Windsheimer

Theresa Zimmermann

Research Associate and PhD Candidate (Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)

BMBF-funded Project: “ClimXchange – Science-Stakeholder Exchange on Climate Extremes for Disaster Risk Reduction” (Subproject Lead: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss), ClimXtreme II (Module C)

+49 30 838 63024

Theresa Zimmermann

Student Assistants

Lukas Lerner

Student Assistant (Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)

+49 30 838 70964

Jette Mai

Student Assistant (Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)

+49 30 838 70964

External PhD Candidates and Habilitands

Şermin Güven

External PhD Candidate

PhD Project: "Water supply, management crisis and escalating risks in North-East Syria & Autonomous Region Kurdistan/Iraq. Resilience building through civil society and local cooperation." (PhD supervision: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)


Visiting Researchers

Associate Members

Şermin Güven

Associate Member

M.A. Social and Cultural Anthropology


Dr. Eeva Kesküla

Associate Member

The political economy of industrial health and safety: a social anthropology perspective


Dr. Nadja Thiessen

Research Associate

BUA-Projekt: Einstein Research Unit „CliWaC: Climate and Water under Change“ (Project led by Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)


Former Members

Dr. Vladimir Aleksić

Secretary's office


Lena Bledau

Research Associate


Till Büser

Research Associate and PhD Candidate (Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)


Dr. Isabelle Desportes

Research Associate

BMBF-Project: “Tsunami Risk : Multi-Risk Assessment and Cascade Effect Analysis in Cooperation between Indonesia and Germany – Collaborative Research on Vulcano- and Landslide-Induced Tsunamis”

+49 30 838 60586

(c) Desportes

Ludwig Frenzel

Research Associate

Sidonie Hänsch

Research Associate


Andrea Jungmann

Research Associate

Anja Kleinebrahn

Research Associate


Dr. Sonja Knopp

Research Associate

BUA-Project: Einstein Research Unit “CliWaC: Climate and Water under Change” (Project Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)

+49 30 838 65698

Sonja Knopp

Daniela Krüger

Research Associate

Foto_Daniela Krüger

Johannes Löffler

Research Associate

Johannes Löffler

Dr. Birgit Peuker

Research Associate and Habilitand

Dr. Birgit Peuker

Jessica Reiter

Research Associate


Anja Rüger

Research Associate

Anja Rüger

Dr. Kristina Seidelsohn

Research Associate


Dr. Bettina Wenzel

Research Associate

Bettina Wenzel