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Priv.-Doz. Dr. Jörg Elis Hoffmann

CV Elis Hoffmann

Geochemistry Group

Research Scientist (Akademischer Oberrat), Manager TIMS and Clean Labs

Malteserstr. 74-100
Room 218, Building B
12249 Berlin
+4930 838 4 71588

Office hours

Please contact me.

Research Interests

Evolution of Earth's mantle through time
Formation and differentiation of the continental crust
Archean geodynamics
Komatiites and Archean basalts
Granitoid petrogenesis
Archean sulfur cycling
Halogens (I, Br, Cl, F)
Gold enrichment processes in the Witwatersrand Fm. (South Africa)
Short- and long-lived isotope systematics
Geochronology combined with metamorphic petrology
Geochemical method development

J. Elis Hoffmann personal page on - Google Scholar | Research Gate


Research Grants

German Science Foundation research grant (HO4794/4) (Co-PI) in collaboration with Prof. Raul Fonseca (Universität Bochum) (PI) (2021-2024)

German Science Foundation (DFG) research grant (HO4794/3; PI) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Esther Schwarzenbach (Freie Universität Berlin; Co-PI) and Prof. Dr. Harald Strauss (Universität Münster). (2019-2022)

German Science Foundation (DFG) research grant (HO4794/1-2; PI) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Alfred Kröner (Universität Mainz; Co-PI). Proposal attached to the DFG priority program ‘Building a habitable Earth’ SPP1833. (2015-2018)

German Science Foundation (DFG) research grant  (Eigene Stelle) (HO4794/1-1; PI) in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Alfred Kröner (Universität Mainz; Co-PI). (2012-2015)






Habilitation and 'venia legendi' in Geochemistry and Petrology Habilitation thesis:

'The formation and evolution of early continental crustal nuclei and implications for Archean geodynamic processes'


Dr. rer. nat. (Mineralogy/Geochemistry, magna cum laude)

Dissertation: ‘The development of the mantle-crust system in the early Archean.’

Advisor Prof. Dr. Carsten Münker


Master of Science (with distincion), Institut für Mineralogie, Universität Münster

Advisor Prof. Dr. Klaus Mezger, Prof. Dr. Carsten Münker

M.Sc. thesis title: ‚Geochemische Untersuchungen an archaischen Gesteinen aus SW-Grönland.‘


Bachelor of Science, Institut für Mineralogie, Universität Münster

Advisors Prof. Dr. Astrid Holzheid, Dr. Jasper Berndt

B.Sc. thesis title: ‚Separation silikatischer Phasen mit Hilfe eines Zentrifugenofens.‘

Professional Experience

since 2018

Senior Research Scientist (Akademischer Oberrat) and Lab Manager at Freie Universität Berlin, Geochemistry group

2015 – 2018

Lecturer (Akademischer Rat) and Lab Manager at Freie Universität Berlin, Geochemistry group

2014 – 2015

Post-doctoral researcher Freie Universität Berlin

2012 – 2013

Postdoctoral researcher („Eigene Stelle") at Institut für Geologie und Mineralogie, Universität zu Köln

2011 – 2012

Postdoctoral researcher at Steinmann-Institut, Universität Bonn

2008 – 2011

Doctoral student at the Steinmann Institut, Universität Bonn


Postgraduate Research Assistant at Steinmann Institut,Universität Bonn

2005 – 2007

Mapping geologist during summer field seasons for the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)


Thesis (Co)-Supervision

Ongoing projects

2024- Marcel Diaz - The trace element inventory of >3.7 Ga ultramafic rocks of the Nulliak assembledge (Labrador, Canada) - B.Sc.project
2024- Evgeniya Schirokova - Trace element abundance patterns of mafic and ultramafic rocks from the >3.3 Ga Greenlands Fm. (South Africa) and from the Ancient Gneiss Complex (Eswatini) - B.Sc. project
2024 - Janis Waldheim - Re-Os isotopes and HSE abundances in lower crustal xenoliths from Floréana, Galapagos, Ecuador) (co-advisors Yamirka Rojas Agramontes, Kiel and Harry Becker) - M.Sc. project

Ph.D. theses


Jonathan A. Lewis - Elucidating Eoarchean geodynamcis via multiple sulfur isotopes (co-advisor Esther Schwarzenbach, Fribourg (Switzerland)


Dipl. Geol. Julia van der Löcht (Universität zu Köln) – project on Eoarchean peridotites from southern West Greenland (co-advisor Carsten Münker)


M.Sc. Kathrin Schneider (Freie Universität Berlin) – project on mafic and ultramafic rocks from the Ancient Gneiss Complex (Swaziland) and the Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa)

M.Sc. theses / Diploma theses


Elisabeth Hofmann - 'Halogen characteristics of some submarine arc volcanoes of the Kermandec volcanic system' (supervised together with Timm John)


Patrick Gans - Re-Os isottope and platinum group systematics of ultramafic rocks from the 3.46 Ga Dwalile greenstone remnant


Oliver Jäger - Halogen extraction and determination of iodine and bromine abundances in geological reference materials (co-advisor Timm John)


Christian Marien (Universität zu Köln) - The Petrogenesis of oceanic plagiogranites from Cyprus (co-advisor Carsten Münker)


Emmanuel Musese (Universität zu Köln): Geochemical investigations on Paleoarchean Greenstones from the Dwalile, Swaziland (co-advisor Carsten Münker)


Nils Suhr (Universität Mainz) – Petrography, petrology, as well as zircon and garnet geochronology of Archaean granulites from Swaziland, southern Africa (co-advisor Alfred Kröner)


Sebastian Schröder (Universität Mainz) – Petrography, Petrology and Geochronology of Archaean rocks of the Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland (co-advisor Alfred Kröner)


Sebastian Viehmann (Universität Bonn, now Ph.D. student at Jacobs University, Bremen) Seawater-derived REY, trace element and HFSE systematics of Archean Banded Iron Formations (BIFs) (co-advisor Carsten Münker)


Christina Hansmeier (Universität Bonn, now Ph.D. student in Hydrogeology at Bonn) Geochemische Untersuchungen an Grünsteinen aus der Süd-Ameralik Region, SW Grönland  (co-advisor Carsten Münker)

B.Sc. theses


Pauline Sandor - Chemische Abtrennung von Wolfram und 182W Häufigkeitsmessungen terrestrischen Gesteinen  (co-supervised by Jonas Tusch, Cologne)


Niklas Kallnik - Examination of S extraction regarding the recovery from geological reference materials using pyrohydrolysis


Alexander Borchert - Trace element patterns of metagabbros and metabasalts from the Rhodope mountains, Bulgaria  (co-supervised by Jan Pleuger (FU Berlin)


Alexander Balduin - Major and trace composition of mafic metavolcanic rocks from the Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland.


 Sophie Scherzer - Iodine and bromine concentration profiles through a dunite-metasediment contact at the southern Alpine fault (New Zealand) (in collaboration with James Scott (University of Dundin, NZ)


Roxana Rohne: Sm-Nd Isotopenzusammensetzungen von ultramafischen Gesteinen aus der Tumeralik-Region (SW-Grönland)


Danila Wezel - Separation von Sm-Nd mit Hilfe von Ln-Spec Ionenaustauscherharz


Magda Patyniak – Geochemical investigations on Komatiites and Tholeiites from the Komatii Formation, South Africa (supervised together with Carsten Münker)


Jonas Tusch – Lu-Hf garnet geochronology on granulites from the Helge penisnula

of the Skjoldungen Alkaline Province, Southeast Greenland (co-advisor Carsten Münker)

Invited Talks


Insitute colloquium, Université de Fribourg, (Switzerland)


Wits Geotalks, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg (South Africa)


GLM online Seminar Ruhr Universität Bochum


Keynote talk at Goldschmidt Conference in Barcelona (Spain)


SPP1833 initial training workshop, Cologne


Institute seminar at University of Copenhagen (Denmark)


Keynote talk at  the SPP1833 annual meating in Göttingen


Erdwissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Universität Wien (Austria)


Institute colloquium, Universität Potsdam


Radiogenic and Non-traditional Isotopes: Analytical Methods and Applications, Universität Frankfurt


Institute Colloquium, Universität Bonn


SPP1833 Initial training workshop, Cologne


Goldschmidt Conference Prague (Chech Rep.), Invited


Earth magmatic system symposium at University of Mainz


Institute colloquium, University of Durham, UK


Institute seminar, Freie Universität Berlin


NASA Astrobiology Institute online workshop “Without walls – the  Hadean Earth-Moon system”


Institute colloquium, University of Kiel


Chinese Academy of Science (CAS), Beijing (China)


Beijing SHRIMP Center, Chinese Academy of Geological Science (CAGS), Beijing (China)


Goldschmidt Conference Montreal, Canada, Invited talk


Institute seminar, University of Johannesburg (South Africa)


Institute colloquium, Universität Göttingen


Institute seminar, TU Berlin

International Field Work


South Africa (Witwatersrand Supergroup and Vredefort, 1 week)


South Africa and Swaziland (AGC, Barberton; 2 weeks)


South Africa (Barberton, Limpopo), Swaziland (AGC; 3 weeks)


South Africa and Swaziland (AGC, Barberton; 2 weeks)


South Africa and Swaziland (AGC, Barberton, Bushveld complex,Vredevoort Impact structure, Johannesburg region; 3 weeks)


Isua and Nuùk region, Greenland (3 weeks)


South Africa and Swaziland (AGC, Barberton; Natal; 3 weeks)


Troodos Complex, Cyprus (2 weeks)


Isua and Nuùk region, SW Greenland (7 weeks)


Nuùk region, SW Greenland (4 weeks)


Tenerife and La Palma (2 weeks)


Nuùk region, SW Greenland (6 weeks)


Piemonte, Italy (2 weeks)


Ardennes, Belgium and France (1 week)

Services to the Earth Science Community

Journal and proposal reviewer:

American Journal of Science, Chemical Geology, Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Earth-Science Reviews, Frontiers in Geosciences, GCUBED, Geochemical Perspective Letters, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Geologica Acta, Geology, Geophysical Research Letters, Geosciences, Frontiers in  Earth Science, Gondwana Research, International Journal of Earth Science, Journal of Petrology, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Lithos, Nature Geosciences, Nature Communications, Journal of Earth System Science, Journal of Petrology, Precambrian Research, Science, South African Journal of Earth Sciences, Special Publications of the Geological Society of London, Tectonics.

Reviewer for international science panels:

 NSF, NERC, DFG, SRC (Swedisch research council), Alexander von Humboldt foundation

External PhD thesis reviewer:

Jacobs University Bremen (Germany), University of Bern (Switzerland)Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia), Ottawa University (Canada), University of Helsinki (Finland), Johannesburg (South Africa).

Society and project affiliation

  • German Mineralogical Society (DMG)
  • Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft -  Geologische Vereinigung (DGGV)
  • European Association of Geochemistry (EAG)
  • UNESCO IGCP-SIDA project 599 “The changing early Earth”
  • SPP1833




Since WiSe 14/15 annualy

Geochronology - lecture, exercise and lab courses (4 SWS)

Since WiSe 14/15 annually

Plasma source mass spectrometry -  lecture, exercise and lab courses (4 SWS)

Since WiSe 14/15 annualy

Earth 1 - Rock classification course (2 x 2 SWS)

SoSe 16

Earth 2 (Magmatic and metamorphic processes) - lecture and exercise (4 SWS)

Since SoSe 14

Advances in Geochemistry - seminar (2 SWS)

Since SoSe 15

Data Interpretation and modelling in geochemistry - lecture and exercise (4 SWS)

WiSe 15/16 - WiSe 16/17

How to write publish and present scientific work - seminar (2 SWS)

Since SoSe18

Effectively communication research - seminar (2 SWS)

Since SoSe19

Earth 2 - System Earth - lecture and exercise (4 SWS)

Since WiSe 22/23

Erdgeschichte / Stratigraphie - lecture and exercise ( 4 SWS), Hadean, Archean, Proterozoic

Venia Legendi

since 2020



64. Wainwright, A.N., Debaille, V., Hoffmann, J.E., Viehmann, S., Bau, M. (2024) Neoarchean marine chemical sediments as archieves of Hadean silicate differentiation. Geochemical Perspective Letters 30, 46-50. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7185/geochemlet.2421


63. Hoare, L., Rzehak, L.J.A., Kommescher, S., Jansen, M., Rosing, M.T., Nagel, T.J., Millett, M.-A., Hoffmann, J.E., Fonseca, R.O.C. (2023) Titanium isotope constraints on the mafic sources and geodynamic origins of Archean crust. Geochemical Perspective Letters. DOI:https://doi.org/10.7185/geochemlet.2342

62. Eskesen, B., Fassmer, K., Münker, C., Ulrich, T., Szilas, K., Wagner, S., Hoffmann, J.E., Nagel, T.J. (2023) Neoarchean synkinematic peak in the Isua supracrustal belt (West Greenland) Geology DOI: https://doi.org/10.1130/G51564.1

61. Kazlagic, A., Rosner, M., Cipriani, A., Frick, D.A., Glodny, J., Hoffmann, J.E., Hora, J.M., Irrgeher, J., Lugli, F., Magna, T., Meisel, T.C., Meixner, A., Possolo, A., Pramann, A., Pribil, M.J., Prohaska, T., Retzmann, A., Rienitz, O., Rutherford, D., Paula-Santos, G.M., Tatzel, M.,Widhalm, S., Willbold, M., Zuliani, T., Vogl. J. (2023) Characterisation of conventional 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios in cement, limestone, and slate reference materials based on an interlaboratory comparison study. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. https://doi.org/10.1111/ggr.12517

60. Lewis, J.A., Hoffmann, J.E., Schwarzenbach, E.M., Strauss, H., Li, C., Münker, C., Rosing, M.T. (accepted) Sulfur isotope evidence from peridotite enclaves in southern West Greenland for recycling of surface material into Eoarchean depleted mantle domains. Chemical Geology 633, 121568. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121568

59. Segee-Wright, G., Barnes, J.D., Lassiter, J.C., Holmes, D.C., Beaudoin, G.M., Chatterjee, R., Stockli, D.F., Hoffmann, J.E., John, T. (2023): Halogen enrichment in the North American lithospheric mantle from the dehydration of the Farallon plate. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 348, 187-205. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2023.03.014

58. Zhu, Z., Zhang, W., Wang, J., Wang, Z., Guo, J.-L.,Hoffmann, J.E.,  Feng, L., Luo, T., Hu, Z., Liu, Y., Moynier, F. (2023) Magmatic crystallization drives Zr isotopic variations in a large granite batholith. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2022.12.003


57. Hasenstab-Dübeler, E., Tusch, J., Hoffmann, J.E., Fischer-Gödde, M., Szilas, K., Münker, C. (2022) Temporal evolution of 142Nd signatures in SW Greenland from high precision MC-ICP-MS measurements. Chemical Geology, 121141. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121141

56. Caton, S.A., Smit, M.A., Emo, R.B., Musiyachenko, K.A., Kielmann-Schmitt, M., Kooijman, E., Schérsten, A., Halla, J., Bleeker, W., Hoffmann, J.E., Pandey, O.P., Ravindran, A., Maltese, A., Mezger, K. (2022): Evolution of the sources of TTG and associated rocks during the Archean from in-situ 87Sr/86Sr isotope analysis of apatite by LA-ICPMS. Lithos 428-429, 106830. DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2022.106830

55. Beaudoin, G.M., Barnes, J.D., John, T., Hoffmann, J.E., Chatterjee, R., Stockli, D.F. (2022): Global halogen flux of subducting oceanic crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 594, 117750. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117750

54. Hülscher, J., Sobel, E.R., Kallnik, N., Hoffmann, J.E., Millar, I.L., Hartmann, K.., Bernhardt, A. (2022): Apatites record sedimentary provenance change 4-5 m.y before clay in the Oligocene/Miocene Alpine Molasse. Frontiers in Earth Sciences 10, 914409. DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.914409

53. Tusch, J., Hoffmann, J.E., Hasenstab, E., Fischer-Gödde, M., Marien, C.S., Wilson, A.H., Münker, C. (2022): Long-term preservation of Hadean protocrust in Earth’s mantle, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 119(18), e2120241119. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2120241119

52. Schneider, K.P., Hoffmann, J.E., Kröner, A., Balduin, A., Sprung, P., Schleicher, A.M., Münker, C. (2022): A Mesoarchean large igneous province on the eastern Kaapvaal Craton (southern Africa) confirmed by metavolcanic rocks from Kubuta, Eswatini. Lithosphere. DOI: 10.2113/2022/5729877

51. Marien, C.S., Drewes-Todd, E.K., Stork, A., Todd, E., Gill, J.B., Hoffmann, J.E., Tani, K., Allen, C.M., Münker, C. (2022): Juvenile continental crust evolution in a modern oceanic arc setting: petrogenesis of Cenozoic felsic plutons in Fiji, SW Pacific. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 320, 339-365.. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2021.11.033


50. Nutman, AP, Bennett, VC, Friend, CRL, Polat, A, Hoffmann, J.E., van Kranendonk, M.J. (2021): Fifty years of the Eoarchean and the case for evolving uniformitarianism, Precambrian Research 367, 106442.DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2021.106442

49. Lewis, JA, Hoffmann, J.E., Schwarzenbach, EM, Strauss, H, Rosing, MT (2021): Sulfur isotope evidence for surface-derived sulfur in Eoarchean TTGs. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 576, 117218. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.117218


48. Hoffmann, J.E., Musese, E., Kröner, A., Schneider, K.P., Wong, J., Hofmann, A., Hegner, E., Kasper, H.U., Tusch, J., Münker, C. (2020): Hafnium-Neodymium isotope, trace element and U-Pb zircon age constraints on the petrogenesis of the 3.44-3.46 Ga Dwalile greenstone remnant, Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland. Precambrian Research. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105970s

47. Kurzweil, F., Münker, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Tusch, J., Schönberg, R. (2020): Stable W isotope evidence redistribution of homogeneous 182W anomalies in SW Greenland. Geochemical Perspective Letters. DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.2024. DOI: 10.7185/geochemlet.2024

46. van de Löcht, J.S., Hoffmann, J.E., Rosing, M.T., Sprung, P., Münker, C. (2020): Preservation of Eoarchean mantle processes in ~3.8 Ga peridotite enclaves in the Itsaq Gneiss Complex, southern West Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2020.03.043


45. Scott, J.M., Smith, S.M.F., Tarling, M.S., Le Roux, P.J., Harris, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Scherzer, S., Tulley, C.J. (2019) Element and Sr-O isotope redistribution across a plate boundary-scale serpentinite shear zone, and implications for the slab-mantle wedge interface. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 522, 198-209. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.06.034.

44. Tusch, J., Sprung, P., van de Löcht, J., Hoffmann, J.E., Boyd, A.J., Rosing, M.T., Münker, C. (2019) Uniform 182W isotope compositions in Eoarchean rocks from the Isua region, SW Greenland: the role of early silicate differentiation and missing late veneer. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 257, 284-310. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2019.05.012.

43. Marien, C.S., Hoffmann, J.E., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Münker, C. (2019) Petrogenesis of plagiogranites from the Troodos Ophiolite Complex, Cyprus. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 174:35. DOI: 10.1007/s00410-019-1569-3

42. Schneider, K.P., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Roerdink, D., Sprung, P., Patyniak, M., Münker, C. (2019) Petrogenetic evolution of metabasalts and metakomatiites from the lower Onverwacht Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa) Chemical Geology 487, 54-66. DOI: 10.1016//chemgeo.2019.02.020

41. Kröner, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Wong, J.P.M., Geng, H.-J., Schneider, K.P., Xie, H., Yang, J.-H., Nhleko, N. (2019) Early Archaean rocks of the eastern Kaapvaal craton. In: Kröner, A., Hofmann, A. (eds.) The Archaean Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa. Regional Geology Reviews, Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-78652-0_1

40. Hoffmann, J.E., Zhang, C., Moyen, J.-F., Nagel, T.J. (2019) The formation of tonalites-trondjhemites-granodiorites in early continental crust. In: (eds. Van Kranendonk, M.J., Bennett, V.C., Hoffmann, J.E.), Earth’s oldest rocks (2nd ed.). Elsevier. Amsterdam. ISBN: 9780444639011.

39. Hoffmann, J.E., Kröner, A. (2019).The Ancient Gneiss Complex of Swaziland and environs: an updated record of early Archaean crustal evolution in southern Africa. In: (eds. Van Kranendonk, M.J., Bennett, V.C., Hoffmann, J.E.), Earth’s oldest rocks (2nd ed.). ElSevier. Amsterdam. ISBN: 9780444639011

38. van Kranendonk, M.J., Bennett, V.C., Hoffmann, J.E. (Eds.) (2019) Earth’s Oldest Rocks. ElSevier 2nd Edition, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1178 pp. ISBN: 9780444639011


37. Kröner, A., Nagel, T.J., Hoffmann, J.E., Liu, X., Wong, J., Hegner, E., Xie, H., Kasper, U., Hofmann, A. (2018) High-temperature metamorphism and crustal melting at 3.2 Ga in the eastern Kaapvaal craton, South Africa. Precambrian Research 317, 101-116. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2018.08.007

36.Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Becker, H., Hoffmann, J.E., Chen, C., Zou, Z. (2018) Constant Cu/Ag in upper mantle and oceanic crust: Implications for the role of cumulates during the formation of continental crust. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 493, 25-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.04.008

35. Viehmann, S., Bau, M., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C. (2018) Decoupled Hf-Nd isotopes in suspended and dissolved fractions of Late Archean seawater reveal mineral sorting during weathering and erosion processes of emerged Late Archean continents. Chemical Geology 483, 111-118. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.01.017

34. Schneider, K.P., Hoffmann, J.E., Boyet, M., Münker, C., Kröner, A. (2018) Coexistence of Archean igneous rocks with enriched and non-enriched 142Nd signatures in the eastern Kaapvaal Craton, southern Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 487, 54-66. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2018.01.022

33. van de Löcht, J. Hoffmann, J.E., Li, C., Wang, Z., Becker, H., Rosing, M.T., Kleinschrodt, R., Münker, C. (2018) Earth’s oldest mantle peridotites show entire record of late accretion. Geology 46(3), 199-202. DOI: 10.1130/G39709.1


32. Hoffmann, J.E. (2017) Oxygenation by a changing crust. Nature Geoscience. DOI: 10.1038/ngeo3038

31. Hoffmann, J.E., Wilson, A.H. (2017) The origin of highly radiogenic Hf isotope compositions in 3.33 Ga Commondale komatiite lavas (South Africa). Chemical Geology. 455, 6-21. DOI: /10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.10.010


30.Szilas, K., Hoffmann, J.E., Schulz, T., Hansmeier, C., Polat, A., Viehmann, S., Kasper, H.-U., Münker, C. (2016) Combined bulk-rock Hf- and Nd-isotope compositions of Mesoarchaean (ca. 3075 Ma) metavolcanic rocks from the Ivisaartoq Supracrustal Belt, SW Greenland. Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemer.2016.09.004

29. Szilas, K., Tusch, J., Hoffmann, J.E., Garde, A.A., Münker, C. (2017). Hafnium isotope constraints on the origin of Mesoarchaean andesites in southern West Greenland, North Atlantic craton. In: Archaean Cratons - New Insights on Old Rocks (Eds. J. Halla, M. Whitehouse, Z. Bagai, T. Ahmad). Special Publication of the Geological Society of London 449, 19-38. DOI: 10.1144/SP449.2

28. Siedenberg, K., Strauss, H., Hoffmann, J.E. (2016) Multiple sulphur isotope signature of early Archean oceanic crust, Isua (SW-Greenland). Precambrian Research 283, 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2016.07.002

27.Kröner, A., Anhauesser, C.R., Hoffmann, J.E., Hegner, E., Wong, J., Geng, H., Xie, H., Yang, J., Liu, D. (2016) Chronology of the oldest supracrustal sequences of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa and Swaziland. Precambrian Research 279, 123-143.. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2016.04.007

26. Hoffmann, J.E., Kröner, A., Hegner, E., Viehmann, S., Xie, H., Iiacheri, L.M., Schneider, K.P., Hofmann, A., Wong, J., Geng, H., Yang, JH (2016) Source composition, fractional crystallisation and magma mixing processes of the 3.48-3.43 Ga Tsawela tonalite suite (Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland) – implications for Palaeoarchean geodynamics. Precambrian Research 276, 43-66. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2016.01.026

25. van Acken, D., Hoffmann, J.E., Schorscher, H.J.D., Schulz, T., Heuser, A., Luguet, A. (2016) Formation of High-Al komatiites from the Mesoarchaean Quebra Osso Group, Minas Gerais, Brazil: trace elements, HSE systematics and Os isotopic signatures. Chemical Geology 422, 108-121. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.12.015


24. Viehmann, S., Bau, M., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C. (2015) Geochemistry of the Krivoy Rog Banded Iron Formation, Ukraine, and the impact of peak episodes of increased global magmatic activity on the trace element composition of Precambrian seawater. Precambrian Research 270, 165-180. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2015.09.015

23.  Szilas, K., Hoffmann, J.E., Hansmeier, C., Hollis, J.A., Münker, C., Viehmann, S., Kasper, H.U. (2015). Nd-Hf isotope and trace element systematics of Mesoarchaean amphibolites, inner Ameralik fjord, southern West Greenland. Mineralogical Magazine 79, 857-876. DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2015.079.4.02

22. Suhr, N., Hoffmann, J.E., Kröner, A., Schröder, S. (2015) Archaean granulitic Paragneisses from Central Swaziland: Inferences on Paleoarchaean crustal reworking and a complex metamorphic history. Journal of the Geological Society of London 172, 139-152.  DOI: 10.1144/jgs2014-007


21. Van Kranendonk, M.J., Kröner, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Nagel, T.J., Anhaeusser, C. (2014) Just another drip: structural analysis of a proposed Mesoarchean suture from the Barberton Mountain Land, South Africa. Precambrian Research 254, 19-35. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2014.07.022

20. Kröner, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Xie, H., Münker, C., Hegner, E., Hofmann, A., Wang, Y. (2014) Generation of early Archaean grey gneisses through crustal recycling in the eastern Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa. Precambrian Research 255, 833-846. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2014.07.017

19. Szilas, K., Hoffmann, J.E., Dziggel, A., Münker, C., Rosing, M.T. (2014) Forum comment on ”Eoarchean within-plate basalts from southwest Greenland”. Geology 42, e330.

18. Cutts, K.A., Stevens, G., Hoffmann, J.E., Buick, I., Frei, D., Münker, C. (2014) Paleo- to Mesoarchean polymetamorphism in the Barberton Greenstone Belt: constraints from U-Pb monazite and Lu-Hf garnet geochronology on the tectonic processes that shaped the belt. GSA Bulletin 126, 251-270. DOI: 10.1130/B30807.1

17. Viehmann, S., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Bau, M. (2014) Decoupled Hf-Nd isotopes in Neoarchean seawater reveal weathering of emerged continents. Geology 42, 115-118. DOI: 10.1130/G35014.1

16. Hoffmann, J.E., Nagel, T.J., Münker, C., Næraa, T., Rosing, M.T. (2014) Constraints on the process of Eoarchean TTG formation in the Itsaq Gneiss Complex, southern West Greenland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 388, 374-386. DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.11.050

15. Kröner, A., Kovach, V., Belousova, E., Hegner, E., Armstrong, R., Dolgopolova, A., Seltmann, R., Sun, M., Cai, K., Wong, J., Alexeiev, D.V., Hoffmann, J.E., Rytsk, E., Rojas-Agramonte, Y. (2014) Reassessment of continental growth during the accretionary history of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Gondwana Research 25, 103-125. DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2012.12.023


14. Kröner, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Xie, H., Wu, F., Münker, C., Hegner, E., Wong, J., Wan, Y., Liu D. (2013) Generation of early Archaean felsic greenstone volcanic rocks through crustal melting in the Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 381, 188-197.DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2013.08.029

13. Szilas, K., Hoffmann, J.E., Scherstén, A., Kokfelt, T.F., Münker, C. (2013) Archaean andesite petrogenesis: insights from the Grædefjord supracrustal belt, southern West Greenland. Precambrian Research 236, 1-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2013.07.013

12. Pittarello, L., Schulz, T., Koeberl, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C. (2013) Petrography, geochemistry and Hf-Nd isotope evolution of drill core and target rocks from the El’gygytgyn impact crater, NE Chukotka, Arctic Russia. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences 48, 1160-1198. DOI: 10.1111/maps.12088

11. Szilas, K., Van Hinsberg, V.J., Kisters, A.F.M., Hoffmann, J.E., Kokfelt, T.F., Scherstén, A., Windley, B.F., Münker, C. (2013) Remnants of arc-related Mesoarchaean oceanic crust in of the Tartoq Group, SW Greenland. Gondwana Research 23, 436–451. DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2011.11.006

10. Herwartz, D., Münker, C., Tütken, T., Hoffmann, J.E., Wittke, A., Barbier, B. (2013) Lu-Hf isotope systematics of fossil biogenic apatite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 101, 328–343. DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2011.11.006


9. Næraa, T., Scherstén, A., Rosing, M.T., Kemp, A.I.S., Hoffmann, J.E., Kokfelt, T.F., Whitehouse, M.J. (2012) Hafnium isotope evidence for a transition in the geodynamics of continental growth after 3.2 Ga. Nature 485, 627–630. DOI: 10.1038/nature11140

8. Szilas, K., Hoffmann, J.E., Scherstén, A., Rosing, M.T., Windley, B.F., Kokfelt, T.F., Keulen, N., van Hinsberg, V.J., Næraa, T., Frei, R., Münker, C. (2012) Complex calc-alkaline volcanism recorded in Mesoarchaean supracrustal belts north of Frederikshåbs Isblink, southern West Greenland: implications for subduction zone processes in the early Earth. Precambrian Research 208-211, 90–123. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2012.03.013

7. Nagel, T., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C. (2012) Generation of the Eoarchean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) suite from thickened mafic arc crust. Geology 40, 375–378. (article in the research focus of Ali Polat in the same volume). DOI: 10.1130/G32729.1

6. Hoffmann, J.E., Svahnberg, H., Piazolo, S., Scherstén, A., Münker, C. (2012) The geodynamic evolution of Mesoarchean anorthosite complexes inferred from the Naajat Kuuat Complex, southern West Greenland. Precambrian Research 196-197, 149-170. DOI:  10.1016/j.precamres.2011.12.002


5. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Polat, A., Rosing, M.T., Schulz, T. (2011) The origin of decoupled Hf–Nd isotope compositions in early Archean rocks from southern West Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 75, 6610–6628. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.08.018

4. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker C., Næraa, T., Rosing, M.T., Herwartz, D., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Svahnberg, H. (2011) Mechanisms of Archean crust formation inferred from high-precision HFSE systematics in TTGs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 75, 4157–4178. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.04.027

3. John, T., Klemd, R., Klemme, S., Pfänder J., Hoffmann, J.E., Gao, J. (2011) Nb-Ta fractionation by partial melting at the rutile-titanite transition zone. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161, 35–45. DOI: 10.1007/s00410-010-0520-4


2. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Polat A., König, S., Mezger, K., Rosing, M.T. (2010) Highly depleted Hadean mantle reservoirs in the sources of early Archean arc-like rocks, Isua, SW-Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica 74(24), 7236–7260. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2010.09.027

1. König, S., Münker, C., Schuth, S., Luguet, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Kuduon, J. (2010) Boninites as windows into trace element mobility in subduction zones. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 74, 684-704. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.10.011


Other publications

9. Hoffmann, J.E., Rojas-Agramonte, Y., Suhr, N. (2020): Obituary for Alfred Kröner. International Journal of Earth Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/s00531-020-01867-z

8. Windley, BF, Agramonte-Rojas, Y., Hoffmann, J.E., Stern, R.J. (2019) Memorial to Alfred Kröner 1939-2019. Geological Society of America Memorials, v. 48, August 2019.

7. Hoffmann, J.E. (2014) Radio interview with Raul Schrott “Die erste Erde – Geologische Zeitrechnung und erste Kontinente”, Bayern 2, 14th June 2014.

6. Kröner, A., Hoffmann, J.E. (2012) Post-BRICS Excursion: The Barberton granitoid-greenstone terrain, Ancient Gneiss Complex, and Karoo volcanism in South Africa. Excursion Guidebook. 27 pp.

5. Hoffmann, J.E. (2011) The development of the mantle-crust system in the early Archean. Ph.D. thesis, Universität Bonn, pp. 152.

4. Næraa, T., Rosing, M.T., Hoffmann, J.E., Scherstén, A., Kemp, A.I.S., Kokfelt, T.F. (2011) Eoarchaean TTG formation from Hadean proto-crust. Constraints from U/Pb/Hf/O isotopes in zircons: Nuuk region, southern West Greenland. In: Næraa, T. (2011): Zircon U/Pb, Hf and O isotope systematics from the Archaean basement in the Nuuk region, southern West Greenland – Constraints on the early evolution of the continental crust. Ph.D. thesis, University of Copenhagen. 195 pp.

3. Næraa, T., Hoffmann, J.E., Kokfelt, T.F., Scherstén, A., Rosing, M.T., Kemp, A.I.S. (2011) Subduction related formation of Mesoarchaean continental crust. Insights from zircon U/Pb/Hf/O isotopes; Nuuk region, southern West Greenland. In: Næraa, T. (2011) Zircon U/Pb, Hf and O isotope systematics from the Archaean basement in the Nuuk region, southern West Greenland – Constraints on the early evolution of the continental crust. Ph.D. thesis, University of Copenhagen. 195 pp.

2. Rehnström, E.F. (Compiler; 2011) Geological map of Greenland 1:100 000, Kapisillit 64 V.2 Syd. Copenhagen. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.

Printed: Laursen Grafisk A/S, Denmark 2011. (mapping geologist during 3 field seasons).

1. Solgevik, H., Hoffmann, J.E., Scherstén, A. (2008) Geochemical characteristics of mafic and ultramafic rocks from the Naujat anorthosite complex, SW Greenland. Mineral resource assessment of the Archaean Craton (66° to 63°30’N) SW Greenland Contributions 7. Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport 2008/3.


Conference abstracts


82. Hoffmann, J.E., Gans, P., Kröner, A. (2019) Re-Os and PGE Systematics of 3.46 Ga Meta-Komatiites from the Dwalile Greenstone Remnant, Swaziland. Goldschmidt Abstracts 1373, Goldschmidt Conference 2019, Barcelona, Spain.

81. Beaudoin, G., Barnes, J., John, T., Hoffmann, J.E. (2019) Global Halogen Flux of Subducting Oceanic Crust. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2019, 230, Goldschmidt Conference 2019, Barcelona, Spain.

80. Hoffmann, J.E., Gans, P., Kröner, A. (2019) Probing Eoarchean Geodynamics and crust formation processes in the early Archean. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2019, 1372. Goldschmidt Conference 2019, Barcelona, Spain.

79. Kurzweil, F., Münker, C., Hoffmann, J.E.,Tusch, J., Schönberg, R. (2019) The Stable Tungsten Isotope Composition of Some of the Earth’s Oldest Rocks from SW Greenland. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2019, 1796, Goldschmidt Conference 2019, Barcelona, Spain.


78. Hasenstab, E., Schmitt, V., Marien, C., Tusch, J., van Kranendonk, M.J.,, Schneider, K.P., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C. (2018) Hafnium and Nd isotope systematics of Pilbara basalts and komatiites from the Pilbara craton, Australia: tracing changes of Archean mantle composition. GeoBonn conference 2018, Bonn, Germany.

77. Hoffmann, J.E., Musese, E., Gans, P., Kröner, A., Münker, C. (2018) Hf-Nd-Os and trace element constraints on the magmatic history of the 3.44-3.46 Ga Dwalile Greenstone Remnant, Swaziland. GeoBonn conference 2018, Bonn, Germany.

76. van de Löcht, J., Münker, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Sprung, P., Rosing, M.T. (2018) Earth’s oldest mantle peridotites may originate from a supra-subduction zone setting. GeoBonn conference 2018, Bonn, Germany.

75. Hauser, N., Hoffmann, J.E., Gleißner, P., Reimold, W.U., Becker, H., Grayselle, J., Baumotte Osorio, L.F., Alves de Mattos (2018) Sr-Nd-Os isotopes for country rocks and impactites from the Araguainha impact structure, Brazil. South American Symposium of Isotope Geology (SSAGI), Cochabamba, Bolivia.

74. Li, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Yu, H., Schneider, K.P., Huang, F. (2018) Mg isotopic compositions of Archean amphibolites from the eastern Kaapvaal craton. Goldschmidt 2018, Boston, USA.

73. Schneider, K.P., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Patyniak, M.; Sprung, P., Roerdink, D., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Kröner, A. (2018) The origin of komatiites and basalts of the lower Onvervacht Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt (South Africa). SPP1833 annual meeting, Göttingen, Germany.

72. Hoffmann, J.E., Schwarzenbach, E.M., Strauss, J., Whitehouse, M.J., Münker., C., Rosing, M.T. (2018) Elucidating Eoarchean geodynamic processes using multiple S isotopes. SPP1833 annual meeting, Göttingen, Germany.


71. Münker, C., Tusch, J., Van de Löcht, J., Thiemens, M.M., Sprung, P., Hoffmann, J.E. (2017) The cause of 182W anomalies in lunar and old terrestrial rocks. GeoBremen conference 2017. 

70. Hoffmann, J.E., Schneider, K.P., Boyet, M., Münker, C., Kröner, A. (2017) Tracing crustal reworking processes within the Ancient Gneiss Complex (Swaziland) by 176Hf-142Nd isotope systematics. GeoBremen conference 2017.

69. Schneider, K.P., Hoffmann, J.E., Boyet, M., Münker, C., Kröner, A. (2017) Reworking of Enriched 142Nd Signatures in Early Archean Crustal Rocks from the Eastern Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa). Goldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris.

68. Hoffmann, J.E., Schneider, K.P., Münker, C., Sprung, P., Patyniak, M., Kröner, A. (2017) A comprehensive model of the lower Onverwacht Group, Barberton Greestone Belt. Goldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris.

67. Münker, C., Tusch, J., van de Löcht, J., Thiemens, M., Sprung, P., Hoffmann, J.E. (2017) 182W anomalies in Archean rocks: A vestige of variable late Accretion? Goldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris. 

66. Marien, C.S., Drewes, E.K., Hoffmann, J.E., Gill, J.B., Münker, C. (2017) Tonalites from Fidji: A Probe of Archean Continental crust growth? Goldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris.

65. Wang, Z., Liu, Y., Becker, H., Hoffmann, J.E., Chen, C. (2017) Constant Cu/Ag in mantle pyroxenites, MORBs and OIBs – implications for the formation of continental crust. Goldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris.

64. Loecht, J., Münker, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Li, C., Wang, Z., Becker, H., Rosing, M.T. (2017) Hf-Nd Isotope and Platinum Group Element Patterns of >3.8 Ga Mantle Peridotites from SW Greenland. Goldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris.

63. Tusch, J., van de Loecht, J., Sprung, P., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C. (2017) Early silicate differentiation of the Isua mantle? Insights from Tungsten isotopes and HSE abundances. Goldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris. 


62. Schneider, K.P., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Kröner, A., Patyniak, M. (2016) Granite-greenstone relationships in the oldest mafic rocks of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. International Geological Congress (IGC) 2016, Cape Town.

61. Kröner, A, Nagel, T.J.., Hoffmann, J.E., Xie, H., Wong, J., Geng, H., Hegner, E., Liu, X., Hofmann, A., Liu, D., Yang, J. (2016) High-grade metamorphism and crustal melting at ca. 3.2 Ga in the eastern Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa. International Geological Congress (IGC) 2016, Cape Town.


60. Coggon, J., Luguet, A., Lorand, J.-P., Fonseca, R., Appel, P., Mondal, S., Peters, S., Nowell, G., Hoffmann, J.E., (2015). Early Mantle Evolution and the Late Veneer – New Perspectives from Highly Siderophile Elements. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco.

59. Coggon, J., Luguet, A., Lorand, J.-P., Fonseca, R., Wainwright, A., Appel, P., Hoffmann, J.E., Nowell, G. (2015) Combined Whole-Rock to Nano-Scale Investigations Reveal Contrasting Response of Pt-Os and Re-Os Isotope Systematics During Magmatic and Post-Magmatic Processes (Invited). AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco.

58. Van de Löcht, J., Münker, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Kleinschmidt, Rosing, M.T. (2015) Eoarchean peridotites from southern West Greenland: remnants of Eoarchean mantle or ultramafic cumulates? GeoBerlin meeting, Berlin.

57. Schneider, K., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Kröner, A. (2015) Are mafic and ultramafic rocks from the lower Onverwacht Group (Barberton Greenstone Belt) crustally contaminated? GeoBerlin meeting, Berlin.

56. Li, C., Becker, H., Puchtel, I.S., Wang, Z., Hoffmann, J.E. (2015) Mixing and homogenization history of the late veneer in the Earth’s mantle: Constraints from S, Se, Te, Ag and Cu in 3.5 Ga Barberton komatiites. GeoBerlin meeting, Berlin.

55. Hoffmann, J.E., Musese, E., Münker, C., Kröner, A. (2015) Hf-Nd and trace element constraints on granitoid-greenstone relationships of the >3.46 Ga Dwalile Greenstone Belt, Ancient Gneiss Complex (Swaziland). GeoBerlin meeting, Berlin.

54. Marien, C., Münker, C., Hoffmann, J.E. (2015) Are oceanic plagiogranites from Cyprus Archean TTG analogues?. Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague.

53. Viehmann, S., Bau, M., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C. (2015) Tracing the thermal state of the Archean mantle: Insights from coupled Eu-epsNd(t) systematics of BIF. Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague.

52. Hoffmann, J.E., Kröner, A. (2015) Alternative ways to produce TTGs:  insights from the 3.43-3.48 Ga Tsawela gneisses, Ancient Gneiss Complex (Swaziland). Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague.

51. Schneider, K.P., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Kröner, A. (2015) A felsic basement beneath the Barberton Greenstone Belt? – constrains from Hf-Nd isotope and trace element data. Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague.

50. van Acken, D., Hoffmann, J.E., Schorscher, H.J.D., Luguet, A., Schulz T. (2015) High-Al komatiites from the Archaean Nova Lima Group – multi-stage melting in the Archaean mantle? Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague.

49. Szilas, K., Tusch, J., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C. (2015) Mesoarchaean andesites in SW Greenland – Evidence for Archaean subduction zones? Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague.

48. Li, C., Becker, H., Puchtel, I.S., Wang, Z., Hoffmann, J.E. (2015) Abundances of chalcophile volatile elements in the Al-undepleted komatiites from Belingwe, Zimbabwe. Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague.


47. van der Löcht, J., Münker, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Rosing, M.T. (2014) Geochemistry and Petrology of >3.8 Ga Archaean peridotites from southern West Greenland. Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague.

46. van der Löcht, J., Münker, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Rosing, M.T. (2014) Geochemistry and Petrology of 3.8 Ga Archaean peridotites from southern West Greenland. Abstract volume. DMG meeting, Jena.

45. Hoffmann, J.E., Kröner, A. (2014) Differences in the Composition of Ancient Gneiss Complexes – A Matter of Crustal Level? Mineralogical Magazine. Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento.

45. Viehmann, S., Bau, M., Münker, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Marquez, J.E. (2014) The Hf-Nd isotope record of Archean seawater: avoiding pitfalls. EGU General assembly, Vienna, abstract # EGU2014-11726.


44. Kröner, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Xie, H., Wu, F., Wan, Y. (2013) Early Archaean reworking and crustal growth in the eastern Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa. Meeting of the Chinese SHRIMP Center, October 2013. Beijing, China.

43. Hoffmann, J.E., Kröner, A., Hegner, E., Hofmann, A. (2013) Constraints on the origin of the 3450 Ma Tsawela gneisses, Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland. Geofluids: Lubricants of the Dynamic Earth. DMG-GV joint meeting, Tübingen.

42. Hoffmann, J.E., Nagel, T.J., Münker, C., Næraa, T., Rosing, M.T. (2013) The process of Eoarchean TTG formation. Portsmouth, UK.

41. Cutts, K., Stevens, G., Hoffmann, J.E., Buick, I., Frei, D., Münker, C. (2013) P-T modelling and geochronology of the Barberton Granite Greenstone Belt, South Africa: rates and tectonic processes in the Archaean. Mineralogical Magazine. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence.

40. Hoffmann, J.E., Wilson, A.H. (2013) Archean mantle heterogeneities revealed by Hf-Nd isotope systematics of the 3.33 Ga Commondale komatiites. Mineralogical Magazine. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence.

39. Viehmann, S., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Bau, M. (2013) Decoupled Hf-Nd isotope systematics in early Precambrian seawater. Mineralogical Magazine. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence.

38. Szilas, K., Hoffmann, J.E., Scherstén, A. (2013) Petrogenesis of andesites in Mesoarchaean supracrustal belts of SW Greenland: geodynamic implications. Mineralogical Magazine. Goldschmidt Conference, Florence.


37. Kröner, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Xie, H., Wu, F., Münker, C., Hegner, E., Wong, J., Wan, J., Liu, D. (2012) Generation of early Archean felsic volcanics and TTG gneisses through crustal melting, eastern Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa. EOS supplements. AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco.

36. Nagel, T., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C. (2012) Formation of Eoarchean TTGs by crustal depth melting of arc tholeiites. BRICS Conference Johannesburg. pp. 30-31.

35. Münker, C., Hoffmann, J.E., Nagel, T., Næraa, T., Polat, A., Rosing, M.T. (2012) Tracing the growth of old cratons with novel trace element and isotope tracers: the Itsaq Gneiss Complex, SW Greenland. BRICS Conference, Johannesburg. p. 32.

34. Hoffmann, J.E., Kröner, A., Hegner, E., Hofmann, A., Münker, C. (2012) Hf-Nd isotope constraints on the formation of the Ancient gneiss complex, Swaziland. BRICS Conference, Johannesburg. pp. 19-21.

33. Kröner, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Xie, H., Wu, F., Münker, C., Hegner, E., Wong, J., Wan, Y., Liu, D. (2012) Generation of early Archaean felsic greenstone volcanic rocks and tonalite-trondhjemite gneisses through crustal melting in the eastern Kaapvaal craton, southern Africa. BRICS Conference Johannesburg. pp. 12-13.

32. Hoffmann, J.E., Kröner, A., Hegner, E., Hofmann, A., Münker, C. (2012) Hf-Nd constraints on the early Archaean evolution of the Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland. EMC2 conference, Frankfurt.

31. Herwartz, D., Münker, C., Tütken, T., Hoffmann, J.E., Wittke, A., Barbier, B. (2012) Fossil bones in action – uptake, loss and redistribution of REE and Hf. EMC2 conference, Frankfurt.

30. Viehmann, S., Bau, M., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker (2012) Evidence for hydrothermal and detrital origin of REY in early Proterozoic Krivoy Rog BIFs, Ukraine. GV meeting, Hamburg.

29. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Nagel, T.J., Næraa, T., Polat, A., Rosing, M.T. (2012) Building Eoarchean crust - the arc tholeiite-TTG connection. Mineralogical Magazine, Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal. (invited)

28. Næraa, T., Scherstén, A., Rosing, M.T., Kemp, A.I.S., Hoffmann, J.E., Kokfelt, T.F., Whitehouse, M.J. (2012) Hf isotope evidence for a transition in the geodynamics of continental growth after 3.2 Ga. Mineralogical Magazine, Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal.

27. Szilas, K., Hoffmann, J.E., Scherstén, A. (2012) Complex calc-alkaline volcanism recorded in Mesoarchaean supracrustal belts in SW Greenland: implications for subduction zone processes in the early Earth. Mineralogical Magazine, Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal.

26. Cutts, C.A., Stevens, G., Hoffmann, J.E., Buick, I., Frei, D., Münker, C. (2012) P-T modelling and geochronology of the Barberton Granite Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Implications for tectonic models of Archaean crustal formation. Internation Geological Congress, Brisbane.

25. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Nagel, T.J., Næraa, T., Polat, A., Rosing, M.T. (2012) The tholeiite-TTG connection during Eoarchean crust formation in Isua, southern West Greenland: the role of subduction processes. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-8217, 2012, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.

24. Nagel, T.J., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C. (2012) Eoarchean TTGs derived from mafic arc crust. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012, 2012, EGU General Assembly, Vienna.

23. Cutts, K.A., Stevens, G., Hoffmann, J.E., Buick, I.S., Frei, D. (2012) P/T modelling and geochronology of the Barberton granite-greenstone belt, South Africa. IMSG meeting, Johannesburg.


22. Hoffmann, J.E., Nagel, T., Münker, C. (2011) Evidence for Eoarchean TTG formation by melting of thickened arc crust. IGCP-SIDA launch meeting. Merkrjiärvi, Finland.

21. Hoffmann, J.E., Nagel, T.J., Münker, C. (2011) Eoarchean TTG formation by melting of thickened mafic arc crust. Mineralogical Magazine, Goldschmidt Conference, Prague.

20. Viehmann, S., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Alexander, B.W., Bau, M. (2011) Seawater derived REE + Y and HFSE systematics of Archean Banded Iron Formations (BIFs). Mineralogical Magazine, Goldschmidt Conference, Prague.

19. Næraa, T., Rosing, M., Scherstén, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Kokfelt, T.F., Kemp, T. (2011) Eo- to Mesoarchaean crust formation in the Nuuk region, southern West Greenland. Constraints from combined U/Pb, Hf and O isotopes in zircon. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13, EGU2011-13670-1, 2011. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.

18. Szilas, K., Scherstén, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Kokfelt, T.F., van Hinsberg, V.J., Windley, B.F., Münker, C. (2011) Linking the Ravns Storø and Bjørnesund supracrustal belts (SW Greenland) using Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd isotopic data and whole-rock geochemistry. Geophysical Research Abstracts 13, EGU2011-11114-1, 2011. EGU General Assembly, Vienna.


17. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Polat, A., Rosing, M.T. (2010): Decoupling of Hf–Nd isotope ratios in early Archean rocks from southern West Greenland – primary, or secondary disturbance. EOS supplements. AGU fall meeting 2010, San Francsico.

16. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Polat A., Rosing, M.T., Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2010): Archean TTG formation and early intracrustal differentiation inferred from HFSE systematics. DMG meeting , Münster.

15. Viehmann, S., Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Alexander, B., Bau, M. (2010): Seawater derived REE + Y and HFSE systematics of Archean Banded Iron Formations (BIFs). DMG meeting, Münster.

14. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Næraa, T., Rosing, M.T., Garde, A.A., Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2010): Archean crust formation inferred from high-precision HFSE systematics in TTGs. DMG Geochemistry meeting in Berlin.

13. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Næraa, T., Rosing, M.T., Garde, A.A., Herwartz, D., Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2010): Formation of TTGs inferred from high-precision HFSE systematics. In: Hofmann, A. et al. (Ed.). Excursion Guide and Abstract Volume. Field workshop for the Crustal Development of the north-eastern Kapvaal Craton, Swaziland and South Africa. Paulpietersburgh and Elzuwini.

12. Næraa, T., Scherstén, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Kemp, A.I.S. (2010): Combined zircon U-Pb-Hf-O analyses from Archaean TTG gneisses in southern West Greenland. 5AIS meeting, Perth.


11. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Polat, A.; König, S.; Mezger, K.; Rosing, M.T. (2009): Strongly depleted mantle sources in early Archean arc-like rocks from Isua, SW-Greenland. GV Annual meeting Göttingen. H. von Eynatten, J. Reitner, G. Wörner (Eds.). pp. 62-63., Universitätsverlag Göttingen.

10. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Rosing, M.T., Næraa, T., Garde, A.A., Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2009): The Origin of TTGs inferred from high-precision HFSE measurements. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(12), supplement 1, A540.

9. König, S., Münker, C., Schuth, S., Luguet, A., Hoffmann, J.E., Kuduon, J. (2009): Boninites as Monitors of Subarc Enrichment Processes in Subduction Zones. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72(12), supplement 1, A679.,

8. Klemme, S., John, T., Klemd, R., Pfänder, J., Hoffmann, J.E. (2009): Some comments on the fractionation of Nb from Ta during partial melting of titanite and rutile-bearing metabasalts in subduction zones. Annual Meeting 2009 of the Mineralogical Society. MAPT meeting, Edinburgh. Abstract volume p. 132

7. John, T.; Klemd, R.; Klemme, S.; Pfänder, J.; Hoffmann, J.E. (2009): Separating the twins: Nb-Ta fractionation by partial melting at the titanite-rutile transition. DMG meeting, Halle an der Saale.


6. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Polat, A., König, S., Mezger, K. (2008): Highly depleted mantle sources of ~3.75 Ga mafic rocks in the early Archean from Isua, SW- Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72, 12S, A384. Goldschmidt Conference, Vancouver.

5. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Polat, A., König, S., Mezger, K. (2008): Evidence for Hadean mantle depletion from 3.7-3.8 Ga metabasalts from Isua, SW-Greenland, DMG meeting, Berlin.

2004 - 2007

4. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Polat, A., Mezger, K. (2007): Evidence for Hadean mantle depletion in the sources of ~3.75 Ga subduction-related rocks, Isua, SW Greenland. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71(15), Suppl. 1, A 410. Goldschmidt Conference, Cologne.

3. Hoffmann, J.E., Münker, C., Polat, A., Mezger, K. (2006): Hf-Nd constraints on the sources of 3.7 Ga old subduction related rocks, Isua, Greenland. Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft: 1, 2004 (Supplement to Eur. J. Mineral. / Beiheft zu Eur. J. Mineral., Vol. 18). DMG meeting, Hannover.

2. Hans, U., Hansmann, J., Hoffmann, J.E., Janßen, A., Niedermeier, D., Putnis, A., Vinograd, V. (2005): Thermodynamics of pyrope-majorite solid solution based on static lattice energy calculations. Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft: 1, 2004 (Supplement to Eur. J. Mineral. / Beiheft zu Eur. J. Mineral., Vol. 17). DMG meeting, Aachen.

1. Hoffmann, J.E., Holzheid, A., Köpke, J., Berndt, J. (2004): Separation silikatischer Phasen mit Hilfe eines Zentrifugenofens: Erste Ergebnisse. Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft: 1, 2004 (Supplement to Eur. J. Mineral. / Beiheft zu Eur. J. Mineral., Vol. 16). DMG meeting, Karlsruhe.