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Scientific exchange: We got two „STSM“ accepted!

Our working group applied for two scientific missions in the 3DForEcoTech action. The goal of 3DForEcoTech is the improvement of 3D forest monitoring (https://3dforecotech.eu/).

News from Jun 20, 2024

With Short Term Scientific Missions the European Union funds research stays of scientists in other European countries. This helps to improve the exchange of scientific knowledge and skills.

Our working group applied for two scientific missions in the 3DForEcoTech action. The goal of 3DForEcoTech is the improvement of 3D forest monitoring (https://3dforecotech.eu/).

With our first mission Marius Derenthal will go to the CzechGlobe research facility in the Czech Republic where he and our Team will collect TLS data in Pine dominated forests of the Dendronet network (http://www.emsbrno.cz/p.axd/en/DendroNETWORK.DendroNET.html ). This data will be used for the characterization of fuels and habitat structure.

In the second mission Miriam Herrmann will visit the Universidad de Oviedo in Asturias, Spain, to develop a work-flow to translate the understory related 3D-point cloud information into meaningful understory types.

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