Dr. Kristina Seidelsohn

Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Disaster Research Unit (DRU)
Research Associate
Education and Academic Positions
- Since 09/2004 Research associate at the Disaster Research Unit, Free University Berlin, BMBF-Project “Vulnerability and Safety in the just City (VERSS)”.
- 04/2017 Conferal of Doctorate (Promotion) as Dr. phil. at the University of Bielefeld, the title of doctoral thesis (Promotionsarbeit) being „Prekäre Arbeitsräume. Soziale Konflikte und Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit in aufgewerteten Stadtquartieren.“
- Since 10/2012 Phd-candidate, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence, University of Bielefeld.
- 11/2008-11/2012 Dissertation-fellowship, German Science Foundation, Graduate school “Group focused enmity: Causes, phenomenology, consequences”, Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence, University of Bielefeld.
- 02/2012 Visiting Scholar, Department of Geography and Institute of Urban and Regional Planning, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
- 04/2003-02/2008 Studies in Sociology, Political Science, Cultural Science (HU), Free University Berlin. Degree: Diploma in Sociology.
- 08/2005-01/2006 Semester Abroad (Erasmus), Studies in Sociology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
- 10/2001-03/2003 Studies in Sociology, History, Pedagogy, University of Cologne. Pre-degree examination.
Research Interests:
- Human Behavior and Social Inequality
- Sociology of Urban and Regional Development
- Residential Segregation and Environmental Conditioning
- Population and Participation
- Research on Conflicts and Violence
Project work and field research:
2007 Research Assistant, EU-Projekt ‚IntegraRef – Local Community & Refugees. Fostering Social Integration‘, founded by the European Commission and the European Refugee Fond, Institute for Comparative Social Sciences (NGO), Berlin, Germany.
2006/07 EU-Project Equal – “EU Community Initiative' against inequality within the labour market”. Councelling service and diverse professional seminars. Founded by der European Social Fond, ‚Respect‘: Integration for Migrants (NGO), Berlin.
2006 Project assistant, Workshop „The Jews, the Arabs and the Others“ (Lyon): Methods for mediation in intercultural conflicts, funded by the “German-French Youth-Foundation“ (DFJW), carried out by ‘Respect’: Integration for Migrants (NGO, Berlin), CCO Villeurbanne (NGO, Lyon), Beit Hagefen (NGO, Haifa).
2005 Research assistant, Study „Neukölln – Troubles and Potentials of an Berlin Borough. An Outline“, funded by the Freudenberg-Foundation, carried out by ‘Society for Democratic Culture’ (NGO), Berlin.
2004/05 Short-Movie"Das Leben klappert wie eine Draisine" (26min): Field Research in Berlin und St. Petersburg, funded by the Free University Berlin, Institute for Sociology, Research-Internship durch die Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Soziologie.
Chapters in Books:
- Seidelsohn, Kristina; Voss, Martin; Krüger, Daniela (2017): Researching milieu-specific perceptions of risk, (in)security, and vulnerability – A conceptual approach for understanding the inequality and segregation nexus in urban spaces. In: Fekete, Alexander; Fiedrich, Frank (Eds.): Urban Disaster Resilience. Springer Verlag, in press.
- Freiheit, Manuela / Seidelsohn, Kristina (2016): Perspectives on conflicts and potentials in a changing neighbourhood: Berlin-Neukölln and the role of urban governance (Chapter 7). In: Sirkeci, Ibrahim; Cohen, Jeffrey H.; Yazgan, Pinar (Eds.): Conflict, Insecurity and Mobility. Transnational Press London: 77-88.
- Kraft (Seidelsohn), Kristina / Freiheit, Manuela / Spaiser, Viktoria (2012): Young Muslims in Germany, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and anti-Semitism – a knowledge-sociological perspective (German). In: Botsch, Gideon / Glöckner, Olaf / Kopke, Christoph / Spieker, Michael (eds): Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism: a Controversial Comparison, De Gruyter, Potsdam: 227-254 (German).
- Kraft (Seidelsohn), Kristina / Freiheit, Manuela (2011): Group-focused Enmity in the Locality. Perspectives on Conflicts in a changing neighborhood, in Frey, O. / Koch, F. (eds), Positions for Urbanism. Society, Governance, Arrangement, Lit Verlag, Vienna: 147-163 (German).
- Bretl, Carolin / Kraft (Seidelsohn), Kristina (2008): Local Integration of Refugees in Munich, in Aumüller, J. / Bretl, C. (eds), Local Societies and Refugees: Advancement of Social Integration. The Communal Integration of Refugees in Germany, editionParabolis, Berlin: 61-93 (German).
Policy Reports
- Voss, Martin; Seidelsohn, Kristina; Krüger, Daniela (2016): Risiko- und Vulnerabilitätsbewertungen. Zur Sicherheits- und Vulnerabilitätswahrnehmung der Bevölkerung. Working Paper VERSS (3) – Katastrophenforschungsstelle (KFS).
- Voss, Martin; Krüger, Daniela; Seidelsohn, Kristina (2016): Risiko- und Vulnerabilitätsbewertungen. Zur Perspektive und Einsatzplanung der Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben. Working Paper VERSS (2) – Katastrophenforschungsstelle
- Dantschke, Claudia / Freiheit, Manuela / Kraft (Seidelsohn), Kristina: Neukoelln: Trouble and Potentials of a Berlin Borough. An Outline. Ed.: Society for Democratic Culture, Berlin (NGO). 2005, Berlin, Germany. (German)
Online Publications
- Krüger, Daniela; Seidelsohn, Kristina; Voss, Martin (2015): “Contesting the Resilient City. The Unequal Distribution of Vulnerability and The Role of Social Ties”. Distributed Conference Paper: http://www.rc21.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/C3_Daniela-Kr%C3%BCger_Kristina-Seidelsohn_Martin-Voss.pdf.
- Freiheit, Manuela / Seidelsohn, Kristina (2013): Group‐focused Enmity in the Locality: Perspectives on Conflicts in a Changing Neighborhood. RC21 Resourceful Cities Conference, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Stadt- und Regionalwissenschaften, Berlin. Distributed-Conference-Paper: http://www.rc21.org/conferences/berlin2013/RC21-Berlin-Papers-3/13-Freiheit-Seidelsohn.pdf.
Peer-reviews in Journals
- International Journal of Conflict and Violence (IJCV)
Papers in edited Volumes
- Freiheit, Manuela / Seidelsohn, Kristina (2014): Conflicts on Gentrification in multi-ethnic Neighbourhoods. Berlin-Neukölln and the Role of Urban Governance. Turkish Migration Conference, May 2014, London, UK. (forthcoming December 2014).
Distributed Conference Papers
- Kristina Seidelsohn: (In-)security in urban areas - Residential segregation, milieu-specific „Perception Patterns“ and Adaptive Planning. Abschlusskonferenz EU-Projekt MARGIN-Tackling insecurities in marginalized areas, 05.04.2017 in Budapest, Ungarn.
- Kristina Seidelsohn, Martin Voss, Daniela Krüger: On ‘Perception Patterns': Framing Subjective and Objectified Risks in the Planning Process for (more) Resilient Cities. 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, 12.07.2016 in Wien, Österreich.
- Kristina Seidelsohn, Daniela Krüger und Martin Voss, „Subjective Vulnerability and the Discursive Production of (Un-) safety in Urban Spaces”. 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, Prague 25.‐28. August 2015.
- Kristina Seidelsohn, Martin Voss und Daniela Krüger The Distribution of Vulnerability in Urban Spaces: Residential Segregation and the Subjective Dimension of (Un-) safety “. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Berlin 1.‐6. October 2015. (German)
- Daniela Krüger, Martin Voss und Kristina Seidelsohn “Who defines what is at stake? Safety Production and Civil Participation in Urban Space”. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, Berlin 1.‐6. October 2015. (German)
- Freiheit, Manuela / Seidelsohn, Kristina (2013): Group‐focused Enmity in the Locality: Perspectives on Conflicts in a Changing Neighborhood. RC21 Resourceful Cities Conference, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Stadt- und Regionalwissenschaften, Berlin. Distributed-Conference-Paper: http://www.rc21.org/conferences/berlin2013/RC21-Berlin-Papers-3/13-Freiheit-Seidelsohn.pdf.