M.Sc. Oscar Esli Jurado de Larios

Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Meteorologie
Carl-Heinrich-Becker-Weg 6-10
Room 289 (new building)
12165 Berlin / GERMANY
Room 289 (new building)
12165 Berlin / GERMANY
Academic career
since 10/2018 | PhD student with the topic Spatial modeling for rainfall extremes on different time scales. |
05/2017 - 03/2018 | Research Assistant in Center for Atmospheric Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico in the project to implement and verify two numerical models, ADCIRC and FVCOM. |
Academic education
02/2015 - 07/2017 |
M.Sc in Earth Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico. Master thesis: “Weather Research & Forecasting sensitivity to initial conditions: A Mexico Valley case study.” Original title:Sensibilidad de WRF ante condiciones iniciales y de frontera :un estudio de caso en el Valle de México) |
08/2010 - 11/2014 |
B.Sc. in Earth Sciences, National Autonomous University of Mexico. |
Research interests
- Use of max-stable models for modelling of extreme events on a spatial setting.
- Modelling the spatial dependence of events, taking into account event size.
- Use of Gaussian Markov Random Fields.
- Choice of covariates for the marginal distributions.
- Return level plots that draw strength from spatial dependence.
NatRiskChange |
Spatial modeling for rainfall extremes on different time scales. |