Prof. Dr. Christian Webersik

Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Disaster Research Unit (DRU)
Visiting Scientist
Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 6-10
Room 117
12165 Berlin
Room 117
12165 Berlin
- 2001 – 2005: University of Oxford, Department of Politics and International Relations, Degree: D.Phil. in Political Science and International Relations, July 2005, Supervisors: Professor William Beinart, Dr David Turton
- 2000 – 2001: University of Oxford, Department of Politics and International Relations, Degree: M.Sc. in Politics Research, June 2001
- 1999 – 2000: University of East Anglia (Norwich, England), School of Environmental Sciences, Supervisors: Professor Tim O’Riordan, Professor Neil Adger
- 1997 – 1999: Freie Universität Berlin, Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Degree: Diploma in Political Science (M.A.), July 1999, Supervisors: Professor Dr. E. Altvater, Professor Dr. U. Albrecht
- 1995 – 1996: Universität Konstanz (Konstanz, Germany), Fachbereich Politik- und Verwaltungswissenschaft, Degree: Intermediate exam in public administration (Vordiplom in Verwaltungswissenschaften), December 1998.
Academic Positions:
- 2018 – 2019: Guest Scientist, Disaster Research Unit (DRU), Freie Universität Berlin
- Since 2017: Deputy Director, Centre for Integrated Emergency Management (CIEM), Norway
- Since 2016: Professor, Department of Global Development and Planning, University of Agder
- 2009 – 2016: Associate Professor, Department of Global Development and Planning, University of Agder.
- 2015: Fellow at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy, University of Hamburg Project: Climate change, migration and conflict.
- 2014 – 2015: Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley facilitated by the Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study.
- 2011 – 2011: Visiting Scholar at Columbia University in the City of New York hosted by the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA).
- 2007 – 2009: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science United Nations University (JSPS-UNU) Postdoctoral Fellow at United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies in Yokohama, Japan. I worked with the Sustainable Development Governance and the Peace and Governance Programme on climate change and security. During my tenure, my Japanese host was the Department for Value and Decision Science at the Tokyo Institute of Technology (TITech).
- 2007 – 2007: Visiting Scholar at the Earth Institute at Columbia University in the City of New York.
- 2007 – 2007: Economist/Report Writer for the United Nations Development Programme’s Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (UNDP-BCPR). My task was to write a chapter on conflict recurrence in post-conflict societies for BCPR’s high-profile report Post-Conflict Economic Recovery: Enabling Local Ingenuity, modelled loosely on the Human Development Report, published in 2008.
- 2005 – 2007: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Earth Institute at Columbia University in the City of New York. I was hosted by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), a research unit specialising in data mapping and management.
- 2004 – 2005: Assistant Professor of political science at the University of Asmara, College of Social Sciences, Department of Political Science.
Academic Services and Memberships:
- 2015: Poster chair and organised panel for 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), University of Agder, Kristiansand, 24-27 May 2015
- 2013: Reviewer of the Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
- 2010: Organised international conference, Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads, University of Agder, Kristiansand, 20-21 June 2013
- Reviewer for the following peer-reviewed journals: Forum for Development Studies, Geographical Journal, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, International Security, Journal of Peace Research, Sicherheit & Frieden, Earth Science Dynamics Review
- Memberships: Founding member of Environmental Peacebuilding Academy (invited), European International Studies Association (EISA), Norwegian Association for Development Research NFU), Norwegian Non-fiction Writers And Translators Association (NFF), International Studies Association (ISA) 2007-2014, American Political Science Association (APSA) 2007-2010
Academic Awards and Achievements (Selected)
- 2007 – 2009: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science United Nations University (JSPS-UNU) postdoctoral fellowship
- 2005 – 2007: Postdoctoral fellowship at the Earth Institute, Columbia University
- 2001 – 2003: Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Postgraduate Research Studentship, University of Oxford
- 2001 – 2003: ESRC Research Training Support Grant 2001-3, University of Oxford
Supervision of PHD and Master Students:
- Since 2014: Dianah Nampijja, University of Agder & Makarere University, ‘ICT and the rural poor’ Mobile learning for climate change adaptation: Challenges and strategies in realizing change for food security
- Since 2015: Philemon Kirunda Mukisa, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) & Makarere University, Usefulness of Education for Sustainable Development in the uptake of REDD+ mechanisms in Uganda
- 2012 – 2016: Peter Kojo Boateng, Monash University, From Arable Savannah Land to Barren Desert? A Critical Perspective on Social and Ecological Interactions Associated with Land Use and Land Cover Changes in the Semi-arid Savannah Region of Northeast Ghana
- Since 2009: Supervised Master students in Development Management
Research Projects (Selected):
- 2016 – 2017: Project leader of political economy analysis for Somalia commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs- Budget: EUR 69,167
- 2013 – 2015: Project leader of Norwegian Research Council project 217188 on Perceptions and understandings of climate change and migration: Conceptualising and contextualising for Lakshadweep and the Maldives. Budget: EUR 328,587
- 2013 – 2016: Regional Norwegian Research Council project grant to establish a centre of excellence, the Centre for Integrated Emergency Management. Responsible for one of the five core research objectives and hired one adjunct professor. Budget: EUR 93,004
- 2011: Norwegian Research Council project grant 216849 for researcher exchange between Norway and Germany. Budget: EUR 4,156
- 2011: Norwegian Research Council project grant 210176 to conduct international conference on climate change and human security. Budget: EUR 10,390
- 2006: United States National Science Foundation grant 0624167, Collaborative Research: Hydrology and Social Interactions: A Focus on Conflict in Africa, led by Marc Levy, Columbia University. Budget: USD 169,000
- Christian Webersik (2010) Climate Change and Security: A Gathering Storm of Global Challenges, Praeger Security International series, Security and the Environment, series ed. P. H. Liotta, Praeger Publishers/PSI.
- Christian Webersik (2005) Reinterpreting Environmental Scarcity and Conflict: Evidence from Somalia. D.Phil. Thesis, University of Oxford, Oxford.
- Christian Webersik (1999) Grenzüberschreitende Korruption: eine politisch-ökonomische Analyse am Beispiel von Entwicklungsländern, Diplomarbeit, Freie Universität, Berlin.
Journal Articles
- Ilan Kelman, Himani Upadhyay, Andrea C. Simonelli, Alex Arnall, Divya Mohan, Lingaraj G J, Shadananan Nair, Christian Webersik (2017) Here and Now: Perceptions of Indian Ocean Islanders on the Climate Change and Migration Nexus, Geografiska Annaler.
- Hanne Jørstad and Christian Webersik (2016) Vulnerability to climate change and adaptation strategies of local communities in Malawi: Experiences of women fish processing groups in the Lake Chilwa Basin, Earth System Dynamics, vol. 7, Copernicus Publications.
- Thomas Henökl and Christian Webersik (2016) Power Politics or Transnational Public Policy? Comparing European and Chinese Cooperation with Sri Lanka and Myanmar, Asia-Pacfic Journal of EU Studies, vol. 14, no. 1, EUSA Asia-Pacific.
- Hanne Jørstad and Christian Webersik (2015) Living with Climate Change: Avoiding conflict through adaptation in Malawi, Earth System Dynamics Discussion Papers, 6, 1-29, Copernicus Publications.
- Christian Webersik, Jose J Gonzalez, Julie Dugdale, Bjørn Erik Munkvold, Ole-Christoffer Granmo (2015) Towards an integrated approach to emergency management: interdisciplinary challenges for research and practice, Culture Unbound, vol. 7, Linköping University Electronic Press.
- Christian Webersik (2014) Bargaining for the spoils of war – Explaining Somalia’s state failure, African Security, vol. 7, no. 4, Routledge.
- Thomas Henökl and Christian Webersik (2014) The Impact of Institutional Change on Foreign Policy-Making: The Case of the EU Horn of Africa Strategy, European Foreign Affairs Review, vol. 19, no. 4, Kluwer Law International.
- Christian Webersik (2012) Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung: Sicherheitsbedenken, Wissenschaft und Frieden, vol. 30, no.3, BdWi-Verlag.
- Christian Webersik and Alec Crawford (2012) Commerce in the Chaos: Bananas, Charcoal, Fisheries, and Conflict in Somalia, The Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 42, no. 6, Environmental Law Institute.
- Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik, and Tomoya Shibayama (2010) Estimating the indirect costs of non adapting infrastructure to an increase in typhoon intensity in the Asia-Pacific region, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, APAC 2009. (巻数 2, pp. 170-176). World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd.
- Christian Webersik, Miguel Esteban, and Tomoya Shibayama (2010) The Economic Impact of Future Increase in Tropical Cyclones in Japan, Natural Hazards, vol. 55, no.2, Springer.
- Christian D. Klose and Christian Webersik (2010) Long-term impacts of tropical storms and earthquakes on human population growth in Haiti and Dominican Republic, Nature Procedings, doi 10.1038/npre.2010.4737.1.
- Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik and Tomoya Shibayama (2009) Effect of a global warming-induced increase in typhoon intensity on urban productivity in Taiwan, Sustainability Science, vol. 4, no. 2, Springer.
- Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik, and Tomoya Shibayama (2009) Methodology for the Estimation of the Increase in Time Loss due to Future Increase in Tropical Cyclone Intensity in Japan, Climatic Change, vol. 102, no. 3-4, Springer.
- Christian Webersik and Clarice Wilson (2009) Achieving Environmental Sustainability and Growth in Africa: The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation, Sustainable Development, vol. 17, no. 4, Wiley.
- Christian Webersik (2008) Wars over Resources? Evidence from Somalia. Environment, vol. 50, no. 3, Heldref Publications, Washington D.C.
- Christian Webersik (2006) Mogadishu – An Economy without a State. Third World Quarterly, vol. 27, no. 8, Routledge.
- Christian Webersik (2005) Fighting for the Plenty – The Banana Trade in Southern Somalia, Oxford Development Studies, vol. 33, no.1, Routledge.
- Christian Webersik (2004) Differences that Matter: The Struggle of the Marginalised in Somalia, Africa, vol. 74, no. 4, Edinburgh University Press.
Book Chapters
- Christian Webersik and Marc Levy (2016) The Role of Natural Resource Management in Reducing the Risk of Conflict Recurrence, in: Carl Bruch, Carroll Muffett, and Sandra S. Nichols (eds.) Governance, Natural Resources, and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, Routledge, Abingdon.
- Christian Webersik and Alec Crawford (2015) Commerce in the Chaos: Bananas, Charcoal, Fisheries and Conflict in Somalia, in: Helen Young and Lisa Goldman (eds.) Livelihoods, Natural Resources, and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, Routledge, Abingdon.
- Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik, David Leary, and Dexter Thompson-Pomeroy (2014) Nanotechnology may provide innovative solutions to climate change, in: Noah Berlatsky (ed.) Nanotechnology, Greenhaven Press, Farmington Hills, Michigan.
- Christian Webersik and Christian D. Klose (2013) Disasters and human security: Natural hazards and political instability in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, in: Michael Redclift and Marco Grasso (eds.) Climate Change and Human Security, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
- Christian Webersik (2013) Climate Change, Water and Health: Current Impacts and Future Challenges for Human Security, in: Velma Grovers (ed.) Impact of Climate Change on Water and Health, CRC Press, Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire.
- Christian Webersik (2012) Securitizing Climate Change: The United Nations Security Council Debate, in: Deborah Rigling Gallagher (ed.) Environmental Leadership: A Reference Handbook, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, CA.
- Christian Webersik (2012) Climate-Induced Migration and Conflict: What are the Links? In: Kirsten Hastrup and Karen Fog Olwig (eds.) Climate Change and Human Mobility: Global Challenges to the Social Sciences, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Research Reports
- Christian Webersik and Mikael Bergius (2013) Spotlight: The Biofuels Transition, in: Dabelko, Geoffrey D., Lauren Herzer, Schuyler Null, Meaghan Parker, & Russell Sticklor (eds). (2013). Backdraft: The Conflict Potential of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (Environmental Change & Security Program Report Vol. 14, Issue 2). Washington DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
- Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik, David Leary (2009) Nanotechnology, Ocean Energy and Forestry - Making Climate Change Mitigation Work, Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) Report, Commonwealth Secretariat, London.
- Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik, David Leary and Dexter Thompson-Pomeroy (2008) Innovation in responding to climate change: Nanotechnology, Ocean Energy and Forestry. UNU-IAS report, United Nations University, Tokyo.
- Christian Webersik and Clarice Wilson (2008) Environment for African Development: A Sustainable Future through Science and Technology. UNU-IAS report, United Nations University, Tokyo.
- United Nations Development Programme (2008). Post-Conflict Economic Recovery: Enabling Local Ingenuity, Crisis Prevention and Recovery Report- United Nations Development Programme/Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (UNDP/BCPR).
- United Nations Development Programme (2001) National Human Development Report Somalia 2001, United Nations Development Programme, Nairobi.
Popular Media Appearances and Policy Briefs
- Christian Webersik (2018) Forskerportrett: Krisehåndtering,, University of Agder, Kristiansand.
- Christian Webersik (2017) Lokalbefolkningen må bli bedre forberedt på flom, Fædrelandsvennen, Kristiansand, 28/10/2017, p42.
- Christian Webersik (2013) Verden mislyktes i Somalia: Hva det internasjonale samfunnet kan gjøre, Fædrelandsvennen, Kristiansand, 25/10/2013, p39.
- Tamar Auber (2013) UN Security Council charcoal ban poses serious environmental, humanitarian risks for Somalia, UNEARTH News, United Nations, New York, 28/08/2013.
- Erik Pettersen (2011) Tror Mubarak ender opp i eksil, Sørnett, Interview with Christian Webersik, 2/2/2011, Available at
- Christian Webersik (2010) Økonomiske incentiver gir effekt, Dagens Næringsliv, 22/9/2010, p42.
- Christian Webersik (2010) What will climate change mean for human security? OurWorld 2.0, United Nations University. Available at
- Anette Os (2010) Vil vekke klimasoverne, Fædrelandsvennen, Kristiansand, 8/2/2010, p10.
- The Economist (2010) Security and the environment; Climate wars: Does a warming world really mean that more conflict is inevitable? Trondheim, 7/10/2010, vol. 396 no. 8690, p59-60.
- Line Torvik and Sidsel Jørgensen (2009) Klimaendringar og tryggleik, Interview with Christian Webersik, TEFT no.2, Forskingsmagasin frå Universitetet i Agder.
- Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik, David Leary (2009) Nanotechnology, Ocean Energy and Forestry - Making Climate Change Mitigation Work, Climate Action, London.
- Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik, David Leary and Dexter Thompson-Pomeroy (2009) Cutting Emissions through Innovation, OurWorld 2.0, United Nations University. Available at
- Christian Webersik (2008) Sudan Climate Change and Security Factsheet, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS). Available at
- Christian Webersik and Manish Thapa (2008) Nepal Climate Change and Security Factsheet, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS). Available at
- Christian Webersik (2008) A Call for Action on African Food Security, OurWorld 2.0, United Nations University. Available at
Conference Participation
- Christian Webersik (2018) Reinterpreting the role of extreme weather in conflict and humanitarian crisis, The Third Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies, NEEDS, Amsterdam, 21-23 March 2018
- Christian Webersik, Jan Ketil Rød (2017) Addressing the gap between local disaster perceptions and measured disaster risk: Evidence from climate change-affected atoll island communities, ISA Hong Kong, China, 15-18 June 2017
- Christian Webersik (2016) Contextualising Climate Change, Security and Migration: A study of Syrian, Somali and Pakistani refugees in the EU, NFU Conference 2016, Oslo, 24-25 November 2016.
- Christian Webersik (2016) Understanding Climate Change, Security and Migration: A study of Syrian, Somali and Pakistani refugees in the EU, The Hugo Conference: Environment, Migration and Politics, Liège, 3-5 November 2016.
- Christian Webersik (2016) Can technology help to build disaster resilience in developing countries? 13th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Rio de Janeiro, 22-25 May 2016.
- Christian Webersik, Jan Ketil Rød (2016) The geography of risk perceptions: Bridging the gap between local disaster perceptions and measured disaster vulnerability, Emergency preparedness and disaster management: Conference, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway, 25-26 February 2016.
- Christian Webersik (2015) Understanding risk perceptions: What can technology do?, 9th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications, SKIMA 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal, 15-17 December.
- Christian Webersik, Jan Ketil Rød, Ilan Kelman, and Himani Upadhyay (2015) “We like it here”: Explaining the gap between local perceptions and science of climate change impacts, The First Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies, NEEDS, Copenhagen, 9-11 December 2015.
- Christian Webersik and Jan Ketil Rød (2015) The Geography of Risk Perceptions, The National Symposium on Technology and Methodology for Security and Crisis Management, TAMSEC, Kista, Sweden, 24-25 November 2015.
- Christian Webersik (2015) Contextualising climate change migration and conflict, Climate change and security in Turkish-German Context: Challenges and Opportunities, 2nd Turkish-German Expert Roundtable, Stiftung Mercator, Berlin, 14 October 2014.
- Thomas Henökl and Christian Webersik (2015) Comparing means and ends of international development cooperation: the case of the EU’s and China’s engagement in Sri Lanka, 9th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Giardini Naxos, Italy, 23-26 September 2015.
- Christian Webersik (2015) Perceptions and understandings of climate change and migration: Evidence from small islands, RGS (Royal Geographical Society)-IBG Annual International Conference 2015, University of Exeter, 1-4 September 2015.
- Christian Webersik (2015) Reassessing the conflict potential of climate-induced migration. Human Migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention, Durham University, 28 June - 1 July 2015.
- Dianah Nampijja and Christian Webersik (2015) Contextualising mobile learning for climate change adaptation: Ensuring food security in Uganda. Why should universities and academics in the North and South collaborate? Knowledge, development, strategy and/or competition? UiB Global, Bergen, 15-16 June 2015.
- Christian Webersik and Joao Porto de Albuquerque (2015) Crisis Management in Less Developed Countries: Climate change and beyond. 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), Kristiansand, 24-27 May 2015.
- Christian Webersik (2014) Towards an integrated approach to emergency management: interdisciplinary challenges for research and practice. 6th Annual International Conference of Crisis Mappers, New York, 4-9 November 2014.
- Christian Webersik (2014) The Short-, Median, and Long-run Impacts of Climate Change on Human Security. NFU Conference 2014, Tromsø, 1-2 October 2014.
- Christian Webersik (2014) “200 million climate refugees by 2050?”
- Let us go out and ask the people affected by climate change. International Workshop: Climate, Land use and Conflict in Northern Africa, Lübeck, 22-24 September 2014.
- Christian Webersik (2014) Placing climate change and migration into context. Fourth Global International Studies Conference 2014, Frankfurt, 6-9 August 2014.
- Christian Webersik (2013) Making technology-supported emergency preparedness and response work in developing countries. Critical Approaches to Humanitarian Technology: Accountability, Decision-making and New Actors, Oslo, 28-29 November 2013.
- Christian Webersik (2013) Making Information and Communication Technology Relevant for Disaster Preparedness and Management. Cultures of disasters, Oslo, 6-8 November 2013.
- Christian Webersik (2013) Assessing the security implications of climate change migration. World Conference on Humanitarian Studies, Istanbul, 24-27 October 2013.
- Christian Webersik (2013) Leapfrogging disaster preparedness and management in developing countries by using mobile technology. World Conference on Humanitarian Studies, Istanbul, 24-27 October 2013.
- Christian Webersik and Morten Goodwin (2013) Technology-supported emergency preparedness and response. Teknologisk innovasjon redder liv! World Disasters Report 2013, Oslo, 17 October 2013.
- Christian Webersik and Tina Comes (2013) Decision Support in Emergency Management: Confronting Complexity and Uncertainty. Nordic Conference on Disaster Mitigation, Stavanger, 26-27 September 2013.
- Thomas Henökl and Christian Webersik (2013) Linking disaster relief and development: Approaches to a Joint Humanitarian-Development Framework in the EU's post-Lisbon institutional setting. 8th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Warsaw, Poland, 18-21 September 2013.
- Hanne Jørstad and Christian Webersik (University of Agder, Norway) The Drying of Lake Chilwa: Climate Change Adaptation and its Limitations in Malawi. Climate Change and Security at the Crossroads - Pathways to Conflict or Cooperation? University of Agder, Norway, 20-21 June 2013.
- Christian Webersik (2013) Making disaster less disastrous: What is and isn’t known about lessening the long-term impacts of natural disasters on human security. 54th Annual International Studies Association Convention, San Francisco, USA, 3-6 April 2013.
- Christian Webersik, Hanne Jørstad, and Sven Åke Bjørke (2012) Moving Beyond Climate Conflict: Climate Change Adaptation and its Limitations in Malawi. Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU) Conference, Oslo, 25-26 November 2012.
- Christian Webersik, Hanne Jørstad, and Sven Åke Bjørke (2012) Climate Conflict and the Canary in the Coal Mine: Climate Change, Population Growth, Poverty and Peace in Malawi. Rethinking Climate Change, Conflict and Security, University of Sussex, 18-19 October 2012.
- Christian Webersik, Gonzalez, Jose J., Munkvold, Bjørn Erik, Dugdale, Julie, Granmo, Ole-Christoffer, and Frank Yong Li (2012) The Role of ICT in Crisis Preparedness, Response and Recovery. 53rd Annual International Studies Association Convention, San Diego, USA, 1-4 April 2012.
- Christian Webersik (2012) Limiting Conflict in Climate Change Responses. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, 24-28 February 2012.
- Christian Webersik (2011) Security trade-offs of climate change mitigation. Joint Nordic Conference, Copenhagen, 24-25 November 2011.
- Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik, and Tomoya Shibayama (2011) Methodology for the Estimation of the Increase in Time Loss due to Future Increase in Tropical Cyclone Intensity in Japan. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Ad Hoc Expert Meeting on Climate change impacts and adaptation: a challenge for global ports, Geneva, 29–30 September 2011.
- Christian Webersik (2011) Climate Change and Human Security: Facing Future Challenges in sub-Saharan Africa. 17th annual conference of the International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS), New York, USA, 8-10 May 2011.
- Christian Webersik (2011) Governing Natural Resources for Peace: Re-Thinking Post-Conflict Peacebuilding Frameworks. Session chaired at the 52th Annual International Studies Association Convention, Montreal, Canada, 16-19 March 2011.
- Christian D. Klose and Christian Webersik (2010) Haiti and the Dominican Republic - same island - different climate adaptation strategies. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13-17 December 2010.
- Christian D. Klose and Christian Webersik (2010) Understanding socio-economic impacts of geohazards aided by cyber-enabled systems. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 13-17 December 2010.
- Christian Webersik (2010) Climate Change, Mobility, and Human Security: A Gathering Storm of Global Challenges? Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU) Conference, Oslo, 25-26 November 2010.
- Christian Webersik and Christian D. Klose (2010) Another Easter Island? Climate change, human insecurity and politics in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Climate Change and Security, 250th Anniversary Conference organized for the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, Trondheim, Norway, 21-24 June 2010.
- Christian D. Klose and Christian Webersik (2010) Geohazards and their impacts on the political stability in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 14-18 April 2010.
- Christian Webersik (2010) Climate-induced migration and conflict: What are the links? International Conference on Climate Change and Human Mobility, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 12-14 April 2010.
- Christian Webersik (2010) Climate Change and Security: Global Challenges for the 21st Century. Statsviterkonferansen, University of Agder, Kristiansand, 6-8 January 2010.
- Miguel Esteban, Christian Webersik, and Tomoya Shibayama (2009) Estimating the Indirect Costs of Non Adapting Infrastructure to an Increase in Typhoon Intensity in the Asia-Pacific Region. 5th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2009), Singapore, 13-16 October 2009.
- Christian Webersik, Miguel Esteban, and Tomoya Shibayama (2009) Climate Change and Human Security: Measuring the Economic Loss due to Future Increase in Tropical Cyclones. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Toronto, Ontario, 3-6 September 2009.
- Miguel Esteban and Christian Webersik (2009) Estimation of the economic effects of an increase in typhoon intensity in the Asia Pacific Region. Global Conference on Global Warming, Istanbul, Turkey, 5-9 July 2009.
- Christian Webersik (2009) Making Forest Preservation in Asia Work. Workshop on Vulnerability and Resilience of Land Systems in Asia, Beijing, 15-17 June 2009.
- Christian Webersik (2009) Linking Drought to Conflict: Making Research Relevant for Policy. IHDP Open Meeting, 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Bonn, 26-30 April 2009.
- Christian Webersik (2009) Climate Change, Conflict and Livelihoods. International Seminar - Natural Resources and the Environment: Implications for Conflict Resolution, Peacebuilding, and Livelihoods, United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) and University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, Tokyo, 22 April 2009.
- Christian Webersik, Miguel Esteban, and Tomoya Shibayama (2009) The Economic Impact of Future Increase in Tropical Cyclones in Japan. IARU International Scientific Congress on Climate Change, Copenhagen, 10-12 March 2009.
- Christian Webersik, Miguel Esteban, and Tomoya Shibayama (2009) Measuring the Economic Loss due to Future Increase in Tropical Cyclones in East Asia: Potential for Conflict or Cooperation? 50th Annual International Studies Association Convention, New York, NY, 15-18 February 2009.
- Christian D. Klose and Christian Webersik (2008) Understanding Socio-Economic Impacts of Geohazards Aided by Cyber-Enabled Systems. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 December 2008.
- Christian Webersik (2008) Drought and Political Violence in sub-Saharan Africa. 49th Annual International Studies Association Convention, San Francisco, CA, 26-29 March 2008.
- Christian Webersik (2007) Drought and Conflict: Agricultural Dependency and Conflict Risks in sub-Saharan Africa. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Chicago, IL, 30 August-2 September 2007.
- Christian Webersik (2005) The Charcoal Trade in Southern Somalia – An Economy without a State. Fourth Horn of Africa Conference, Lund, 14-16 October 2005.
- Christian Webersik (2005) Environment, Conflict and Statelessness in Somalia. 6th Open Meeting on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, Bonn, 9-13 October 2009.
- Christian Webersik (2005) The Need for International Integration: The Case of Eritrea, African Studies Conference (Gaudy), St Antony’s College, Oxford, 27-29 June 2005.
- Christian Webersik (2004) Bargaining for the spoils of war – The Somalia National Reconciliation Process, Third Horn of Africa Conference, Lund, 27-29 August 2004.
- Christian Webersik (2003) Fighting for the Plenty – The Banana Trade in Southern Somalia. Conference on Multinational Corporations, Development and Conflict, Queen Elizabeth House, Oxford, 6 December 2003.
- Christian Webersik (2001) Reinterpreting Environmental Scarcity and Conflict: Evidence from Somalia. 4th Pan-European International Relations Conference, University of Kent at Canterbury, 8-10 September 2001.
- Christian Webersik (2000) Methodological Pitfalls in Addressing the Link between Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflict. Environmental Resources, Conflict, Co-operation and Governance, University of Bradford, 17-18 May 2000.