Geochemistry group members
Professors | Staff Members & Postdocs | Graduate Students & Research Scientists | Tutor & Student Assistants | Office | Research Data Management | Technical Staff | Emeritus Professors | Alumni | Visiting Scientists & Fellows | Guests
Research Scientist, ICP-MS Lab ManagerTelephone:+49 30 838 69086Email:n.braukmueller[at]
Research Scientist, MC-ICP-MS Lab ManagerTelephone:+49 30 838 70 904Email:gleissner[at]
Research Scientist (Akademischer Oberrat), Manager TIMS and Clean LabsTelephone:+49 30 838 71 588Email:jeh[at]
Senior Research Scientist, GSMS Lab Manager, Research and Teaching AssociateTelephone:+49 30 838 70351Email:wiechert[at]
Graduate Students & Research Scientists
Doctoral Student - DEVENDRAEmail:c.geneste[at]
China Scholarship Council (CSC) - Doctoral StudentTelephone:+49 30 838 70 832Email:hul98[at]
Doctoral Student - DEVENDRAEmail:nicholas.iff[at]
Doctoral Student - TRR170 Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets (B8)Telephone:+49 30 838 53 003Email:m.regnault[at]
Doctoral Student - TRR170 Late Accretion onto Terrestrial PlanetsEmail:dennisvdl[at]
Tutor & Student Assistants
TRR 170 Research Data Management
Scientific Data Manager (Guest Scientist)Telephone:+49 30 838 71 682Email:elfrun.lehmann[at]
Technical Staff
Emeritus Professors