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The microscopic examination of microfossils or sedimentological specimens is part of the basic training in paleontology.


Image Credit: Jan Kersten

The microscopic examination of microfossils or sedimentological specimens is part of the basic training in paleontology.

Microfossils are often not visible in the field with the naked eye or a magnifying glass. In order to determine whether a rock contains microfossils, thin sections (rock slices a few tenths to hundredths of a mm thick) are made from a rock sample, in which cross-sections of microfossils may be visible under the microscope. The microfossils can be obtained by processing them in the laboratory. The handpiece must first be shredded mechanically.

Range of services:

  • Microphotography on a stereo microscope
  • Microphotography on a digital microscope
  • Microphotography using scanning electron microscopy


  • Stereo microscope with digital camera unit (incident and transmitted light)
  • [Zeiss Axioplan, Stemi 508 and Leica MZ 7.5]
  • Digital microscope (incident light and transmitted light)
  • [Keyence VHX1000]
  • SEM: Zeiss SUPRATM 40 VP Ultra


Jan Kersten
Room D.032
+49(0)30 838 70246
email: j.evers@fu-berlin.de