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Professor Lena Noack receives ERC-Consolidator Grant

News from Jan 31, 2023

Professor Lena Noack, Head of the "Planetary Geodynamics" group, has been selected for an ERC Consolidator Grant by the European Research Council. She will receive over 1.99 million euros over the course of five years to carry out her research project “DIVerse Exoplanet Redox State Estimations – DIVERSE.” In her research she will address the diversity of rocky planets (the planetary siblings of Earth, Mars, and Venus) in other solar systems. The European Research Council awards ERC Consolidator Grants to promising scientists and scholars who completed their doctorates between seven and twelve years ago and now find themselves in the “consolidation phase” of their academic careers.

The official press release of the FU Berlin can be found here.

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  • ERC-Consolidator Grant