Dr. Michael Prauss

ehemaliger Mitarbeiter
- Marine Palynologie
- Paläo-Ozeanographie
- Ozeanische Anoxische Events (OAE), Schwarzschieferbildungen
- Bio Events (Kreide - Paläogen Grenze)
- LOH,H.; MAUL, B.; PRAUSS, M. & RIEGEL, W.(1986): Primary production, maceral formation and carbo-nate species in the Posidonia shale of NW Germany. - In: DEGENS, E.T.; MEYERS, P.A. & BRASSEL, S.C. (eds.): Biogeochemistr of black shales. - Mitt.Geol.Paläont.Inst.Univ. Hamburg, 60:397-421, 1986, Hamburg.
- PRAUSS, M. & RIEGEL, W.(1989): Evidence from phytoplankton associations for causes of black-shale formation in epicontinental seas. - N.Jb.Geol.Paläontol., Mh, 1989 (11):671-682.
- PRAUSS, M.(1989): Dinozysten-Stratigraphie und Palynofazies im Oberen Lias und Dogger von NW-Deutschland. - Palaeontogr., Abt.B, 214:1-124.
- PRAUSS, M.; LIGOUIS, B. & LUTERBACHER, H.-P.(1991): Organic matter and palynomorphs in the "Posido-nienschiefer" (Toarcian, Lower Liassic) of southern Germany. - In: TYSON, R.V. & PEARSON, T.H.(eds.): Modern and Ancient Continental Shelf Anoxia. - Geological Society Special Publi-cation, 58:335-351.
- PRAUSS, M.(1993): Sequence-Palynology - Evidence from Mesozoic sections and conceptual framework. - N.Jb.Geol.Paläontol., Abh. 190:143-163.
- PRAUSS, M.(1996): The lower Toarcian Posidonia-Shale of Grimmen, Northeast Germany. Implications from the palynological analysis of a near-shore section. - N.Jb.Geol.Paläont.Abh., 200:107-132.
- PRAUSS, M. (2000): The oceanographic and climatic interpretation of marine palynomorph phytoplankton distribution from Mesozoic, Cenozoic and Recent sections. – Habilitationsschrift, Göttinger Arbeiten Geologie Paläontologie, 76:1-235, 118 Figs., 27 Tabs., 2 Pl.; Göttingen.
- PRAUSS, M. (2001): Sea-level changes and organic-walled phytoplankton response in a Late Albian epicontinental setting, Lower Saxony basin, NW Germany. - Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimat., Palaeoecol., Spec. Vol. 174:221-249.
- PRAUSS, M.(2002): Recent global warming and its influence on marine palynology within the central Santa Barbara Basin, offshore Southern California, U.S.A. – Palynology, 26:217-238.
- Prauss, M. L. (2006): The Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) at Wunstorf, north-west Germany, as reflected by marine palynology. Cretaceous Research 27, 872-886.
Prauss, M. L. (2007): Availability of reduced nitrogen chemospecies in photic zone waters as the ultimate cause for fossil prasinophyte prosperity. Palaios 22, 489–499.
Prauss, M. L. (2009): The K/Pg boundary at Brazos-River, Texas, USA – an approach by marine palynology. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 283, 195–215.
Prauss, M. L. (2012): The Cenomanian/Turonian Bounday Event (CTBE) at Tarfaya, Morocco – paleo-ecological aspects as reflected by marine palynology. Cretaceous Research 34, 233–256.
Prauss, M. L. (2012b): The Cenomanian/Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) at Tarfaya, Morocco, northwest Africa: Eccentricity controlled water column stratification as major factor for total organic carbon (TOC) accumulation: Evidence from marine palynology. Cretaceous Research 37, 246–260.
Prauss, M. L. (2012c): Potential freshwater dinocysts from marine upper Cenomanian to upper Coniacian strata of Tarfaya, northwest Africa: Three new species of Bosedinia. Cretaceous Research 37, 285–290.