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Card collection

The map collection is one of the scientific collections of the Free University of Berlin. It includes around 165,000 maps, in addition to topographical and thematic maps, you will also find historical maps, wall maps and a large number of atlases.


Image Credit: Biblothek GeoCampus

Regionale Schwerpunkte:

  • Berlin
  • Deutschland
  • Mitteleuropa (v.a. Ostmitteleuropa)
  • Europa
  • Afrika nördlich des Äquators
  • Teile Asiens
  • Australien

Thematische Schwerpunkte:

  • 75 % topographische Karten
  • Geologie Deutschlands
  • geomorphologische Karten
  • Verkehrs- und Reisekarten

Regional focus:

  • Berlin
  • Germany
  • Central Europe (especially East Central Europe)
  • Europe
  • Africa north of the equator
  • Parts of Asia
  • Australia

Thematic focus:

  • 75% topographic maps
  • Geology of Germany
  • geomorphological maps
  • Traffic and travel maps

Opening times: By appointment. Please always report to the lending desk first!!!

Contact person:

M. Sc. Lina Geiges-Erzgräber

Ausleihtheke der Bibliothek: 

Tel.:(030) 838-702 05 / geolib@zedat.fu-berlin.de)