Verena Flörchinger

Institute of Geographical Sciences
Disaster Research Unit (DRU)
Research Associate
BMBF-Project: “Inclusive and Integrated Multi-Hazard Risk Management and Engagement of Volunteers to INCREASE Societal Resilience in Times of Changing Climates” (Project Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Voss)
Room 126
12165 Berlin
10/2011 – 10/2016 M.A. of Geography at the University of Heidelberg
Thesis: “Analyzing Water Spheres in Kathmandu Valley – Negotiation Processes between Society and Space in a Changing Environment“
09/2007 – 09/2011 B.A. of Geography and Anthropology at the University of Heidelberg
Thesis: “Sea-level Rise and Climate Induced Impacts for the Population of the Pacific Island State Tuvalu“
10/2009 – 02/2010 Student at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Academic Jobs
03/2018 – 11/2018 DAAD funded field research in Nepal; Topic: „Reconstruction and social transformation in the High Mountains of Nepal “
03/2017 – 02/2018 Research Assistant at the Department of Geography of the South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg
06/2012 – 09/2013 und 01/2015 – 02/2018 Student Assistant at the Geographical Association of Heidelberg
12/2008 – 12/2010 Student Assistant at the Department of Geography, University of Heidelberg
Winter term 2020/21
BA Seminar: Complex dynamics in a globalized world
Research focus
Social Science/Geographical Disaster Research
Climate Change Adaptation
Qualitive Social Research
Vulnerability & Resilience
Natural Hazards
Sandoval, Vicente; Voss, Martin; Flörchinger, Verena; Lorenz, Stephan; Jafari, Parisa (2023): Integrated Disaster Risk Management IDRM: Elements to Advance its Study and Assessment. In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 14(3), pp. 343–356. DOI:
Schulze, Katja; Bock, Nicolas; Flörchinger, Verena; Merkes, Sara T.; Voss, Martin (2021): Die COVID-19-Pandemie aus Sicht der Bevölkerung im Sommer 2020. Ergebnisse einer Bevölkerungsbefragung. KFS Working Paper Nr. 19. Berlin: Katastrophenforschungsstelle. DOI:
Schulze, Katja; Merkes, Sara T.; Kleinebrahn, Anja; Flörchinger, Verena; Voss, Martin (2020): Veränderte Wahrnehmungen der COVID-19-Lage von März bis April 2020: Ergebnisse einer deutschlandweiten Panelbefragung. KFS Working Paper Nr. 17. Berlin: Katastrophenforschungsstelle. DOI:
Schulze, Katja; Bock, Nicolas; Dittmer, Cordula; Flörchinger, Verena; Lorenz, Daniel F.; Merkes, Sara T.; Voss, Martin (2020): Die SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie aus Sicht der Bevölkerung. Ergebnisse einer Bevölkerungsbefragung. KFS Working Paper Nr. 16. Berlin: Katastrophenforschungsstelle. DOI:
Daniell, James E.; Schmidt, Hanns-Maximilian; Schäfer, Andreas; Hoechner, Andreas; Girard, Trevor; Brink, Susan; Kunz-Plapp, Tina; Mühr, Bernhard; Dittrich, André; Vervaeck, Armand; Wenzel, Friedemann; Khazai, Bijan; Anhorn, Johannes; Flörchinger, Verena; Strader, Anne; Schorlemmer, Danijel; Beutin, Thomas; Fanselow, Florian; Kunz, Michael; Trieselmann, Werner; Gourraud, Cyril; Bendimerad, Fouad (2015): Nepal Earthquakes - Report #3. Forensic Disaster Analysis (FDA) Situation Report. CEDIM und SAI. Available online at
Daniell, James E.; Vervaeck, Armand; Wenzel, Friedemann; Khazai, Bijan; Brink, Susan; Kunz-Plapp, Tina; Anhorn, Johannes; Flörchinger, Verena; Schäfer, Aandreas; Hoechner, Andreas; Schmidt, Hanns-Maximilian; Bessel, Tina; Mühr, Bernhard; Dittrich, André; Girard, Trevor; Robles, Carlos; Skapski, Jens-Udo; Kunz, Michael; Trieselmann, Werner (2015): Nepal Earthquake - Report #1. Forensic Disaster Analysis (FDA) Situation Report. CEDIM und SAI. Available online at
Khazai, Bijan; Anhorn, Johannes; Girard, Trevor; Brink, Susan; Daniell, James E.; Bessel, Tina; Mühr, Bernhard; Flörchinger, Verena; Kunz-Plapp, Tina (2015): Shelter response and vulnerability of displaced populations in the April 25, 2015 Nepal Earthquake. Forensic Disaster Analysis (FDA) Report 2. CEDIM und SAI. Available online at
Flörchinger, Verena; Marx, Sabrina; Müller, Larissa; Schelhorn, Svend-Jonas; Schütt, Fabian; Selgert, Ulrich (2013): Die touristische Entwicklung der Hochgebirgssiedlung Langtang in Nepal. In: Lennartz, Thomas; Butsch, Carsten; Franz, Martin; Kroll, Mareike (Hg.): Aktuelle Forschungsbeiträge zu Südasien. Heidelberg: AK Südasien, pp. 19–22.
- Flörchinger, Verena (2024): Unveiling the Silent Disaster: Lessons from Recent Heatwaves and Droughts in Germany for Integrated Disaster Risk Management. Presentation at the International Geographical Congress (IGC). Dublin, Irland, 26 August 2024.
- Flörchinger, Verena; Sandoval, Vicente (2024): Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM): Background, Terminology, and Approach for Implementation. Presentation at the IDRM Workshop at the Chilean National Research Center for Integrated Disaster Management (CIGIDEN), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Santiago, Chile, 30 July 2024.
- Flörchinger, Verena; Sandoval, Vicente (2024): Questionnaire for Assessing Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM): Background, Terminology, and Approach for Implementation. Presentation at the IDRM Workshop at the Chilean National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (SENAPRED). Santiago, Chile, 30 July 2024.
- Flörchinger, Verena; Sandoval, Vicente (2024): The Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) Questionnaire: Background, Terminology, and Approach for Implementation. Presentation at the IDRM Workshop at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism (FAU), University of Chile. Co-organised by the Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (CITRID) and the Corporation for Risk and Disaster Management GRID-Chile. Santiago, Chile, 29 July 2024.
- Flörchinger, Verena; Jafari Berenji, Parisa (2024): Silent Hazards: Unfolding Impacts and Vulnerability of Heatwaves and Droughts from a Cross-Regional Perspective. Presentation at the RC21 Conference (Research Committee on Urban and Regional Development) of the International Sociological Association. Santiago, Chile, 24 July 2024.
- Flörchinger, Verena (2024): Gaps and Potential Improvements for an Integrated Disaster Risk Management. Presentation as part of the Knowledege-Transfer Workshop „INCREASE IDRM Transferability to Kazakhstan – Central Asia“. Almaty, Kasachstan, 7 June 2024.
- Flörchinger, Verena (2024): Gaps and Potential Improvements for an Integrated Disaster Risk Management. Presentation as part of the Knowledege-Transfer Workshop „INCREASE IDRM Transferability to Kyrgyzstan – Central Asia“. Bishkek, Kirgisistan, 4 June 2024.
- Flörchinger, Verena; Jafari, Parisa (2023): Lessons Learned from Recent Floods and Mutual Learning for Disaster Risk Management in Iran and Germany. Presentation at the Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS). Enschede, 1 Nov 2023.
- Flörchinger, Verena (2023): Lessons Learned from Recent Droughts for Disaster Risk Management in Germany. Presentation at the Deutschen Kongress der Geographie (DKG). Frankfurt a.M., 22 Sep 2023.
- Flörchinger, Verena (2023): Gaps and Potentials of an Integrated Disaster Risk Management in Germany. Presentation and poster at the European Geography Conference (EUGEO). Barcelona, 6 Sep 2023.
- Flörchinger, Verena (2019): Post-Disaster Development and Reconstruction in Langtang Valley, Nepal. Presentation at the 9. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Südasien. Heidelberg, 26 Jan 2019.
- Flörchinger, Verena (2019): Community-Based Mapping in the Context of Post-Disaster Research. Presentation at the International Workshop Mapping Asia: Sharing Techniques and Technologies for 21st Century Map Making, MLU Munich, 19 Jan 2019.
- Flörchinger, Verena (2017): Langtang Rising? Wiederaufbau und Lebenssicherungsstrategien nach dem Gorkha-Erdbeben. Presentation at the Werkstattgespräch Nepal, Heidelberger Akademien der Wissenschaften. Heidelberg, 5 Dec 2017.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Flörchinger, Verena; Priesmeister, Peter (2024): Resilient Futures in a World of Difference: Connecting Dimensions for Integrated Disaster Risk Management. Panel at the International Geographical Congress (IGC). Dublin, Irland, 28 August 2024.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Flörchinger, Verena (2024): Bridging hierarchies for mutual learning: Advancing international cooperation in urban disaster risk and resilience research. Panel at the RC21 Conference (Research Committee on Urban and Regional Development) der International Sociological Association. Santiago, Chile, 25 July 2024.
- Desportes, Isabelle; Sandoval, Vicente; Flörchinger, Verena (2023): A cultural turn in disaster studies? Exploring epistemological, socio-historical and scalar perspectives. Panel at the Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS). Enschede, 2 Nov 2023.
- Sandoval, Vicente; Flörchinger, Verena; Priesmeier, Peter (2023): Integrated Disaster Risk Management for a Resilient Future: Geographical Linkages of Social, Spatial, and Temporal Dimensions. Panel at the European Geography Conference (EUGEO). Barcelona, 6 Sep 2023.