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Elfrun Lehmann

M.Sc. Computational Science, Diploma Physical Geography

Elfrun Lehmann

Geochemistry Group

TRR 170 Research Data Management

Scientific Data Manager (Visiting Scientist)

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Room B219, Malteserstraße 74-100, Freie Universität Berlin
12249 Berlin

TRR 170 Research Data Management in the media: Campus Leben

Research Interests

As a data manager in planetary sciences, I am in charge of the management, archiving, distribution, and publication of data produced in the DFG funded CRC 170 Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets.

Since the CRC 170 provides new data to the planetary science community, the data management team will be working on developing the infrastructure and tools to archive and retrieve those data products. We are promoting open and F.A.I.R. data.

Current Grant

2019 - 2024   Postdoc 2020-2023, CRC 170 Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets, Research Data Management project (INF, PIs Kai Wünnemann /  Harry Becker).


2003              Master in Computational Sciences (M.Sc.)

                      George Mason University,

                      Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies - COLA

                      Calverton, MD, U.S.

                      (Advisor: Prof. P. Dirmeyer, COLA) 

1991              Diplom (Geography)

                      Johannes-Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, Germany

                      (Institute of Geography, Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere,

                      Advisor: Prof. R. Jaenicke)

Professional Experience

2020 - present Scientific Research Data Management SFB-TRR 170

2016 - 2019  Scientific Coordinator SFB-TRR 170

                      Freie Universität Berlin

                      Institute of Geological Sciences,Geochemistry 

                      (Prof. Harry Becker), Berlin, Germany                               

2015              Research assistant

                      Freie Universität Berlin

                      Institute of Geological Sciences (Prof. Mark Handy)

                      Berlin, Germany

2009 – 2014  Consultant

                      AeroKinetics (Gary E. Moore), Seabrook, NH, U.S.                     

2006 - 2009   Research assistant

                      Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Meteorology

                      (Prof. Uwe Ulbrich), Berlin, Germany

2006              Research assistant

                      Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Geological Sciences

                      (Prof. Mark Handy), Berlin, Germany

2004 - 2006   Research assistant

                      Potsdam - Institute of Climate Impact Research (Prof. W. Lucht)

                      Potsdam, Germany

2002 – 2004  Research assistant

                      GMU COLA (Prof. Jagadish Shukla), Calverton, MD, U.S. 

2001 – 2002  Research assistant

                      GMU CAMPS (Prof. Steven R. Hanna), Fairfax, VA, U.S. 

1999 – 2000  Consultant, Earth Tech-Atmospheric Science Group,

                      (Gary E. Moore) Concord, MA, U.S. 

1995 – 1999  Visiting Scientist

                      NOAA, Air Resources Lab.,  (Dr. Bruce Hicks), 

                      Silver Spring, MD, U.S.

1993 – 1995  Consultant

                      UMEG, Karlsruhe, Germany

1992 – 1995  Consultant

                      Software Applications, NETCOMM, Karlsruhe, Germany

Coordination of scientific conferences and initiatives

2015 & 2023 CRC 170 proposal to the DFG by FUB, DLR, MfN, and WWU Münster
  • Coordination of contributions to the proposal, creation and conceptual design of sub-areas of the proposal draft and main proposal.
  • In charge of all administrative and organizational activities related to submitting the draft and main proposal to the DFG.
  • Preparation, organization, and implementation of the two-day evaluation by the DFG.
2006 DFG Teil-Forschergruppentreffen FOR 584‚ Erdrotation und dynamische Prozesse‘, Institut für Meteorologie, FU Berlin
  • Organization and coordination of the course of the meeting.  
  • Post-processing activities related to the meeting.
2006 Cluster proposal by FUB and UP to the DFG Excellence Initiative
  • Coordination of contributions to the proposal.
  • Conceptual design of draft proposal to the DFG.
  • Creation and maintenance of the proposal website.
2005 DEKLIM Conference, Potsdam – Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK)
  • Organization and coordination of the course of the meeting.  
2001 George Mason University - Annual Summer Workshop on Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
  • Organization and coordination of the course of the meeting as part of the conference team.

TRR170-DB Repository:


Conference & Scienctific Event Contributions

LehmannElfrun et al.: Globally Findable Planetary Data: The Interdisciplinary TRR170-DB Repository, EPSC2024-1173, EPSC Berlin 2024

LehmannElfrun et al.: The Planet Explorer: Navigating Planetary Sample Data in Spatial Dimensions, EPSC2024-1163, EPSC Berlin 2024

Lehmann, Elfrun et al.: The Planet Explorer: Navigating Planetary Sample Data in Spatial Dimensions, (abstract #1899), LPSC 2024, The Woodlands (TX), U.S., März 2024

Lehmann, Elfrun et al.: Discovery and reuse of FAIR planetary science data: the interdisciplinary TR170-DB repository, Research Data Alliance (RDA), Potsdam Februar 2024. https://doi.org/10.35003/E3QYOC

Lehmann, Elfrun et al.: Exploring the Moon Using Planet Explorer - A Browser Visualizing Planetary Sample Data in a Spatial Context, (Poster), AGU Annual Meeting, Dezember 2023

Lehmann, Elfrun, Wendel, Klaus, Seidel, Marko, Alex Balduin, Becker, Harry, 2023, TRR 170 Data Management & Repository (Vortrag), TRR 170 Annual Retreat, Münster, November 2023.

Lehmann, Elfrun et al.: Globally findable planetary data: The interdisciplinary TR170-DB Repository (Poster), Goldschmidt Konferenz, Lyon, Frankreich, Juli 2023. https://doi.org/10.7185/gold2023.19261

Lehmann, Elfrun; Becker, Harry; Cardoso, João; Wendel, Klaus; Seidel, Marko, 2022, INF: TRR 170 Data Management – Building a planetary data portal (Poster), Aktionstag Forschungsdaten, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, October, 2022. https://doi.org/10.35003/1LHCDC.

Lehmann, E. und H. Becker: The TRR170-DB Data Repository: Improving Metadata for FAIR Planetary Replication Datasets(Poster), GeoMinKöln 2022, Köln, September 2022.

Becker, H. und Lehmann, E.: Metadata examples for isotopic data in cosmo- and geochemistry data repositories (Poster), Goldschmidt Konferenz 2022, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, USA, Juli 2022, https://conf.goldschmidt.info/goldschmidt/2022/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/13294

Lehmann, E. und Becker, H.: Future NFDI4Earth Interest Group: Metadata Standards for Geochemical Data (Vortrag), 1st NFDI4Earth Plenary Meeting Dresden, Germany, Juni 2022. https://doi.org/10.35003/2VFUVA

Lehmann, E. und Becker, H.: The TRR170-DB Data Repository: The Life Cycle of FAIR Planetary Data from Archive to Publication (Vortrag), EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, Mai 2022, EGU22-9960, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-9960, 2022.

Lehmann, Elfrun; Becker, Harry; Cardoso, João; Wendel, Klaus; Seidel, Marko, 2022, INF: TRR 170 Data Management – Building a planetary data portal, https://doi.org/10.35003/1LHCDC, TRR170-DB, V1, (Vortrag) TRR 170 Annual Retreat, Mai, 2022.

Lehmann, E., H. Becker: The TRR170-DB Repository: A Data Repository for Divers Planetary Data, LPSC 2022, no. 2340 (Poster), The Woodlands (TX), U.S., März 2022.

Lehmann , E.: Archivierung und Veröffentlichung der Daten aus dem TRR 170 Late Accretion onto Terrestrial Planets, (Vortrag), Research Data Management (FDM) Working Group of Freie Universität Berlin, Dezember 2021.

Lehmann, E., Becker, H.: The TRR170-DB Data Repository: Access to Planetary Data From Various Resources, Astromaterials Data Management in the Era of Sample-Return Missions Community Workshop, no. 2012 (Vortrag), Tucson (AZ), U.S., November 2021, https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/astromaterials2021/pdf/2012.pdf

Lehmann, E., Becker, H.:Building a Portal for Interdisciplinary Planetary Data (Poster), Geo.X Annual Meeting 2020, Berlin. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3549658

Lehmann, E., Becker, H.: Building a Portal for Interdisciplinary Planetary Data (Poster), GeoMünster 2019, Münster. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3549658

Publications, Presentations & Conference Contributions before 2019