Sebastian Walter
Diploma in Geology and Paleontology

Scientific Staff Member | Imaging • Project Coregistration • HRSC-Experiment (Co-Investigator)
Room D-231
12249 Berlin
Gross, C., Balthasar, H., Dumke, A., Neu, D., Schreiner, B., Walter, S., Jaumann, R. (2021) Looking Back to 17 Successful Years of High Resolution Stereo Camera Image Release on ESA's Mars Express Mission. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 15-19 March, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2548, id.1480.
Zuschneid, W., Michael, G.G., Walter, S.H.G., Dumke, A., Gwinner, K., Jaumann, R. (2021) HRSC on Mars Express - Recent Advances in the Processing of Quadrangle Image Mosaics. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 15-19 March, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2548, id.2049.
Neesemann, A., Walter, S. H. G., Gross, C., Jaumann, R., Gwinner, K., Michael, G. G., Schreiner, B. P., Zuschneid, W., Neu, D., Balthasar, H., Rabethge, C., Riedel, C., Kersten, E., Tirsch, D. (2021) High-Precision Topographic Map of the Mars 2020 Landing Site as Part of the MC-13E Syrtis Major Quadrangle Digital Terrain Model. 52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held virtually, 15-19 March, 2021. LPI Contribution No. 2548, id.2509.
Walter, S. H. G., Michael, G.G., Gwinner, K., Jaumann, R. (2020) Seamless albedo mosaic maps from Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) imagery, EPSC Abstracts Vol.14, EPSC2020-18.
Walter, S. H. G., Michael, G. G., Gwinner, K., Jaumann, R. (2020) Reduction of Illumination-Induced Topographic Shading Effects on HRSC Image Mosaics of Mars, in LPI Contribution, No. 2326, p. 1919.
Gwinner, K., J. Bostelmann, A. Dumke, G. Michael, S. Annibali, A. Stark, E. Kersten, S. Walter, T. Roatsch, and R. Jauman (2019), Characteristics of the HRSC Mars Chart (HMC-30) and its Quality of Co-Registration with the MOLA Reference, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 13, EPSC-DPS2019-2006.
Michael, G. G., S. H. G. Walter, W. Zuschneid, C. Gross, B. Schreiner, and K. Gwinner (2019), Brightness Equalization for Mars Images as Applied to HRSC Image Mosaics, in LPI Contribution No. 2151, p. 7058.
Minin, M., A. P. Rossi, R. Marco Figuera, V. Unnithan, C. Marmo, S. H. G. Walter, M. Demleitner, P. Le Sidaner, B. Cecconi, S. Erard, and T. M. Hare (2019), Bridging the Gap Between Geographical Information Systems and Planetary Virtual Observatory, Earth and Space Science, 6(3), 515–526, doi:10.1029/2018EA000405.
Neesemann, A., S. van Gasselt, N. Schmedemann, S. Marchi, S. H. G. Walter, F. Preusker, G. G. Michael, T. Kneissl, H. Hiesinger, R. Jaumann, T. Roatsch, C. A. Raymond, and C. T. Russell (2019), The various ages of Occator crater, Ceres: Results of a comprehensive synthesis approach, Icarus, 320, 60–82, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2018.09.006.
Putri, A. R. D., P. Sidiropoulos, J.-P. Muller, S. H. G. Walter, and G. G. Michael (2019), A New South Polar Digital Terrain Model of Mars from the High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) onboard the ESA Mars Express, Planetary and Space Science, 174, 43–55, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2019.02.010.
Walter, S. H. G., and R. Jaumann (2019), A Dynamic Spatial Data Infrastructure for Mars Based on Data from the High Resolution Stereo Camera, in LPI Contribution No. 2083, p. 1889.
Muller, J.-P., P. Sidiropoulos, S. H. G. Walter, and G. G. Michael (2018), The Roles that HRSC Digital Terrain Models Have in Supporting Martian Polar Science, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 12, EPSC2018-912-3.
Putri, A. R. D., J.-P. Muller, P. Sidiropoulos, S. H. G. Walter, and G. G. Michael (2018), The Roles that HRSC Digital Terrain Models Have in Supporting Martian Polar Science, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 12, EPSC2018-912-3.
Tao, Y., J.-P. Muller, P. Sidiropoulos, S.-T. Xiong, A. R. Putri, S. H. Walter, J. Veitch-Michaelis, and V. Yershov (2018), Massive stereo-based DTM production for Mars on cloud computers, Planetary and Space Science, 154, 30–58, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2018.02.012.
Walter, S. H. G., J.-P. Muller, P. Sidiropoulos, Y. Tao, K. Gwinner, A. R. D. Putri, J.-R. Kim, R. Steikert, S. van Gasselt, G. G. Michael, G. Watson, and B. P. Schreiner (2018), The Web-Based Interactive Mars Analysis and Research System for HRSC and the iMars Project, Earth and Space Science, 5(7), 308–323, doi:10.1029/2018EA000389.
Walter, S. H. G., J.-P. Muller, P. Sidiropoulos, Y. Tao, K. Gwinner, A. R. D. Putri, J.-R. Kim, R. Steikert, S. van Gasselt, G. G. Michael, G. Watson, and B. P. Schreiner (2018), The Web-based Interactive Mars Analysis and Research System for the iMars project, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 12, EPSC2018-37.
Muller, J.-P., P. Sidiropoulos, Y. Tao, K. Putri, J. Campbell, S.-T. Xiong, K. Gwinner, K. Willner, L. Fanara, M. Waehlisch, S. Walter, B. Schreiner, R. Steikert, A. Ivanov, F. Cantini, J. Wardlaw, J. Sprinks, R. Houghton, and J.-R. Kim (2017), EU-FP7-iMARS: Analysis of Mars multi-resolution images using auto-coregistration, data mining and crowd source techniques: A Final Report on the very variable surface of Mars, in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-18917.
Schreiner, B., S. Walter, S. van Gasselt, J.-P. Muller, and P. Sidiropoulos (2017), Analysis of Dark Slope Streaks in Noctis Labyrinthus Based on Multitemporal Imagery and Digital Elevation Model Derived from HRSC, Ctx and Moc Data, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 11, EPSC2017-674.
Schreiner, B. P., S. H. G. Walter, S. van Gasselt, J.-P. Muller, and P. Sidiropoulos (2017), Analysis of Dark Slope Streaks in Noctis Labyrinthus Based on Multitemporal Imagery and Digital Elevation Model Derived from HRSC Data, in LPI Contribution No. 1964, 3000.
Sidiropoulos, P., J.-P. Muller, G. Watson, G. Michael, and S. Walter (2017), Automatic Coregistration and orthorectification (ACRO) and subsequent mosaicing of NASA high-resolution imagery over the Mars MC11 quadrangle, using HRSC as a baseline, Planetary and Space Science, doi:10.1016/j.pss.2017.10.012.
Walter, S., R. Steikert, B. Schreiner, J.-P. Muller, S. van Gasselt, P. Sidiropoulos, and J. Lanz-Kroechert (2017), The iMars WebGIS - Spatio-Temporal Data Queries and Single Image Map Web Services, in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-19171.
Walter, S. H. G., R. Steikert, B. Schreiner, J.-P. Muller, S. van Gasselt, P. Sidiropoulos, and J. Lanz-Kröchert (2017), The iMars WebGIS --- Space-Time Queries and Dynamic Time Series of Single Images, in LPI Contribution No. 1964, 1066.
Walter, S. H. G., R. Steikert, B. Schreiner, P. Sidiropoulos, Y. Tao, J.-P. Muller, A. R. D. Putry, and S. van Gasselt (2017), The iMars web-GIS --- spatio-temporal data queries and single image web map services, in EPSC Abstracts Vol. 11, EPSC2017-457.
Walter, S. H. G. (2017), Web Map Tile Services for Single Images of Planetary Remote Sensing Data, in LPI Contribution No. 1986, 7086.
2017 and older