Simon Linti
M.Sc. in Geosciences

PhD Student | Project Saturn CDA-Experiment
• since 04/2019
PhD student in the Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing Group at FU Berlin.
• 12/2018
Master of Science in Geosciences at University of Heidelberg.
SoSe 22
- Praxis 1 (Excursion - Harz and Kyffhäuser), BSc Geological Sciences
WiSe 21/22
- Erde 1 (Practise Seminar), BSc Geological Sciences
Topic of Dissertation:
Dust particle analysis as seen by the Cosmic Dust Analyzer during Cassini’s Grand Finale Orbits
Research Interests:
• Planetary rings
• Cosmic dust
• Space missions to outer planetary systems
• Mass spectrometry
Linti, S., Hillier, J., Fischer, C., Hsu, H.-W., Trieloff, M., and Postberg, F. (2021) In Situ Analysis of Silicate Particles Originating from Saturn’s Main Rings, AGU Fall Meeting 2021.
Linti, S., Hillier, J., Fischer, C., Hsu, H.-W., Trieloff, M., and Postberg, F. (2021) Compositional in situ analysis of dusty material stemming from Saturn’s main rings, EPSC Abstracts Vol. 15, EPSC2021-181.
2020Linti, S., Hillier, J. and Postberg, F. (2020) Compositional analysis of rocky material in Saturn’s C and D Rings as seen by CDA during Cassini’s Grand Finale Orbits, EPSC Abstracts Vol.14, EPSC2020-359.
Hsu, H.-W. et al. (2020) Ice Giants–The Return of the Rings A Science White Paper for the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey 2023-2032.
2018Nozair Khawaja, Frank Postberg, Fabian Klenner, Simon Linti. Compositional Analysis of F ring Ice Grains on Cassini’s Ring-Grazing Orbits. Dusty Visions, European Space Astronomy Center (ESAC) Madrid, Spain (2018).